Menewsha Avatar Community

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Eastriel 08-25-2009 03:07 PM

I will rate you.
Yeah post here and I will rate your avatars! <3

Xx I-RAWR xX 08-25-2009 08:20 PM

My avatar isnt the best but I need some opinons anyway. xD

♥Martyr♥ 08-25-2009 08:23 PM

My avatar's not so cute but eh...R A T E RATE RATE!

Cora 08-25-2009 09:02 PM

lol, I like mine, but sure give it a rate. ^.^

Angelrage9315 08-27-2009 08:04 PM

Wow! you guys have great avi!!!!!

Muramasa 08-28-2009 02:22 AM

Rate my avi you say? Ok~

UhmmSaraa 08-28-2009 03:20 AM

you cant rate mine because i am nude (:

Emo Pineapple 08-28-2009 03:21 AM

A rate would be nice xD

Xio 08-28-2009 08:55 PM

Ehh sure, why not?

Tsuchi Ishi 08-29-2009 12:53 AM

Please rate mine: i'm going for the nature look without being too girlie looking.
Do you think i'm doing well?

legendsofall 08-29-2009 02:24 AM

rate mine rate minei already no its not that gud T~T

Volatile Waffle 08-30-2009 03:40 AM

I'm always trying to figure out what mine is missing...

PaintTheSkyRed 08-30-2009 03:43 AM

Rate me! :D

Cherry Who? 08-31-2009 03:25 AM

Eastriel, if you don't plan on keeping up with this thread, you can PM an online moderator to lock it for you. :yes:

EmoSushii 09-02-2009 12:46 PM

I'm new here , so I haven't a real avi .. . =(

naidusiuke 09-02-2009 01:55 PM

Mhhh ok rate me

Eastriel 09-02-2009 03:44 PM

I-Rawr - You need some orange to the bottom of your avatar to balance it, also add some more items to give it the wow factor. Great start though.

Matryr- Your avatars plain and it doesn't seem to match. Think about adding some yellow to the head and feet and the same with the pink. Though more to the fett with the pink as your eyes help to balance it. 4/10
(if you were going for a theme then please let me know and I will rescore you)

Cora- I'd definatly say switch the top hat for another head item, It adds too much black to the head and restricts you from adding any orange to your head to balance it, I'd also advise adding sdilver anklets to your avi as it would help even out the white shades which seem a little clumsy. Neck down I think your avi is fab! ^^

Angelrage- Did you want rating, let me know if you do.

Mura- Add dark purple leg warms to balance out the purplke on the top of your avatar, I don't know if they layers but if they do add gold anklets to go with the gold in your avatar. Also if you can arrofrd them add the (i forget the name) Raven ankle wings is it? Ad they will add some much needed black to the bottom of your avatar. Also some bitter gold earings would add in soem gold to your head. 5/10

Emo Pineappe- A great cute start to your avatar, I'd suggest adding soem gold leg warmers to your avi to blance out the gold/yellow of your dress, also have a look for something small in that colour to add to your head. Eventally with more items I tihkn your avi will look fab. 6/10

Xio- I really like your avi simple colours but fairly well balanced, I'd say change your shoes to ones that will reveal the stockings your wearing as that will add soem red to the bottom of your avatar, if you do not fancy this then add an item to the bottom of your avatar that has some red in it. I red blet and some gloves and maybe a cuff would give your avatar an edge. 7/10

Tsuchi- I think you;ve changed your avatar since you last posted that, but I'll rate the avi you have now and bare in mind that ther may be a theme involved. Add some of the orangey yellow to the top and bottom of your avatar, Iu;d suggest leg warmers and amy the kitsune item to the head. Maybe add a tatoo to add some detail to your chest? 6/10

legend- Switch the black leg warmers you have on for some red ones, and then change the socks you ar wearing to some gold ones to tie in with the gold on your top, Maybe add a gold pocket watch rto bring some more colour in and if you can afford it change the spear for the Ci sycthe, (I can't remeber the same) Also try and add some thing small and gold to the top of your avatar. Oh and btw your avatar isn;t as bad as you think 6/10

Volatile- Hmm I'm trying to tihkn what is missing, it could be the fact the there are a few miss matches, I;d unequip the scythe and go for an item that ties in more to the colours of your avi, if you are gonig for a theme ignore this comment. If you wish to keep the scythe I;d suggest you add some silver anklets and definatly a silver diamond spiral tiara as your hair cut leaves your forehead quite bare. Also add some orange to the top of your head to tie in with the flames. 8/10

Paint the sky- Are you going for a theme, if you are then it;ls really cute and I like it. (8.5/10)
If you aren;t then I;d advise you and some items to the bottom of your avi to match your hair. Maybe like the flames volatile is wearing?

Cherry- I did plan on keeping this thread up, I just forogt about it as I have had a busy few days!

EmoSushii- DW you'll get it soon!

Naid- Are you going for a theme, i'll re-rate you if you are.
If your not then your avatar is highly mis-match. You need some pink to the bootm maybe in the form of leg warmers, Red to your head like the rose. yellow to the bototom like your gloves. black on your avatar to match with the gloves. And hints of blue on your avatar to go with the birds. 3/10

Sorry it took so long to get my replies to you guys i forgot about the thread.

~LONGCAT~ 09-03-2009 01:56 AM

I would like a rate.... please?

Eastriel 09-03-2009 08:10 AM

Long cat- Going for all one colour can be tricky, you've got to make sure all the differnet shades match. I think the scarf is spoiling the avatar as it has a lot of darker shades in it. I'd suggest going for open shoes because then you can equip some socks that tie in with the scarf, also a belt inndark gray would work.

Akutenshi Uke 09-03-2009 09:31 AM

I would love a rate

Eastriel 09-03-2009 05:20 PM

I swear I rated you somewhere else.
Your avi is very plain and the golds don;t match. Either unequip the bells or the fan. And then add shades of gold that match it.
If this was a cosplay, please tell me and I will re-rate you.

Desunt Cetera 09-03-2009 06:00 PM

Rate me, yes?
I'm not sure on what else to put on her.

~LONGCAT~ 09-03-2009 06:46 PM

Thank you! I am trying to get more white/grey items like the order armor so I can balance it. But I hadn't thought of a belt. THANK YOU!

Eastriel 09-03-2009 07:07 PM

Desunt - A good start to an avi, nice inventive colour scheme and nice balancing. With a few more items I tihkn you'll be on to a winner. 7/10

@Long cat- I suggest you take my advice on open shoes, very handy ^^

Desunt Cetera 09-03-2009 07:22 PM

Thank you.
Do you have any suggestions on which items?
I'm not sure what to add next.

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