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Katie Scarlett Divine 04-03-2011 11:42 PM

The Exs Palmoun X Katie Scarlett Divine
Scarlett Aurora Marquet <3

Age: 21
Bio: Scarlett lived in a small town all her life until she was nineteen. While in High School she met the most amazing boy ever, fell in love, then they broke up just before she graduated. After graduation she stayed away from him until she turned nineteen and moved to New York to fulfill her career in ballet dancing, but when she broke her ankle she was told that she could never dance ballet styled again. So she quit the New York life and went back to the crummy small town. Her mother had died shortly after her graduation, and her father was nowhere to be found since he left when she was three. So she ended up staying with her friends from High School in their apartment, but when a plumbing issue arrived to the point where they had to evacuate she had nowhere to go. She then got a job at the local diner and rented a hotel room for three weeks.

Waitress outfit:
~~~~~~ After they have children~~~~
Joshua: (Except with black hair)
Age: 20

Age: 16

Age: 16

Age: 11

Age: 8

Scarlett was doing her usual Friday night shift in her classical red and white waitress outfit. She wore black high heels and a red and white mini hat to go along with the outfit. Her dark hair laid over her shoulders, slightly wavy but not curly. She carried a silver tray full of at least ten drinks and walked slowly towards a table full of teenagers, placing their drinks in front of them. "Any thing else?" She asked, taking her hand held notebook from her apron pocket and a pen as well, listening to them ordering their multiple hamburgers and fries."Coming right up." She said, giving a small smile and then turning away from them all.

She walked past the black and red table tops, smirking at the fifties decor and made her way through two big gray doors that led into the kitchen. She handed the order to the twenty eight year old cook whose name was Denny and then grinned as he muttered something about teenagers and hamburgers. She went back out of the kitchen and leaned against a table, waiting for a new customer.

Palmoun 04-04-2011 12:28 AM

Benjamin James winter
Age: 21
He had a pretty good life and loved to remember high school. He had the best girlfriend ever and she was amazing. He had loved her more then anythign else but before graduation something happened and he broke up with her. He sort of regreated ever breaking up with her and wished he could speak to her about what happened. yet when he tried to she ran and then one day she left. He never saw her again and he wished to speak with her. But time went on and he found a girl, but she wasn't the same as the first. He then started to work on his familys farm.

Benjamin headed into town on his motercycle and heades traight for his favorite dinner. He was going to grab some food before he headed off to the farm again. He loved working there and it helped him stay in shape. The horses where great animals and he loved to take care of them so he was enjoying his time here. HIs girlfriend was nice but she did have a few bad sides to her. Right now she was gone so he could be free of her for a while.

he parked his bike infront of the dinner and headed inside. The familiar doorbell ran and he smiled as he heades straight for his table. He knew that he was a little dirty from working outside but it showed he was a hard worker. Some of the guys in the dinner smiled at him and he waved to them slightly before sitting down in his chair and waiting for a waiter to come.

Katie Scarlett Divine 04-04-2011 12:36 AM

When a waitor came to Scarlett telling her she was in charge of table two she nodded and walked over to the table, her high heels clicking on the tiled floor as she walked. When she went around the booth to look at the customer her eyes widened. Of all the men in the world it had to be him! The one guy that broke her heart. She bit her lip and looked away for a moment, calming herself down before looking back at him. She would act like she didn't know him. "I'm Scarlett and i'll be taking care of you tonight, may I take your order Sir?" She asked, knowing that she had to say that to every customer. She didn't look at him, fearing she'd cry or start a fight with him. She needed the tips.. so she'd have to wait on him.

Scarlett handed him a green menu with the resteraunts name clearly written across it. The resteraunts name was Farm Country Food. Simple and a little on the stupid side. It was nothing compared to the resteraunts in New York. She then took out her small hand held notebook from her front pocket and then her pen, looking at him to see what he wanted.

Palmoun 04-04-2011 01:43 AM

Benjamin was surprised when he saw Scarlett come over to his table and could just stare at her. He had wanted to talk to her for so long and hopefully explain to her somethings. But now that she was here he had no idea what to say and his mind went blank. He then took a breath and smiled at her, "it is nice ot see you Scarlett, it has been a long time hasn it." he said as he looked at her and coudlnt' help but smiled at her. "and could you just bring me some coffee. Then maybe when you come back I could talk to you. I have a few things I wanted to tell you." he said as he looked at her and ment it.

He had wanted to tell her that he was sorry for everything that had happened. He had wanted to maybe become friends with her or something. He didn't liek just leaving things the way he did before. He had hurt her and never wanted to, he never ment to hurt her. It was just how things happened and he never got a chance to tell her anything.

Katie Scarlett Divine 04-04-2011 02:04 AM

"I'm sorry Sir, but I cannot sit with the customer during work hours." She said, knowing she only had ten minutes till her shift ended.. so hopefully he'd leave before then. "But i'll go and get your coffee now though." She said, forcing a weak smile and then turning and leaving. She made sure to walk in a way that would show off her legs in the dress so he would realize what he's missing.

She went into the kitchen and over to the coffee machine, grabbing a cup and filling it up with coffee. She turned off the machine and went out of the kitchen, heading over to his table. That's when the teenagers got up to leave, she was about to sit his coffee down when one of the boys bumped into her by accident, sending her.. and the coffee onto Benjamins lap. She blushed instantly but felt horribly bad that some of the coffee landed in his lap, probably burning him. She got off of his lap and frowned. "I'm so sorry! Let me go and get you some ice.." She said, turning quickly and rushing into the kitchen. She grabbed a wet rag and then grabbed a small sandwhich bag and filled it with ice, then ran back out of the Kitchen to Benjamins table, wiping the coffee off of his pants and putting ice on the spot where the coffee poured. "I'm sooo sorry.." She repeated, grimacing as she looked at him.

Palmoun 04-05-2011 01:22 AM

Benjamin watched her go and wished he could talk to her. When he saw her show her legs he could only watch and knew that he missed her. If she would just listen to him he would be able to talk to her about what had happned all those years ago. Maybe she would listned when she got back.

Pain shot threw him when he felt he coffee on his pants and hissed in pain. He then looked at Scarlett and tried to smiel as best as he could, "it isn't to bad." he said threw gritted teeth and then watched her go and get some ice. When he felt the cool ice he relaxed some and then looked at her. "it is okay, I think I actually deserved that." he said with a slight laugh. He then took the rag she was using form her and started to clean himself off. "It is really okay, there is no harm done." he said awhen she looked at him and smiled at her. He conitnued to wip his pants off and smiled more, "so what have you been up to Scarlett, I haven't seen you in a long time." he said.

Katie Scarlett Divine 04-05-2011 09:58 AM

Scarlett was relieved that he wasn't upset and then went to the booth across from him and sat down. "Oh, I haven't really done anything special.. I went to New York for two years to be a dancer, but I broke my ankle and now i'm not able to dance ballet style ever again.. so I came back here to this hick town." She said, sighing. "What about you?" She asked, her eyes looking over at him. "Want me to get you anything else for the pain?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow at him. She ran her slender hand through her long hair and looked down at the table.

Palmoun 04-06-2011 12:36 AM

Benjamin frowned when he heard her, "I am sorry about that." he said and wished that she could still dance. He remembered watching her dance and she was amazing. It was one of the reasons he had broken up with her, he knew that she was onto bigger and better things. She dind't want to stay in this "Hick Town" like he did, he wanted to stay and work on the farm. He then smiled at her, "and I am fine, I have been threw worse. But I am good, still working on the family farm and enjoying myself. Hey you should come on over, ma and Pa would love to see you." he said as he looked at her.

Katie Scarlett Divine 04-06-2011 01:13 AM

Scarlett smirked. "I'd love to see them.. but I have to get back to my hotel room. I have to make another payment. The place I was staying at is having a plumbing issue and the whole apartment flooded, so I'm staying in a hotel until it gets fixed.. which may not be awhile." She said, sighing. "I really would like to see them.. but I have to be at the hotel by eight and its seven. I don't think i'd make it considering I have no car.." She grimaced. They had taken her black corvet from her when they said she could no longer dance, so she no longer needed the company car. Or the company clothes. "It's good to see you Ben." She said, giving a small smile. "So hows your love life?" She asked, leaning back in her booth to look at him. She had met a man in New York. He had been beautiful, dark hair, dancers body, brown eyes, and had been her partner in most of the performances. But when off the stage he had been a horrible, controlling man.

She had been in a relationship with him until he accused her of never saying anything kind about him, never saying she loved him, or showing him any affection. So one day during a performance he made sure to have his whole body land on her ankle to kill her chances of succeeding in ballet. She shook her head to stop thinking of New York and thought of Ben's Ma and Pa. They had lover her so much! Though they probably didn't now considering that Ben had dumped her.."Maybe you could give me a ride to see them? But then i'd have to ask for a ride to the hotel.. which I can't after pouring coffee on you." She said, frowning.

Palmoun 04-06-2011 01:37 AM

Benjamin frowned when he heard her about her houseing problem. "that sucks that you have to do all of this after coming back." he said as he looked at her and frowned when he heard that she had no car. It did suck and he hoped that she stayed here for a while. He could drive her around and wouldn't mind doing that. "It is nice to see you." he said and when he heard her ask about love life he sighed. "I have a girl but I am not sure how things are going. She is.. I am not even sure how to put it. She says that once I get the farm she wants me to sell it so that we can live in a city. But I dont want to and things are just going down hill." He finally admited to some one. He actually found that it was easier to talk to her then anyone else.

He then smiled and nodded, "yeah I can give you a ride and I dont mind driving you back to the hotel. My parents have actually been asking about you for a little while now." he said and then a idea poped into his mind. "hey if your having trouble with looking for a place to stay you could stay with us. YOu know we have extra rooms on the farm." he said as he smiled at her.

Katie Scarlett Divine 04-06-2011 01:52 AM

She smiled at his generosity, but staying with your ex and his parents wasn't the best thing to do. "Um.. I'm not sure about staying." She said, thinking it over. Her hotel bill was taking a toll on her since she had to pay every few days an it wasn't the cheapest room. "Why don't I ask your parents about it first?" She asked, looking down at the white table with a silver rim. "Oh, that sucks. Well hopefully she realizes that the farm means a lot to you and your family." She said, biting her lip. "What if your girlfriend saw me at your house? If your parent's don't mind I think staying there for a week wouldn't be so bad.. then i'll leave and find somewhere else to stay. I promise." She said, standing up. "Well my shifts over.. so let me go and grab my bag." She said, turning and going past a few couples or friends eating dinner. She pushed through the double doors and went to the employee lockers in the back. She quickly grabbed her black and white checkered purse and then left the kitchen, waving to Denny and telling him to have fun.

She walked back over by Ben and looked down at him. "Ready?" She asked, putting her bag on her shoulder and brushing her bangs out of her eyes. She looked down at her fifties diner outfit and gave out a small laugh. "Do you think your parent's would care if I wore this to their house?" She asked, patting the sides of her dress. She hadn't seen his parents in so long. What if they didn't like her? Even though she wasn't Ben's girlfriend she still loved his parents.

Palmoun 04-06-2011 02:26 AM

Benjamin nodded as he listened to her and smirked when he heard her talk about his girlfriend. "she may not like it but she will deal with it. Your a close friend to me and I want to help you as mich as I can. So please stay as long as you want." he said as he looked at her and was glad that she was staying. He wanted to talk to her more and get to know everything about what had happened while she was away. His life hadn't changed much but they got some new land and horses so it had changed in a few ways. He then nodded as he watched her go and slowly got to his feet. His pants had dried and didn't look to bad but he would still have to change.

He then nodded and started to lead her put of there. He then laughed when he heard her and looked at her, "what your wearin is fine. You know ma and pa have respect for any working cloths even if it is goofy. So your fine." he said as he lead her outside to his bike. He picked up the helmet and held it out to her. "here wear this, you need it." he said as he hopped on and stared it up.

Katie Scarlett Divine 04-06-2011 02:35 AM

Scarlett took the helmet and put it on, then got onto the bike behind him and wrapped her arms around his chest. "Mind if we stop by my hotel so we won't have to go and get my stuff later? It's just down the street and to the left.." She said, resting her head on his shoulder without thinking about what she was doing. "Oh.. sorry." She said, sitting her head back. She sighed, remembering how he always used to give her rides on his motercycle. It looked like no matter how far away you got her from this hick town, she was still one of the hicks at heart. She still loved riding horses and helping on the farm with Ben when they were together.. and she had missed it so much in New York. She still kept her arms around his waist as she waited for him to go.
"You don't mind do you?" She asked, referring to her hands around his chest. She was just so used to it and a little afraid she'd fall off if she didn't hold onto him.

Palmoun 04-07-2011 12:00 AM

Benjamin smiled and shook his head, "I dont mind at all." he said and was surprised when he felt her head on his shoulder. A familiar feeling shot threw him and he sort of missed it. He smiled when he felt her arms around him and was glad to have her with him again. He then headed down teh road and took the left to the hotel. He then got to the hotel and got to a parking spot. He then smiled at her, "take as much time as you need." he said as he looked behind him at her.

Katie Scarlett Divine 04-07-2011 12:15 AM

Scarlett got off the motorcycle, patting her dress down and smiling at Ben. "Kay, I'll be back in a few.." She said, turning on her heels and going into the hotel's glass doors. She went up to the desk manager and explained that she no longer needed a room, then paid for staying the previous night. She went to her room and threw all her clothes in her only bag since after coming to New York she only had a bag full of things. She put her bag over her shoulder and then left her old room, going back down to the hotel lobby and handing in her key. She had spent about ten minutes doing everything before making her way back to Benjamin and getting on the motorcycle. "Kay, Ready." She said, holding onto his chest with one arm since the other was holding her bag.

Palmoun 04-07-2011 12:28 AM

Benjamin smiled at Scarlett and then took her bag from him and set it down in his lap. "I can hold it better and I dont want you flyin off." he said and when he was sure that she wrapped both of her arms around him he started the bike. Soon they where heading down the road towards his house. Soon the he was headed down a dirt rode and he smiled as he saw his house. It looked the same and he loved it more then anything else. He soon pulled up next to his mothers car and smiled at Scarlett, "welcome to your new temporary home." he said as he looked at her happily.

Katie Scarlett Divine 04-07-2011 12:44 AM

Scarlett got off of the bike and took her bag from his lap. "Thanks." She said, looking around at the farm. It was so beautiful, as always. She couldn't wait to change into jeans and a tank top and then go outside and take a walk in the field, like she used too. "Um.. later will you take a walk with me back to the pond?" She asked, mostly since she loved the pond and felt like going swimming later too. She figured even if she wasn't going to date him, they could be good friends. She ran her hand through her hair nervously and looked towards the house, wondering what his parent's would think when they saw her.

Palmoun 04-07-2011 01:10 AM

Benjamin smiled at Scarlett and nodded, "sure, it is still the same." he said as he looked at her and knew she would like going back there. IN truth he had gone back there from time to time and ran his hands over there names that they ahd carved into the tree besides the pond. He t hen headed towards the house, "now come on, I am sure that ma and pa would like to see you." he said as he headed to the door. He didn't even touch the door knob before it was opened and his mother smiled at him. "I have been wondering where you have be-" she then saw Scarlett and looked at Benjamin, "is that who I think it is?" she asked and Benjamin smield and nodded. Ma then came running over to Scarlett and gave her a big hug, "oh it is so good to see you."

Katie Scarlett Divine 04-07-2011 01:29 AM

Scarlett blushed when his mother hugged her. She hugged back and smiled. "I've missed you." She said, her green eyes glancing back at Ben and then to his mother. "I just came back from New York about two months ago and the apartment I lived in had a plumbing problem.. and the hotel i've been staying in is very expensive.. would you mind if I stayed here for a few nights?" She asked, wondering what Ben's mother thought of his new girlfriend compared to Scarlett. "Hows life been without me?" She asked her, smirking and letting her go from her hug. She then looked down at her outfit. "Sorry, I just got off work down at the Farm Diner."She said, looking to her ballet styled shoes and at the grass underneath them. Everything felt so serene at the farm, and there was a lot more air to breath here compared to New York.

Palmoun 04-07-2011 01:45 AM

Ma smiled at her and shook her head, "no, it is no problem having you stay here. It will actually be a pleasure to have you here." she said as she looked at her. Ma had missed Scarlett for a while and had understood when Benjamin broke up with her. But she didn't understand why he had that new girl, she was mean and she hated her. Ma then smiled at Scarlett, "life has been good, the farm has been in great shape but it hasn't been teh same without you. " she said and and then took Acarletts arm and started to tow her inside, "now get inside, I just got finished makeing some cookies." she said as she brought her inside. Benjamin followed them and chuckled. He knew that Ma would be happy to see her.

Katie Scarlett Divine 04-07-2011 01:57 AM

Scarlett smiled. "Actually I was going to go on a walk with Ben if that's alright..?" She asked, her green eyes looking her over. "I'm going to go change and i'll be right back.." She said, patting Ma's shoulder before heading into the nearest bathroom. She dug into her bag and pulled out her light colored skinny jeans that had tons of rips in them from either working on this farm, or from dance class. She slipped them on after taking off the dress and then put on a black tank top. She put her dress into her bag and them came out of the bathroom, going back over to them and smiling. "It wasn't the same without you in New York. It was so fast paced there." She said, sighing a little. She looked down at her black flats since she had changed from the high heels.

Palmoun 04-07-2011 11:31 PM

Benjamin smiled as he watched Scarlett go and then looked at Ma. "I cant believe that she is back." he said and Ma nodded as he looked at the bathroom and then at him. "just dont think you can get back together with her. Remember you gave her up so that she could go on with her life and so that she didn't have to worry about you." she said as she looked at Benjamin. "that reminds me, it is time for your medication." she said and headed into the kitchen. She soon came back with some pills and a glass of water. Benjamin took the pills right away and then smiled when Scarlett came out. He then nodded, "it wasn' thte same here without you, it felt like something was ripped open." Ma said and Benjamin nodded. "be right back, need ot change." he said as he ran over to his room. He soon came out in trunks and a shirt. Okay lets go." he said as he smiled at Scarlett.

Katie Scarlett Divine 04-07-2011 11:38 PM

Scarlett took Ben's hand and led him outside. "Bye Mrs. Winter! We'll be back later." She said, shutting the door behind them. She dropped his hand and blushed a little. "Why'd you have to take that medicine?" She asked, taking his hand again from worrying. She had thought it was strange how quickly he had taken the medicine, like he didn't want her to see. "So.. is your new girlfriend a better kisser than I was?" She asked slyly, leading him towards the path that they had taken many times together. She looked towards the barn and saw a few chickens, smiling a little. The stars were out and the night seemed to be perfect, so her eyes scanned the sky to look at all the pictures she could find. "It's so beautiful.." She whispered.

Palmoun 04-07-2011 11:48 PM

Benjamin cursed soflty and wished she hadn't seen her take the medicine. But when she took her hand he was surprised and looked at her. "lets just say things haven't been the same for a long time." he said as he looked at her and didn't want to worry her. She didn't deserve it, she had her own things to worry about. When he heard the quesion he chuckled and then closed his eyes. "if I had to say which one of you was a better kisser I would have to say you in all truth." he said as he looked at her. He smiled when he saw the stars outside and nodded, "yeah they are beautiful." he said and they reminded him of her.

Katie Scarlett Divine 04-07-2011 11:54 PM

Scarlett looked to the ground. "Why do you take them? Please tell me.. my mother never told me she was sick until she only had a week left to live, just please tell me if somethings wrong." She said, looking over at him. Her mother had died of breast cancer after she left for New York, and not once did her mother tell her she was sick. She blushed when he said that she was the better kisser than the girl he had now. "That's sweet of you, though I know your just saying that. Your probably with your girlfriend all the time at this very pond, like we used to be." She said, her eyes lighting up when the pond came into view. She pulled him over to their tree by the pond and bent down, running her fingers over their names they carved in the bark. "Aww, it's still there." She said, standing back up.

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