Menewsha Avatar Community

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Keru 10-27-2008 10:52 PM

KERURU'S HANGOUT :: [freebies mebe?]
So welcome to my hangout. x3
Call me Keru or Keruru. Either way.
No topic. Just come and talk about whatever.
Just so long as it's somewhat pg13. xD
(I don't know. When I was thirteen, I was having sex. O_o
But something tells me Menewsha's standards are different.)

As the title says, there are freebies (mebe)!
I'm working on developing a style, so yeah. xD
Come be my slave samples! >:D -whip-

Paprika 10-27-2008 10:57 PM

Is it okay to post? Feel free to ...freebie me ! XD

/dances around

Keru 10-27-2008 10:57 PM

Yes, it's okay to post now. o 3o

Chinen Yuuri 10-27-2008 10:58 PM

Hello everyone ^^

Dystopia 10-27-2008 10:59 PM

I came. I saw. I stole the freebies and ran away screaming PENIS at the top of my lungs.

8D In other words. HI.

Hiruwolf 10-27-2008 11:00 PM

I think I'm gonna hang out here and try collwcting some candies, and such. I shall bookmark it so I won't get lost into the halloween mania. :)

Keru 10-27-2008 11:01 PM

Haha. Hello to you three. xD

PENIS. >o> I win.

Chinen Yuuri 10-27-2008 11:01 PM

Hello Dys!
Your avatar looks pretty *w*

Leona of the Zodiac 10-27-2008 11:02 PM

*Peeks head inside and waves* Always cool to see freebie shops, cute style you have going on there too. :3

Paprika 10-27-2008 11:03 PM

Dude anna, no stealing all the freebies

that is so not cool ;-;




Hiruwolf 10-27-2008 11:05 PM

Hmm, shame that it's so late here already. :P

I have to head to bed soon, but good thing in this event is, that it's totally different time than at Gaia... or in Gaia it's still going, but I got all I wanted from there... Now I just hope I can get something from here too. :)

Seito 10-27-2008 11:05 PM

Freebies shop xD <33

Seito would like a freebie? <33

Dystopia 10-27-2008 11:05 PM

@ Keru - The boys in my class scream that for as long as they can manage without the teacher noticing. Its actually a pain in the damn ass, to tell you the the truth.

@ Chinen - Thanks. ^^ I plan on entering the avatar contest.

Keru 10-27-2008 11:06 PM

Hello, Leona. x3
That's sort of my old style updated. xD
I remembered it yesterday and thought I'd give it another shot.
I'm hoping to add more detail. o 3o

Keru 10-27-2008 11:08 PM

You people reply so fast. x___x

I know how you feel >o>

Hello. x3
I think I'm just ganna do who I see most around here. o 3o

How do they not notice? ._.;

Sorry for the double post.
I figured fifty people would have managed to post first again.

Paprika 10-27-2008 11:08 PM

Hmm, i wont be able to stay and chat much longer (and try to whore a freebie) but i will be back either later or tomorrow o:

Leona of the Zodiac 10-27-2008 11:09 PM

*Grins* Well art is always about experimentation, no? I love drawing myself but sadly I cant do digital at all. But I love looking at it :3

Hiruwolf 10-27-2008 11:09 PM

I think I'm gonna ain for Demonan and assassin sets or whatever they were. :D

Chinen Yuuri 10-27-2008 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by Dystopia (Post 4121258)
@ Keru - The boys in my class scream that for as long as they can manage without the teacher noticing. Its actually a pain in the damn ass, to tell you the the truth.

@ Chinen - Thanks. ^^ I plan on entering the avatar contest.

I see no wonder xD

awww Paprika will go now? =[

Leona of the Zodiac 10-27-2008 11:14 PM

On a very random note, phew! I finally got a candy apple. :3 Awesome. I wonder how hard they will be to get...

Chinen Yuuri 10-27-2008 11:15 PM

I still have no candy apple Dx

Seito 10-27-2008 11:16 PM

hehe I see I see
Seito can do that :3

Paprika 10-27-2008 11:17 PM

@Chinen, not just yet but in a few minutes...depends on how long my BF takes XD;;

Chinen Yuuri 10-27-2008 11:20 PM

@Paprika: sweet xD
Mind if I ask where you two are going?

Dystopia 10-27-2008 11:22 PM

@ Pap - xD; Me stealing all the freebies is a tradition to all events!

@ Keru - I haven't the faintest clue.

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