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-   -   SONG FTW. Come chat? C:// Lyric contest is ovaa// DBSK better not disband. ;~;// (

x-cutie-x-pie-x 08-09-2009 09:05 PM

SONG FTW. Come chat? C:// Lyric contest is ovaa// DBSK better not disband. ;~;//
I'll do freebies if I can, maybe another one of my fail evolving pixel thingymajigs. XD;

So Many Pretty Commons ;~; What to Buy, what to buy. x-x

I've just had a barbecue with my family and I'm dead tired- yet hyper XP;

So yeah, Have a good time in my thread and don't forget to follow the TOS. n-n As always,


To buy ;o


Silver Isis Anklet

YahYah, Lyric Contest 8D
Basically I'm gonna post some lyrics (In a quote tag of course o w o ) and then the first one who posts the title of the song and the artist first gets a point. n-n
The top 3 will win prizes (To be determined!)

Oh course, if you take part, you will bow down to the song goddess. -shot-




Troubledfox - 1O
lunanuova - 7
KatMagenta - 2

Yosuke Hanamura 08-09-2009 09:34 PM

\o/ Hello!

Jack Friday 08-09-2009 09:35 PM

hey~ I had trouble on deciding what to buy myself ^^;;;
my family just had a cook out too~ It's wayyyyy to hot though. I like it better inside with the ac ^^

So yeah what's up? =D

Kumiegirl331 08-09-2009 09:36 PM

Hello, yes all the event commons are very pretty, i wish I could have all of them ne?

Troubledfox 08-09-2009 09:36 PM


Flossy 08-09-2009 09:36 PM

Yay for song! 8D

Yeah I was just checking out the event shop.. so many things I want! @_@ It's gonna put a big damper in my quest, I know it. xD

Troubledfox 08-09-2009 09:39 PM

Hows everyone? *sings a pretty song*

Flossy 08-09-2009 09:40 PM

@Troubledfox ~ Pretty well, thank you. ^_^ How about you? I really like your avatar, btw.

x-cutie-x-pie-x 08-09-2009 09:40 PM

Hello everyone! n-n

Flossy I know! oAo;
I'm meant to be saving up pure for my O.Fan, the next time it pops up in the Giving Back Auction. >o<

Jack Friday; We waited till about 6pm to do it x]
It's 1O:39pm now. XD
SO hot in the afternoon though. >o< Luckily I don't burn easily.

Hi TroubledFox. n-n

Hi Yosuke. n-n

Kumie; Yus. ;~;

Troubledfox 08-09-2009 09:41 PM

Flossy@ I am great! And thank you!

Pie@ Hello hun!

Jack Friday 08-09-2009 09:43 PM

x-cutie-x-pie-x: We had ours about a half hour ago right now it's 5:41 pm ^^;; I life in ohio i imagine you live somewhere east of the u.s.? I almost burn easy lol, but only because I'm naturally very pale~ Also for us it's been like over 80 degrees all day X-x I hope that it's not going to be hotter in the afternoon, I might die~ lol

x-cutie-x-pie-x 08-09-2009 09:44 PM

How are you fox? I like your avi, <3 (:

Jack; Nah, I live in the UK. (:

I'm slightly tanned-ish so I don't burn. (REAL tan, btw. No orange on me. Bleh x___o; )

Flossy 08-09-2009 09:44 PM

@-cutie-x-pie-x ~ Well, maybe if you post enough, you'll have enough gold to participate in the auction AND get yourself some pretty commons? *optimistic* xD

@Troubledfox ~ No problem. =3 You're saving up for panda slippers? So am I (and failing terribly xD) but they're sooo cute, right!?

Kumiegirl331 08-09-2009 09:44 PM

@Troubledfox: *glomps* Hi!....again :) lol

Troubledfox 08-09-2009 09:45 PM

Pie@ Thanks hun! I like yours too! I am great!

Flossy@ Yes they are and you'll get them! I know you will.

Kumie@ *ish glomped* Ack! Hi there!

x-cutie-x-pie-x 08-09-2009 09:47 PM

Flossy; ahaha yes. XD

But I should get my lazy butt on Tetris too. oAo;

Troubled; Thank you. ^^

Aw, I remembered questing for my panda slippers. It was a hard time. XD It was WELL worth it, and I mean it. So cute. >w< <33

Flossy 08-09-2009 09:49 PM

@x-cutie-x-pie-x ~ Yeah, I was playing Snake and Tetris earlier.. until I realized the event had already started without me. D:

@Troubledfox ~ Aww. :heart: You will too!

Jack Friday 08-09-2009 09:51 PM

Pie: yeah I've never understood why anyone would possibly do the fake tan stuff~ Just tooo weird for me. But Yay natural tans~ *takes a nap* zzz

BlackMage KaiheiTsukiredi 08-09-2009 09:52 PM

Woot! Yay for Song! =D

Troubledfox 08-09-2009 09:53 PM

Pie@ No problem hun! It is when they are like 20k i believe... haven't check recently.

Flossy@ Thanks Hun! ;D

Kumiegirl331 08-09-2009 09:54 PM

wow I just noticed almost all of us posting here are song peeps o.o at least everyone on this page it :) I just find that interesting

x-cutie-x-pie-x 08-09-2009 09:58 PM

Blackmage; Yeahh. Go Song. ^o^<3

Flossy; I remember my friend tellingme the event would start soon, and it was like 6pm last night. Then i was like, O CRAP HAS THE EVENT STARTED D:

Luls what's up with the sweatdrop O-o

Jack; Hardly ever sun in England. XDD
Well, they just wanna look like they've had a nice time in the sun. IDK.
Cause it's Orange dress up day? XDDD I crack myself up.

Kumie; Yahh. Go song. 8DDD

Anyway, Showertime. >q< Be back soon. <3

Flossy 08-09-2009 10:00 PM

I think the sweat drop animation has to do with your energy. Like if you perform too much and run out of energy, you get the little puff cloud and the sweat drop...

Or at least, that's what someone else said and it makes sense because I've been performing like a madwoman and I have it too. xD

AND LOVE SAiiD NO 08-09-2009 10:02 PM

*runs in thread*

Jack Friday 08-09-2009 10:02 PM

Pie: for real? I would assume that you guys have as much sun as everyone else besides way up north. I like your orange dress up day idea lol. To bad there isn't a green dress up day. The guys can be zim, and the girls be ephabola (wicked witch of the west) *nods* Fun times~ XP

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