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StarBlazerM31 02-13-2009 12:50 AM

Bring Them to Life; A Neverending Quest for OC Art

Greetings to all the artists out there!

I am looking for talented people to take on the task of drawing some of my Original Characters. You don't have to draw all of them. Just one will be fine. If you're interested in possibly drawing some of my other characters (and I have MANY), or perhaps one of the fellows mentioned with the OCs here, please PM me. (Luffs fanart :whee: )

Just give me your price range, as well as some examples of your artwork. Or, if you'd like an art trade, please let me know.


StarBlazerM31 02-13-2009 12:54 AM

I'm an adult in America who loves all sorts of fandom genres. I love reading, writing, drawing, role-playing, and cosplay. I've been on Menewsha since April 2007, and am pretty much a full-time quester. If I'm not questing for items, I'm questing for art. I have a mule account, but I'm not gonna tell you who it is. XP

My favorite fandom genre is Fantasy, but I also LOVE sci-fi and anime. I create OCs because I love to imagine myself in a certain universe. All of my OCs are based on myself, or an aspect of myself. So I'm very attached to all of them. They're almost like bits of my soul that I give form and life to. Yes, they all have quasi-Mary Sue aspects, but I make absolutely sure that these qualities are kept to a minimum, and have a good reason. I don't allow my OCs to be godmods, or perfect beings; because the most facinating aspects of a character is their flaws. Flaws give chracter and life to a character. So all of my OCs have very distinctive flaws, as well as attributes.

I'm looking for rather high-quality art. I'd prefer half to full body. Black and white or color depends on your art style and price. If I decide I like your black and white over your color, then that's what I'll order. I reserve the right to accept or reject your services based on what I think of your artwork quality and prices. If I think your work is worth your price, I WILL request from you. Plain pencil sketches are not worth 10k+ to me, so don't offer such. Do not offer Chibis. As cute as they are, they're not what I'm looking for. I do not prefer headshots. No art auctions. They're always WAAAAY more than what I have to spend. I do not make any RL requests. I've been forgotten about way too many times to even consider doing this again. Do not bump with a shop in your sig and expect me to go there. Unless you post that you want to be comissioned, I'm not going to visit your store. Period. Please keep in mind the amount of gold I have listed and the items I have up for trade. They're there for a reason. Don't assume that I'm being stingy. Esp. the gold. That is, in fact, all the gold I have. So if you don't see an item of equal value to the art you're offering, and I don't have enough gold, then just save us both the trouble and just don't make an offer. I reserve the right to post these pictures (with proper artist credit) on my personal website. If you do not wish me to do this, let me know when you offer your art.

DO NOT try to scam me.

Below are the characters, as well as information. Please read the character's information as well as note the reference pics. Some of my requests might be specific. Please take note if they are. Included in the character description is couple info, in case some of you wonderful people would be willing to do couple art for me (which I will pay for gratefully). :heart:

Current Available Gold Amount


none T_T

...I also accept avi art. :3

StarBlazerM31 02-13-2009 12:59 AM

Blaze is an original character from the original verse of The Worious Chronicles. She is a Tsulani, a race of cat-like people.

Blaze has:
long pink hair
aqua colored large-cat style eyes
a scar running down her right eye
Snow Leopard fur
five ear piercings: two on each lobe, and one in the upper part of her left ear
a naval piercing
an eyebrow piercing on her left brow

Clothing: Pink midrift tank top over a short sleeved fishnet shirt (couldn't figure out how to reattach shirt onto figure). Black or dark brown cargo pants, knee-high lace up black or dark brown combat boots.

Blaze is a freelance cargo pilot. A space trucker, if you will. She is laid back, sarcastic, humorous, hard-working, and fiercely loyal. Don't mess with her ship or her friends. She will end you.

StarBlazerM31 02-13-2009 01:00 AM a complicated character. There are two versions of her: The Dr. Who fanfic version, and the original version for The Worious Chronicles.
Dr. Who FanFic
I won't bore you with her whole story, but she is a Time Lord/Human offspring, and is around 730 years old. She's spazzy, intelligent, an adrenaline junkie, and loves a good time. But don't you dare talk bad about her mama.

Worious Version
The Worious version is the 30-something year old captain of a pirate cruiser called The Acheron. She's kinda like a Robin Hood type character. Rob the rich, give to the poor. She's still spazzy, but she's a renowned cybernetic surgeon on the side, so she's very good at fighting. She's a bit more...grown up in the Worious verse. Responsibility and stuff.

StarBlazerM31 02-13-2009 01:01 AM

Himnauriel is my character from Guild Wars. She is a necromancer.

The best way to describe what she looks like is to look at the refrence pics. :sweat:


She wears this armor, only pink. She also wears this armor, but silver instead of red.

She's paired with Vizier Khilbron [x]

I like seeing her with this staff.

For this commish, I prefer as high a quality art as I can afford or you're willing to offer.

StarBlazerM31 02-13-2009 01:02 AM

This is Orochiko, and she is also based off of Naruto. She is of the same clan as Orochimaru, and was also(if it isn't obvious enough) named after Orochimaru by her father, who had been a good friend of his.

Orochiko has:
Long black hair that is tied back into a high ponytail.
Several strands of her hair flow down in front of her face, more on the left side than the right. She also has strands that hang down in front of her ears that fall just slightly below the strands in the front. (note ref. pic)
Her eyes, skin, and eye markings are the same as Orochimaru (minus the blood stains, of course), but she has slightly defined feminine lips that are shaded light purple. [In other words, eyes - olive colored; skin - white; eye markings - purple; lips - purple]
She ALWAYS wears a black choker. ALWAYS.

She wears two main outfits.
Outfit #1: Work Clothes
Her normal everyday outfit is a pair of bluejean overalls that cut off right below the knees with a navy blue babydoll t-shirt and the typical Naruto styled ninja sandals. She can also wear a rice hat with this outfit, since it is her work clothes. She grows flowers for a living, and sells them to the Konoha village flowershops. So flowers accompanying this outfit would be splendid.
Outfit #2: Ninja Attire (ref. pic)[imgright][/imgright]
Her ninja attire is a bit different than her work clothes. She wears the usual short-sleeved net undershirt with a (slightly short) black tanktop over it and her Jounin utility vest over that (worn open). She then wears a set of black/charcoal hakama with snake designs (optional) running along the bottoms and up the sides. Footwear is the typical ninja sandal. On her arms, she has a set of ANBU-like forearm protectors with plates that cover the back of her hands as well. Her main weapons are a scythe-and-chain as well as a hawk talon (not pictured)

Her basic abilities are very similar to Orochimaru's, so pictures of her with snakes are perfectly fine. Her specialities are medical-related jutsus.

As for poses...have fun! I enjoy anything that a willing artist will give me.

Orochiko is very quiet and withdrawn, and doesn't talk to many people. She is very hesitant, and often times doesn't follow through with an idea. But she has an inner strength that she doesn't let many people see, and is a very good friend and gives good advice. Her outer appearance and the way she carries herself hides her almost unmatched fighting abilities, but she is very humble about these abilities and is willing to teach anyone who will listen. She is always more worried about others than herself, and has gotten severely hurt in the past trying to protect others. But when driven by purpose, she has been known to become cold and cruel in battle.

Coupled with Orochimaru

StarBlazerM31 02-13-2009 01:04 AM

I declare this thread open! X3

StarBlazerM31 02-15-2009 11:15 PM

Still looking for art. ^_^

StarBlazerM31 02-21-2009 09:35 AM

Still questing.

StarBlazerM31 02-23-2009 04:17 PM

I R still questing!

StarBlazerM31 04-30-2009 01:11 PM

Still requesting art!

Thulhu 05-13-2009 03:38 PM

Hello I'd like to draw Blaze or Himnauriel.
Here are some examples
For full body color art I charge 1k.

StarBlazerM31 05-16-2009 06:37 PM

You have really nice art! ^^ Sure, I'd love to have you draw for me. I haven't received any art of Himnauriel (here, on Gaia, or otherwise) so could I ask you to draw her?

Thulhu 05-16-2009 06:40 PM

I've got some commissions pending and my birthday is Monday so it might take a few days.
Hope that's alright

StarBlazerM31 05-16-2009 06:41 PM

That's fine. ^^ I'm very patient. When would you like me to send you the gold?

Thulhu 05-16-2009 06:46 PM

When it's done, no rush

Edit: Here you are sorry it took so long there was alot to do ! :D
There are two sizes, let me know if you need more

StarBlazerM31 05-24-2009 05:15 PM

O.O Wow! That's awesome! The colors and details are amazing! *squee* and she's holding the Scepter!!!

Thulhu 05-25-2009 01:44 AM

It was hard to figure out how to do the weird body stocking parts :XD
I'm so glad you like it :D :heart:

StarBlazerM31 12-18-2009 06:20 PM

Still questing for art. ^_^

StarBlazerM31 03-15-2014 05:17 PM

Holy cow, I haven't been here in a whiiiiiiiiillllle. Guess I'd better start sweeping the floor. [cry]

StarBlazerM31 02-13-2017 06:01 PM

I still quest!

Maria-Minamino 02-20-2017 08:40 PM

Welcome back!!! :D

StarBlazerM31 02-21-2017 04:31 AM

Thank you! <333333

StarBlazerM31 02-25-2017 06:15 PM

Still questing

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