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Sora 09-25-2012 03:48 AM

Let's Knit & Crochet together, while collecting ECs! (And other crafts too!)
So right now, I have a crochet project sitting right next to my laptop on my desk here. But I want to chat with all of you lovely users (and possibly talk with others who also like to do knit, crochet, and even other crafts)!

So come on in, chat with me about any sort of crafts and/or arts you do. ^-^

Kiba_Ryuun 09-25-2012 05:03 AM

I was working on crocheting a purple jellyfish out of slightly 'bobbled' yarn... I don't know what to call it, those yarn that have loopy tuffs along the length and are softer than normal ones? As you can tell, this is my first time crocheting with a new yarn... and that I'm a newbie to the entire hobby genre of "Turning Strings Into Other Things" Said jellyfish is currently just a blob.

I've successfully knitted two potholders though! TAT

Saravi Boo 09-25-2012 05:07 AM

I need to be crocheting. I have a lot of Christmas presents to make. >_<' But I don't have my supplies handy right now.

Sora 09-25-2012 06:00 AM

Oh my god, people ~ :D
I kind of left for a bit since I didn't see anybody posting in here. Thank you both for stopping by!

Kiba_Ryuun: Aw, I'm sure your jellyfish is going to come out cute looking once it's done. :3 I would love to see pictures of it!

Saravi Boo: Haha, me too. I have stuff I've been wanting to make too besides Christmas Gifts and I still haven't gotten around to making them yet. x.x

Kiba_Ryuun 09-25-2012 06:08 AM

I wish I had a camera then! D8 But I lost mine during my last apartment-move and haven't had any extra money to replace it since.

Hopefully, this lil'jellyfish will not end up as a half-done project. I have a low attention span when it comes to sitting and working with just my hands in a set pattern, apparently.

Goblin Maiden 09-25-2012 11:35 AM

I have this bear I've been knitting (read: procrastinating) for months now. .__.;;

And I have a pink Yoshi I'm designing/crocheting for a friend of mine.

Annnd my other friend has a birthday coming up, so I'm designing/knitting her an armband. XD

Haha, I've been kind of... putting those off in favor of practicing guitar, though. XD

Bound Birdie 09-25-2012 11:48 AM

I wish I could crochet I love the look of it with tops and dresses :)

Goblin Maiden 09-25-2012 12:19 PM

Yes, crochet edgings are really pretty. :) I learned how to crochet off of Youtube. :P

Bound Birdie 09-25-2012 02:54 PM

lol I do love youtube it can teach you everything

Goblin Maiden 09-25-2012 03:38 PM

I know, right? I would never have been able to learn without youtube, next to someone teaching me... and that wasn't going to happen, so YAY YOUTUBE. XD

Bound Birdie 09-25-2012 03:43 PM

Have you ever watched any of the thread Bangers stuff? I LOVE all there DIY projects.

Goblin Maiden 09-25-2012 03:45 PM

Oh yes! I used to love watching their videos. :) They're a part of why I got into DIY stuff. :D

Saravi Boo 09-25-2012 04:53 PM

Maiden: I love your signature! lol! Jareth for the win!! Yay!! lol.

Yeah, I need to buy more yarn and such for my Christmas projects and I also need to work on stuff for a craft fair I have coming up in November.

Arriana 09-25-2012 05:05 PM

I can't figure out how to crochet or knit, even with my mom moving my hands for me, haha.
I do adore other crafts though...My best friend got married a year ago and we crafted her -entire- wedding. It was amazing.
And so cheap! We stamped each and every one of her cards. We made gorgeous (and color matchy) coffee filter flowers. We even made her decorations! Be aware: It's kind of boring folding over a hundred origami hummingbirds. :P
Crafting is such a blast ((:

SexualPlacebo 09-25-2012 05:10 PM

I have a half finished cross-stitch on my desk, waiting for attention. I really want to keep going, but i've had so little sleep and i'm so tired I can just see it ending with me repeatedly stabbing myself. So it'll have to sit there another day longer. It's very slow progress.

Arriana 09-25-2012 05:29 PM

That's how I am with most of my projects too..I've got a "scrap" book sitting in front of me that's dying to be worked on, but I just can't bring myself to do it.

I'm doing a rainbow project on my walls with paint chips too, but all I have up are the pinks and reds...It is barely starting to blend into the oranges.

I did one of those melted crayon art things and it took me well over a month. xD It's super awesome though, I'm not going to lie.

SexualPlacebo 09-25-2012 05:38 PM

I started my cross-stitch in May, it's still less than half done. D:
I'm terrible at sticking to anything. I'm also terrible at crafts in general.
It's depressing. D:

[Geek] 09-25-2012 05:43 PM

But the best part of crafts, at least the majority of them, is that you can set them down and walk away! They'll be there when you get back right where you left them and that's amazing. I can't do that with my video games or anything. *pops open iTunes and settles in with his sewing* Knitting needle wraps don't sew themselves up.

Arriana 09-25-2012 05:48 PM

Please, don't be saddened by it! I've got more crafts half done that Ican shake a finger at. My mom has the same thing, and she's in a quilt guild. They have a special name for unfinished things - "Unfinished Objects" or....UFO's! It makes me feel better knowing I can have a silly name to attach.

Sometimes I don't like finishing projects though..I like the work. Finishing it means ending it and not getting to play with it anymore. But sometimes it's good to finish! Then you can do things with it and hang it on the wall!
So, sure it took forever and countless "Hey when are you gonna finish that?!"'s from my dad, but it is worth it in the end, I think.
My melted crayon art - With a craved and painted in phoenix!
So if I could do it, so can you! :D

[Geek] 09-25-2012 06:05 PM

Ooh, that's gorgeous! You did a fantastic job with that, Arriana. :D

Arriana 09-25-2012 06:12 PM

:D Thanks!!
It took ages (and I made several messes) but I really like how it ended up.

[Geek] 09-25-2012 06:22 PM

If I didn't have so many other projects going on right now I think I'd give this melted crayon business a try. I'll have to add it to the list of future possibilities.

The list of things I have to knit, crochet, and sew.. oy vey. x-x

Arriana 09-25-2012 06:30 PM

It's seriously fun and easy. If you use a smaller canvas, you could get it done so much quicker. My sister would make some in as quick as a few hours, from unwrapping to gluing to melting and cooling! There's soooo many ideas. It's so dang fun haha.

Sewing is so awesome, too. I love to sew dresses - my favorite to make is a one shouldered ruffle dress. I've made like three so far xD
They're way simple and I really want to make them for my bridesmaids when/if I ever get married. Yay! haha

[Geek] 09-25-2012 06:39 PM

Right now I'm sewing up knitting needle/crochet hook wraps and my next sewing project is going to be some drawstring dice bags. I have two of the wraps I need to get done as gifts and one as a thank-you exchange - a lady that my partner works with crocheted him a Loki doll and I'm making her a wrap for her crochet hooks as a thank-you.

The knitting list is so much longer! And I just remembered I need to add a pillowcase to the sewing list for a nephew. >.>;;

Arriana 09-25-2012 06:50 PM

xD It sounds like you've got your hands full!
But it sounds like it could be fun! I admire you for being able to do those sorts of things. (:

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