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Thoth Star 11-22-2008 10:57 PM

Giving SUNflower TREE~ <333 Love the sun baby.((Page prize on pg 20))


This is a thread where we give and receive~
I love art, so I'll begin by giving some random people who hang in the thread some free artsies.... And soon I'll start page prizes! Yay. 8)

Just remember, follow Mene rules, no double posting, no begging, and please no arguments about bs that should not matter. Lets all be friends, Ja? <3

This is about Sunflowers because I LOVE sunflowers. x3

Thoth Star 11-22-2008 10:57 PM


~5th post on page 10 (free art +25gold)<----- Pixore won!

~1st post on page 15 (free art)<------ XxXshizuki-chanXxX won!

~2nd post on page 20 (free art)

Used to be pg 22 but I changed it cuz I wanna draw more art~ 0 30

Thoth Star 11-22-2008 10:58 PM


Freebie slots:

1. ((reserved for page prize winner!))
2. kent
3. colours
4. -----

Art Completed:
Insane cricket
Celestial Pocky

Art Received
From Insane cricket
From shizuki_chan((page 10))
From eserel
From Iroase Delschatten
From Pixore
From x-cutie-x-pie-x
From KatMagenta
From Tilly

Thank you everyone who gave me art and donated. <3333

Thoth Star 11-22-2008 10:59 PM

SUNFLOWER LIST ((Friend list)) // (Black if necessary)
Sunflower List~

~`Kitami <3
~celestial pocky

Thoth Star 11-22-2008 11:00 PM


celestial pocky 11-22-2008 11:10 PM

Herro ^_^

Thoth Star 11-22-2008 11:14 PM

Hello pocky, how are you today? ^^

celestial pocky 11-22-2008 11:16 PM

I'm quite well ^_^
I just got done stuffing my face with Oreo cookies :3

You? ^^

remaja 11-22-2008 11:21 PM

-jumps to thoth's thread-
hello sunny flower 8D
how is everyone goin?

Thoth Star 11-22-2008 11:22 PM

Yum, oreos are good. x3
Not much, pocky. Just watching tv...
I'm going to a family turkey dinner soon. It will be interesting.

Haha, I'm good, rema. How are you? ^^
I love sunflowers, don't you?<3

remaja 11-22-2008 11:24 PM

i am hungry but i run out of my food supply D:
oh ya i do! i like sun flower seed ... the one that hamtaro eats 8D

Thoth Star 11-22-2008 11:28 PM

Aw, that sucks, rema...
I ate an awesome omelette earlier... I'm so excited about this turkey dinner. <3
I haven't had turkey in a loooong time.

Haha, hamtaro, the cartoon right? XD
I used to plant sunflowers...

remaja 11-22-2008 11:30 PM

-drools- so hungry :cry: waaah turkey!!!! -dies of starvation-

oh yup yup thats the one xD oh was it easy to plant and take care of it?

celestial pocky 11-22-2008 11:31 PM

Hey remaja =3
I'm good ^_^

remaja 11-22-2008 11:31 PM

hey pocky 8D
glad to hear that xD

celestial pocky 11-22-2008 11:33 PM


`Kitami 11-22-2008 11:42 PM

-pounces on thothy- <3333

we have sunflowers in the back yard. my mom planted them. ^_^ they are dead now though. :[
she loves sunflowers. they're everywhere.... The kitchen/dining room where i'm at now is decorated in sunflowers and roosters. o.o;;

Thoth Star 11-22-2008 11:42 PM

That sucks that you're starving, rema... I'd give you some turkey. XD
Its going to be soo good cuz several people have made them together.

Yeah, sunflowers are easy to take care of... just remember to water them and they grow like a weed. Lol.

Thats cool pocky. I really like this event so far... ^^

Aw... *huggles christy* <333
I love sunflowers. cute. That sucks that they're dead... They don't last long, do they?
Haha, thats how my mom is too. I love yellow and oranges, so I was always fond of them...
I also love the smell of sunflowers. <3

celestial pocky 11-22-2008 11:44 PM

-gives rema ravilolis- :3

remaja 11-22-2008 11:49 PM

oh thankie you two xD
i might as well order another pizza -_-
been two weeks keep eatin pizza :gonk:
yeah sunflower is hard to take care but they are so nice and colorful

celestial pocky 11-22-2008 11:51 PM

I've never had a sunflower =/

remaja 11-22-2008 11:57 PM

i have seen so many times xD when i was in primary school. . . the school has huge field of it

Thoth Star 11-22-2008 11:59 PM

I never really liked pizza, rema... Too much bread for me. ;//
Yes, and they grow like weeds so when you have a few hundred you can sell them in bundles for quite a lot of cash... and people will buy them because people love sunflowers. x3 Like meh.

Why not, pocky? I find them beautiful... And easy to grow. *nod*

remaja 11-23-2008 12:03 AM

but i am not in the mood to go and do my shopping D:
i miss my mum ;_;

Thoth Star 11-23-2008 12:05 AM

Where's your mum, rema? D:

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