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Glammy 10-28-2007 09:08 PM

The Halloween Hallow //FREEBIES!+ AUCTION (HB:3200g)
{ The Halloween Hallow }

  • -----------> Welcome~ to my Halloween art..thread...thing.
    Home of some rather un-interesting stuff, and quite a few things~

    Now, I'll be {hopefully} doing some art freebies here. Hopefully.

    ------------> How to get art
  • No begging k~?
  • No hating, annoying or generally being a poohead.
  • Please post the following form to be in the running for art~ ♥
  • I'm only doing avvies, and relitivly simple OC's

    -------------->Magical Form


What you would like drawn;

  • ------------> Art done
    Sizzla | Meimiko |
    Chase |

    -----------> GLAM WANTS ART. wat?
    I also wouldn't mind getting some art my self. Either of my halloween avvie, or from my Request thread.
    Art Gotten;
    nocturnal miyu ♥ ♥ ♥ |

    ----------> AUCTION WAT?!!!!

    Yes that's right. For the magical world of halloween, I'm doing a short auction. thing.

    -------------->Bidding Informations

    Hight Bid: kairek- 32oog
    Auto Buy:n/a
    Starting Bid: 500g
    Min. Bid increase: 50g

    You will be bidding on something like these;

    ...But waist up, and uh...experimental?
    (single waist up, full colour (or moncrome inks, it's up to you) traditional media)

    ---------> Bidding Rules
  • No bid taking back
  • Don't bid what you don't have
  • Pure Prefurred, but items from my Quest List are welcome.
  • Please post the following form when bidding.


    AUCTION BID~!!!!
    Bid: (please include a market estimate if bidding CI's/Event items)

    NOTE (about freebies): I'm only doing a few of these. So uh. Be prepard not to get art?
    Note 2: I have school + am in Australia = slow doing art

Meimiko 10-28-2007 09:10 PM

Username; Meimiko
What you would like drawn;current avie or; ;D
Other;ilu? <3

Glammy 10-28-2007 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Meimiko
Username; Meimiko
What you would like drawn;current avie? ;D
Other;ilu? <3

  • *3*~♥

    I got your PM (haven't read it yet though :shot: )
    You don't get a freebie...cause I owe your a commission (which you don't have to pay for now...'cause I pretty much ran away from Roli' D: ).

    So uh....maybe you do get a freebie?
    :emails luff to you:

Lilim 10-28-2007 09:13 PM

Glammy I luff you ♥

Username; Lilim
What you would like drawn;
Other; She a candy whore XD

Rasengan 10-28-2007 09:14 PM

[size=16]FREEBIE WAT?[size]
What you would like drawn;My current avi
Other;No thank you.

Peppermint 10-28-2007 09:14 PM

[size=2]FREEBIE WAT?[size]
Username; Peppermint
What you would like drawn;THIS AVVEH YEAH~

Meimiko 10-28-2007 09:14 PM

wooh. xDD <33
I don't mind paying, hun :3 <33

Glammy 10-28-2007 09:16 PM

  • :realises her size thing is broken:


    o3o~ ♥ ♥ ♥

    I feel bad for taking long/not getting it done yet ; _ ;

    I luff you tooooo~ ♥

Peppermint 10-28-2007 09:17 PM

  • xD
    Lurve teh avii

Meimiko 10-28-2007 09:18 PM

buuuut. D< draw both avies then. and take as long as you wish and I'll pay you more, great deal XD

Lilim 10-28-2007 09:18 PM

If you don't wanna draw my OC cause I know you'll have lots of orders thats cool ^_^ I'll get you in Dec. Hehe

Peppermint 10-28-2007 09:20 PM

  • Mene ish slow now..
    o 3o

Yumehayla 10-28-2007 09:20 PM

*pokes Glam* any chance for getting my art soon *-*?

Glammy 10-28-2007 09:20 PM

  • @Peppermint
    xD thankyou~?
    The mask makes me blad @__@;
    I do not like eeet~!!!!


    I'd love to giver her a go~ She looks so...interesting!
    We'll see what happens~~~!

    :hides December:

Sizzla 10-28-2007 09:22 PM

Yay! Glammy arts!! XD

Lovin' the bald look. XP

Username; Sizzla
What you would like drawn; My avatar. I won't be changing it any time soon.
Other; If you could make my eyes a royal purple, that'd be awesome -- if it's color that is.

Peppermint 10-28-2007 09:23 PM

  • @Glammy::
    But yew lewks COOL,..

Glammy 10-28-2007 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Yumehayla
*pokes Glam* any chance for getting my art soon *-*?

  • :rolls in a world of woe and sorry:

    maybe? :shot. dead:

    I keep starting, ang getting distracted.
    and then loosing it.
    and then startng.
    and distracted.
    generally not getting anything done.
    (I'm sure I've said this all before)
    I Will get it done.
    just...probably as a christmas present.
    in 2012.

    hate me at will?

    It makes me very sad :tear:
    But I feel very....uh.
    something @__@;

    But Baaaald~

    But on a plus side, I can now wax my skull :shineshine:

Peppermint 10-28-2007 09:26 PM

  • 8DD
    Could i wax fer yooh?

Sizzla 10-28-2007 09:27 PM

There is a request in to fix the bald heads -- it's a layering problem.

But I guess everyone who can fix that sort of thing is busy fixing other glitches...

Hopefully soon it'll be fixed.

shosho 10-28-2007 09:28 PM

  • glammy~!! <333

Peppermint 10-28-2007 09:28 PM

  • PSTT.
    You gusy should give me hints...
    On the NPC thing...
    I have no idea whats up.

Yumehayla 10-28-2007 09:28 PM

lol xDDD
I can wait for mine as much as you want xDDD...though the one for my friend, could you try giving a bit of priority to it :3? I mean, not like RITENOW, since I know that you're busy xDD...just...a bit soon^^;?

Glammy 10-28-2007 09:32 PM

  • @Peppermint
    maybe~? >:"D
    :hands over the head-wax:


    oooo~ I guessed something like that would be happeneing.
    I don't mind that much. Really.
    It's kind of niffty actually.

    + there's better things for those peoples to be doing then fixing my hair regrowth issues :'3

    *3* ~~~ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ !!!!!!

    okay~ ♥
    I have to get some more exampls of different media for schools, so I'll try to get it done for that?

Peppermint 10-28-2007 09:33 PM

  • 83

crazy 10-28-2007 09:34 PM

  • haihai glamglamz ;D

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