Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   A Bootifully Late Halloween (
-   -   ~ GG's Ghostly Gala ~ // Come play a random trivia game! It'll be fun, and hopefully quick posting to get those last candies! (

GangsterGlam 11-03-2011 08:34 AM

~ GG's Ghostly Gala ~ // Come play a random trivia game! It'll be fun, and hopefully quick posting to get those last candies!
~ GG's Ghostly Gala ~

Welcome to my little party thread! As GG has made it her goal to be active and social during this event, she has decided to create her own little hang out! Well, she normally does anyways, but this one will be special.

Pull up a seat, and lets have some fun!

Pretty spiffyness, contests, games, prizes and Avi art have been added!

Lots of awesome shizz going on here, be sure to take a good look around!

GangsterGlam 11-03-2011 08:45 AM

~ Games! ~

Grandpa's Snack Time!

Game hosted by: GrandpaGeorge:

Snack time will work much like a guessing game! Grandpa will most clues, and you will have to guess what special treat he is talking about!

*These treats are all actual items on menewsha!

First person to guess the correct treat will win a treat of their own, to be determined by dice roll + a ticket for the grand prize!

Goodies List:

1: Lolli wand.
2: Iscream
3: Ivory Cream fairyfloss
4: Giant Sucker
5: Candy Apple
6: Easter Eggs (1)
7: The Cuppycake Clan
8: Easter Eggs
9: Sweety Pin
10: Figgy Pudding (2)

Grand Prize!

NPC Goodies Set!

Round Winners!

Round 1: Liztress - Giant Sucker!
Round 2: Liztress - Iscream!
Round 3: PapillonCameo - Sweety Pin!
Round 4: Lunanuova - Candy Apple!
Round 5: Lunanuova - Lolli wand!
Round 6: Monsieur Hatter - Easter Eggs!
Round 7: Monsieur Hatter - Fairyfloss!
Round 8: D2hiriyuu - The Cuppycake Clan! ***

Hangman's Noose!

Hosted by: GangsterGlam

Everyone knows of the game hangman! (If you don't, feel free to ask about it, but I'm thinking everyone will!)

I'd rather not try to explain something that is likely unexplainable, so we'll just get on to the point!

Every so often I, GG, will put up a set of blank spaces, along with the topic at hand.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Theme: Movies

Everyone will guess letters to fill in the blanks. Please only guess one letter at a time! Everyone will be sharing ONE man to hang, so choose your letters wisely! Repeating a letter already said will only put everyone in danger!

You get only ONE guess at the word or phrase, so again, don't rush in to it!

First person to tell me the correct word or phrase wins the round! How many rounds there will be is yet to be determined.


Each round winner will win their choice of Event Common from the Special Event Store!

Once your win has been confirmed, please post in big letters which item you'd like!

Grand Prize

The overall winner will be the person who guesses the most correctly!

This person shall win... dun dun dun...

Halloween 2009 Set!

Round Winners!

Round 1: Monsieur Hatter!
Round 2: Shishunki! *** lilac maid hat
Round 3: Dystopia! *** - Plague doctor skirt black
Round 4: ObviouslyAya! ***- Plage doctor boots green
Round 5: Linnea!
Round 6: Monsieur Hatter!

Pinata Party!

Game hosted by: GangsterGlam + Grandpa George

For those of you who have no idea what PINATA is (as I didn't earlier today either!), I shall try to explain in basic rules.

*Each round will begin when I post a picture of a PINATA. The picture will likely change each time, so be on the look out for anything resembling this party game!

*When you see the picture, quote it and roll a 10 sided dice. Do not edit it!

*You may only roll once. Multiple people can roll, so you may still roll if someone else has already!

*I will cut off rolling when I'm ready to hand out prizes.

*Your prize will be determined by the number you have rolled! These prizes are already predetermined by me.

*Each winner will recieve a ticket to be rolled for the grand prize! If you land on a miss, extra turn, or a loose turn, you recieve no ticket.

*If you land on a loose turn, next pinata you can not play!

*If you land on an extra turn, please roll the dice again!

Hopefully everyone understands this now. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Also if you don't know how to roll a dice! (I've just learned too. xD)

Round Winners!

star2000shadow - 50 gold + 1 ticket.
CaraPheonix - Yumeh Scarf + 1 ticket.
Monsieur Hatter - Yumeh Scarf + ticket.
Lunanuova - 15 gold + 1 ticket.
d2hiriyuu - Event common + 1 ticket.
Siri - Yumeh scarf + 1 ticket.
Monsieur Hatter - 13 gold + 1 ticket.
PapillonCameo - Halloween Goodie Bag + 1 ticket.
CrimsonShadow - 100 gold + 1 ticket.

Grand Prize!

Hallopop! (Halloween 2007)

GangsterGlam 11-03-2011 08:46 AM

~ Contests and Prizes! ~

Halloween Party!

An avatar contest!

GG loves seeing everyone's avatars this halloween! She wants to see even more, so she's throwing herself a costume party!

It's Halloween and you've been invited to GG's Gala. All the invite says is to wear your costume! Things sound as if they'll be fancy. What do you wear?

*One entry per person.
*Follow the theme!
*Be creative!
*Fill out the form, and post it here!
*Make it as noticeable as possible, so GG notices it!


What you're dressed as:
Avatar image:


~ 1st Place ~

*Mystic Faun -

~ 2nd Place ~

*Squiddly Hat! -

~ 3rd Place ~

*Voodoo Doll Skin + Bone Belt -


a little girl on Halloween

Monsieur Hatter
A mad doctor who stalks the Victorian streets at night, looking for prey to pratice his art on.

Poof! Smoke travels me where ever I go. I am Shanti the harpy witch doctor! Got a cold? The flu? Don't worry I will peck it out with my sharp beak and my witch stick. Even though we are in modern times I still practice the old ways. Don't mind the headstone that follows me around. It's what's left of my last patient...

A Man-Eating Chicken! Get it?! :lol:

Lolita Cumtastic Adventure

Saravi Boo
I'm a little girl going trick or treating as a sceery monster! Rawr! Aren't I terrifyingly cute? lol.

Page Prizes!

Page 10: 50g - llonka!
Page 20: 100g - Shishunki!
Page 40: 200g - Moxie!
Page 80: 400g + Yumeh Scarf - CrimsonShadow! - feather duster traditional!
Page 100: 500g + Yumeh Bats - CaraPheonix!

More to likely be added later.

Winners will be determined by dice roll!

GangsterGlam 11-03-2011 08:47 AM

~ Avatar Art! ~

GG has decided to give away some "freebies" this event!

It's more like commissions for tips. If you're interested in one, fill out the form! They're technically free, but GG will happily take tips as payment! No matter how much or little, gold or items.

GG tends to spend a lot of time on her art, so the tips are very much appreciated!

The type of art you recieve will all depend on my personal preference, sorry! But if there's a style you're looking for, feel free to mention it for consideration!

I would prefer to do avatars over OC's, but will take OC's in to consideration!


Avatar or OC?:
Reference image:
Anything you need to have included?:
Style preferance?:

GG is looking for art too!

GG loves art freebies of her own. <3

Right now her current avi would be nice.

Or my OC Virtue! I only have this one example at the moment! And all of the rp information. I shall post it in this spoiler! *points down*

Virtue - The DancerX

Name: Virtue Hiroaki Kozakura
Age: Sixteen
Sex: Male
Orientation: Gay
Race: Angel/Incubus/Vampire (Related traits are slight and usually hidden.)

Physical appearance: General appearance is feminine and flawless.

Eyes: One red, one blue.
Hair: Long, pin straight and black. Falls easily to his lower back.
Skin: Medium. Very unique shade.
Ethnicity: Spanish/Japanese
Height: 5'5"
Tattoos: 5 of them. A set of large, white and yellow angel wings adorning his back. A small stamp like tattoo, the stamp mark reading "TRAMP" on his lower back - Tramp stamp. A small red heart behind his right ear. The seven heavenly virtues - Patience, Chastity, Charity, Diligence, Kindness, Humility, Temperance - written along his waist, from hip to hip. A black widow in a web on the heel of his left foot - a "marking" of sorts from Blake, like proof of ownership. This mark is symbolic.
Piercings: Monroe. Tongue ring. Bellybutton ring. Several in his ears.
Style: Very feminine. Everything from tight jeans to short dresses (commonly used for work). Colorful.

Personality: Flirty. Seductive. Playful. Energetic. Giving. Generous. Smart. Trusting. Friendly. Determined.
Likes: Food in general. Sweets. Dancing. The beach. Sunflowers.
Dislikes: Spiders. Being alone. Sushi. Rap music. Guns.

History: Shortly after Virtue's seventh birthday, both his mother and father died in a terrible car crash. He was left to his fathers best friend, a man the boy knew well and trusted whole heartedly - his godfather Blake. Since then Virtue has been entirely devoted to the man, looking up to him as one would a father, although their relationship had progressed easily over the years to more than that of family. Virtue works for Blake, unquestioning, doing whatever he is told, when he's told. Experience has taught him never to say no to his godfather, and so his loyalty is unwavering.

Virtue works as a dancer, at a strip club Blake is heavily associated with. This is only the most innocent aspect of the work he does for Blake. He's the most popular of the dancers, his personality easily drawing people. That he could sell a blind man bonoculars tends to work in Blake's favor. Everyone loves him and everyone wants him. Making money for Blake, whether in the club or on the streets, has never been difficult.

Random fact: Despite having loved them as a child, to the point where at one age they were all he would willingly eat, Virtue hates Poptarts. He practically has a vendetta against them.

***The one on the left in the picture is Virtue.***

Story: Virtue is a stripper/prostitute (a much darker more mature story, for the record), who works for his god-father, Blake. He's been living with him since he was seven years old and his parents died in a car crash. He's a mixed breed - angel, incubus, and vampire. Blake uses him in the worst of ways, and is an awful, cruel man dragging the boy into the darkest of worlds, full of sex, drugs, money and murder. Virtue feels he has to do what Blake wants, that he owes him, and his god-father takes advantage of this weakness. There are many reasons Virtue stays with Blake, despite his abusive nature, although those are meant to be learned in the future.

This story would hopefully revolve mostly around a club called Limbo, where Virtue strips/bartends. It's a nice place on the inside, rundown on the outside. It's high class, and yet has no morals. Half the staff is underage, and they let almost anyone in. The staff are like his family, who he loves to bits - His bestfriend Jersey, a remarkably beautiful woman who for the life of her cannot dance, but she can make one hell of a drink - Gemini, the overly flirtatious bartender - David, the shy dancer - Leo, the macho-looking, but sweet like a teddybear club Bouncer - and Enrique, the seductive hispanic dancer, who it seems would do anything to get into his pants.

All of Virtue's time is spent working - whether the club or the streets, at school, or with Blake. Very little time he has to himself, and he almost never sleeps. The little time he has to spare is spent volunteering, something he deems very important.

This story is intended to follow a very dark path, with strippers, gangsters and drug-dealers. Although there's room for some innocence with school, and any volunteer locations. Obviously if this is done here on Mene, it needs to be attempted in the most innocent of ways, with vague references (hopefully this will keep it pg-13 enough, I really hope so.)

Sorry about the info that's not really important for art! I can take pictures of my other references if anyone is interested, just PM me.

Wooooo! *runs around in a circle*

GangsterGlam 11-03-2011 08:47 AM

~ Super Cool Awesome People! ~

Monsieur Hatter:
Bound Birdie:

I have a feeling I'm forgetting people I was supposed to ping, or those I wanted to... will likely be adding to this list soon! :D

Awesome people are awesome!

GangsterGlam 11-03-2011 08:49 AM

~ Reserved! ~

For whatever it is I'm forgetting that I need to add later!

GangsterGlam 11-03-2011 08:51 AM

*Cuts big yellow imaginary ribbon*


Now pretend this is pretty and lots of super awesome shizz is going down. GG is so sleepy she was going to refer to herself as Suebee where noone would understand.


hummy 11-03-2011 08:51 AM

*zooms around thread*


*raises hand*
hummy would know suebee <3.

GangsterGlam 11-03-2011 08:52 AM


I'll just have to fix this all up in the morning. I'm going to ping people for the time being.. if I can remember who all I was supposed to ping!

Ah thus is true, but only because I told you earlier. :P

hummy 11-03-2011 08:53 AM

Monsieur Hatter, FakeSunShine.
okie dokie i think i am ready to hit the hay.
i was just going to say, 'oh, don't forget Glamie!'

GangsterGlam 11-03-2011 08:59 AM

Thank you for the help, I'm not good at remembering these things.

Bound Birdie 11-03-2011 09:00 AM

*pops in*

GangsterGlam 11-03-2011 09:00 AM

Haha, that would have been a good one! xD

Okay, goodnight hummy! Thanks for the help. :)

Hello Birdie!

hummy 11-03-2011 09:00 AM


Bound Birdie 11-03-2011 09:03 AM

thought I would see how the new thread was coming >.<

GangsterGlam 11-03-2011 09:12 AM

Well.. very much under construction! haha, but pretty good methinks. :)
I'm trying to remember who all I was supposed to ping.. or who I wanted to.. but I'm drawing a massive mind blank!

Uhn.. so sleepy...
Okay GG's going to bed now! She needs her beauty sleep. Seriously. xD

If any one of you awesome people think of an awesome person I have forgotten, ping them for me pretty please?

Moxie 11-03-2011 09:17 AM

Hola. I thought I would pop into this thread even though I don't really know anyone. But, heck, how else are you supposed to meet people? And the worst that can happen is ya'll tell em to bugger off.

GangsterGlam 11-03-2011 09:18 AM

Hello Moxie! I love your avatar!

You seem awesome, and I'm sure somebody will be popping in soon. :3
I really am supposed to be leaving though. >.< Darn mene and it's addicting qualities...

Bound Birdie 11-03-2011 09:21 AM

awwww your so sweet! and that's a long list of Pings! Reminds me of Flish XD
Goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow?

GangsterGlam 11-03-2011 09:24 AM

I've made myself a lot of cool friends this event already, what can I say?! xD

I'll talk to you tomorrow, have a good night Birdie. :)

*** Oh and he's a thought for me to throw out there before I head off, are any of you awesome people with some spare time willing to help me host some games and such? Just lemme know. <3

Bound Birdie 11-03-2011 09:41 AM

maybe depends how much effort is required, and how late I'm on after work

Moxie 11-03-2011 09:57 AM

Haha...yes, I love the Mene events. I always meet lots of new people. And I find that the best time is when I'm up before work. Uhg. This morning I got up at 4am- which means west coast people had a high chance of still being awake.

Bound Birdie 11-03-2011 10:32 AM

I am awake but barely XD
but event with tons of posting a people are lots of fun

Draken_Lord 11-03-2011 10:46 AM

Me hungry. Is there free food here? Now now, what kind of music will they be up to? let me guess, it would be "Gloomy Sunday" , the infamous Suicide Song. I hope we won't have that much casualties here, i can't stand too much gore.

aphrodite remix 11-03-2011 11:08 AM

Howdy howdy howdy, what kind of contests do you think you're going to have?

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