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Marlene Star-Blossom 08-08-2008 08:02 AM

~♥~The Blooming Star Charity(Closed)~♥~
My Charity Is closed until I can figure out what to do to throw away boredom.
Status: ONLine/OFFline
~To lazy to change every time so I'm on when I'm on, and I'm off when I'm off. ;)

Please When sending Donations to the Charity send them to my mule. --> ?
Current Funds on mule right now: ?g

Hello Everyone and Welcome to my Charity. =D

My real name is Christina, but here you can call me Marlene, or anything related to my Real name or my Mene name. ^^

So I have made this Charity, well if you have thought of why I named it "The Blooming Star Charity" Well because when your getting donated your getting close to your Dream, and also that it's just like when a Bud is Blooming. xD
Oh, Oh and I named it this because it was the only thing I can think of.

Anyways I made this Charity because I Love helping others I may not have the gold or item you are looking for but it's the thought that counts, Right?
I really have not much to say and Why I made this Charity, but all I can say is that this is the first Charity I have ever made, New experience for me, So Please be Nice.

(In order to receive a Donation)

*You must be 2 weeks old or at least have more then 200 posts/Okay I'm changing this I don't really care how old you are here (so if you want a donation send an application to me and stay and chat) ^^
*Having a Quest Thread would help, but it's optional. ^^
*You got to be active here
~Donations are given 3 Days after you send an application
(just remember within those 3 days you have to be active to receive)
^That's About it ^^


Item/s (Store) Price:
Quest Thread (opt.):
Why should I donate to you?:
Free Saying - Anything else you wanna say?:
Send the application to me in Pm's or post it here. ^^
So let's carry on :D
1st Post: Main <--Your Here
2nd Post: Rules
3rd Post: UpDates
4th Post: Contests
5th Post: Who I've Donated To
6th Post: Donaters To The Charity
7th Post: White List
8th Post: Black List
9th Post: Reserved
10th Post: Reserved

Marlene Star-Blossom 08-08-2008 08:04 AM
Their Easy to Follow!! ^^ nice to others including me Begging Please Bad Language"NO" Bumping Please Complaining of how much you get and or maybe what you get'll think of more later, for now follow these =3

Things To Remeber: ^.- fun knows if it works out here you'll make some new friends'll be using my mule to send the Donations may give out Donations Randomly sometimes(If I feel like it) I guess that's all for now ^^

Marlene Star-Blossom 08-08-2008 08:06 AM

September 26/08 3:47pm -- Charity Closing Down/For Now!:(
August 08/08 4:53pm -- Charity has it's first Donation!
August 08/08 4:44am -- Charity Now Opens!!

Marlene Star-Blossom 08-08-2008 08:06 AM

-{Page Contest}-
(You can win only 1 time, okay if your winning the second you get a congrats and the prize goes to the next person after you)

--1st on page 25 ::100g
--2nd on page 35 ::200g
--3rd on page 45 ::300g

Marlene Star-Blossom 08-08-2008 08:07 AM

(I have given back the 1k to Queen Demon)

Marlene Star-Blossom 08-08-2008 08:08 AM

Queen Demon -- 1k (Thankies) :heart:

Marlene Star-Blossom 08-08-2008 08:09 AM
Come to the Good side<

It's so quiet. :|

Marlene Star-Blossom 08-08-2008 08:10 AM
Please Stay away, Think of you Actions first!!

Let's keep this List empty now. :yes:

Marlene Star-Blossom 08-08-2008 08:11 AM


Marlene Star-Blossom 08-08-2008 08:11 AM


Marlene Star-Blossom 08-08-2008 09:39 AM

~Charity is Now Open~

Moofin 08-08-2008 02:37 PM

YAY! <3
-swipes first post-

Marlene Star-Blossom 08-08-2008 02:39 PM

Hooray!! for first post. ^^

Queen Demon 08-08-2008 09:16 PM

I was going to get first post D; But then I had to get off last night so yeah >.< But nice charity! ;D Better organized than mine ^^

Marlene Star-Blossom 08-08-2008 09:45 PM

I guess, but yours I understand better then mine. xD

Coquette 08-08-2008 09:49 PM

you've got a cute charity here :]
hope you find some nice people

Marlene Star-Blossom 08-08-2008 09:52 PM

Yeah Thanks, I hope you stick around and for awhile Coquette. ^^

Queen Demon 08-08-2008 10:03 PM

I think I understand yours more than mine xD And yours has all these pretty flowers and all I got is Pepsi Graphics and Icons. <33

Marlene Star-Blossom 08-08-2008 10:07 PM

I don't have anything like the one in your sig to show people that I have a charity, all I have is a star in my sig leading here. xD

Queen Demon 08-08-2008 10:10 PM

I think the star is cute thought =] And I got my banner things by my friends donating them to me and also in the Banner shops in the Art Shops. ^^

Marlene Star-Blossom 08-08-2008 10:11 PM

Yeah I know I was reading through the posts in your Charity before. xD

Queen Demon 08-09-2008 01:01 PM

Lol xD ^^ Sorry I wasnt on much yesterday -_-" I went to a drive-in movie thether to watch the new Mummy movie and Mamma Mia. =]

Marlene Star-Blossom 08-09-2008 03:06 PM

It's okay no need to be sorry, just as long as you come back and reply. ^^

Queen Demon 08-09-2008 06:49 PM

I'll always come back and reply ^^ =]

Marlene Star-Blossom 08-10-2008 12:29 AM

^^ That's good.

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