Menewsha Avatar Community

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Jeryck 11-12-2008 10:09 AM

[Treasure Hunt] Pirates vs. Ninjas (Game Done!)
Oh hello! *lights his pipe*

I bet you're all wondering why I've called you here *chuckles*. Well truth be told, all these pirate attacks on Mene these past two months have piqued my interest, so I decided to do a bit of digging.

While researching some old texts, I stumbled across a pirate called Captain "Bloody" James Napier who, according to the records, landed in Menewsha nearly 200 years ago with a large and valuable chest of treasures. He was being pursued by ninjas from Vile Island (the text doesn't explain whether the ninjas were hired by his enemies or if he had foolishly stolen from them).

With his enemies close behind, Cap'n Napier decided to hide his treasure here on Mene, vowing to return someday to claim it. However, there aren't any records to show that he ever made it back. This could very well mean that his treasure is still hidden here! All that is left are these old clues and map pieces that he left behind.

Now I'm no spring chicken, so I'm far too old to be running all over looking for treasures. No, no, I'll leave that to you young ones as I figured I'd make this into a game. Well? Are you up for the challenge?

Jeryck 11-12-2008 10:16 AM

How to Play:

To start, choose a team - sign ups will be open for 5 days. Your goal will be to complete the tasks assigned during each round to earn points. Depending on how many of your teammates successfully complete their tasks in time, you'll either be able to trade those points for a map piece or for clues to find the map piece that will be hidden somewhere around the forums. The first team to collect all 4 map pieces and assemble them wins!

Including sign ups, this game will run for about 1 month. For the sake of your teammates, please sign up only if you're confident you can be active for the length of the game.

There are 4 rounds so you must finish your map before the final round is completed. Each round will last approximately 5 days. However, if your team completes all of the tasks before the 5 days is up, you are allowed to move onto the next Round's Tasks right away.

Three Parts to the Game.
Tasks, Map, and Riddle

Tasks: This requires teamwork.
You should assign tasks to one or more team members. They must complete the task within the time limit. Tasks vary on a range of different skills; choose wisely when assigning them. Each team will have a different set of tasks assigned to them. Each team member can only complete one task per week. If by the 3rd day your teammate(s) is still missing and the task isn't complete, someone who has already completed a task can finish it. This will not count towards the missing teammates accomplished task list. (Please credit the made-up task to "the team" or a player who has already participated.)

Create a team mascot
Choose a team captain
Create a team name and team base

For Completing the Tasks

If the entire team completes all the tasks, you'll receive 1 piece of the map.
If only 60% of the team completes the tasks, you'll receive 2 clues to where your map piece is hidden.
If only 30% of the team completes the tasks, you'll receive 1 clue to where your map piece is hidden
If less than 30% of the team completes the tasks, you'll receive no clues.

However, the map piece won't be hidden until you ask for the clues. This ensures no one will accidentally stumble across their piece.

Requirements: Must have some program to modify pictures in, i.e. Photoshop, Gimp, Paint.

There are 4 pieces to the map which you can earn by completing all of your tasks or find its hidden location. Once the 4 pieces are collected, you must put together your map and submit it to Jeryck. If you have put the map back together correctly, you'll receive the final riddle.

Sample of completed map:

Requirements: Patience.

The riddle is straightforward. Somewhere around the forums, a treasure chest is hidden. The riddle will give you a clue to the identify the forum, title, and post where the treasure is located.

Sample of a Riddle:
So shiny and pretty and beautiful to look at, here collectors and creators gather to sell and buy their goods.

In the rising sun, shadows all but fade away

Sin90 * (5 + 3 ) / 4 = ???

Signs up will be handled by me, Jeryck. To sign up, send me a PM with the team you wish to join. First come, first served. If the team you wish to join fills up you'll be moved to a team with an empty spot. If all 80 spots are filled, we will create another team.

Follow all of Menewsha's Rules and TOS
Especially regarding quoting material that you have not written yourself. Some tasks may require you to copy and paste lyrics, for example. Not putting them in [ quote ][ /quote ] will earn you an infraction. No matter what the tasks asks you to do, you still must abide by all of Menewsha's site rules! Even if you're required to ask many other users for assistance, you may not spam, which includes posting the same message over and over. Try to avoid asking people in threads not meant for general discussion.

Be polite and respectful.
This game is suppose to be fun. Do not harass other teams, whine, or display poor sportsmanship. (you might actually need their help for a task who knows?). If you need something done from them (i.e. art freebie, changing a thread title) do not bully the thread creator into doing it. If they decline and say no, respect that. It's fine to root for your team.

Do not share your account information (passwords) with team members so your team can complete the tasks.
Menewsha will not be liable for your decisions to do so.

Our NPCs will be stopping by to watch, however, please do not harass or ask them to help you. They can't and won't be assisting any teams with their tasks.

Changing Threads Titles/Polls/Art Freebies Tasks:
If the task requires you have [x] amount of people change the title of their thread, the thread must be at least 3 months old and still active. None of these threads creators can be on your team.

If the task requires you to have [x] amount of people draw an art freebie/vote in a poll, no more then 1/2 of the amount can be done by your teammates. i.e. if you need 10 art freebies only 5 can be drawn your teammates. The other 5 have to come from other artists who are not on your team.

Simply, any task that requires you to have [x] amount of people do something/anything, no more then half of the required amount can be done by your teammates. The other half must be done by other people. Mules can never be counted towards the total.

Please put effort into your tasks.
Some may require you to doodle a quick picture or to write a poem. You are not required to make masterpieces. Just don't scribble something like "Roses are red, violets are blue, stars are great and so are you" for a poem task and expect it to be accepted.

The Judge have final call.
I, Jeryck, am the Judge.
Please respect my decisions. You may defend why you think you qualify, or offer your thoughts and constructive criticisms. I will be as fair as possible.

Jeryck 11-12-2008 10:19 AM

There are currently 4 teams with 20 spots each. If more then 80 people sign up, we'll create an additional team. You can either be a ninja or a pirate, with two teams representing each. If all the spots have not been filled by the end of the sign up period, teams will be adjusted according to insure a fair and even game.

Sign Ups are Closed

Red Pirates - 0 spots open
  1. Waffle
  2. Ruru-ni-
  3. blitzy
  4. Claz
  5. Kultura
  6. Pixore
  7. blueblackrose
  8. Cami
  9. Hatake Ayumi
  10. Twisty
  11. spicedroses
  12. `F o a m
  13. Hina
  14. M i n u x e
  15. Azntwins
  16. Sirocco
  17. xlightwingx
  18. Trinitydoll
Blue Pirates - 0 spots open
  1. Noodle
  2. Zombie Pixie
  3. tentenpuff
  5. Insane Cricket
  6. Ebil
  7. Wynna
  8. Stormy1
  9. Takeno-Kun
  10. Korrye
  11. Paprika
  12. ox3tyi
  13. dragoness129
  14. Ithir
  15. Socks
  16. k i w i
  17. AiLoveGaara
Red Ninjas - 0 spots open
  1. ~~xXEl3KtRaXx~~
  2. woopdidoodoo
  3. Des_512
  4. DeviSama
  5. dark_tenshi17
  6. [L]ove[H]ate
  7. IceKyrstal
  8. musasgal
  9. Ryko
  10. Leafey
  11. Harizi
  12. DarkAngel21
  13. silvermoon
  14. Anthony Darkyn
  15. d2hiriyuu
  16. Sakura_Madison
  17. LillieRose
  18. Simplixity
Blue Ninjas - 0 spots open
  1. kemii
  2. Jalestra
  3. monstahh`
  4. juniper_silver
  5. MacSen191
  6. Anbu
  7. burden of love
  8. Hadsvich
  9. Kent
  10. Nephila
  11. Enzeru
  12. Rosebleed
  13. Crystalunicorn
  14. .Simplicity.
  15. Rylynne
  16. miss murder
  17. Dystopia
  18. Luenola Marxiel
(Don't worry about the names, you'll be changing them shortly.)

To Sign Up for a Team, send this form as a PM to me.

I wish to join:

Jeryck 11-12-2008 10:20 AM

First Place: 1,000g for each member
Second Place: 500g for each member
Third Place: 250g for each member
Fourth Place: 100g for each member

Participants are only awarded gold if they contributed at least three times to the games. If you did not contribute the minimum amount, then you will not be awarded any gold. There are only 4 treasure chests.

Jeryck 11-12-2008 10:23 AM

Please remember to read the rules again. There are strict rules for certain tasks. After you have completed the task, please use this form. If you do not use this form, I will not count the task as complete.


[b][size=3][color="crimson"]Team member #:[/color][/size][/b]
[b][size=3][color="crimson"]Task # completed:[/color][/size][/b]
[b][size=3][color="crimson"]Links, if necessary (for pictures, or proof of posts): [/color][/size][/b]

Sample of Proper Form

Team: Rock Lovers
Team member #: 2
Task # completed: 10
Answer(s): N/A (this was an art freebie task)
Links, if necessary (for pictures, or proof of posts): Picture link here

Red/Blue Pirates
1. Solve the following trivia questions:
· Vicky and Tesel are from which island?
· Where did Nalin and Abel meet?
· Name our current Community Managers (full usernames please, nicknames won't count).
· Which CI set was released in September 2007?
· Which feature allows you to "view" new posts as they are being made?
· A topic about Wii or Playstation would go in which subforum?
· The Halloween 2007 event took place on what dates?
· What's the name of the Lingerie Land owner?
· How old is Sir Keane?
· Who said "...But we're about to find out." Hint: It's in the manga.
· What is Tesel's room number?
· What is the Quest Raffle wearing? (List all the items)
2. Solve this math problem: 96 * 2 - 182 = ???

3. Rearrange your "Main Inventory" drawer so that the items are organized by color in the order of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, white, gray, black, brown, and misc. You must have at least 25 items within your main inventory to qualify. Please submit screenshot(s) of your inventory as evidence.

4. Create a profile album named after your team. Upload at least one picture of your team mascot, and flag or clan symbol and each individual avatar of your team members, including your own. Be sure to label each picture with the corresponding username. Also include 10 ninja/pirate pictures, citing the website you got them from in the description. Each one should be of a different subject and should not come from the same series/movie/etc. (i.e. You cannot upload 10 different Naruto or PotC pictures.)

5. Chibi Abel is hiding in certain threads on the first page. Find him with these clues. Be sure to quote the post and link to the thread as evidence.
· Quack Quack, feeling lucky today?
· Back off!! They're mine I tell you! These dragons are mine!!
· OMG! Where did you get your new hair?
· It's worth how much?
· Wow, Menewshans live all over the world.
6. Dress your avatar in a Pirate/Ninja outfit and create a "Rate my Avatar" thread in the Item advice, questions and quick ratings subforum that receives at least 10 rates by users not on your team.

7. Create an RP with a plot centered around your Pirate crew/Ninja clan and get at least 3 other users (team members are fine) to reply. Each post should be in-character, use 3rd-person voice, and be at least a paragraph in length. You must fill up at least one complete page of in-character posts.

8. Create a freebie shop thread offering your services as bootlegging pirates/sneaky spy ninjas. Get at least 5 "customers" and satisfy their requests. Any service allowed on Menewsha is fair game: Art, MAC pirate/ninja avis, Poetry, etc.

9. A Menewshan Scavenger Hunt: Find the required amount of Menewshan users that fit the following descriptions. Please include their username and a link to their profile as proof. You may not list the same person more than once, even if they fit in different categories.
· Find 2 users who joined in April 2007.
· Find 2 users who've changed their usernames at some point in the past.
· Find 4 users with a post count higher than 10,000.
· Find 5 users with current gold counts higher than 5,000.
· Discover which of the Ninjas has made the most posts. It does not matter which "color" of Ninja they are.
· Find the NPC account with the most posts.
10. Who would truly win in a battle of ninjas vs. pirates? Write at least a paragraph explaining who you think would win and why. Try to be realistic and use known facts to support your position. This requires you research both the life of a pirate and ninja. Here are some questions to get you going:
In terms of weapons, who is superior?
In terms of striking fear in the heart, who is better?
In terms of fighting skill, who is superior?
In terms of crew/clan, who would have superior strength/numbers?

Red/Blue Ninjas
1. Solve the following trivia questions:
· Vicky and Tesel are from which island?
· Where did Nalin and Abel meet?
· Name our current Community Managers (full usernames please, nicknames won't count).
· Which CI set was released in September 2007?
· Which feature allows you to "view" new posts as they are being made?
· A topic about Wii or Playstation would go in which subforum?
· The Halloween 2007 event took place on what dates?
· What's the name of the Lingerie Land owner?
· How old is Sir Keane?
· Who said "...But we're about to find out." Hint: It's in the manga.
· What is Tesel's room number?
· What is the Quest Raffle wearing? (List all the items)
2. Solve this math problem: 96 * 2 - 182 = ???

3. Rearrange your "Main Inventory" drawer so that the items are organized by color in the order of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, white, gray, black, brown, and misc. You must have at least 25 items within your main inventory to qualify. Please submit screenshot(s) of your inventory as evidence.

4. Create a profile album named after your team. Upload at least one picture of your team mascot and flag, or clan symbol and each individual avatar of your team members, including your own. Be sure to label each picture with the corresponding username. Also include 10 ninja/pirate pictures, citing the website you got them from in the description. Each one should be of a different subject and should not come from the same series/movie/etc. (i.e. You cannot upload 10 different Naruto or PotC pictures.)

5. Chibi Abel is hiding in certain threads on the first page. Find him with these clues. Be sure to quote the post and link to the thread as evidence.
· Quack Quack, feeling lucky today?
· Back off!! They're mine I tell you! These dragons are mine!!
· OMG! Where did you get your new hair?
· It's worth how much?
· Wow, Menewshans live all over the world.
6. Dress your avatar in a Pirate/Ninja outfit and create a "Rate my Avatar" thread in the Item advice, questions and quick ratings subforum that receives at least 10 rates by users not on your team.

7. Create an RP with a plot centered around your Pirate crew/Ninja clan and get at least 3 other users (team members are fine) to reply. Each post should be in-character, use 3rd-person voice, and be at least a paragraph in length. You must fill up at least one complete page of in-character posts.

8. Create a freebie shop thread offering your services as bootlegging pirates/sneaky spy ninjas. Get at least 5 "customers" and satisfy their requests. Any service allowed on Menewsha is fair game: Art, MAC pirate/ninja avis, Poetry, etc.

9. A Menewshan Scavenger Hunt: Find the required amount of Menewshan users that fit the following descriptions. Please include their username and a link to their profile as proof. You may not list the same person more than once, even if they fit in different categories.
· Find 2 users who joined in April 2007.
· Find 2 users who've changed their usernames at some point in the past.
· Find 4 users with a post count higher than 10,000.
· Find 5 users with current gold counts higher than 5,000.
· Discover which of the Pirates has made the most posts. It does not matter which "color" of Pirate they are.
· Find the NPC account with the most posts.
10. Who would truly win in a battle of ninjas vs. pirates? Write at least a paragraph explaining who you think would win and why. Try to be realistic and use known facts to support your position. This requires you research both the life of a pirate and ninja. Here are some questions to get you going:
In terms of weapons, who is superior?
In terms of striking fear in the heart, who is better?
In terms of fighting skill, who is superior?
In terms of crew/clan, who would have superior strength/numbers?

Jeryck 11-12-2008 10:24 AM

I'm getting quite old and forgetful.
Better save this post just incase.

Rose Marie 11-22-2008 05:32 AM

ooo, I'll have to join!

Waffle 11-22-2008 05:33 AM

Lol I think we're supposed to pm it to Jeryck.

Seito 11-22-2008 06:52 AM

It's a shame I don't have time to play.

Jeryck 11-22-2008 07:06 AM

Ah! I see we have some people who have signed up already. Good good.

FiERCEPOSE 11-22-2008 07:37 AM

Oh cool~
I will sign up! :B

Jeryck 11-22-2008 07:43 AM

Glad to have you on board Ms. FiERCEPOSE.

Des_512 11-22-2008 09:49 AM

lol a little more complex then what I'm used to for an event xD but what the hell why not o 3o ninja power!

DeviSama 11-22-2008 09:54 AM

:3 I'm game! Ready to use my ninja skills for action ;3

nvs 11-22-2008 12:49 PM

I'm joining too~

Insane Cricket 11-22-2008 01:09 PM

Hrm... It looks interesting at least... Hopefully all the participants will be reliable.

Siri 11-22-2008 02:24 PM

Hehe, I'm definitely joining. x3

M i n u x e 11-22-2008 03:25 PM

This is just like the relay race that I had so much fun in during the CP event <333333333
I am really happy the game is played like this! Even though it's a lot longer and is during the school year I still really want to participate.
Although I will make a decision on the team I will be in later.

Sera 11-22-2008 03:46 PM

I want to join but I need to check the dates.
I'm one break sometime around then...

Melody 11-22-2008 04:20 PM

awww I would love to join, but I don't have the time. ;_;

Wynna 11-22-2008 05:43 PM

Oooh, this sounds fun. So it doesn't really matter which team we sign up for right?

linkfreak131 11-22-2008 05:51 PM

Sounds like lots of fun, but I'm afraid I don't have the time. D; School I'm afraid.

monstahh` 11-22-2008 06:35 PM

Edit; whoops. I missed the PM part. o 3o;; So much text and I skip words sometimes!

k i w i 11-22-2008 08:18 PM

=O This just excited the pejeebers outta me. xP
-goes to sign up for a team- 8D

CK 11-22-2008 10:55 PM

I'm really glad people are looking forward to participating. :3

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