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Fauxreal 03-15-2010 04:08 AM monster, Appetite! A thread for foodies!

I love food. You don't understand.


I love to eat it, I love to cook it... smell it, stare at pictures of if, listen to it sizzle. I'm not a picky eater at all. Trying new items on a menu is a fantastic hobby.

Fauxreal 03-18-2010 09:01 PM

1. As always, Follow TOS and Site Rules.
2. This thread is for foodies. You can talk about other things, but our focus is FOOD! <3
3. Be respectful. Always. You may not agree with what others have to say. Please agree to disagree.
4. We don't mind picky eaters here. But I'm not a picky eater. *FYI*
5. Have some tasty fun!

Randomness / Contests:
I will randomly be giving away items from the shop Snack Attack! If you stick around chat, and indulge ~ You never know what you might get?!

Fauxreal 03-18-2010 09:06 PM


Fauxreal 03-18-2010 09:07 PM

Will put links to food related threads and things here when I get home from work!

Skrae 03-18-2010 09:24 PM

Foooooooood is amazing~!

Sushi especially.
Oh delicious rice and fish concoction, how I pine for you....

Fauxreal 03-18-2010 09:26 PM

Skrae!!! *HUGGLES!* I'm so glad you decided to stop by!!! :vicky:

And gosh I love me some sushi, I'm going to try to convince the Boy that he wants to take me to this crazy sushi buffet I've been hearing about. They make it to order - but it's endless... I don't know all the details but I'm willing to try it!

Liztress 03-18-2010 10:33 PM

Sushi is yummy. Ever tried frog legs? A woman at the grocery store earlier today told me I should try them as they are good as can be and tastes like chicken.

ziatenaj 03-18-2010 10:41 PM

I love food.
I just don't like the following things:
Onions (Yuck) its not that I don't like the taste... its that I hate the crunch. I have major texture issues.
Bell peppers
The white part of the lettuce. I'm more of a leafy green eater.

Guivre 03-18-2010 10:47 PM

Frog legs are sorta like chicken. They have a lot more flavor. To me it's like eating really good scallops, but with the texture of chicken wings.

Skrae 03-18-2010 11:02 PM

I used to try to keep frogs as pets as a small child, so I am always gonna pass on frog legs.

Faux: I'll come with you when I have moneys! Except they'll have to roll me out of the damn restaurant!

Zia: I can't stand onions either, but that's because they're too strongly flavored for me. I have hypersensitive kinda sucks sometimes.

Guivre 03-18-2010 11:27 PM

Frogs really are quite adorable. =D But now I think I will pick up some chicken wings on the way home, in lieu of their tastier dopplegangers. =D

Well, I hope this food hangout sticks around. I've always wanted them to put up a food forum here at Mene, but they haven't yet. ._.

Fauxreal 03-19-2010 01:42 AM

Liz - I have tried frog legs - I did think they were dang tasty, a little like chicken, but they were also prepared like chicken, fried. battered. I don't know if I'll eat them again - cause I could keep thinking about was the Rainbow Connection and Kermit the Frog.

zia - My boyfriend also *hates* onions. I myself *adore* onions! All types. I eat them raw in salad, caramelized with steak, deep fried as an appetizer. *lol* I I also eat bell peppers and actually - in general, not much of a lettuce lover. Although I do eat it. It's hard to cook for him cause of the onions though. I usually have to cook two batches, one for me full of onions, one for him - sans onion.

Guivre - From now on I'm going to you for all my food analogies. <3 And I hope that we stick around too!

Skrae - You're a super taster!? I didn't know!!! Now I know two! I found out one of my work friends is also a super taster! I am not. I'm going to say it's a blessing, not being one.

Skrae 03-19-2010 01:58 AM

I'm going to agree with you on that Faux.
Super strong flavors make me cringe.
I just now am liking cucumbers and green peppers and raw tomatoes for the second year.

Fauxreal 03-19-2010 02:34 AM

You really are a super taster! Skrae. Maybe you can use it to work for you?

The guy that tastes the ice cream at Ben and Jerry's I believe is also a super taster. He also uses a gold spoon - cause the metal doesn't knock the taste wonky.

mau5ie 03-19-2010 03:13 AM

shouldn't really be eating at this hour but i think i'm going to sneak some sorbet after reading all of the responses!
i really enjoy most foods as well.
i'm not too picky.
i think the only thing that i can't eat is beans.
weird? but i think the hard shell popping in my mouth with a soft inside is quite like eating cockroaches. D:

*really wants german food right now*

Fauxreal 03-19-2010 03:16 AM

Gosh, I love me some german food - When I was in Germany I loved everything about the food! Even the weird breads for breakfast. *lol*

And I totally forgot about beans! That is the one thing I don't eat... unless my mom or grandma make them - that's the only way I eat them!

mau5ie 03-19-2010 03:22 AM

the bread there is amazing! i want to learn how to make it because it's really hard to come by here.
when did you go to germany?
i was there in june after my oma passed away, and would walk to the bakery every morning for ein kleines fruhstuck! ^^
meaning little breakfast, though it was huge. and i'd sit there reading the newspaper, drinking coffee, and nibbling on egg, bread, cheeses, and meats.
i really love the nugat rings they have over there.

Fauxreal 03-19-2010 03:31 AM

I went to Germany *years ago* and I'd love to go back! I Was in a german choir and we toured over there. The food was so freaking brilliant. And the people were super nice! <3

There is a little german restaurant over here called The Brauhause ((I don't know if I spelled that right?)) but DAMN! They are tasty, not an every night kinda place because of the price but you ALWAYS leave there SO FREAKING FULL! And they have a polka band in there!!! I think the polka may make the food even better. Seriously.

sjacklene 03-19-2010 03:32 AM

Yay! I love this topic, Fauxreal! <3<3

mau5ie 03-19-2010 03:34 AM

@faux - polka does make food better, especially if you work up a hunger by taking part in dancing! ^^
i learned the hard way to share food when i buy a plate over there.
the serving sizes have doubled since i live there when i was young.
did you try a spaetzi?

Fauxreal 03-19-2010 03:37 AM

sjacklene - Thanks! <3 I love food - I can't help it! *nom*

Mau - spaetzi I have had! It kinda depends on who make it for me. I've have very tasty and very bland - I don't like the bland. I should add some food polka to the first page.

sjacklene 03-19-2010 03:56 AM

Me too! I LOVE food! whats your fav food?

Saravi Boo 03-19-2010 04:45 AM

German food! :drool: I love schnitzel and red cabbage with German potato salad. One of my favorite meals ever. I even learned to make it myself since we moved away from both the German restaurants we used to visit. I got desperate. lol.

*settles in to the thread* Nice place, Faux. I will stay and drool here. We should exchange recipes and such here too for those of us that might be into cooking as well as eating. ^_^ I'm a fairly picky eater but I generally try to try things before I run screaming from them. My taste has really expanded in the past few years though. I now eat rice, cabbage, mustard, pepper, and quite a few other things that I hated when I was a kid. Still won't eat tomatoes or onions though onion flavor is fine...textural issues.

Oh, and be sure to link the food cosplay thread Faux. It needs all the love it can get. ^_^

Estrella 03-19-2010 05:22 AM

I've never had sushi. I'd try it there. In fact, there's a lot of foods I've heard about but haven't tried yet. BUT! I am also not a picky eater so I'll try anything once. ;3 '

The only way that I could be considered a "picky" eater is because I judge food (which I spelled as fud, omgbedtime) based on textures. I hatehatehate soggy breads. Ewwww. And then if something has a funny texture I don't think it should, I probably won't like it. @__@;;

I don't think I've ever intentionally known I was eating German food, but I'm sure it's happened.

I'm a big Italian person. Italian and Mexican. :drool: Mmmm...

But enough about the main course, let's talk about desserts. HOMG. I have been wanting to make a raspberry white chocolate cheesecake for ages. I just don't have all the ingredients.

Skrae 03-19-2010 06:39 AM

MEXICAN FOOD is so amazing.

I love love love sopes, which are kind of like tamale bottoms with beans, meat, and salsa on top.
And salsa in general is pretty amazing.

I love homemade choc. chip cookies for dessert.

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