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Yreka 07-29-2007 06:21 PM

Spreading the word about SDD - I think the thread caught it
SDD = Spontanious Dying Disorder

It's a disease sweeping the internet, and we have a growing plague of it here in the relatively peaceful country of Menewsha.

Here is an example of someone with SDD:

Look! A whalecow! -dies-

As you can see, they died with no reason given. Reasons can be given, but you still have died due to SDD. Due to this plague, the national phoenix down reserve has been depleted to extremely low levels.


Hangout part:
Grwar! There isn't really much I can put in here except maybe a mini biography of myself.

I be Yreka.
Aged: 16 years
Approximate vertical length: 5'7"
Gender: Female-type-thinking-male.
How hard to carry: Relatively hard to although I look not too hard.
Ninja meter: Seriously not here.
Pirate meter: Corporate type of awesomeness.
Location: One of the million people or so in San Jose, CA. TAG! YOU'RE IT!
I'll add more stuff later. :o

Post 1: General Facts on SDD/mini profile (you are here)
Post 2: Dealing with SDD/Effects on the economy
Post 3: Rules/Disclaimer
Post 4: Random something

Yreka 07-29-2007 06:25 PM

Currently, there is no known cure for SDD. People tend to grow out of it eventually though. There have been a few documented cases in which this disease has not gone away with adulthood though.

Things reccomended to do if you have SDD:
ALWAYS carry pheonix down. If someone need to revive you, they will need it.
Attempt to stay out of situations in which you shall die of laughter.
Attempt to stay out of situations in which you shall die in general.
Etc etc etc.

Yreka 07-29-2007 06:32 PM


1. Follow Mene rules
2. Anything else you might expect to see in a rules section.

SDD is not a real disease in real life. It was made up by i'mnotquitesure but it likely was Peanut or Suteki. Heard about it from them after I started dieing randomly in a thread we were all posting in. Any resemblance to a real disease is purely coincidental. And the whole Pheonix Down thing acctually belongs to Square Enix, but i'm not quoting all that legal crap right now. >.>

Edit: I have gotten clarification. Peanut was the one who made it up. :]

Yreka 07-29-2007 06:34 PM

Reserving this last one post before I start planning on how I should edit this. :3

Yreka 10-01-2007 12:50 AM

  • This thread is finally open. Will be changing stuff around also soonish. :B

    Talk about SDD to start, but i'm guessing that the topic will wander which is fine.

Dystopia 10-01-2007 12:53 AM

My name is Anna, and I have had the SDD disease for all my life. :( I'm here to seek refuge here and relate with all that suffer alongside me.

Yreka 10-01-2007 12:54 AM

  • Hello there Anna. Our treatment includes.....i'm not quite sure what it includes. I think i'm going to have to research a treatment that might make someone become less dependent on pheonix downs. This is going to be hard. .______. -dies-

Dystopia 10-01-2007 12:58 AM

Oh no! *searches Yreka's pockets for extra phoenix down*

*dies from panic* Dx;;

Yreka 10-01-2007 01:03 AM


Dystopia 10-01-2007 02:36 AM

*ghostly figure sits up* I'm afraid its too late for that. Though, I suppose at least now you can't smite me...

Wordstreamer 10-01-2007 02:38 AM

XD That's awesome. I don't have quite as serious a case of it as the rest of you do, apparently.... *finds 2 phoenix downs and uses them on you both*


Librarian 10-01-2007 02:40 AM

  • Tsktsktsk. And here I thought you two could take care of yourselves. Also, Mr. impretendingtobeanomnipotentbeing, get off of the PA system.

    Now thank me once you two are revived. -pulls out staff and uses Full Life-
    Har har! No need for pheonix down with this puppy in my hand. 8D

    And now back to you omnipotentbeing faker...

    Edit: STREAMER! YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO USE PHEONIX DOWN ON THEM. Now there are less of them in the world. ;.;

Dystopia 10-01-2007 02:41 AM

*comes back to life, blinking in amazement* Aw man! Now I'm gonna get smited! *blinks at Librarian and runs for it before she's smited*

Wordstreamer 10-01-2007 02:44 AM



*combusts and dies at the same time*

Dystopia 10-01-2007 02:46 AM

*implodes, explodes, and dies at the same time from all the mutlitask dying*

Oh snap. D=

Librarian 10-01-2007 02:48 AM

  • Argh. You two are just making my job harder. D<

    -revives both of you-

    Now stop dying or be

Dystopia 10-01-2007 02:49 AM

*screams and dies from fear of being smited to Mars*

Wordstreamer 10-01-2007 02:49 AM

Sorry; 'm dead and can't help you out there.

Librarian 10-01-2007 02:53 AM

  • Anna: Oh, just stop dying. Or I shall just leave you there AND smite you past Mars. It's nothing to be afraid of. I've acctually heard that the view from there is awesome. But only if you survive the trip.

    Streamer: You aren't dead. I command thee to live. D<

    I'm off to go make a prune and apple tart. Toodles to all. ~ <3

Wordstreamer 10-01-2007 02:53 AM

:!: I should stop dying.

*stays alive out of shock*

Dystopia 10-01-2007 02:55 AM

@ Librarian - *is shocked by the thread and stays alive* Amazing! I'm cured! *is so amazed she dies* Oh. Nevermind. Great, now I gotta be smited AND have to be a ghost...

Wordstreamer 10-01-2007 02:58 AM

He won't be back until later; you're at least safe from being smited until now.

*whispers* I don't suppose that you have a phoenix down somewhere on you?

Librarian 10-01-2007 03:01 AM

  • That's an INCORRECT ASSUMPTION, Streamer. For here I am right now.

    But I shall spare Anna a smite until a bit later. Be happy. For now. 8D
    -revives.....again and casts auto-life on both of you-

    I'm acctually waiting for my mom to finish washing the dishes before I go back into the kitchen. I was going to do it, but oh well.

Wordstreamer 10-01-2007 03:02 AM

*gasp* No prune/apple tart until later???

Yea, auto-life!

foggyday 10-01-2007 03:09 AM

oh this is too funny.XD

good luck finding a solution to this disease you alive scientists!

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