Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   -   Sugar, Spice, Why Did it All Go Wrong!? :: LONG AND LINNY BRING YOU AVATAR CONTESTS! (

~LONGCAT~ 12-20-2015 11:42 PM

Sugar, Spice, Why Did it All Go Wrong!? :: LONG AND LINNY BRING YOU AVATAR CONTESTS!

Linnea 12-20-2015 11:43 PM

Your (not always so) friendly internet meme. [twisted] Typically found in all whites, I think I know my way around monochromatic themes. I have judged avatar contests before so the rodeo's not new to me but this is my first time doing it for an event. That said, I wish you luck and don't make me a Grumpy Cat.

Helpful hints from ~Longcat~: Follow directions, I'm flipping serious here, you don't follow them I won't add it to the list of entries. Be unique and make your avi tell a story. I love me some stories. I don't like disjointed layering... at all. REMEMBER THE TILDES IF YOU WANT TO PING ME!!! (~) those things
Yo, Linny here, your friendly neighborhood color coordinator. I've been around Mene for a while now and have come far in terms of colors and layers and I have learned from the best Mene has to offer. Now it's time to put my eye to good use! Show me colors and show me creativity! Do it and reap the rewards!

Helpful hints from Linnea: Please, please, PLEASE remember to follow the directions! That being said, I really like to see clever ways of using items and neat ways of layering. Doing what everyone else is doing is boring. Be bold!

  • Please read these, if you can't be bothered to follow the rules we can't be bothered to judge your entry.
  • Be respectful! Constructive criticism is fine, but please don't be rude to other entrants. Aka: don't be a mean monkey or you'll go in the cage for a time out!
  • You can only enter once in each of the categories. No mules or charity accounts. We'll find out. Always do.
  • Use the entry forms. Just copy and paste.
  • You may use the DAC to make your outfit, but ~LONGCAT~ thinks this looks tacky.
  • Please be sure to save your entry to an outside image host like imgur or imageshack. What we see is what we'll judge, so be sure that the avatar you enter is saved and won't change. We won't come find you after the event if it's missing.

If you want to change your entry, you may edit your submission up until it is posted on the front page. Once it is posted on the front page, you'll have to PM ~Longcat~ or Linnea if you want to change anything. REMEMBER THE TILDES!!

Entries will be accepted until the end of the event!

Prizes (big, fat, juicy prizes!):

First place: 10,000g [boogie]
Second place: 6,000g
Third place: 2,000g

~LONGCAT~ 12-20-2015 11:44 PM

Sugar Spun Colors

You just have to make an avatar with at least 3 pastel colors (that means soft and light colors. White is considered pastel.). And because I'm difficult I'm making you also add ONLY ONE BOLD color (that means a sharp and high contrasting color. Black is considered bold).
Oh yea, and hair and eye color count, as well as equippable skins.

Feel free to PING with questions regarding the color contest, but use your best judgment first and check the links above if you don't know what a pastel or bold color is.

Entry Form:

Sugar Spun Goodness!
Image of My Entry:


[size=4][color=plum][b]Sugar Spun Goodness![/size][/color][/b]
[b]Image of My Entry:[/b]


babyblueyez25 Elirona







BellyButton Corrin


Linnea 12-20-2015 11:44 PM

Add Spice to Your Dreams

For this one you are going make an entry that will be part Cessy's Dreamland as seen here! (Remember, the comic isn't out all at once so you might have to be patient to see all the parts!)

Whether you are inspired by the scenery, the fascinating new critters, or the Menewshan residents themselves, be creative, but also fit in. Kinda tricky, I know [;)] but that's what makes it fun!

You must include a description of how you fit into the dreamland, why you're there and what you're doing. (4-6 sentences please!) Did I mention Longy and I like to giggle? No? Well, now you know. Just sayin'.

Entry Form:

Spice! Coming up!
Image of My Entry:
4-6 Sentences:


[size=4][color=mediumturquoise][b]Spice! Coming up![/size][/color][/b]
[b]Image of My Entry:[/b]
[B]4-6 Sentences:[/B]



Image of My Entry:
4-6 Sentences:
In the world of sweet dreams there are many wonderful career opportunities. This little sugarplum is a dance instructor. She specializes in the Whip and BA-naenae. However, she'll also preform the occasional classic ballet dance of her people.

Image of My Entry:
4-6 Sentences: This is the Lollipop Fairy, she helps people find their way in Dreamland, a tour guide of sorts. It's a big place with lots to explore. The Lollipop Fairy knows her way around all of Dreamland, but follow her instructions closely, Failure to do so may result in a womp from her lollipop! Keep on her good side, and you'll never be lost. :D

Image of My Entry:
4-6 Sentences: This is Gingerbread Wife. She had just finished decorating her house when a little girl saw her gingerbread home. The little girl couldnt see Mrs. Gingerbread, since she was finishing the back of the house, when the little girl began to eat the house. By the time that Mrs. Gingerbread saw her, the little girl was pulling out a crucial part... and down wen the house... gumdrops and all. Gingerbread Wife was left with the rubble of her home and only her tears to comfort her.


Image of My Entry:
4-6 Sentences:
This is little miss icecream and sprinkles.
In her hand is her ice cream cone wand.
Little miss icecream has a very special role in dreamland. She can help change certain aspects of the dream, but she's not easy to find. Maybe the lollipop fairy will be able to help you.

Image of My Entry:
4-6 Sentences: Ok, in all honesty, I'm not a cotton-candy-unicorn-pegasus-ninja-knight. But I wasn't about to crush the hopes and dreams of a child! Especially not a child with eyes as wide and wonder-filled as Cessy's! I'm not a heartless cotton-candy-unicorn-pegasus-ninja-knight!

Image of My Entry:
4-6 Sentences: Hi there, I'm a little cottoncandy Lambit! I love sugar and sweets and will share with you! So just skip on down the cottoncandy trail to find me! But don't mistake my cotton wool for candy! It may be sweet, but it's not for you!

Image of My Entry:
4-6 Sentences: Here we have the very skilled architect, baker, and all around taste-tester of Candyland, Ms. Frosting. What'd you think, that it just came out of nowhere? Poof? Poor Ms. Frosting, so under-appreciated. Here you can see her in her usual state, surrounded by a mess of frosting and chocolate, trying to create masterpieces! Everything you see in Candyland is thanks to her. She is responsible for helping all the people and animals you see, as well as the landscape. She personally tends to the candycane nursery, insuring all the monkeys are well taken care of.

Image of My Entry:
4-6 Sentences: Cessy's Dreamland: Where the wind has music and dinos can walk the colored candy path. Oh look! A heartface fox! What is he looking at... Wait! Does that cookie have a face!?

Image of My Entry:
4-6 Sentences: Coco the Chocowolf couldn't believe her ears when she heard the news. A real life, non-candy coated, little human girl had been spotted?! Being an explorer by nature she had to see it for herself. Although... perhaps she shouldn't have chosen cuppy cakes and cookies to be her airship crew. They're said to have the navigation skills of gumballs (who are notoriously hollow headed) and before Coco knew it, she had lost her way and her ship and was stranded among the cotton candy clouds. It could've been worse, but she still hoped that they took pity on hitchhikers up here...

Image of My Entry:
4-6 Sentences: I am the Lorax, and I speak for the-- *Ahem* No, sorry, that's not it. But I do take care of the candypuff trees! I make sure the candies are all as perfect and sweet as can be!
Emma Corrin

Image of My Entry:
4-6 Sentences: As darling Cessy trotted down the path, just before she crossed the rainbow bridge for home, she came across a Sugar Plum Princess tending her garden full of sugar plums and colored wheels. The Sugar Plum Princess's job is to make sure that the first thing Cessy sees when she enters her Dreamland, and the last thing she sees before leaving, is something sweetly enticing that fills her with happiness and hope. Before sending Cessy and her little fox friend home, she makes sure to fill her pack with yummy treats! Judging by the big smile on Cessy's face, it would be safe to assume that the Sugar Plum Princess is doing her job quite nicely.

Image of My Entry:
4-6 Sentences: Candyland's defender! The pretty guardian in a cottoncandy cape~ Believe in the power of sweets! ... I don't know, I figured if Candyland had a law enforcement force, it'd be magic girls.

Image of My Entry:
4-6 Sentences: The next night Cessy returned to her dreamland. She hoped to find the fox once more. She traveled across the rainbow and back to the candy floss woods, only find the candy cane monkeys had become awefully fond of her. As soon as she returned via the rainbow she was nearly bowled over by them all!

Image of My Entry:
4-6 Sentences: Here's a little candy bear in its natural habitat. O: It likes eating gumdrops and candycanes. It's one of candy monkeys fiercest predators. Hope their tails aren't their livelihood. D:

~LONGCAT~ 12-21-2015 12:08 AM


Holidays are a time for joy, merriment, and having way to much to do in so little time. Something is bound to go wrong. Show your holiday mayhem! Either you experiencing it or causing it.

Word of caution: Just because "mayhem" is a requirement doesn't mean we want to see a clutter monster entry (We'll still accept your entry, but you most likely won't win). Be creative and clever. We dig that. Honest. [yes]

Entry Form:

Image of My Entry:


[size=4][color=sandybrown][b]IT'S MAYHEM![/size][/color][/b]
[b]Image of My Entry:[/b]


Elirona Nova





shinigamikarasu Corrin


Linnea 12-21-2015 12:09 AM

Reserved for possible monkey cage... if needed
Don't make us. We'll do it.

Linnea 12-23-2015 05:51 AM

a little late to the game but i hope we get some entries soon! [yes]

Nephila 12-23-2015 06:31 AM

Good to see it up and running. :D

Now to plot away.

Linnea 12-23-2015 06:37 AM

hey, man. longy and i are two busy cats.... ha... longcat! [lol]

but really though, i have to know a trick or some sort of secret to not procrastinating and putting off my school work. it kills me in the end [gonk]

Babyblueyez25 12-23-2015 08:46 AM

Yayy avatar contest [eager]

---------- Post added 12-23-2015 at 10:29 AM ----------

Sugar Spun Goodness!
Username: babyblueyez25
Image of My Entry:

star2000shadow 12-23-2015 02:57 PM

'star gets ready to enter this contest oh yeah..' Star is SOOOOO entering all of these they sound super fun.

---------- Post added 12-23-2015 at 09:13 AM ----------

Sugar Spun Goodness!
Image of My Entry:

Linnea 12-23-2015 03:53 PM

nice to see some entries! thanks you two!

star2000shadow 12-23-2015 04:17 PM

haha your welcome, star's gonna try for the other ones, its just her brains slow today 'makes face'

Suona 12-23-2015 04:19 PM

Oh dear. So tricky this time.

Linnea 12-23-2015 04:24 PM

it's true!

the prize pot is rather huge this time (it doubled from the last time [lol]) so i hope that means more entries!!

star2000shadow 12-23-2015 04:34 PM

I hope so to.. cause that's sure one heck of a sweet christmas gift waiting for us..

Linnea 12-23-2015 04:40 PM

sure is! i wish i could participate but it might be frowned upon if i picked myself [;)]

Babyblueyez25 12-23-2015 04:47 PM

Need to try work on the others [ninja]

star2000shadow 12-23-2015 04:51 PM

'pings friends' @My Friends; COME JOIN THE AVI CONTEST there is one sweet prize for the winners.

Linnea 12-23-2015 05:48 PM

that's one way to call the masses haha

star2000shadow 12-23-2015 05:55 PM

haha, what can I say .. I like being helpful even if its in an annoying sort of way haha.

Linnea 12-23-2015 06:27 PM

well it's appreciated, star! because then i don't have to do it [lol]

salvete 12-23-2015 07:21 PM

Wow, I spy two lovely avatars already *o*

*heads off to inventory to see if I can come up with something*

~LONGCAT~ 12-24-2015 01:55 AM

I don't think you guys get it... My avatar is nearly an accurate representation of my self right now. BTW I hate everyone going last minute shopping right now.

Linnea 12-24-2015 01:57 AM

someone i work with is doing that lol this is why i shop online! lol

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