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yung91 06-07-2013 06:25 PM

Chapter 1: An Infectious Decision
Many people think that when someone refers to an event as 'the end' that it really was just that. That there would be nothing after that event. Nothing to suggest it wasnt the end. But here i am telling you the story of what happened. The end is known as such because at the time what else would you call a zombie apocalypse. the disease spread across the world so fast we had next to no chance of stopping it, luckily there was that small percentage of people that were immune and there was a relatively large amount of people smart enough to take all precautions necessary to avoid breathing in the infection, or coming into contact with the infected. and then there were the unlucky ones. THEM. the mutants. the small percentage of people to whom the infection not only took hold in their systems but became as much part of them as they were a part of it. The virus changed them into something else, not like the masses that were hungry for flesh but certainly something that wasnt human. Our story begins at the beginning of the first phase of the virus. you shall meet the heroes of the new age, follow their journies, trials and tribulations. We begin in central north america. as the first of the heroes was at home, back in the golden times before anything had been known about the plague, back when your garden fences were only 3 feet tall and there wasnt a mounted gun in sight, back when the word safety was still usable. Up until that time nothing had been known about the creation we now know as dragonsteeth, except by the people charged with creating it. But that soon changed. That is the way this story begins.

The television blared in the background. The sound of bacon sizzling was drowning out current headlines as the newsreader let the area know about them, our first protagonist was cooking breakfast. Standing at a towering 6 foot tall and boasting a rather toned physique is ex-sergeant Alex Matthews. his short brown hair swayed ever so slightly in the light morning breeze that came from the open window. As vague as the local news might be as a source of information, it was one of the best he had since leaving the army. If there had been a better choice he would still be serving with his comrades instead of being here, the only reason he had left was because he had attained the rank of sergeant in a mere 2 years, something that not many people believed possible as the average is 5 to 8 years this sudden rise through the ranks made too many ripples and many people then stood in his way of continuing to progess, so he quit. Everything was going fine for a while. Life as a civilian was peaceful, quiet and secluded as he was in his house, he had to admit that even though the excitement of warfare still tempted him, not having to fight for his life all the time was certainly a bonus, so here he was 3 months on eating his breakfast while the news ran on into the weather forecast. Alex got up and headed back into the kitchen as the forcaster mentioned how warm it was going to be that weekend. It was from the sink that he heard the change in audio as the television aired some breaking news, information had been floating down from saskatchewan and the cities in between of 'riots'

Now as he stood at the threshold to his sitting room Alex saw the pictures of what remained in their wake. this came up with one ludicrous headline "ZOMBIES" As impossible as this headline was, the large riots were said to be crossing the town boundries at this very minute. That was all Alex needed to spur his movements. He headed for his friends down at the college campus. It wasnt long before the noise reached him. An utterly chaotic mass of sounds, screams and shouts mingling into an undiscernable wall of noise, that didnt seem to come from any particular direction it just existed. Everywhere alex turned, people were running, some away from, others chasing after. Carnage and blood was flooding the streets. It wasnt until he reached the college that he could make sense of what his eyes were showing him. there was something very wrong. A number of people were crowding the gates ahead of him his first thought was that they were evacuating the campus, but again his eyes told him otherwise as he got closer. the horde ahead wasnt your average college populus, many were elderly or looked to be soldiers. Police, fire fighters and other emergency workers were there. there were children in the group as well. something else wasnt right and that was the all the blood. Noone with that much blood loss should be moving and yet there were a few who were dragging themselves across the floor, leaving parts behind them, not even seeming to feel the pain it must be causing to do so. The huge number of the group as well as their seemingly eager ferocity to get beyond the college gates made Alex stop and hesitate.

He headed off quickly down a sidestreet, hoping that the narrow walls would stop the large horde trapping him. It was a bad idea. He was trapped almost instantly as a form stood up from the other end of the alleyway. Its blood soaked clothing barely holding its organs inside its own body. These riot really were something else, something unnatural. Although this persons physique showed heavy signs of athleticism, there was no way he should still be standing with his intestines slowly dropping out of his stomach. Not having the option to go back into the main street, having peaked interest with his movements. Alex looked for a possible weapon. He found a rusty pipe near a trash recepticle and readied himself for the attack, It came quicker than was to be expected, if one was to believe the films these beasts of undeath are slow moving, that was the problem. With only this as a guide to go by you are caught off guard as it lurches faster than you were ready for. It knocked Alex to the floor. He only just managed to hold it back from himself using the pipe, but he could feel it slowly bending under the creatures weight, Alex manouvered his leg and kicked the writhing jock off himself and got up. He struck out quickly, bringing the pipe down onto it, aiming for the head, The blood covered jock moved at the last second and the pipe bent as it hit the walking corpses shoulder with a sickening crunch, a painful blow that would be enough to stop most attackers, yet it didnt seem to phase the undead fiend as it started to get up, the pipe, now useless, was discarded as alex spotted something from where the beast had been lying at first. It was a metal softball bat.

He grabbed it and swung round at head height just as the jock lurched again. This swing connected heavily with the jaw of the zombie and spun its head round so fast that its neck snapped and its skull nearly revolved all the way round. The jock fell limp and lifeless once more to the floor. his adrenaline, now useless, continued to course through his veins, his breath heaving as he shook with fear, panic and a strange feeling of anticipation. he was on edge and it was feeling dangerous. Alex leant against the wall trying to calm himself down in order to think straight and formulate a plan. He wasnt given much time as the noises of the fighting had drawn a few walking corpses from the horde to his position and they had started limping down the alleyway towards him, luckily the alley was not a dead end and Alex simply managed to outrun them as he sprinted around the corners. Alex looked back out of the streets as he passed the western gates of the campus, the horde here was smaller, yet its number was still too formidable a challenge for one man to overcome, he took his options into account and ran to the southern gate hoping to make it there and meet very little resistance from the unliving. He had to leap over a few crawling corpses as he made his way to the southernmost part of the campus, they posed no threat to him as their wounds were too great. he hit the ground running as he leapt from a car he had been using to scope out his surroundings, if he was fast and lucky there would be nothing to stop him from reaching his goal. however there were many side roads and alleyways that he could not be certain were clear.

He didnt have to take them but who knows when a horde are going to stumble out in front of him. he was tense as he headed up the road at his top speed, he was blessed and there was nothing stumbling around when he made it through the gates, there was no problems here, the only problem came from the screaming, it sounded as though the undead horde had managed to penetrate the northern defences at least, not to mention that the other two entrances may have become swarmed almost as quickly. He ran towards the main college building hoping to be of some help to the remaining populus. He hit the top of the carpark at a run. a few walking corpses were blocking his route. so he decide to fight them, as a group of students were exiting the building. a few amoung them were wounded but they were still running to their vehicles, a few became overwhelmed by either the wounds or an unseen attacker. Alex was too busy fending off the ones that came to him. An alarm sounded and brought alex's attention to the world around the nearest corpse. a large horde of the dead were at the exit doors, but a few of the sports students were holding them off, for the time being. He would help them if he had the chance but he had more pressing matters like finding his friends. Glyn would be at the mechanics workshops, so for the time being he should be relatively safe. Alex knew that Luke would probaly have that morning off from lectures so hed be in the dormitory. Paul... he would be hard to find, there were too many microbiology laboratories to search through to find him, though the fire alarm should help.

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