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HC-Gal 05-17-2014 09:22 PM

Talos Squadron [HC-Gal-x-Kiyoto]
The world balances upon the edge of turmoil. But the nature of humanity drove it to wore, no matter how the various lands tried to deal with their differences. It always came down to who had more power, more resources, who felt entitled to what, or simply because. And so war began again.

The lands of the western continent, North and South Frontier had firmly controlled New Frontier for some time, having wrested control over it a century ago from the hands of the Midland forces. Peace lasted, for a time, the Middle East and Far East continued in some skirmishes over major or minor issues, ending up with an eventual shaky truce, much like the rest of the world, all bar the South Islands, a continent with connected islands that had closed itself off from the world, repelling those too curious for their own good and keeping their citizens internalized.

The face of war had changed within the recent decades. Combat Mechs were taking the stage over ground forces, even posing eventual risks to the air. The rise of the C.R.O.N.O.S organization in the Frontier Military saw the advancement of these new tools of war and other advances. It was one such advancement that made the barely contestable New Frontier become of sudden interest. With a new ground-penetrating radar under the name Sweep they were able to locate abundant levels of once rare materials.

Midland learned of this, a claim was staked and war commenced once again. The inevitable nature of humans and greed send soldiers to the borders of Midland and New Frontier.


Among these soldiers was a particular group. A specialized unit directly funded by C.R.O.N.O.S, consisting of several talented pilots in the latest models of mechanoid, a step up from the Goliaths and Walkers that constantly warred at the borders or acted as suburban security.
This group was the Talos Squadron.

Many successful missions along the border saw them quickly recognized by enemy forces. Their elite status shined on the field until a recent ambush saw them placed in a disadvantageous situation. In order to cover his allies retreat, Carl Smith sacrificed himself and his Mark 3 in order to hold off the enemy, allowing his allies escape

Little time was given to mourn, however, as the Talos Squadron were ordered to return, resupply and replace their lost member with a new recruit. This would be the precursor to a new assault on the same location, where they would retake the enemy base and establish a permanent presence in the area for their forces.


Ambrosia waited patiently in the barracks of the closest base. Women weren't an uncommon sight in the military, nor did she look like anything special to anyone, the soldiers of the base simply didn't recognize her. After recent news that the top dogs themselves, the Talos Squadron, had been beaten in combat, even losing one of their men in the process, it had quickly come tot heir attention when a new woman was around.

They knew it even without asking, a little guesswork and it was obvious why she was there. She was going to replace the lost Talos member. But then came the question of how ordinary she seemed at first glance. One wouldn't be able to tell by looking that she was even a soldier. She looked perhaps a little underweight, maybe some semblance of muscle but not enough to justify the concept of her being a soldier.

When questioned, however, the responses were silence, always silence. She never spoke, not to a single fellow soldier. the only time she even seemed to respond at all was when greeted by a superior officer and even then she appeared to have no personality. It hadn't taken long for the joke to pass around that she was a robot that would be piloting a robot.

The one time that she finally reacted to outside stimuli was when the sound of the Talos Squadron transport, a mobile fortress that carried their units and necessary supplies, approached the base. Her head lifted and two simple words ran through her mind,
Mission Commencing.

Kiyoto 05-17-2014 09:47 PM

Morning, even though the sun was rising outside, the black curtains kept the light at bay. For a moment, all was still within the room. Slowly however, a mass upon the bed slightly stirred. Under the covers, Hatsuharu Yamato woke from yet another restless night of sleep. His head was pounding a bit, and it made him dizzy as he sat up within bed. He pushed the covers aside effortlessly, before standing. He was not in a hurry this morning, to get to the organization. Many referred to him simply by his last name of Yamato, it was known throughout the organization and the world.

It was both feared and respected by those who knew it, and for good reason to. His family was definitely one who would live on past their ending, for all they had accomplished. One of the least known but most important, was C.R.O.N.O.S. An organization named after the god of gods so to speak, it had not been his choice in a name. It was an organization passed down from generation to generation in his family. At the age of Eighteen, he had taken over, few had been happy about that. The organization, was created to contain and eliminate threats that were…against nature…evil…monsters?

Yamato did not remember much about his parentss deaths, though he had been questioned about it countless times before. It was when he was fourteen. His parents and he were at one of their homes in a more tropical places among the world, his father on a business trip….He shook the thoughts from his head, now was not the time to be thinking about all of this. He made his way to the bathroom, letting steam fill it as he took a hot shower. He closed his eyes, the heat helping to relax and wake him. He needed it. Slowly he made his way out to dress, adorning his usual military style clothing, it gave him an added air of power and authority to his own already natural aura. Moving to the curtains, he brushed one of them aside. The sun stung his eyes for a moment, as he looked out.

A black car was already out front, ready to take him to the base. A sigh escaped from his lips. He was not looking forward to this. He was having to deal with a problem that had passed not long ago. Those who had taken a stake in C.R.O.N.O.S since his father's death, had ordered a mission of the team that his father had also helped to establish. The Talon Squadron. They had gone behind his back, pressing for a mission at a time when they knew he would be elsewhere taking care of official buisiness. Due to this foolish rush and push into a fight, they had been sloppy. They had made mistakes, and it had cost them one of their own.

His jaw clenched. Disgusting...his predicesors would be disgusted as well, especially his father. He would have never allowed such a mistake, and niether would Hatsuharu himself. He was skilled in leading, calculating and worked with the variables. He was the type to carve his own path, he never accepted failure. A trait he had gotten from his father. But now, thanks to this foolish mistake, he was left cleaning up their mess. He turned away from the window, walking down to the car below. The door was opened for him, and he was allowed inside. No one daired speak to him at the moment, for all of them knew beyond a doubt how annoyed he was at this all.

He was to be getting a new 'replacement' for the man he had lost. A good canidate as the ones who shaired hold spoke. At this point though, he trusted them as much as he trusted a snake not to bite if it was prodded. He closed his eyes, resting his head on his hand as the car moved along the street. Whoever this new operative was, they would have to prove themselves to him. Even then, they may never be truly accepted. He demanded perfection within his team, anything else was met with repremends. The would learn that quickly indeed. The car neared the base. Opening his eyes, he fixed the large compound before him in an icy, piercing gaze that had mad many men shatter and women swoon.

It was about time, he would have to call the rest of the team in. At the same time, he still had a lot of paperwork to take care of. He ran a gloved hand through his hair. He was going to have a headache by the time this was all over. This was going to deffinitely be one hell of a day. The car stopped, and the door was soon opened for him. A familiar face was watching from the doors, Makoto was at attention as she awaited him to approach. His eyes flickered up to the main building once more. Seemed it was showtime.

HC-Gal 05-18-2014 01:45 AM

Claire was a member of the Talos Squadron, with only one other person older than her remaining. She was talented with a rifle from a young age, raised by a military strong family, the oldest of four with three younger brothers, of course growing up with three brothers meant having to keep an eye on all of them. Of course this turned her into a tomboy and the strict regime of her father ended up making her just as tough as any guy. She entered the military as soon as she was able and didn't believe that any other sort of life was for her.

She got entered into Mech School, it wasn't exactly expected, but she ended up taking a liking to the raw power presented by the scaled weaponry of the goliaths and soon the mechanoids. Her talent as a sniper earned her a place in the prestigious Talos Squadron where she met Carl. Everyone knew it but turned a blind eye to the relationship that formed between the two. At first they were simply a spotter and a sniper, relying on one another, until it became a little something more.

Of course all that ended days ago as Claire watched Carl's Mark 3 get blown to pieces while they retreated. On their return, she drank herself under the table and spent the next day sobering up, enough time at least to try and get her head in order for the next day that was to come. Carl was gone, and now they were getting some newbie, some-one they didn't know. Claire didn't like it, in fact all it did was irritate her and made her think how quickly the military and its shareholders simply wanted to replace a lost soldier. A lost number. She had gotten to the base bright and early, but she paid no attention to others, simply sitting and stewing in her own misery while she waited for their leader to show up.

Among the Talos Squadron there was a rather different young man. Jerry Marston, foster child, punk, sometimes even called moron, but the military straightened him out, or rather, the same man that had died had straightened him out. He'd almost died in some stupid street war until Carl Smith made his appearance, sending the two opposing gangs fleeing and grabbing one by the collar. He gave Jerry a hard talking to, inspired him into joining the Military and from there Jerry found a love for electronics, explosives and ranged warfare.

It turned out that Jerry was almost wasted potential, perhaps a quirky young man, but otherwise a rather bright individual with a future as a pilot in his own Mark 3. His love for explosives was shared in the Talos Squadron with another young man his age, Trigger. Their positions on the battlefield ended up making them fast friends, Trigger kept Jerry's mouth in check, especially near mentions of Claire's bust that would have gotten his neck snapped otherwise, while on the field Jerry was tantamount to a personal bodyguard for his friend.
He had spotted the new younger woman on the base, but his attempts to talk and joke with her fell flat when she didn't even respond. It was hard to stun Jerry, so when he shut up for a few moments, it no doubt surprised a few people.

Ambrosia moved with purpose to the Talos assembly area once she realized that the Land Shark was returning. It had aided in shielding the retreating squad members, so it had taken some damages, some solid patch jobs and fresh coats of paint made it at least look like new, but none of the crew were too happy with what had happened. Carl was the Talos Squadron's big brother in terms of personality, he partied a little when there was something to celebrate, he boxed Jerry around the ears when Trigger wasn't there to do it, he even treated the engineers and scientists on board like family.
A lot of people assumed it was because he lost his own family due to attacks by Midland forces, it might have been, but he was a sincere and trustworthy man, his sacrifice likely motivated by the desire to protect the new family he had gained on the Land Shark.

But Ambrosia knew nothing about such things, she only knew the reports, a man had died, she was entrusted with his position, a front-line combatant. The files given stated she had a clean record, in fact a clever man would have considered her history, background and record too perfect.
A daughter of a civilian family with an older brother, her mother a restaurant owner, her father a lawyer and priest. Her brother had gone on to run a small business. She entered the military as soon as she was able, above average test scores and recommendations from several Military personnel, many of whom were backers of the shareholders, however. Even her psych evaluation painted her as a loyal and obedient soldier.
A clever man had good reason to be suspicious of her. Very good reason indeed.

She stood at attention, calm and quiet, hands at her sides as she stared ahead of herself, listening and waiting. She could almost have been mistaken for some mannequin or doll with how unmoving she was, all but for the rise and fall of her chest and shoulders as she breathed silently and patiently.

Kiyoto 05-18-2014 06:08 PM

He said nothing as he approached the doors. Makoto turned without question, and followed him into the compound. She held a clipboard, looking down at it as they walked. "You have a meeting with the shareholders this afternoon, they wish to speak to you about the....incident" she said, jumping right to buisiness. "The new recruit arrived just a bit ago, the others are preparing to meet in the bay for your opening words. After that, there is quite a bit of paperwork after said incident you need to go over, as well as the plans for projects" she flipped a page. Yamato kept his eyes ahead of him. This was more annoying to hear than anything. He was used to being weighed down by paperwork, but now that the incident happened, he would be stuck doing so even more. Perhaps that was their plan...they hated the fact that he did not mind the battle field, that he prefered to be alongside his team, rather than the sidelines.

If they had their way, he would be stuck in an office all day, with little to no interaction with the team at all. One would think they would have been happier to have him on the lines, the risk of him dying would leave the entire opperation up for grabs. Perhaps they knew better, perhaps they wondered if he had already named his future benefactor. He kept much out of their ears for specific reasons, just as they did him. He had no intrest in their petty games, he was a man of this company as his father had been. "Sir?" Makoto looked at him, giving him a lightly softer look. She worried about him a bit, his age and all that he was put under dispite it. "I will deal with the shareholders, as well as the documents. For now, there is the matter of this recruit..." his eyes flickered in her direction for a brief second. Makoto nodded. The first to arrive to the bay where the woman was, was a tall and very well endowed man.

He looked like a walking brick wall to many, years of experience had molded him into quite the soldier. He had a cigar in his mouth, smoked so much, the scent always seemed to linger around him. His one good eye fixed on the female who stood like a statue. He said nothing, blowing out a ring of smoke. His towering form and power in combat had gained him the code name and nickname of Destro. He was not one to be trifled with, on or off the battle field, if he said something, people were wise to listen. Age and experience had hardened him, some wondered if dispite how young he was, if he was getting to old and run down for this job. Blunt fact was, he was the best of them for this reason. He had more experience than any, and knew others who had come before a few of them. He stopped next to the female, blowing out another smoke ring.

"So...yer the new one eh?" he didn't even look at her, "quite the choice." There were a few suggestive hints behind his words, but the tone and the manner of his body language gave none of them away. An explosion came from across the bay, as a door opened. Black smoke poored into the large hanger, and laughing followed. "Never carry small explosives in your back pocket" a male said, walking out of the smoke as others ran over to assess the damage. Destro sighed, closing his eye "dammit Trigger" he growled lightly. "Awe come on, no need to be such a sour puss, it was an accident!" the male laughed, before he noticed her. "Well hello you" he slid over to her. "New recruit huh? Well maybe later, I'll give you a...private tour~" he smiled, the look holding a slightly darker undertone. "Leave er alone" Destro grabbed the back of his uniform, lifting him off the ground. His sheer strength was incredible.

There were rumors that cirrulated about him, some even involved him wrestling bears. "You two seriously have issues" a warmer voice said. A handsome, younger male walked out of the elevator. He wore a white lab coat at the moment, and a suit underneath. "Gizmo!" Trigger waved from behing held in the air by the larger counterpart. "Got any new toys for us?" he asked. The handsome male laughed, "you will get your toys in time...and hopefully this time not blow up anything." He noted the female himself now, and gave her a light nod "you must be the new recruit. I am the head technitian and scientist for the squad, name's Diego Martinez...but most just call me Gizmo or Giz" he nodded to the other two, "the explosive one is our Artillary known as simply Trigger. The brick wall is Leevi Rivera, known as Destro and our midrange support. He's been at this the longest, so kind of like an unofficial second boss" he smiled.

Destro sat down Trigger away from the girl, slipping out his cigar. "Where are the others? Better get their asses down here quickly, the boss is not going to wait around for them" he said. "Their coming, their own paces and such" he laughed, he held his own clip board, though for now he kept it at his side. The three of them alone were an odd trio, but there was already a strong feeling of a bond between all of them. Even if they were polar opposites, they were like a family. Trigger moved to Diego, patting him on the back. He whispered something to him, that made the younger seem to blush a bit. "Usted es uno tipo loco" he said, laughing a bit a moment later. His accent had given it away at first, and speaking another language had given it away. Destros accent as well. The two of them were from other places origionally within the world.

HC-Gal 05-18-2014 07:33 PM

"I have already toured this base. I will commit the layout of the Land Shark to memory, a guide would be pointless. Appointing yourself as a guide would be inappropriate utilization of a Mark 3 pilot, such a duty would be better served by lower ranking officers or non-combat personnel, you fall under neither category." Ambrosia replied calmly, she hadn't even glanced in their direction, the smell of the smoke didn't seem to faze her either, nor the sudden blast that had occurred before Trigger presented himself. She remained firm in place, her words rattling off with no directly distinct accent, although it could have been safe to assume she was from the Frontier.

"I'm laaaate! I'm late, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!" A young woman yelled as she rushed past soldiers and personnel ont he base, practically dancing around them with various documents one arm and a donut in the other that she stuffed into her mouth, skittering along the halls until she finally broke into the Hanger itself, seeing several people but in her panic she didn't watch her step, tripping over a capable and falling flat on her face, papers scattering around her before she sat up, holding her face,
"D'ooowwww.....!!" She whimpered, clenching her jaw quickly soon after and sniffling a little, once more looking around until she saw the prodigious talent that was her supervisor, almost immediately she got to her feet giving him a salute, which honestly made no sense since she wasn't really military, but she'd picked it up like a habit having hung around so many military types during her work,
"Sorry, sorry! I'll clean it all up right away, gimme a sec, be right there!" She yelled half nervously and bent down quickly to start picking things up.

As she scrambled for her papers she found herself staring at the boots of a soldier. It was Claire, she'd gotten there before Jerry, though she squatted down and started helping the young woman pick them up, however she stopped on a certain piece of paper, a document, with Ambrosia's face on it. She glanced up, over to where Trigger, Destroy, Gizmo and the new girl were, then back tot he document, though she then looked at Shirley,
"Is this-"
"Aaaaahhh-tut-tut-tut!!" Shirely cut her off, waving a hand in front of her face then putting a finger to her lips, "SSSsssshhh!!" She prompted the woman into silence and she nodded calmly, giving the papers to the scatter-brained scientist.

Claire stood calmly, slowly pacing towards the other pilots. She glared at the back of the head of Ambrosia, but clenched her jaw, part of her regretted ever crawling out of the bottle, but she couldn't ignore reality forever. Her attention turned briefly to the doors that she and Shirley had entered as they opened again. Jerry was there, his hair tied back as he walked with his hands in his pockets, though he grinned broadly,
"Yo! Trigger my man, I smell that smoke in here, told you not to put that thing so damn close to yer ass." He chuckled, eyeing up the rest of the team and finally Ambrosia, but he pulled aslight face, even without Destro here, he didn't think he could approach her, something about her was off, it was some kind of instinct,
"Hey big guy," He added as he closed in on Destro, staring up at the slightly taller man, "Y'know those things'll kill ya, right?" He warned with a smirk, he had made it a point to say that often and he always expected the same sort of reply.

Kiyoto 05-18-2014 08:30 PM

All of the others looked at the female for a moment as she spoke up. Trigger pouted a bit, "sounds more like a robot" he said. Destro gave a slight click of his tongue, but continued to remain silent. Diego looked at her, feeling a bit awkward now. As the commotion began across the hanger, his eyes fell on his assistant as well as the female sniper. He sighed a bit, pinching the bridge of his nose "aye..." He hoped she was alright, though this seemed to happen quite often. As the door opened and Jerry came in, Trigger perked up. If he had a tail, it would have been wagging. "Awe, you never know when you are gonna need a good boom though" he laughed. Destro's eyes flickered in the direction of the smaller man, at his comment of his smoking.

"I havn't let those bastards kill me, sure as hell aint going to be done in by a little smoke" he said, letting lose another ring. "If anything, you and that squirrel are going to be the death of me" by squirrel, he meant Trigger, who always seemed to be bouncing off the walls. They all seemed to get along well in their own ways. A family indeed. As they spoke, Makoto entered the room. She cleared her throat, "attention." In a matter of moments, all of the unit stood in a silent line. The door opened behind her a moment later, and Yamato entered with a few men in suits on his heel. All of them were talking, papers in their hands. His eyes were not on any of them, even if he heard every word. Makoto stepped in the way, blocking him off from them, "the chief needs to speak to the team in private." She ushered them back out the door.

After it closed, the hanger was plunged into silence. None of the others seemed to speak. Yamato stepped over, till he stood before the small band. He came to a halt, turning to look at them. One by one, his eyes ran over them, till they fell on the female. They remained that way in silence for a bit. Makoto stood by his side, looking over the others in silence herself. She looked to the new girl, watching her for a moment. Yamato gave nothing away from his expression or the way he held himself. He was a blank slate, years of practice had allowed him to perfect it quite well. She knew him best, working so closely with him. She could feel by the basic aura that seemed to be coming off of him, that he was not happy at all. He seemed to have a more icy undertone than usual. That was to be expected, as to what had happened.

HC-Gal 05-18-2014 09:46 PM

Ambrosia didn't respond to the robot comment, she'd already heard it today, but she honestly couldn't see how she could be equated to a robot specifically. By it's definition; a robot was usually an electro-mechanical machine guided by a computer program, the robots were the machines they used to fight in, or to carry out automated repairs, or to build things in factories. These things didn't reflect her purpose or capabilities, therefore it was an inaccurate description. She listened carefully to the happenings around her.

The behaviour in general of two of the men was rather simple and crude, she heard another female helping the one that had fallen, the latter of whom she couldn't peg as a combatant by her clumsy behavior. She heard the shuffling footsteps of the other blonde as she made her way to Gizmo, quickly rearranging her documents and making sure they were all in the right place once more. It was almost a surprise for Ambrosia to see this supposed elite group of ragtag misfits suddenly line up quickly, she'd barely even expected it for Jerry and Trigger, but maybe more of the taller man.

It all seemed to be for the sake of this man, Yamato, the leader of Talos Squadron not to mention the one running C.R.O.N.O.S. For the first time she shifted her gaze, meeting his eyes. Her own stare was empty, her blue eyes seemed dull, matching the motionless face. She could see beyond his face though, the smallest glimmer of disturbance, it was the one thing she couldn't describe when she met people, she could read their faces. Perhaps it was because she was always curious about other people, though she never showed it.

Jerry was dreading to hear what Yamato had to say, it wasn't like they could have disobeyed orders though, this whole thing was a mess and now they were standing her with brand new shiny recruit. He almost jumped out of his skin when suddenly Shirley sneezed loudly, breaking the silence as she pulled out a cloth to blow her nose, catching the glares of a few people but smiling,

Kiyoto 05-18-2014 10:20 PM

Yamato's eyes shifted to the woman in question, at the sound of the sneeze. Makoto let out a soft sigh, before reaching up to brush a few strands of hair from her eyes. She decided to begin, as she usually did. "Everyone is here, good...No need to waste time then with idle chat" he flipped to a page on her clip board. "In light of recent events, we have lost one of our own" a silence fell once more at her words, "this was the direct results of shareholders deploying to a radical mission that was deemed quite dangerous to begin with. We were given little information, other than to carry out the simple order of search and shut down an enemy base of opperations within our borders." She paused for a moment, glancing up. "It turned out that this little base turned out to be far more of a cell than we origionally had intel on. We had little intel at all, since the base had only been on survallence for little more than a month."

"Other words, a suicide mission" Trigger spat lightly under his breath. Yamato turned his attention on him. No one else said anything, but he was quite aware of the thoughts that could have possibly been going through their minds. "In light of these events.." Makoto went on, "we lost a special officer..." She paused herself for a moment, as a flicker of sadness moved over her face, "as a result, we have a new recruit present to take up the role of Close Quarters Combat Specialist." She looked at the female, "agent Ambrosia Thane." Many of the eyes shifted to the female. Yamato who had been silent for the most part, now spoke up. "As of now, this is the new unit" he said, "your tasks and jobs have not changed, and nothing but the best will be required of you still. If you are unable to handle events that have happened, and do this, then you are useless to the team." It came out calm and cool, rather a bit cold, but it was the truth.

None of them were there to hold eachother's hands, dispite how close they were. In the end, they were soldiers there to do a job. Death and distruction came with the territory, they all knew what they were getting into when they signed on the dotted line. "Martinez" Makoto spoke up once more, "you are to fit miss Thane with her unit, get her familiar with it and broken in. Once done, we will run a training exercise to asses this new units fuctionality." She looked at each of them, "I suggest you get aquainted now and do your best, because failure will result in us running the simmulation again." Trigger sighed a bit, and Destro clicked his tongue a bit more. Diego nodded to Makoto, glancing at the female for a moment. Well, this was going to be....less than fun.

"You have your orders, as of now" Yamato finished up, "until further notice, you are to remain on standby and follow agent Risela." He looked at them for one final moment, before turning away "dismissed." With that, he walked out. Makoto sighed, "you have your orders for now...I will meet you at the training bay within the hour." She walkd out to follow Yamato. Trigger rolled his eyes a bit, his mood seeming to have darkened a bit "oh joy...come on mate, need a bloody drink." He lightly slapped Jerry on the back, before he turned to head to the elevator again. Destro looked at the female, then at Diego. He looked like he was going to say something, but with a sigh he turned away to head off down the hanger. Diego looked after the two men as they went to leave. He then turned to Shirley and Ambrosia "shall we get moving then?" He smiled, slipping his hands into the pockets of his lab coat.

HC-Gal 05-19-2014 12:17 AM

Ambrosia already knew these details, the lack of intel, the loss of their man, that was the reasons he was here after all. Triggers mention of it being a suicide mission was correct, she would have agreed out loud but she kept silent, listening as Makoto continued to speak, eventually introducing her directly. Yamato finally spoke, he was clear about what he was saying, she couldn't help but agree to the sentiment that if they couldn't do their job they were useless, but again she didn't agree out loud. Makoto's mention of her Unit made the woman glance over at Martinez and the other blonde, getting her broken in wasn't an issue. She knew exactly what to expect of the unit prepared for her.

Jerry grinned at Trigger and placed his arm around the back of Triggers neck, prodding him in the chest,
"I guess we can get re-acquainted," He replied with a chuckle, gently jibing at what the leader had said about getting acquainted, he glanced back at Ambrosia as the woman turned to Diego and Shirley, the latter of the two swallowing hard. Ambrosia had the same cold look of the Captain, pursed lips and silent behavior, it was unnerving enough to deal with one person like that.

Claire lowered her head momentarily as the various people separated off before she walked after Destroy, hands rested on her hips while she briefly looked over her shoulder at Ambrosia again before sneering to herself and staring over at Destro,
"So that's it? The shareholders use us as a probe, get one of us killed and all that happens is we get a replacement?" She glanced aside at the older male, with Carl gone the oldest members were now her and him, "This stinks, we should be stringing those bastards up and using them as target practice.. Now we've gotta deal with their Barbie doll."

Ambrosia watched the various people peel off in their own directions momentarily, then stared at Diego and Shirley, the latter of the two waving nervously,
"Uhm.. Hi." She grinned, holding her papers close to her chest "W-w-w have.. Uhm.. M-mark 3.." She broke into half-quiet mumbling as she grew more nervous under Ambrosia's constant stare. The pilot merely glanced at Diego,
"I assume the Close-Quarters Combat unit is ready? I will spend my remaining time with it, what armaments do we have available?" She asked simply, "I require at least one short to mid-range weapon and one melee weapon,"

Kiyoto 05-19-2014 06:06 PM

Destro looked at the female who had decided to follow him. He let out another ring of smoke as well as a sigh. "Whatever the reason, we had a job to far as I see it for now, she is just another part of the job" he glanced back at the ones who stayed behind, "she'll have a lot to deal with to make it in this game." With that, he continued to walk along. Diego smiled, listening to his assistant. She was cute when she got all flusterd, which was...almost always. He chuckled a bit, but then looked to the newest pilot. She certainly did not waste time, as she told him what she 'required'. He raised an eyebrow, holding up his hands "easy...I know how to do my job, might be young, but been at it since I was little." He smiled again, "I've got everything covered and ready to go."

With that, he motioned for the two others to follow. Trigger and Jerry had already gone up, so the elevator was free. He moved to it, pressing thee button. He figured it would be awkward with conversation, since the girl seemed not to want it. Though at the same time, it was awkward without the conversation. He sighed lightly, running a hand through his hair. He took a breath, glancing over at his assistant. He gave her a bit of a 'what have we gotten ourselves into' look. The ride was short, but the silence made it feel longer. The doors finally dinged, and opened. Looking out, officers were walking along and talking, doing their job as usual. He led the two out of the elevator an along the layout of the building. He wanted to say something, make conversation though what to say to someone like this was a bit nerve wracking.

"So, how do you like it here so far, though you have not seen much yet?" he asked, deciding to start with a simple question. He glanced at her after he spoke up, hoping the question would not be met with to cold of a responce. He knew that such things like this could be intimidating, but she also looked like one who could handle it at the same time. Then again, she was about as easy to read as the boss. Oy, just what they needed, another boss running around. Not that he did not like the boss, the guy was a genious in his own right. Just, he wished the other could open up a bit more with them. It came with the territory though, someone had to be the big bad wolf. He reached a hand up to adjust his glasses a bit, as they reached a second elevator. It would lead them down to the east wing, where his lab was located, as well as the unit hanger.

HC-Gal 05-19-2014 06:43 PM

"Well if that Barbie doll does anything that threatens this team she might find a miscalculated shot tot he back of her pilot seat.." The woman replied grimly. It wasn't something she'd actually do, she prided herself on being a capable sniper. It was also a matter of pride that she killed opponents who were facing her, never with their back turned. She wasn't an assassin. The woman reached up and rubbed at her temples calmly,
"Can't believe they jumped at the chance to throw in their own little sponsored soldier girl. Ten-to-one I bet they've given her some other agenda." She stared at Ambrosia and the other two as they headed for the elevator, "I don't trust anyone in the pocket of a politician."

"Your record outweighs your age. You have more time to put your abilities to use compared to others who might take twice as many years to match your accomplishments." Ambrosia replied to Diego, she wondered why age even mattered as she glanced at the nervous woman again. That one acted a little oddly, she didn't quite understand the behavior of the nervous female. Shirley sifted through her paperwork, though not looking for any specific thing, it was all she could find on Ambrosia, her curiosity had gotten the better of her, as it always did whens he was presented with something new. She could easily have been a head technologist if she wasn't so disorganized and ditzy, she followed orders well enough and gizmo overlooked her bad quirks, so she was comfortable working under him, besides he always had fascinating ideas to share and part of her enjoyed bringing those ideas to life.

Ambrosia stared at Gizmo when he presented the question and she gave him an odd look,
"How do I.. Like it..?" She seemed stuck on that for a moment as she then looked ahead of herself, "There is no preference. I am used to locations such as this." Although she didn't say out loud that she felt comfortable in a military base as she followed them to the second elevator,
"Y-you dont.. M-miss home or.. Something?" Shirley asked, briefly glancing at the picture of a nice little home, perfect picket fence, a clean cut garden. Ambrosia looked back at her, again seeming a little confused,
"I'm supposed to?"
Shirley stared back, then gave Gizmo the exact some glance he'd given her as she closed the files again,
"W-well.. I h-have a grandmother that m-my big sister takes care of.. And we have a big black Labrador named Tommy.. I miss them? You don't miss your family?"
Ambrosia continued to stare at her for a moment as if processing it before she simply looked forward,
"No." It was a simple response, but it sent chills up Shirley's spine, she felt that if she tried to talk more to this woman she'd only get creepier seeming, "Do you have any simulators for the current existing units?" Ambrosia went on to ask, "I run simulations in order to familiarize myself with the capabilities of other units during my-" She seemed to hesitate to find the words before continuing, "-down time."

Kiyoto 05-19-2014 07:46 PM

For a moment, Diego was unsure if the woman was trying to compliment him...or insult him with her words. He let it slide though, and soon the two females were speaking about family and missing home. Diego thought about his own home, not much to go back to there. He pushed thoughts like that from his mind, best not get into it at this point right? Ambrosia seemed to have a distinct disconnection from many materialistic and emotional things and ties. He glanced at her, the tell tail signs of quite the hardened soldier. It made him wonder for a moment, what had happened in her past to change her in such a way. Again, it was best not to pry to much into her personal life at this point. He let it drop, before she spoke up about simulations of the other units. He wondered how well the others would take to her poking aroun their units. "That's fine, we can look into that...but you will have to officially clear it with the Chief" he says. Not to mention the others...was an underthought.

The second elevator soon opened, and the three of them were stepping out into a huge and open lab space. There were various areas for various things, and even though it was a bit chaotic, it also seemed quite organized and put together to. "Home sweet to speak" he said, moving to a series of computers at a work station. He began typing on one for a moment, "first thing is first, you will need to fill out the proper documents...protocol and everything. They probably had you sign some similar ones when you were brought in, but these will be directly sent to the chief and in your file." He picked up a file nearby, handing it to her without looking. "Make sure all your medical information as well as prior unit information is legit and up to date...if anything is left out, now is the time to speak up about it." He glanced at her, "we have had incidents where past information has come back to bite someone in the backside."

The computer work was done, so he moved to get the paperwork in order. "Shirley, do you have the release forms that I asked for?" he asks, standard forms that said she agreed to work with the unit, and understood the risks and such that came with it. As well as liability stuff the shareholders were suddenly enacting. Guess the rich did not want to be sued. He looked over the desk for a pen, as he would allow Ambrosia to look over her file, and Shirley to get the needed documents ready. He moved to a table, setting them up so they could get this out of the way, and get to the actual buisiness. This should not take to long, as long as all her information was up to date. He had things pretty much ready to go and all else in order. She would be able to begin working with the unit when all the dotted lines were signed, but she would not see the field, until the chief had signed off on her paperwork . So everything needed to be correct.

HC-Gal 05-19-2014 08:43 PM

Ambrosia took the files and looked through it carefully, she knew all the relevant information she was supposed to enter, however the question about medical history came up, she paused on that briefly then stared over at Diego,
"My Medical History is classified, only Doctor Owens is allowed access to it." She replied simply, Doctor Owens was a Doctor turned Scientist and part of C.R.O.N.O.S. Old, a bit grouchy, but one of the R&D division's brightest minds, he made sure everything was running and had decent knowledge in most fields not to mention degrees in several, he kept the R&D labs balanced and orderly within its own chaos, "I am not allowed to speak of it. To do so would be a breach of protocol, something you understand, I am correct? My physical and mental health is sound, if you want details; you will have to talk to Doctor." She replied calmly, not realizing she'd simply called him Doctor, rather than The Doctor. Doctor Owens wasn't exactly the type to talk about things he didn't think concerned other people but Diego might have a chance, this thought occurred to her and she she stared at the scientist a moment then looked towards the papers again,
"Doctor Owens has spoken frequently about you, Diego Martinez. I estimate your chances of gaining information from him at roughly sixty percent. The patterns suggest you are favored."

She swiftly and precisely wrote the information in her mind as Shirley rifled through her papers again, the ones Diego had requested were there, she pulled them out, checking them all over quickly before handing them to him,
"All there." She offered with a smile before starting to look through her own papers and various bits of information, she didn't really want to be too open about having looking into Ambrosia's background, in some way it was like admitting she didn't trust the new pilot and she didn't want to say that.

Ambrosia calmly finished writing however her signature was nearly as fancy as some might have expected. It could almost have been considered block capital letters since all it read was A T. The rest of her writing was also straightforward, no writing ticks or unusual quirks, straightforward and well-punctuated. She filled in basics for the medical information but left the areas requiring further detail blank. The woman was rather firm about what she'd been told.

Her prior Unit information, however, was extensive. She'd used many of the prior models, dozens of Mark 1 Walkers and their variants, almost all Frontier Mark 2 Goliaths and even several of the newer Mark 3's. Her Military History did say that she'd went straight into piloting since she showed a natural aptitude for it, so it shouldn't have been a surprise but the sheer amount of piloting work, even in older models that were considered death sentences on today's combat field was a testament to her capability,
"Complete." She stated calmly, pushing the documents towards Diego, she waited patiently then, not looking around curiously as some might do, she didn't act impatient either. Shirley meanwhile had begun to work on her own computer, entering data and looking through the information she'd gathered so far.

Kiyoto 05-19-2014 11:22 PM

Again, he was unsure if he should have been insulted or not with this female. He sighed slightly, looking up at her. "No need to get snippy, I work with Owens as well. Kind of a jack of many trades if you will...If it is classified that is fine, we will leave that up to the doc in charge then" he said. He was a bit curious about what she ment when she said the doctor spoke frequently of him. Was she seriously guaging his chances? "Alrighty then, lets just...move along shall we?" he took the paperwork, nodding to the others on the actual unit, as well as the legal side.

"You can begin on those then, and I'll be right back" he left the females alone, walking to a door off to the side. His wing was in fact connected to the medical wing slash Owen's place where he worked. He stepped through, moving to the office where the other could usually be found. "Delivery" he smiled a bit, handing over the papers. "You'll have to deal with the chief on the missing pieces, but their good to go. Just need you to sign off on them as well" he leaned against the door fram a bit. As he let the doctor sign off and look over the medical forms, he placed things in order with his own papers.

He glanced over her history with the units, as well as thought back to what she had said previously. He closed the file after a moment with a sigh, classified huh? Made him a bit curious to wonder what went so far as to make it classified. He was not one to pry, if it needed to be known then it would be. He was used to protocol, so it was no big really. Yamato though was another case, he would be one with the needed rank and such to unclassify almost anything within C.R.O.N.O.S if he really desired it. After all, his father had founded it and helped to bring about the team.

As his son and a trained specialist, Yamato was destined to take over it all when he turned twenty five. At only twenty now, he was a prodigy himself as well. The only thing standing in his way at this point was the shareholders, and if they seriously got in his way after what they pulled recently...He shuddered a bit, them shareholders would be in for one hell of a fight. He also kind of wondered how the girls were doing back in the lab. Shirley seemed highly nervous and unsure about this recruit, so it was most likely like crickets chirping over there. He looked to the doctor for a moment.

"Will you be making an appearance at the training session?" it was not uncomon for small nicks and such in sessions, things happened. Usually it was nothing big, but he was usually there just in case. Diego would have to be there, with Makoto to monitor the units, and to take care all of the technical work. He loved his job, and all it allowed him to do, but at the same time, some of the people made it a bit more difficult.

HC-Gal 05-19-2014 11:53 PM

Owens turned in his chair towards Diego whent he young man showe dup at his door. He looked through the paperwork and signed off on it calmly, though inspected it once more, staring blandly at the image of the young woman printed on it before he finally gave it up to Diego,
"So they threw her into that Squadron, I expected as much," He mentioned out loud, he wasn't really looking for an answer on the matter, "I'm surprised you aren't more curious, Diego." The older man added, standing up, though he briefly nudged at his own back and grumbled, it was an old injury from an attack that had occurred on one of their bases some years back, he wasn't as mobile as he used to be. He pulled up his cane and walked over to Diego, though stared past him a little, "It's never a good idea to be too satisfied with what you see before you."

And that of course was his usual cryptic behavior,
"I'll watch, I suppose, I could use the walk, but I don't expect I'll be needed. Ambrosia is too independent to have some old man catering to some simple little scrapes," he chuckled a little, though there was a focused look on his face as he walked back with Diego to where Shirley and the new pilot were located. Shirley had managed to bury herself in her work, something she did rather well once she got focused on a project, almost tirelessly and meticulously working over every little detail as she absorbed herself little by little in what she did. Of course this was often also Jerry or Trigger's cue to make her jump out of her skin with some childish prank, resulting in her chasing after them with a wrench until Yamato, Destroy or Diego intervened, with varying results.

Ambrosia meanwhile was still waiting patiently in place, hands rested in her lap, however this time she was actually looking around, the first actual signs of curiosity since entering the place,
"What are your impressions of her? How has she been behaving?" Owens asked, leaning on his cane before they re-entered Diego's area, he was waiting for an answer before they proceeded, even guarding the button that typically opened the door.

Kiyoto 05-20-2014 12:14 AM

His eyes moved to the doctor, when he said he was surprised at his lack of curiosity. When the other went on, he smiled a bit. "Never said I wasn't curious....but there are other ways of dealing with such curiosity" he said, turning to follow the man back towards his own lab. The other had agreed to come see the session, so that was at least good. As they approached the door however, the elder man moved in the way blocking their advancement. He was asking Diego's opinion on this new girl? He glanced at the window upon the door for a moment. It was small, but he could see the two of them beyond it. Diego himself was a man of many sides. He could be fun loving and more his age, he could be smart and highly driven, and he could be wise beyond his years.

He often surprised many who met him, even if he was not trying to. He took a breath, slipping his hands into his pockets. "She's stiff....obviously been through a lot that has brought about a more...blunt and direct approach to things" he says, "not much feeling, more calculating and careful...typical of a more military background.." He paused for a moment, those were really more observations than an opinion. "She seems not to be to attatched to things or want to get attatched for that matter....." his gaze softened lightly, bringing out a more handsome side to his features. "I do not pitty her, no one needs another's pitty....perhaps she is what this team needs, or the team is what she needs" he says, looking at the other. He had given an answer, while at the same time avoiding it. He was a bit mysterious himself, but for now that would have to be sufficient.

HC-Gal 05-20-2014 12:56 AM

The doctor watched Diego with some interest, he had high hopes for both Diego and the young Yamato, though he hadn't spent much time with the latter. But still the boy seemed the spitting image of his fathe,r as for Martinez, he'd had the pleasure of making sure there were fewer roadblocks stopping the advancement of such a bright young mind. He wasn't at all surprised to see the attention Diego had paid to Ambrosia, the faintest of smirks spreading across his face as he listened to the observation and opinion of his former apprentice,
"I can always count on you to see more than others would, you're a smart young man." He replied calmly, looking through the window at Ambrosia as well, "Perhaps the the team is what she needs, you said.. You might actually be right." He replied, again with that simple, cryptic behavior, "She's afraid." He added rather suddenly, still smirking away, "She's completely afraid of the situation. Perhaps of you, the other pilots, maybe even your lovely assistant. You're all so normal and she's not. She knows this, so she straightens her back, acts indifferent and straight forward."

The elder male chuckled moving out of the way so that he wasn't barring Diego anymore,
"I need you to keep an eye on her, Diego. And I also have a little something for you, after these formalities are all said and done, you should come see me. Lets just say you might find it very interesting." He smiled to himself, waiting for the door to be opened before he walked in calmly.

The tapping of his cane on the floor almost immediately got the pilot's attention and she turned in her seat, staring at Owens briefly before she finally spoke,
"Hello Doctor." The female stated briefly, Owens smiling in return,
"Hello, Ambrosia. How are you feeling?"
".. I am.. In perfect condition, Doctor.." She replied looking forward, the man simply smiled towards Diego, motioning one hand to the female as if to say See? though he then rested both hands on his cane,
"Good, good," He ambled over to Shirley, practically looming over the young woman's shoulder before leaning forward and staring at the work that she was doing, "Well well, thorough as always, Shirley."

Shirley jumped, almost yelping in surprise before using her hands to cover the monitor,
"Doctor Owens! Hi! How are you?! lovely day! .. Right..?" She blurted it all non-stop as the older man stood straight and chuckled to himself again,
"Lovely day, indeed."

Kiyoto 05-20-2014 02:09 AM

Diego noted the smile on the doctor's lips. So, he was happy about that answer. His words made Diego smile a bit, listening to the other continue then. Afraid? He glanced out at Ambrosia once more, taking in this new thought that Owens had introduced. It was now that the other moved on, so Diego followed. They entered back into the lab, and Owens began to engage the females. He gave a light smile at the gesture of the other, watching as he went over to speak to Shirley then. Diego crossed over to where Ambrosia sat, picking up the finished paperwork. He glanced over it, before signing off on what he needed to himself. "Seems everything is finished, so all to do now is show you the unit" he smiled. After she got comfortable with it enough, they would meet the others at the hanger to begin the exercise.

He gave Shirley the paperwork, asking her to take it up to Yamato. It would give her an excuse to take a breath, and get out of the awkwardness. The remaining three, went down to the hanger below the lab. As soon as the doors opened, the sight of large mechs greeted them. Some mechanics were there, working upon tasks that they had been designated, many saying hellp to Diego and Owens as they passed. He said hello back, soon they made their way before a Mark 3 unit. It was very well put together, highest quality that one could be. A lot of it was unlike other units from various military branches. "Certainly the moment, it is fitted with standard weaponary" he said, "but baised on what you said before...I could have it fitted quite easily." He took her over to where a series of attatchments were set up.

"You can choose from these for now, and they can be swapped out before the training exercise" he said, "after such...if you have any customizations or specialized modifications you would like just submit the requests to me and we'll get them done." He turned to her, slipping out a key like object from his pocket, holding it out to her. "Welcome to the team" he smiled, waiting till she took it, to move over to the unit once more. "It is new, so it is working wear and tear, but that does mean that it might take some time for the unit to 'warm up' so to speak. One you get into its' nitch though, no doubt you two will make quite a pair" he smiled. He had quite a way of speaking about the units. To many they were just machines, but to him they had the potential to be more.

They were an extention of their pilots. They took on their personality, and each was unique to their pilots. The scars of the units, their customizations. He really loved his job, he could tell a lot about someone from their mecha, which for some was kind of shocking. He could have never met someone, only seeing their unit, and be able to compile a surprisingly correct persona for the pilot. It was one of his traits that made him a valuable asset. He was quite the profiler when he wanted to be.

HC-Gal 05-20-2014 04:39 AM

Ambrosia stood up once Diego was done, following him quietly, the Doctor hobbled along behind the two of them, his pace was slower so it wasn't a surprised that he fell behind, but at least it gave him time to admire the various machines and chat to the engineers. The ones at the base were familiar with him, not because they were bad mechanics and got injured often, but because he often made a busy body of himself and inspected the spare units, making sure they were prepared for use or the spare parts were functional. It was a wonder he got around as much as he did, but he was well-intentioned, he even overlooked some of their occasional bad habits and improper activities, so long as the job was good.

Shirley had taken the files as requested, however this time made sure not to go dashing around like a maniac, she knew where Yamato would be so all she needed to do was get the documents to him. She closed the programs on her computer and gathered up her own files again before scurrying off to hand the details off to Yamato.

Ambrosia stared up at the unit that had been designated to her. Of the Mark 3 close combat models there were three variants, a heavier, bulkier version meant to soak up some punishment as it fought, a medium weight unit that could still take a beating and move at a decent pace, then there was the one Ambrosia had been opted for. The Mark 3 Hermes was probably the second shortest of the Mark 3 Mechanoids, the shortest being the support type Metis. Its light armor and smaller frame made it more mobile and a smaller target, the heels were fitted with zip-line boosters to go with the additional movement boosters in its back, the shoulders were also equipped with verniers that allowed swift boost-assisted turns.

The entire machine was built around the concept of mobility and fast reflexes,it couldn't carry heavy weapons, so it was typically used more for scouting than direct combat, which made the choice questionable, but Ambrosia stared up at it with the same calm as always. There were no marks of personification, grey and black steel glimmered in the light, barely a nick in sight save for those produced during the manufacturing process. A serial number was still visible upon its breast. her attention was returned to him briefly when he offered the ignition key to her. She took it, holding it in hand but then stared up at the head of the machine more directly followed by looking over the available weapons. He mentioned any changes she wanted to make, she almost immediately thought of two changes;
"The head is the downfall of the Hermes model. At least for my purposes, its mapping capabilities for scouting are effective but I don't need to prioritize that, the Ares model resists optical chaff and reacts to flash weaponry better, I'd prefer not to have my main camera damaged so that will serve me better. Also, remove the Firing Control System, it will have unnecessary energy draw in combat."

The latter part of what she'd said would have sounded insane, it was the FCS that allowed a machine to lock on to a target, computer assisted locking was a standard, the machine would aim and the pilot could usually rely on it to fire and be accurate
"-it interferes with my balance to have the machine move its arms against my will," This meant that she would be handling the arms manually, it was a backup system for when the FCS was damaged in battle, manual aiming wasn't favored because most people couldn't judge their shots properly without additional equipment like a camera-link to the weapon's scope. The other downfall was that it could be tiring if the arms and upper body of the pilot weren't developed enough to handle the strain. Occasionally a joke went around that it would be much easier if their bodies were the mechanoids themselves.

Ambrosia stared over at the weapons available, there was a decent amount, but two pieces caught her eye. She pointed to the first calmly,
"That one, the Deimos Spread-Shot. The loading cycle of individual rounds between firing is just fast enough, the slightly wider spread is fine." She then shifted her hand and pointed at a large knife-like blade, "The Aeolus knife. It's durable and the weight of the blade makes it a decent armor piercing weapon. Correct application into any seam will give me enough leverage to pry armor open." She glanced over the the available stock one more time,
"I would also like two Adonis model side-arms as backups, they're lightweight, poor at range, but up close the initial muzzle velocity should penetrate my targets well enough.

She knew it was all a bit of a rush order, but she simply turned her head to stare at Diego,
"Removing the FCS would take too much time, of course, replacing the head as well. For now deactivate the FCS, For the purposes of the combat exercise I will take the Deimos and the Aeolus. The side-arms can wait." She offered the lesser amount of work mostly as a matter of efficiency, it meant less time getting everything refitted and more time inside the unit. She climbed up the leg manually, getting tot he chest plate and finding the small hatch switch hidden between the arm joint and the core. The front of the machine hissed once she turned it, it reset itself while the core opened and she smoothly slid into it, though she left the chest open, adjusting herself in the seat momentarily before she pulled out the ignition key. She seemed to stare at it with a sense of thoughtfulness as the Doctor sidled up to Diego,
"You'll see the real Ambrosia in that cockpit. Some people need a safe place. Like a child that hides in the cupboard or under a table when a storm rises, Ambrosia will retreat into her designated unit. Don't be surprised if you catch her sleeping in it either." His face twitched, almost looking more irritable than normal, "Like an attack dog in a kennel built for war, some lesser-minded fools would call it.." the man scoffed at what he'd said as though it were something he'd heard others say before,
"I imagine our enterprising young leader will want that medical information declassified, he'll have to come directly to me, I have the only copies of the information regarding Ambrosia. Regardless; I'll need you there."

Kiyoto 05-20-2014 05:35 AM

Diego was quite the photographic one himself, taking in the information she spoke of nodding a bit. He wrote a few things down, but he got the gist of it. She had quite the customizations in mind, and did not seem bent on wasting time. He glanced at the doctor, as he spoke up once Ambrosia was getting into her unit. He had asked him to speak not long ago, but now he wanted him there when Yamato came to ask about her medical history? He did not doubt the doctor had his reasons, he nodded a bit. "If such a thing makes someone a caged animal...then we are all one in some way or another" he sighed, then turned to the unit. He looked over it a bit, "people are often afraid of or defensive of what they do not understand..." he sighed, rolling up his sleeves.

He moved to the unit, opening up the hull. He hooked up a cable from a computer to a port within, synking it to the system. It was merely a few minutes from there, the system was shut down as she required. He then called over two of the mechanics, to help with the changing out of the weapons. The ones in their place were discharged and taken off, while the new ones were placed on. He moved up to them, making sure that all of them went on tight and smoothly. "Connections look good..." he moved back to the computer, looking over the readings from the unit. "All of them are reading functionable" he looked up to Ambrosia, "turn it on, and see if the internal computer is syncing with them. If it is, you are good to go. If not...may have a short, but it should be alright." He turned back to the doctor for a moment. On more than one occasion, the other had been more of a father to him than a mentor.

Being the youngest of the team and one of the youngest officers ever, his childhood had been anything but usual. He wondered for a moment if it was possible...His phone rang, causing him to blink a bit, and he turned away to answer. All of their lines were secure, standard protocol. It was the Chief, he stepped aside for a moment. "Yes sir?....She's being fitted with a unit right now" seemed he had gotten the paperwork. He removed his glasses for a moment, listening to the given orders from the other side of the call. "Yes sir....understood, I will get right on it" he said, "we will see you there..." He hung up, looking over at the doctor. "He wants to talk to you after the session" he says, Yamato seemed psychic sometimes, able to tell without even asking when people were together. Though the two of them were often together at times. He wondered if Yamato would mind if he was there.

HC-Gal 05-21-2014 12:03 AM

Owens watched as the girl got herself settled in, glancing briefly at Diego as he went to work helping to get the unit refitted and turning off the FCS system like she'd requested. Those things were indeed rather costly to the draw of a mech unit, an entire computer dedicated to the locking capabilities of the arms, like a separate sub-brain to the main system, it drew a lot of unnecessary power and even then it was hit and miss for just how accurate the weapon would be. The better the Control system the better the aim, but Ambrosia didn't need that. Not with her weapons of choice.

She pressed the key into the ignition off to her side, turning it once and the machine let out an almighty hiss. The first thing Ambrosia saw was the C.R.O.N.O.S startup screen, the emblem of the company emblazoned before her whilst the operating system came to life, locating the new weapons, identifying them and locking them into place. The verniers and boosters fired briefly, the heat vents opened up, allowing cool air to flow through the unit, the head swiveled ever so slightly, the camera's also turning and focusing, the images they captured showing on the inside of the still-open chest-plate. The arms lifted into a read position however then slowly slumped, this was a sign that the FCS was indeed off and they were awaiting manual instruction.
All these various processes were activated by the series of switches on a panel to Ambrosia's left side though she finally hit the button that closed the torso entirely. The controls for the arms were typically static in front oft he pilot, their hands could fit into a pair of semi-circular controls that emulated the shape of holding a gun or weapon in hand with triggers that related to each finger. Manual settings allowed more control over the arms but it was still a difficult task to manage them in this mode.

She grabbed the controls, disengaging them from their usual dock in front of the pilot. The panel lowered itself a little, giving her the freedom, if need be, to move her arm in front of herself without smacking the control panel. Her unit speed to spring to life then, the arms lifting and raising themselves. Various other buttons on the controls activated various functions such as the base zip-line boosting that most units used, there were triggers for her verniers, acceleration, back and forth movement as well as strafing was determined by foot pedals whilst precise aiming and turning was done with a headpiece that relayed the direction to the machine whilst the relevant information was all displayed on the screen in front of the pilot, several cameras in the head allowed a wide peripheral view whilst a HUD stayed in front of their vision at all times, giving status reports and general information about the performance of the machine. In Ambrosia's case there was a red line pointing at a small graphical representation of her mechanoid, it pointed to a place just below the pilot seat where the FCS was usually stored, stating that it was offline. She would need to get rid of that, it would bother her otherwise,
"All systems online. The unit is responding as intended." She remarked, her voice coming out through the inbuilt PA, it was mostly used for quick communication, otherwise the pilot would have to open and close their unit every-time when not communicating over the radio to their squad.

She lifted the knife hand casually and moved her fingers rapidly over the triggers. the knife appeared to drop from her hand at first but she caught it again, this time holding it in a reverse-grip before she flicked it up again, holding the blade naturally once more. The doctor chuckled as he stared up at the machine,
"Careful Ambrosia, if you show off your talents too soon, you wont be able to surprise anyone later." He warned jokingly. the head of the machine glared down at the addled man before Ambrosia spoke again,
"Yes Doctor." She responded simply, taking a couple of steps forward in the machine, the hefty rumblings of even a lightweight mechanoid jarred the doctor, but he held firm to his cane, watching as Ambrosia more or less played with the arms of the machine.

He couldn't help but smile to himself. If it came to combat, Ambrosia would be fine, but his real concern was the personal touch. He knew the squadron had some strong personalities in it, he could rely on Diego, he was sure, but he didn't know enough about the others to be certain. Except for Destro and Carl, the latter he would miss indeed, he was a lively fellow even after going through the hell of battle. It made him miss the days with Yamato's father, and the younger Destro and Carl, but today was what he had to deal with,
"I think you're in for quite the treat, Diego,"

Kiyoto 05-21-2014 10:03 PM

Looking up at the machine as the female moved about and stuff, Diego could not help but smile. It was always nice to see the units in action, and how they handled themselves. As the doctor spoke up, he chuckled lightly. "We will see what happens" he said, turning to the mechanics. It was time to take the unit up to the hanger. He had no problem with letting Ambrosia go with it, since the others were going to be over there already if she wanted to. He and the doctor however, would be watching from the operations room that looked over the field. They all set off. Yamato had finished paperwork, Makoto by his side as the two of them walked along towards the base of operations for the practice. He himself would be sitting this one out for now, there was other business he needed to attend to.

He looked at the file within his hands for a moment, before passing it off to Makoto. She knew better than to look at it, but she did not mind holding onto it. "Are you sure about her sir?" she asked. For a moment he was silent. She did not push for an answer, knowing that would get her nowhere with him in the end. "She has the makings of a capable officer...what she is hiding, and what she does will define everything in the end" he said simply. He entered the base room, immediately all of those within stood at attention and saluted. He gave the slightest nod, and they returned to their business. He moved to a long sleek black table within the room, pulling out a chair at the head of the table. Makoto stood on his right as usual as he sat down, crossing his legs. He placed the fingertips of his gloved hands together, slipping a bit into thought.

He was pondering a few things, especially after a call he had gotten, as well as the meeting he had had earlier that morning. Once Shirley had brought him the file, he had given her another task. He had asked her to go speak with a general, who had a package for him. It would be a metal box, locked tight to which she would not have a key. The only one with a key, was the general and him. He told her she was not to speak to anyone of this matter, and if she knew better, she would not. His eyes closed for a moment, as he let out a slow breath, awaiting for Diego and Owens to arrive. They would go through this little practice, but he was less than interested in it. He had other things to think about, he did have a question to ask Owen upon this new recruits information, but there was something more he desired to look into, that perhaps the other man could be of some assistance.

HC-Gal 05-22-2014 01:42 AM

Ambrosia looked up as the magnetic surface claws were prepared above. They were specially hooked claws that were covered with a low-level magnetic field, that way they could pick up mechs without damaging the interior computer systems. She deactivated the manual arm controls and deactivated the combat systems,
"Returning to normal mode, ready for transport." She stated simply, waiting for them to grab the unit, may as well stay inside. She shifted in the chair quietly then, slowly pulling her legs up to her chest and resting her head upon her chin while watching the various monitors and the screen as she was transported along with the Mark 3. She was more comfortable where she was than being outside, inside the machine she could simply take orders and perform her duty, no-one remarked about how she acted, they didn't bother her with strange things and strange concepts.

Shirley had been skeptical of Yamato's instructions, however she was respectful enough of him to not suspect foul play of some kind, hurrying with haste to the General. In terms of there not being a key, this wouldn't actually have been a problem for the technical expertise she had, she was second only to Gizmo in that regard, but she wasn't about to let her curiosity override her common sense. Even if her mind danced around the thought of opening it like a child with a closed box, she knew better. There was also the problem of time, had she ever given in to such a desire, she imagined opening it probably wouldn't be as easy as a little lock-picking.

Shirely managed to reach the meeting room, looking a little out of breath as she held out the metal case in the general direction of Makoto and Yamato, heaving her words out momentarily,
"Got it.. Here.. Haa..-" She started before taking a deep gulp of air and exhaling, "You're so mean, making me run all that way and back with this thing," She whined a little, of course it was never stated that she run, this was just another of her abnormal behaviors, eagerness to get things done so she could move on. Unfortunately her body couldn't keep up with the pace of her mind.

Meanwhile Owens was still following after Diego, the rhythmic tapping of his cane against the floor was usually a sign for most that knew him to greet him briefly, while those that didn't simply stepped aside politely on their way to whatever jobs they needed to do. Things were getting lively now that a practice run was going to occur. There would undoubtedly be damages to the practice field to repair. There was also the more-than-likely chances that if they used unmanned Units in the practice, the units would be trashed completely, which meant cleanup and salvage of whatever was left. Whatever happened, the base would be very busy.

Kiyoto 05-22-2014 02:15 AM

With Shirley entering the room, Makoto set a glance in her direction. Yamato did not respond for a moment when she spoke, slowly opening up his eyes once more. He turned his attention finally to her, but showed little interest or emotion to her words. Makoto took the case, nodding her head to the female, "You may return to your duties now thank you" she moved out of the room to go take care of the case real quick. Yamato looked past Shirley at Owens and Diego as they entered the room, his eyes narrowing only a fraction, but gave nothing away. "Sir, we are ready to begin the exercise" a officer said, saluting to him.

He slowly stood, moving to the consol, looking down at the arena before him. The team had moved their units out onto the field already, Ambrosia's unit catching up as she would. The units they would be working against across the field. He pressed a button next to a microphone, speaking simply and directly. "You are to eliminate all enemy units. Time and efficiency will be taken into account" with that, he turned away. Makoto had entered again, moving to the microphone to give them a few other words. Diego moved to the consols, making sure that all of the units were reading back to the base, and that all systems were running smoothly. He gave the ok, Makoto nodding in return.

"Prepare yourselves" she said, a light on the outside within the field. It was like a stoplight, currently red. When it hit green, the exercise would begin. Trigger laughed, sitting within his unit, "time to blow things up!" Destro sighed, finalizing his check of his computers, "don't screw this up...we get it done, and we can move on." Yamato looked out at the units, for a moment his eyes focused on Ambrosia's. The light turned to yellow, the others preparing themselves. The enemy units were up and ready to go as well. The scene silent, as they waited for the light to turn green. When it did, imediatly the units of the enemy moved forward. As per other trainings and the usual, the Talos squadron moved quickly in position without a word.

Ambrosia had not been spoken to about their plays and such. Even with the absence of Yamato, they were able to adjust quickly. Even if he was not down there with them, Yamato was able to take in all the information he needed to from up here, when he was within the field, he had little trouble translating himself into the situation. For now though, he was needed her to assess this newcomer. His arms crossed, as he remained silent watching the view before him.

HC-Gal 05-22-2014 03:18 AM

Jerry had taken up his usual position not far from Trigger. Keeping a barrier betweent he enemy and their artillery was important, so he was often watching the entirety of the field while the team requested individual support on a target, it was often Yamato's choice what was bombed. But without their leader directing the group it seemed that this was more of a pick-and-choose situation, his most important goal was keeping missile fire away. Test units were actually a bit of a joke though, sure sometimes one of the eggheads programmed a much more complex design, but int he end the patterns became predictable, machines couldn't think as fluidly as humans.

The moment the match started, Claire had moved immediately for higher ground, there was a well-placed boulder that she could use for cover, she hadn't paid attention at all to Ambrosia and her new unit. She calmly assessed the field and watched the enemy movement until she finally spotted the new girl.

Ambrosia had gotten her machine into a ready standing, the verniers in her machine flared, the main booster at the back lit up and the heels glowed. The moment the test started she practically rocketed forward, but then her main booster seemed to cut out, it was brief, brief enough that as an enemy unit leveled its rifle to fire on her it missed as her left shoulder's turning booster flared, half-turning the unit but she continued to propel herself in the direction of the enemy, head turned in their direction, knife in hand, shotgun prepared.

The AI units weren't exactly prepared for such a direct attack, the idea of a tactical battle seemed completely lost on Ambrosia as the side booster in her shoulder flared again. it propelled her even closer before her left shoulder flared once more and she closed in on the most frontal unit of the opposing squadron. The knife in her hand whirled , flashing with its clean gleam before it sink into the enemy unit, sinking in and holding fast as she placed the barrel of the shotgun up close tot he hip of the enemy unit. With a single thunderous roar the unit's legs and cor were torn apart and she slid the knife out.

The other machines finally managed to lock on her position but once more she boosted, moving back suddenly, retreating swiftly and practically vanishing out of the machines sight behind an obstacle where she came to a momentary dead halt. the knife in her hand flipping around again. The shotgun entered its reload cycle, popping out the spent casing and loading a new shell.

"Holy crap.. She's literally insane." Jerry commented, staring at his screen. Carl had never made a direct suicide run like that. He certainly hadn't ever fought like that. He was definitely much more tactical and subtle. Before he even had time to say anything else, she was already on the move.
The doctor had been watching the extreme initial attack she'd taken and sighed, rubbing his temples a little bit,
"I was really hoping she wouldn't do that.." He half-chuckled to himself, even after warning her not to show off, she seemed eager to prove her ability, he leaned on his cane calmly, not even looking towards Yamato. The assignments in many of her old units had been considered suicide missions, she came out on top every time because fighting in a way that was considered suicidal was normal to her.

"If she's got a death-wish, that's fine by me.. The more idiots concentrate on her, the less see this coming," With a pull of the trigger, Claire's rifle sounded, the head of an opposing unit exploded. A second shot tot he core saw it falling flat on its back and she ducked into cover again,
"Well yeah but..-" Jerry caught himself and simply cut off what he was about to say, part of him still couldn't accept that Carl was gone and this new girl was now going to be part of the team, it also wasn't normally in his nature to be all Go Team! at least not in the regard that he'd yell it all out loud, he just typically had fun with his buddies and that was the end of it. Ambrosia was a stranger, that was all there was to it.

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