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animegirl_kittykatz 09-06-2009 02:22 PM

lil pets breedable/changing pets!
welcome 2 my b/c pet shop! =3 also on gaiaonline n soliaonline! opeeeeeen!!!^^ (WARNING: will not b open 2morrow! 2day=Sep 08 2009)

animegirl_kittykatz 09-06-2009 02:22 PM

pets cost 20g each+"anything else?" stuff u buy 4 them.

fill out this form if u want a pet:
*egg or mammal?(pet cost=20)(leave this blank 4 random)*
*gender(leave this blank 4 random gender)*
*name(if gender is random, put a name 4 both genders)*
*eyes(put eye color here)*
*anything else?(+???g each. it depends on what the 'anything else' is.)(ask 4 clothes n dialog n dialog balloons n stuff using this option)(detail the clothes veeerry closely! i cant make clothes if i dont know what clothes!)(plz avoid askin 4 wings if u chose egg or random animal!)*


slot1: empty!
slot2: empty!
slot3: empty!
slot4: empty!
slot5: empty!
slot6: empty!

breeding cost: 10g from each each pet owner(owners will get 3 babys each).
u can breed animals from different species! 4 xample, if u breed a bird n a snake, ull get an interestin winged snake xD

animegirl_kittykatz 09-06-2009 02:24 PM


animegirl_kittykatz 09-06-2009 02:24 PM


egg stage(in this stage, u receive ur egg!):
DO NOT STEAL THE EXAMPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if i discover some1 stole it(by this i mean if some1 gets the example as if it were a freebie or opens a shop saying he/she made it), i will report!

baby stage 1(in this stage, deh egg will just stay there =P):

baby stage hatch:

i removed baby stage hatch, baby stage 2, child stage, teen stage n adult stage bcuz i dont want ppl seein wats in deh egg(itll prevent stealers from stealing! n, also, theres 1 type of egg 4 each animal! if i said whats inside this egg, it would ruin deh suprise!).:ninja:

animegirl_kittykatz 09-06-2009 02:24 PM


bump contest:
first 2 get 2 *100* bumps gets 20g!(dont 4get 2 # ur bumps!)

page contest:
first person 2 post on page 3 gets 10g!

animegirl_kittykatz 09-06-2009 02:25 PM


animegirl_kittykatz 09-06-2009 02:27 PM


animegirl_kittykatz 09-06-2009 02:27 PM


animegirl_kittykatz 09-06-2009 02:28 PM


animegirl_kittykatz 09-06-2009 02:28 PM


animegirl_kittykatz 09-06-2009 02:28 PM*cuts red ribbon* OPEEEEEN!!!!!!!!:D:D:D

animegirl_kittykatz 09-08-2009 11:06 PM


Eroy 09-09-2009 02:58 AM

Hey animegirl. Good luck with your shop! Just FYI, bumping is against the rules here on menewsha. And besides, this forum is so slow that your shop will most likely never fall of the first page anyway. :)

TheNavyBlueMoon 09-09-2009 11:52 PM

*egg or mammal?(pet cost=20) mammal
*gender girl
*name Mary
*eyes green
*anything else? a big black bow on her head (if possible?)

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