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Knerd 12-13-2012 10:55 PM

Deck the Halls :: A Crafting Contest!
Banner by Cardinal Biggles!

Enter your homemade crafts in this contest and win!

Knerd 12-13-2012 11:10 PM

The Categories

http://www.norfolkbotanicalgarden.or...owflake_50.jpg http://nailsandbakes.files.wordpress...icon.jpg?w=490 http://www.norfolkbotanicalgarden.or...owflake_50.jpg

Winter Wonders

These are items that fit within the classic Winter theme. They'll typically involve snow (real or fake!), snowflakes, ice, and anything that's freezing cold. If you're lucky enough to have real snow sitting outside your house, then feel free to arrange it into an amusing or beautiful shape. Yet if you're not so lucky, fake snow and ice can work in a pinch.

Suggestions: Paper snowflakes, styrofoam snowmen, and frozen ice vases

http://www.norfolkbotanicalgarden.or...owflake_50.jpg http://nailsandbakes.files.wordpress...icon.jpg?w=490 http://www.norfolkbotanicalgarden.or...owflake_50.jpg

Household Decorations

Are you proud of a table spread or decorated Christmas tree? Submit it here! This category is intended for all decorations that are displayed within your home for a cozy, festive feel.

Suggestions: Homemade wreaths, tablecloths, and Christmas lights

http://www.norfolkbotanicalgarden.or...owflake_50.jpg http://nailsandbakes.files.wordpress...icon.jpg?w=490 http://www.norfolkbotanicalgarden.or...owflake_50.jpg

Festive Fruits

Decorated oranges have long been a part of Christmas traditions. Brighten up your breakfast table with some fancy fruits!

Note: This category does not include all foods. It is limited only to decorating fruits, such as clove oranges. You may use other fruits and citrus if oranges are not available to you. [yes] If you want to cook your food and serve up some tasty dishes, then check out Iku's Contest instead!

http://www.norfolkbotanicalgarden.or...owflake_50.jpg http://nailsandbakes.files.wordpress...icon.jpg?w=490 http://www.norfolkbotanicalgarden.or...owflake_50.jpg

The Glory of Gifts

All crafts in this category must be given away as gifts! If you handmade a present for anyone this year, then take a photo and submit it. Crafting your gifts shows that you care about a person enough to dedicate hours and hours of your time to their gift. [heart] When submitting entries here, please mention who you gave the gift to!

Suggestions: Knitted scarves, hand drawn cards, and painted mugs

Knerd 12-13-2012 11:24 PM


http://www.norfolkbotanicalgarden.or...owflake_50.jpg http://nailsandbakes.files.wordpress...icon.jpg?w=490 http://www.norfolkbotanicalgarden.or...owflake_50.jpg

1. All work must be handmade by you. Passing off another person's crafting as your own will get you banned from this contest!

2. To enter, please submit a clear photo of your entry using the form below. Your username must be included: Please write it on a piece of paper and place it within the photograph.

3. Do not add your name using a CG program. If you do this, your entry will be disqualified!

4. You may enter as many categories as you like, but please only 2 entries per category.

http://www.norfolkbotanicalgarden.or...owflake_50.jpg http://nailsandbakes.files.wordpress...icon.jpg?w=490 http://www.norfolkbotanicalgarden.or...owflake_50.jpg

Entry Form


[SIZE="4"]Deck the Halls!
[B]Category:[/B] (Choose 1: Winter - Household - Fruits - Gifts)
[B]Description:[/B] (What is your entry?)
[B]Entry:[/B] (Paste image here)

Knerd 12-13-2012 11:25 PM


http://www.norfolkbotanicalgarden.or...owflake_50.jpg http://nailsandbakes.files.wordpress...icon.jpg?w=490 http://www.norfolkbotanicalgarden.or...owflake_50.jpg

Each Category will receive:

1st Place - 5,000g
2nd Place - 2,500g
3rd Place - 1,000g

Overall Winners will earn:

1st place Medal of Totally Epic Win
2nd place Medal of Shiny Awesomeness
3rd place Medal of Super Spiffiness

Knerd 12-14-2012 03:11 PM

Submitted Entries

http://www.norfolkbotanicalgarden.or...owflake_50.jpg http://nailsandbakes.files.wordpress...icon.jpg?w=490 http://www.norfolkbotanicalgarden.or...owflake_50.jpg

Winter Wonders



Originally Posted by Nephila

Deck the Halls!
Category: Winter
Description: One of the happy little snowmen I made for our mother daughter Christmas tree. XD Nothin' fancy but it's wintery.


Originally Posted by Nephila

Deck the Halls!
Category: Winter
Description: Yeah, I'm a little strange when it come to colour choices sometimes. Blood red snowflake? Hell yeah!


Originally Posted by foxotanashi

Deck the Halls!
Category: Winter
Description: My cute small snowman I made today :)


Originally Posted by foxotanashi

Deck the Halls!
Category: Winter
Description: The larger, not as cute snow man me and my bf made xD Rockin' a Hello Kitty hat!


Originally Posted by Linnea (Post 1771489324)

Deck the Halls!
Category: Winter
Description: i live in maine and there is plenty of snow outside, but i don't really fancy playing in it soooo i made some paper snow flakes! (my roommate made a couple too!)
and each window up close... 1 2


Originally Posted by Hadsvich (Post 1771490691)

Deck the Halls!
Category: Winter Wonders
Description: A little star I made out of the snow~ o uo

Deck the Halls!
Category: Winter Wonders
Description: Also made a bird. x'3


Originally Posted by Kent (Post 1771491221)

Deck the Halls!
Category: Winter Wonders
Description: Part of a totoro made out of snow~ Sorry, he's a little creepy, but I guess Totoros are sorta creepy. X3
Also: Me writing my name and a different angle.


Originally Posted by dragoness129 (Post 1771493255)

Deck the Halls!
Category: Winter Wonders
Description: A paper snowflake.

Deck the Halls!
Category: Winter Wonders
Description: A paper snowflake.

Household Decorations



Originally Posted by Gemini (Post 1771404278)

Deck the Halls!
Category: Household
Description: Simple paper chains,which I enjoyed making as a child and still enjoy tofay.Perfect for decorating trees,decking the halls,or hanging from banisters =)


Originally Posted by Gemini (Post 1771404278)

Deck the Halls!
Category: Household
Description: A wreath of cardboard and green puzzle pieces,topped with a tissue paper bow that I made in fourth grade,which my family still uses to this day.


Originally Posted by Ling (Post 1771405559)

Deck the Halls!
Category: Household
Description: It's a Christmas coloured fish and flowery thing and puffy star made with glossy paper gift ribbon. I stick these around the house with blu tack for decoration.


Originally Posted by Ascadellia

Deck the Halls!
Category: Household
Description: It's, well, a toilet seat cover and the, thing for the tank on top of the toilet? XD


Originally Posted by Shishunki (Post 1771407561)

Deck the Halls!
Category: Householdz
Description: Christmas Palm Tree! Our apartment is too small for a real tree, so I made one! Why palm tree? Because Mele Kalikimaka!


Originally Posted by neller (Post 1771409054)

Deck the Halls!
Category: Household
Description: Just a wooden Reindeer box my pap helped me build with a beautiful arrangement of flowers my mem helped me arrange. Haha. This was a lot of fun! My mem and pap are a creative bunch. :)


Originally Posted by Clair Voyant (Post 1771411635)

Deck the Halls!
Category: Householdz
Description: A Christmas tree ornament I made: Santa Spoon. I used a plastic spoon, felt, fabric paints and ribbon. :)z


Originally Posted by Nephila

Deck the Halls!
Category: Household
Description: Pop corn garland to be put out for the birds boxing day, snow men, beaded snowflakes, clove oranges and pipe cleaner candy canes are all found somewhere on the tree. We like adding or slightly changing it every year. We also put whole peacock feathers near the top. It's symbolic in magic just like the tree itself. It's just a tiny table top tree but it has seen a lot of love threw out the years.


Originally Posted by foxotanashi

Deck the Halls!
Category: Household
Description: My stocking for this year! Burnt myself several times with the hot glue gun.


Originally Posted by foxotanashi

Deck the Halls!
Category: Household
Description: Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree! I hope this works just fine. It's not at my house, but my friends house, in which I helped put up their Christmas tree, lights (which didn't work so it was a huge pain fixing them. But I succeeded), etc.


Originally Posted by Antagonist (Post 1771479035)

Deck the Halls!
Category: Household Decorations
Description: A little Christmas tree that I made. :) I used a chopstick and pieces of white A4 paper, which I then painted green with water colors, and then coated with nail polish that had silver and blue glitter in it. Last I added a large shiny gold flower at the very top as the 'star' of the tree. XD Unfortunately my cellphone camera's resolution is crap so you can't really see the shine in the images...T__T


Originally Posted by Pa-pancake (Post 1771486908)

Deck the Halls!
Category: Household
Description: Christmas tree :)


Originally Posted by Linnea

Deck the Halls!
Category: Household
Description: an applesauce and cinnamon decoration. add these ingredients then some glitter and let the harden for a lovely smelling ornament.
and up close... 1


Originally Posted by Linnea

Deck the Halls!
Category: Household
Description: a christmas pumpkin. this little pumpkin was left over from halloween and it still hasn't gone bad! i painted him for halloween and now he gets a repaint for the wintery season!
and the other sides ... 1 2


Originally Posted by Woodlandnymph (Post 1771491735)

Deck the Halls!
Category: Household
Description: My tree! I've been collecting/making ornaments for years now, looking for just the right colors to go. It's green, purple, and blue with a bespangled sea star to top it all off! Don't worry, no real sea stars were harmed ;)


Originally Posted by dragoness129 (Post 1771493255)

Deck the Halls!
Category: Household Decorations
Description: A Bead Candycane on a white pipe cleaner

Festive Fruits



Originally Posted by Alorrena (Post 1771412159)

Deck the Halls!
Category: Fruits
Description: clove orange with yarn sewn in! :3


Originally Posted by Nephila

Deck the Halls!
Category: Fruits
Description:This is something that I can't believe I haven't tried before. XD I did two using clove and one with licorice candies. They were so juicy and made the whole room smell sweet, I'm going to have to do these every year now. I tried to spell out Mene, not sure if it's readable or not XD


Originally Posted by ~LONGCAT~ (Post 1771425996)

Deck the Halls!
Category: FRUIT!
Description: Carved and cloved tangerine


Originally Posted by sushi_mew (Post 1771474946)

Deck the Halls!
Category: Fruits
Description: So, I'm not sure if this technically counts so feel free to not include mine if it doesn't! I made... An orange peel rose and swirl!
I snagged the idea from my friend and these two were the only ones that came out nice. C,:
They've dried so that they keep their shape (:
Entry: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.n...93440384_n.jpg


Originally Posted by Linnea

Deck the Halls!
Category: Fruits
Description: carved hanging oranges. a carved patterns in the oranges and hung them in my room so they can make the room smell delicious!
and different angles... 1 2


Originally Posted by Cardinal Biggles (Post 1771494031)

Deck the Halls!
Category: Festive Fruit
Description:A pomander with longitudinal lines crossing the surface of the orange, with little stars at the most convex points of the equator.

The Glory of Gifts



Originally Posted by Vexous (Post 1771403882)
Deck the Halls!
Category: Gifts
Description: Snowflake Earrings


Originally Posted by HIM_ROCK (Post 1771404870)

Deck the Halls!
Category: Gifts
Description: An itty bitty felt Grell keyring/decoration. Made for Charlie who is a Grell fan.


Originally Posted by Fiona_Watergate (Post 1771405284)

Deck the Halls!
Category: Gifts
Description: I made a doll for my sister ^_^
Entry: I added a hat. A dress


Originally Posted by Kirin Rosenbaum (Post 1771406691)
Deck the Halls!
Category: Gifts
Description: Note cards I made for my grandma.


Originally Posted by foxotanashi (Post 1771407792)

Deck the Halls!
Category: Gifts
Description: This is a painted ceramic set of frogs. I made them twins. It will be for my cousin, who adores frogs!


Originally Posted by Nephila

Deck the Halls!
Category: Gifts
Description: Cards Galore! Each one different and geared toward their favorite characters. Everyone was really pleased with them. zMy mom almost cried with hers though because Tinkerbell was what grandpa had called her when she was young. zHe passed away earlier this year. zNot what I intended, but it touched her and many hugs were had. zMy Nephew LOVED his Slenderman card, he saw it the night before and was asking where the gift came from. zI was just like I don't know, maybe open the card. Inside I wrote "You shouldn't have opened the card RUN!!" Hilarity ensued. My sister was asking what medium I used for her Monster High because of how smooth they looked and I told her they were just my prisma-color markers. zDad even chuckled at his Mistletoe Exterminating Dalek. zWhich was just awesome, he's a tough stiff liped trucker type till you get to know him and his awesome laugh. zz


Originally Posted by DaisyKeehl (Post 1771433674)

Deck the Halls!
Category: Gifts!
Description: This is a kitty ear headband for my friend Misaki. I took an old bow from an old Hello Kitty headband, faux fur the color of her hair, and sewn it onto a black headband covered in white fabric.


Originally Posted by Stellar Delusion (Post 1771434765)

Deck the Halls!
Category: Gifts
Description: So, this year I was having a really hard time coming up with a gift for my partner. Didin't know what I could buy OR make that would be meaningful AND be appropriate for opening in front of his parents (hopefully this is the last time that's a concern). Then I found this necklace on Etsy - the pendant is a vial of moon dust. But the chain it came with - a simple, thin cable chain - didn't really feel right, and it DEFINITELY seemed too thin and delicate for him to be accepting in front of his parents. So I stopped to think what I could do with it, and then I found these nice onyx and silver beads.
The pendant took a long time to arrive, though. I started to panic. I wanted the whole thing to be a surprise, and it wouldn't be if I had to mess with it on Christmas Eve or, well, today. So in fact, today, it two parts.
This is why the ring in the middle. I needed a way to slip the focal piece on when it arrived while still letting me make it ahead of time. We've both agreed, though, that it actually looks better this way too, in our opinions.
This is probably the gift I am most proud of giving, ever.
^ I like these two photos because they let you clearly see one of the inclusions in the beads. When it comes to semi-precious stones, we're both a lot more fond of included ones - gives them more character. Can you tell one of the classes we took together was geology?
^ Couldn't figure out where to put the name label, but you can tell it's the same item, right? [sweat]


Originally Posted by Rochiel Silverfire (Post 1771475951)

Deck the Halls!
Category: Gifts
Description: I found instructions on how to customize a mug using only a sharpie marker and an oven. So I decided to put my artistic skills to work to make this custom mug for my best friend! We've been friends for almost a decade now and we have a tradition of making each other special gifts for the holidays. She loves blues and greens and purples, so I used those colors as the base (though it's hard to tell in some of the pictures). I decided to add some peacock feathers because she loves those too =^_^=


Originally Posted by Roxxi Shiagami (Post 1771476770)

Deck the Halls!
Category: Gifts
Description: Various animals that I have knitted. They were gifts purchased by co-workers.


Originally Posted by Pa-pancake (Post 1771486908)

Deck the Halls!
Category: Gifts
Description: A bowl made completely out of buttons stuck together with a lot of glue and acrylic. For my sister to put her keys since she always loses them ^^


Originally Posted by Linnea

Deck the Halls!
Category: Gifts
Description: a sinfully soft scarf. i made this for my roommate for christmas because she has a hat that matches already!
and the scarf on me! 1


Originally Posted by Ascadellia (Post 1771493860)

Deck the Halls!
Category: Gifts
Description: These are ceramic holders. You can put a few flowers in them and hang it on the walls, or just hang them on the walls by themselves. <3 I made four of them, but two of them I gifted to my mom. She chipped one. v.v;

Seridano 12-17-2012 07:13 PM

I am totally hitting this up! (because I'm broke and will, primarily, be hand making Christmas gifts this year) ^.^;

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 12-17-2012 07:14 PM

Hooray! I need to make some myself. [lol] No idea what I'd make though.

dessertdesiert 12-17-2012 07:19 PM

Can we enter a christmas trees that we decorate?

Knerd 12-17-2012 07:24 PM

If you handmade the tree and/or the ornaments, then yes. There needs to be some element of crafting in there for it to count. [yes]

Mimmu 12-17-2012 07:28 PM

I could try this! [wha] I just can't decide which one I should entry...

Nephila 12-17-2012 07:44 PM

Ooo this is new. I like this idea.

dessertdesiert 12-17-2012 08:03 PM

Ah... so would my Rudolph ornament count?

Nephila 12-17-2012 08:26 PM

Sounds like it could go under "household Decorations" to me. *nods*

Knerd 12-17-2012 09:23 PM

Yep! As long as you made the ornament yourself, then it would definitely count. [yes]

Kole_Locke 12-17-2012 09:52 PM

All of this is so nice, the moderators work so hard to make a nice event, it's so lovely!

Velvet 12-17-2012 09:53 PM

Ooh, I am going to enter my Christmas tree. xD And enter the Winter Wonders contest. Those two for sure.

Vexous 12-17-2012 10:04 PM

Awesome i'd love to enter these:

Deck the Halls!
Category: Gifts
Description: Snowflake Earrings

I'm actually making them as Christmas presents for family ^_^
These Pair are for my aunty Jen
(excuse the random red bead in the background i missed one when i cleaned of the bench xD
I have beads EVERYWHERE from these lol)

Roxxi Shiagami 12-17-2012 11:22 PM

I'll have something shortly. I've got to finish them, and will be taking a picture to put up.

This one is right up my alley. I love to knit.

HIM_ROCK 12-17-2012 11:44 PM

Knerd: HIM maded someone something but it's already gone so can HIM post the picture of the proper one and take a photo of the one HIM buggared up with the username on ?

Lukrycia 12-18-2012 12:32 AM

Lucky for me I made some freakin' amazing paper snowflakes a few days ago :'3

dessertdesiert 12-18-2012 12:34 AM

Would it count if I put together something together? I arranged the elements but did not really make it... (its a wreath of a sort)

Nephila 12-18-2012 12:39 AM

So.. I tried the orange thing. SO not happy with it. I'll have to try again tomorrow. Its such sticky work because the orange squirts everywhere. XD

dessertdesiert 12-18-2012 12:44 AM

Nephila what's with the decorative orange thing?

Knerd 12-18-2012 01:42 AM

Awesome, we have our first entry! I've gone ahead and updated the front page with it. [yes]


Originally Posted by HIM_ROCK (Post 1771403960)
Knerd: HIM maded someone something but it's already gone so can HIM post the picture of the proper one and take a photo of the one HIM buggared up with the username on ?

As long as its obvious that the two items were made the same way and that you're capable of making the "good" one. [yes]

But this contest will be open for a while, are you sure there's no way to get a photo of the original? If you mailed it out, ask you friend to get a picture when it arrives!


Originally Posted by dessertdesiert (Post 1771404011)
Would it count if I put together something together? I arranged the elements but did not really make it... (its a wreath of a sort)

I....don't understand what you're talking about. [sweat]
You made a wreath? Or you took a wreath and beautified it? As long as you were involved in crafting the item and you personally worked on it to achieve the finished product, then it could probably count as a household decoration.

Gemini 12-18-2012 03:38 AM

Deck the Halls!
Category: Household
Description: Simple paper chains,which I enjoyed making as a child and still enjoy tofay.Perfect for decorating trees,decking the halls,or hanging from banisters =)

---------- Post added 12-17-2012 at 10:41 PM ----------

Deck the Halls!
Category: Household
Description: A wreath of cardboard and green puzzle pieces,topped with a tissue paper bow that I made in fourth grade,which my family still uses to this day.

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