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For-Chan Cookie 08-28-2011 05:32 PM

❀ The Wallflower Corner ❀ A Place for Shy People ❀

Welcome to the Wallflower Corner. The Wallflower Corner is a place for the shy people of Menewsha to gather. The thread started long ago when I was too shy to poke my head into big popular chat threads and it has since grown into a big popular chat thread itself! In fact, it grew a little too big and the original thread needed to be locked to spare the poor server. As if that wasn't enough, that thread has also outgrown its britches and this is Wallflowers Part 3! We are officially a Trilogy!

Despite all the growth and locking, you can never keep a good Wallflower down! We're quite resilient and so we have sprung up again in a tiny little corner. Won't you bring some sunshine to our lives and join us?

Who are Wallflowers? All those people out there too shy to jump into just any conversation, who lurk in the corner, afraid to speak up. It's not that Wallflowers don't want to talk, they're just shy. But what happens when you stick a bunch of wallflowers in a thread together? Things get a little crazy and everybody has fun! So jump on in! Because if you can't talk to the other wallflowers, you're stuck talking to the wall. And while the wall is pleasant enough, he's a horrible conversationalist.

If this sounds like you, pop your head in. We only bite upon request and even then not that hard ;)


1. All of the rules of Menewsha apply here! That means no flaming, trolling, cybering, etc. This thread is PG-13, just like the rest of the site, so keep it in your pants boys and girls.
2. Please be friendly! Remember that old saying "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? Let's do that. Being mean gets you nowhere and starts drama and makes this a sad place to be. If you can't be nice and get along, go find another thread to mope around in.
3. No Drama! Please keep your drama out of the thread. We want to become friends and hear about your life, but we do not want your drama. If you can't keep it out of the thread, you will be asked to leave.
4. Cookie is your lord and master! No, seriously. It's my thread and what I say goes. If I ask you to tone it down or leave, please do so.

About the head Wallflower:
- I'm For-Chan Cookie, no relation to a certain image board.
- I'm pretty shy. I tend to keep quite unless I really feel that my point of view has not been expressed. If someone else has said what I think ten times over, I don't bother replying to threads. I like what I say to count, not just be a drop in a bucket. When you get me going, I can get pretty chatty and ridiculously silly.
- I like anime, manga, reading fanfiction, writing fanfiction, making web graphics, my dog, BL, cooking, and all sorts of other things.
- Cookie Clone is my mule, be nice if you see him scampering around :D

Other Wallflowers of Note:
white2fire - She is my Wifey. You will see me refer to her as such. Be nice to her :heart:
飛段 - Formerly Fading Existence, Father of Naked Wednesday
Cookie Clone - My mule.

For-Chan Cookie 08-28-2011 05:32 PM

Fabulous Prizes:
Yes, that's right. We'll occasionally have fabulous prizes here!

Flower Prize: I've gotten out of the swing of giving prizes. I suppose with this new thread it's time to try again. Every once in a while, I'll give out a flower related prize. It could be big or small depending on my funds. You may only win the prize twice. I'll edit the title to reflect prize possibilities.

None! Get chatting!

Naked Wednesdays:
Every Wednesday we will strip down to our skivvies and run around "naked"!
Why? Because it's fun! And we're all about fun!

Support the thread by displaying a banner in your sig!



Click here for More BannersX



This one was made by Marguerite Blakeney :

And this one was made by Scarlet Storm:

Here's a naked banned made by Fading Existence:


Copy and paste the codes into your sig and you're ready to go!

Other Wallflower Threads!

❀ Effervescent Efflorescence ❀ Because Sometimes Wallflowers are LOUD! ❀
An Alternative to the regular Wallfowers thread, it's actually much quieter.

❀ The Wallflower Corner ❀ A Place for Shy People ❀
Our first Nations thread which was locked after hitting a landmark 10,000 pages. It is the largest thread on Menewsha!

❁ The Wallflower Corner ❁ Part Two ❁
Our second Nations thread which also grew rather large and was subsequently locked!

Past Event ThreadsX

❀ Wallflower Corner ❀ A place for Shy people! ❀
The Very First Wallflower thread! Created during the Phoenix Jubilee in May of 2008

❀ The Wallflower Corner ❀ For all those Shy People out there ❀
The next Wallflower thread from Celes Paradi in August of 2009. It was so successful, it spawned this thread! :D

❀ The Wallflower Cemetery ❀ Shy People are Dying to Get In! ❀
Our Halloween 09 thread was the first to break 1,000 pages!

❀ Winter Wallflowers ❀ A Place for Shy People ❀ We hit 2k pages! ❀
Our Winter Night 09 thread. So wildly successful it passed 2,500 pages!

❀ The Wallflower Corner ❀Valentine Edition ❀
From Valentine's and Lunar New Year 2010, this thread is full of :heart:

❀ The Orchid Corner ❀ A Place for Wallflowers ❀
Things have come full circle with our Phoenix Jubilee 2010 thread! Again, we pushed past the 2,500 page mark!

❀ Feast of Flowers ❀ Om Nom Nom Wallflowers! ❀
Our Feast of Fools Thread!

❀ Wallflowers ❀ All Washed Up ❀
Our Grand Shipwreck Ball Thread.

❀ The Wallflower Haunt ❀ A Place for Shy Ghouls and Boys ❀
Halloween 2010

❀ Frosty Flowers ❀ A Place for Wallflowers ❀
Winter 2010

❀ How to Woo a Wallflower ❀ Shy People Need Love Too ❀
Valentine's Day 2011

❀ Farewell Flowers ❀
A Failtastic April Fool's Thread. :sweat:

❀ Flowers Under the Boardwalk ❀ A Place for Shy People ❀
Summer 2011

Wallflowers Facebook Group

❀ Wallflowers of Menewsha ❀

For-Chan Cookie 08-28-2011 05:33 PM

Reserved, just in case!

You never know what you'll need an extra post for!

Cookie Clone 08-28-2011 05:34 PM

I'm Cookie's mule, so if you see me lurking about, you must obey me! Don't be mean if I'm naked. I like being naked ok?

white2fire 08-28-2011 06:26 PM

*pokes thread* Yay! New thread. ^_^

For-Chan Cookie 08-28-2011 06:28 PM

*dances* There we go, a lovely new thread. I made a pretty new banner and everything. :heart:

And how is my lovely Wifey today?

white2fire 08-28-2011 06:29 PM

I'm good. ^_^
Though, I might have to leave soon. :(

For-Chan Cookie 08-28-2011 06:33 PM

Awww. Nooo. I must get my snuggles in! *snuggles desperately* :hug:

white2fire 08-28-2011 06:34 PM

Maybe I'll stay a bit longer. ^_^~
So how's my Cookie?

For-Chan Cookie 08-28-2011 06:35 PM

*pounces tail*

I'm a very sleepy Cookie. I had to get up super early the last two days to tutor the kid next door. I probably should have crawled back into bed but I needed to get this thread up. And now I need lunch. I'm debating going to Taco Bell, but it's so hot and my car is so deathly hot as well x_x

white2fire 08-28-2011 06:37 PM

Aw. *huggles* Getting up early is hard.
No working stove yet? Or no food around the house?

For-Chan Cookie 08-28-2011 06:38 PM

Oh! We finally finally FINALLY got that stupid stove installed. My brother did it while he was here last weekend. But it's not like he's an electrician, so I still don't really trust the wiring. I still suspect it will blow me up and burn the house down or something.

There's a few things, but I'm tired of eating frozen chicken patties.

DariaMorgendorfer 08-28-2011 06:40 PM

Good luck with your new old thread!

For-Chan Cookie 08-28-2011 06:41 PM

Thank you Daria :D Just wait, I'm sure you'll be shutting us down again in no time ;)

DariaMorgendorfer 08-28-2011 06:42 PM

Haha, I sure hope not! I hope to see this thread beat the 4000+ pages the last one made:)!

white2fire 08-28-2011 06:43 PM

@Cookie: Woo-hoo! That's cool, and understandable. I hope it won't blow up for a very long time at least.

O.o Yeah, one can only eat the same thing for so long.

@Daria: That would be awesome. ^_^

For-Chan Cookie 08-28-2011 06:43 PM

Yeah, we didn't hit the 6,000 plus of the first thread, but Jelly asked us to close shop, so we did.

I wonder how many people we'll freak out with that :sweat:

@Wifey - Me too! Some jerk was burning junk in their yard yesterday and the smell filled the house. I thought our attic was on fire ;_;

DariaMorgendorfer 08-28-2011 06:48 PM

Haha, and then you can make the thread's next part!

For-Chan Cookie 08-28-2011 06:51 PM

You can never have too many Wallflower threads!

Vix Viral 08-28-2011 06:54 PM

I'm here! Weathering out this hurricane.

Elirona 08-28-2011 06:55 PM

Cookie, may I use your new stove? :ninja:

For-Chan Cookie 08-28-2011 06:55 PM

Don't blow away Vix!

I think I'm a horrible person. I'm rather amused by the hurricane. Usually I'm the one battening down the hatches to weather out the storm, but now it's other people who get to deal with it.

Hey Elirona. It's probably best that we not burn the house down. D:

white2fire 08-28-2011 06:57 PM

@Cookie: O.o I guess they didn't check where the wind was blowing. >_<

Sorry for poofing, had to go do laundry. :stare:

Vix Viral 08-28-2011 06:57 PM

I'm one of the few people that doesn't care. I took my dog out to play in it TWICE already.

Elirona 08-28-2011 06:59 PM

But fire is fun, cookie! ; c;

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