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-   -   ManPantiesUnite!!! Trivia Contest and Art Freebies! :: come chat! :: Trivia over, COME GET YOUR PRIZES!!! (

Hatake Ayumi 08-09-2009 11:49 AM

ManPantiesUnite!!! Trivia Contest and Art Freebies! :: come chat! :: Trivia over, COME GET YOUR PRIZES!!!
HEY, Welcome!!!

Well, there is a first time for everything. I will be hosting a trivia contest with some surprise prizes. Newbies are encouraged since there will mainly be some old EI's up for grabs. Check out the following posts for more information.

Iro 08-09-2009 11:53 AM

Hello, all. It has been a while since I've last hosted a thread during an event, hm?

As usual in every event, I shall be dishing out random art freebies.
I will pick an avatar to draw anytime during the event in this thread to draw, chances are much better if I like your avatar.
The style is random depending on what I feel I'd like to draw at that time, so no complaining, understood?

I prefer giving out the art when the person is still around, though, so do linger and chat!




Ayumui Yue 08-09-2009 12:04 PM

Trivia Contest!!

How it works:

Whenever I feel like it, I'll ask a trivia question and the first person to answer the question correctly gets a point added to their tally. Why? For prizes of course! First place gets first pick, second has second pick, and so forth.

However, there is a catch. To avoid a mass flood and craziness and elbows and knees flying all over the place (as we do not want injuries), EVERY CONTESTANT MUST FILL OUT THE FORM AND DONATE 25 GOLD TO ME (Ayumui Yue).


Sent donation?:
Hey, how are you?:
Secret word:

The form should be put in the donation message.

The hidden secret word will be posted somewhere in one of my introductory posts to make sure you read everything. It doesn't necesarily have to be on this one..

All answers should be posted in the thread. NO EDITING ANSWERS!

Hatake Ayumi 08-09-2009 12:10 PM

1) Follow Menewsha's rules and TOS.
2) Don't beg for art from Iroase or items/points from me.
3) Don't bring no drama in here.
4) All answers to trivia MUST be posted in here.
5) Iro and I are in charge here, and we have final say in what happens.
6) Do not edit trivia answers.
7) We are allowed to change these rules at any time.
8) Secret word: blunderbuss
Have a great time!

Hatake Ayumi 08-09-2009 12:11 PM

Versailles: 15
iSteve: 8
Korrye: 5
Kultura: 5
Hadsvich: 4
Seito: 3
Cami: 3

Sadrain: 2
Winter Wind: 2
Cheng: 1
Gothic Romance: 1
Irukandji: 1
Child of God

Purple Spotted Present x 2
Little Teal Present x 4
Big Present x 1
Green Present x 3
Cloak of Death x 2
Yumeh Bats x 4
The Black Widow's Pin x 1
Black Heartface Fox Slippers x 1
Heartface Fox Slippers x 2
Sun Sandals x 1
Star Catcher x 1

Prizes given:
Versailles: Star Catcher
iSteve: Black Heartfaced Fox Slippers
Korrye: Iro Art
Kultura: The Black Widow's Pin
Hadsvich: Iro Art (or sun sandals)
Seito: Iro Art (or Black HF Fox slippers)
Cami: Iro Art (Current avatar or this) *
Winter Wind: Iro Art (or Black HF Fox slippers)

Hatake Ayumi 08-09-2009 12:11 PM

Rules: You must have posted before in the thread, just don't jump in for that post.
> _____ >

Page 123, post 4: sad_girlformat
You will get to choose any prize in the prize pool EXCEPT Iro art and the star catcher.

Page 145, post 8: Raze
Event common costing 255g or less.

Page 188, post 2: Hadsvich
Iro art. Regardless of man panties. xD

Post 213, post 1: Xaevan (lol)
Event common costing 255g or less.

Post 250, post 11: Rylynne
Iro art.

I may also give out some points in the trivia contest on certain special posts. Such as... maybe... page 200, post 2.

Iro 08-09-2009 12:12 PM



You might want to disable the sig for those first few posts, Hatake. xD

Seito 08-09-2009 12:12 PM

YAY! *tackles glomps ayu and iro* <3

Hatake Ayumi 08-09-2009 12:15 PM

Eeeeep.... Forgot Iro.

Seito 08-09-2009 12:17 PM

Haha this is the first time I got to be first poster bwuhahaha

Iro 08-09-2009 12:17 PM

Ohoh! First poster!

*opens Photoshop* :ninja:

Hatake Ayumi 08-09-2009 12:18 PM


Seito 08-09-2009 12:18 PM

actually at this time of night, Seito is about as fast as a turtle. xD

Xaevan 08-09-2009 12:21 PM

Perhaps we need to rally fans of the man panties to help us lightning speed through this thread. :ninja:

Hatake Ayumi 08-09-2009 12:22 PM

*goes around*

Seito 08-09-2009 12:23 PM

Send them to my thread too. xD *needs more people*

St Branny 08-09-2009 12:24 PM

Your banner art is really cute~

Hello everyone! ^_^
*Hands out muffins* <3

How is everyone?

Iro 08-09-2009 12:26 PM

Here are some flyers. *passes some to Hatake and Seito*

Thank you Branny! You did not waste time on the robes, I see. 8D
*nibbles a muffin*

I'll be here for a bit, and then maybe start on my work due tomorrow. >.>

cheng 08-09-2009 12:27 PM

hi guys ^^ good luck!
ummm... do i pm the form???

Seito 08-09-2009 12:28 PM

Muffins *drools*

Will do Iro! *salutes*

Hatake Ayumi 08-09-2009 12:31 PM

Cheng, post the form on the donate message and just hit donate to send the gold.

sadrain 08-09-2009 12:31 PM

... This was fast. D8 I missed the first page.:cry:

Seito 08-09-2009 12:31 PM

it's a fast moving thread. xDD

Iro 08-09-2009 12:33 PM

Hello, cheng and sadrain!
Great to see you guys here. 8D

cheng 08-09-2009 12:33 PM

fast....zoooooooom XD

@ hatake: kk ^^

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