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Andraus 06-24-2011 04:18 AM

Town of Marduk [Zombie Roleplay] [Open/ Filled]

Welcome to the Town of Marduk, a Metropolitan City of the Coast of Ireland in Europe, or atleast it was Until Virus B337 hit. The Virus whiped out over half the City, and to Quarentine it, The City was Sealed off, cut from the Main-land. 10 years after the Incident, reports of life and signs of the Virus are spotted within the Post Apocalyptic City, So the Goverment Sent in a Reconnaissance squad to Inspect the city. 3 weeks passed and with No word from the Team, The Goverment is Sending in Fire-Team Alpha, a Group of Roughneck Marines, to Infiltrate the City, and find out what happend to the Recon Team. What the Goverment didnt know, is that they were sending them into the Most Dangerous Territory on earth at the moment.

After the Quarentine, Most People had to fight to Survive, Some became outright Savages, but Others formed up a Group known as 'The Survivors'. They Faught against the Infected, and the savages, and managed to hold a Few Fertile Grounds to Support themselves. They plan to use the Group and Escape the city for good. But after the Quarentine, the 'Savages' did everything they could to survive. Crime, Rape, and Murder were life to them, and they consider anything a Potential score.

Will you be a Memeber of the Fire team? a Survivor? or a savage? Either way it goes, the real question is, Will you get out alive?

Here are the Rules for my Roleplay.

1. You are to send me your profiles, and if accepted, post them yourself.
2. This roleplay takes place inside a Quarentined city, Once you go in, you dont go out for Any reason unless the roleplay goes that way.
3. If your a Fire-Team Member, Put in the Title 'Private #' Put your charries name in. If your a Survivor put in the title 'I am Sane'. If your a Savage put in 'Whats yours is mine'.
4. To make sure you read the rules, put in a :poke: somewere on your Profile.
5. Post atleast Once a Week, if your gonna be away let me know, Failure to do so will be an Auto-matic kick from the roleplay.

Here are the Skeletons

Fire Team

Name :
Private Number : [Like 1251 or somthing]
Age: [18 - 40]
Arsenal: [Limit two 2 weapons, a Grenade or Knife, and Some sort of protection. But please be Realistic, and no like 'Anti- infection' shot or somthing like that]
First Aid : [Like a Med-kit or somthing]
Personal History :
Pic: [Anime please]


Name :
role in group : [Like huntsmen or Scavenger, or a healer.]
Age : [8-39]
Protection : [The Survivors are limited to small hand-guns, and makeshift melee weapons, but still only 2, and no body armor or anything]
Life in Quarentine : [Basically your bio]
Pic : [Anime please]


Name :
What you do to survive : [Rape, murder, Cannibelism, somthing like that]
Age : [18-39]
Tool : [The Savages are limited to heavy Melee weapons, like chainsaws, axes, and katanas]
Why am I like this : [Your bio]
Pic : [Anime ]

Here is my Profile

Name : Jason Hudson.
Private Number : 1337
Age : 27
Arsenal : Springfield Rifle, a Uzi with Extended magazine, a 14 inch Combat knife, and a bullet proof vest.
First aid : Surgical Kit
Personal History : Jason Hudson is the Leader of the Fire-Team being sent into Marduk City. he fought in iraq and is a Specialist Marksmen. he was Selected to lead the Fire-team into the Quartined city, but Personally dosent want to. He has heard about what happend here, and is worried to get infected with whatever these people died with. Though he will not abandon his team, he only looks out for Number one.
Pic :

VampHunterX13666 06-25-2011 12:01 AM

Name: Diablo Lucifir
Private Number: 1313
Age: 20
Arsenal: Two commados with mutilple attachments each, (first :Red dot sight, extended, dual mags. Second: Suppressor, Acog sight, and extended mags), a 20 inch rambo style survival knife, with needles and stuuff inside the handle, and Bulletproof vest, as well as standard guard uniform.
First Aid: The medical supplies kept in his knives handle and a first aid kit.
Personal History: He is a skilled marksmen, he has fought in at least a couple of well known wars. He was chosen as part of the fire team, this worried him a little, but he told himself he'd face his fears and overcome the challenge. He has a stash of personal military grade weapons hidden in his house, and knows how to use all, as well as swords, but he didn't have room for those. He brought his favorite, his Rambo knife and his two commando's (assult rifles for those who don't play black ops) and is well armored for frontal encounter with the living dead.

Kilia 06-25-2011 03:01 AM

Name : Hana Yukami
role in group : Scavenger
Age : 22
Protection : two Taurus handguns
Life in Quarantine : Life in quarantine, it hasn't been that great, Hana isn't much of a person to kill an animal to survive or just for met, she only carries her guns so that she would be safe while out looking for supplies and food, for the most part she is a docile person, though it is hidden under a tough exterior that makes it seem like she is not an approachable person.
Pic :

Gothika_Knight 06-25-2011 06:11 PM

Name : Romania Jinx
role in group : healer
Age : 18
Protection : none
Life in Quarentine : Romania Jinx or Jinx, isn't had a good life ever since she got quarantined in the city, she doesn't fight and doesn't have a weapon to defend herself. Romania is very trusting and never really had a reason to hold a weapon or kill anyone in her life.
Pic :

Name : Jacob
What you do to survive : Rape
Age : 30
Tool : Chainsaws
Why am I like this : Jacob is a very special guy, he can't help it. He loves to cause pain to the girls he sees and pleasure to him. He loves to hear them beg and plea for him to stop but he can't do it. Now he's in here, he's crazier than usual and has the hunger for girls on his mind.
Pic :

momochan 07-01-2011 03:56 PM

Name : Ivy
role in group : healer
Age : 18
Protection : I only have a handgun
Life in Quarantine : Ahh...its not been so great. but who's life has been great in quarantine? Anyway, before I joined the group, I almost died. I barely lived but then the group saved me...I wasn't infected or anything so I got to live there. So I became a healer so i could help people.
Pic :

Name : Link
Private Number : 1999
Age: 20
Arsenal: Bullet proof vest, sword, rifle, and a grenade.
First Aid : med-kit
Personal History :...I have had a normal life. Not much to tell really. great parents, some-what great life with them...

Derago 07-01-2011 10:38 PM

Name : Dero "The Axe" Hamara
What you do to survive : Killing, leading, more killing
Age : 32
Tool : A long, crude battleaxe (More like a halberd with two edges) and a spear tipped bottom.
Why am I like this : You only survive here if you are strong, and Dero is the strongest. He does not tire, he does not falter, he kills what stands in his way. Zombies, survivors, clan-members, it doesn't matter. The blood of most anything stains his axe.
In reality, that's just a legend propogated by most people who have seen him bloodletting. He's not nice, by any means, but he knows how to survive and refuses to take shit. Also refuses to wear shirts, and trains his body constantly.
Pic : Credit to Headwired

Arc Angel 07-02-2011 05:35 AM

Name : Vicktoria Heisley
Private Number : 1432
Age: 21
Arsenal: M40A3 Sniper Rifler, Desert Eagle, a 10 inch combat knife, and a bullet-proof vest.
First Aid : med-kit
Personal History : Born and raised a daddy's girl, it only made sense for her to follow after her late father's footsteps by starting her military career when she was old enough. Since she joined the service she's been on duty several times, but no tours longer than six month blocks. She's an expert sharpshooter and a firearms specialist, though she knows a thing or two about using knives and other blades. Vicktoria isn't very excited about going into the quarantined area, and believes she'd be better off back in warfare, however she isn't one to complain. Admittedly, she's kind of creeped out about entering Marduk- she doesn't mind warfare whatsoever but she would hate to get infected.

Name : Carter Wilson
Role in group : Scavenger
Age : 19
Protection : hand gun and a pocket knife
Life in Quarentine : What can I say? It hasn't been all that great, but within the group it's really not too shabby. I'm just glad I'm still alive and haven't gotten infected, and I'd willingly help anyone here to stay alive and healthy as well. I'm a friendly guy, and despite the current circumstances I still like to relax and stay optimistic. We'll find a way out of this mess somehow.
Pic :

Andraus 07-02-2011 05:44 AM

[Posting starts now!]

Jason walked into the Armory, and Immidietly saw the Squad he was to lead into this accursed city in with. He saw that there was 1 boy and 2 girls, all three looking worn "Alright Soldiers, Line up!" he ordered them, he wanted to get introductions out of the way and onto the main point

momochan 07-02-2011 05:54 AM

Link looked over his shoulder and at Jason. He got up and got in line. He stuffed his pockets and was standing straight. He looked ahead and waited for any orders that were given to him. His mind wandered a bit, though. 'I wonder what I'll see there...what I'll experience...I hope it wont be to gruesome.', he thought.

Ivy was tending to one patients wound in a small tent/building that was used the hospital. Well, sort of like a hospital. She was humming a soft melody while she was cleaning up the persons wound.

Arc Angel 07-02-2011 06:15 AM

Vicktoria sat with her head in her hands, eyes closed, trying to calm her nerves. Relaxed as her facial expression was, she was still not looking forward to this mission. Of course, she didn't have much choice now. As Jason waslked in, her gaze went over to look at him quietly before he gave the first order. She was up on her feet quickly, standing straight in line, gaze forward and mind cleared for now. Wonder how this is going to work... And if we'll find out anymore about this area before we're sent out. Hopefully, we will.

Carter made his way slowly into the makeshift tent the group had set up, half dragging half carrying a man that was moaning out in pain. Spotting Ivy, he sighed, his free hand going to rub the back of his neck, "Hey Ivy, we've got another one. Found him just outside of camp... Looks like a savage got to him."

Kilia 07-02-2011 06:44 AM

The long white haired girl panted as she weaved, ducked and bobbed through the wreckage of the city, her french braid hair flying over her shoulder as she looked behind her, her twin Taurus handguns at the ready to fire. She shot a couple of shots back at the savage, wild looking man behind her that was chasing after her, this is life in Marduk now, danger around every corner, a savage life for a person who used to be very docile. This was Hana's life, she cussed when the man just ducked behind a long abandon car, stopping, she didn't know where he was.
She had just been searching in an abandon grocery store for some can goods to take back to the other survivors, unaware that there was a rapist/killer lurking in the place until it was to late, barely getting away. They were now playing this game of cat and mouse and she was leading the man away from others like her, putting her own life in more danger then it needed to be. The man's head popped up, she shot a few more rounds at him before taking off again, trying to lose him so she could get back to safety before more savages turned up.

VampHunterX13666 07-02-2011 07:44 AM

Diablo was cleaning his commandos and strapped them back to him like they were. He then stood in line and looked at Jason, the leader of this squad. Like all the others he was sure he wondered what exactly this mission would bring for experiences. He looked ahead at full alert and awaited commands. He had heard the rumors about Marduk city, and he wasn't too keen on some of the things going on, not only were there the undead, but savages too, rapist, murderers and all kinds of offenders, and they were armd with things like chains saw and things like that. He thought he'd spend his free time maybe helping the group, kindly people who only try to survive both the horrors in the city, he would try and convince the rest of the group to do the same.

momochan 07-02-2011 04:28 PM

Ivy turned her head around and looked at Carter. She nodded at him and then looked at the man that was wounded. She grabbed a couple of things before she went to the wounded man and started looking him over. "I'll do my best to save him...", she said quietly. She looked at carter again and looked him over. "Do you have any wounds or anything that needs to be taken care of, Carter? You don't appear to have any, though...", she said before she started to work on the man that had been brought to her. She opened his shirt up and took a good look at the wound. She then grabbed a rag and dipped in some water that she had boiled earlier. It was somewhat warm, but clean. She started to clean the wound off with the rag,. After cleaning it, she started to pick things like small particles of clothing and grass. It seemed like the guy had tried to drag himself away...or was dragged before he was found.

Derago 07-02-2011 05:56 PM

There was a small, smokeless fire built inside a tire hub with a lame spit over it roasting two rat corpses. Next to it sat a messenger's bag and your stereotypical irishman. He was short, had a great orange beard and wiry orange hair, a funny accent and normally a good sense of humor. The Shakes had gotten to him from too much human meat, and the poor man was jittery as all hell. He was caked in dirt, as though he had simply gone outside and rolled in it (He probably had..). Across from the Irishman was a massive hulk that probably wouldn't normally be considered a man. He was at least six and a half feet tall, built like a gorilla, and often acted like one. He bore a skull tattoo on his face and next to him lay an axe as tall as a normal man and just as wide. This was Dero "The Axe". And the Irishman was some no name he had found claiming to be a cook and asking for shelter. The two did not speak, but Dero reached out and took the spit from the fire, biting into one of the rats with disgusting yellow teeth. He chewed for a moment, swallowed, and spit the bones out skillfully. Suddenly gunshots rang out. He jumped up, threw the rats at the Irishman who began to freak out in a jittery dance to find the cool part of the spit. Within seconds Dero had picked up the axe and was charging towards the sound of the gunshots at breakneck speed yelling "WHO THE FUCK IS IN MY TOWN?!"

((Apologies for the story. That won't happen again))

Andraus 07-02-2011 09:11 PM

Jason looked at them "Im sure your all aware of the mission, but il go over the Basics one more time. Our Objective is to look for the Recon team, They went in 3 weeks ago, and after 2 weeks we lost contact with them, but from the reports, they found signs of life among the city. Wether they are Infected or not, is un-sure. We need to re-establish contact with the team, or find out what happend to them. Our secondary objective is this : if people survived the infection, that must mean that their might be a cure. A Doctor Rahmen Burkeat's last note stated that he was near a breakthrew, but was killed by the infected shortly after. We need to find out if he made a cure, then bring it back here. We could be abled to create a Vacine to prevent the infection from spreading." He told his team, Explaining the jist of everything. "Now, is there any Questions?"

VampHunterX13666 07-02-2011 09:28 PM

"I have one sir.' he said. "I've wondered why we were choosen for this mission." he said in a tone respectfully used with a leader or commander. "I mean nothing by it, I've just wondered about it is all." he hoped he didn't over step a boundry already, that would suck.

Andraus 07-02-2011 09:53 PM

"Im not to sure about that Myself, but I was told we are the best there is for this mission, so I say, just go with it" he told the soldier "If thats it, mount up, we leave in 15 minutes. Take everything you can, because once we go in, we dont go out until we fnd somthing"

VampHunterX13666 07-02-2011 10:56 PM

He did as he was told and made sure he had his survival knife and commandos loaded and cleaned.

momochan 07-02-2011 11:24 PM

Link listened intently to what he was told. He just wanted to make sure he knew exactly what there objective was. And he was sure of what it was. He has no questions to ask so he was good. Len tightened his vest and then grabbed his bag. he looked through it for a few moments, making sure everything he needed was inside. Once he was done and sure he had everything, he closed his bag and sighed. He threw his bag over his shoulder and then leaned on the wall. Until they had to leave, he was going to relax. This was going to be the last time he could relax for a while. he knew he was going to see many things that would be disturbing. This wasn't going to be an easy mission, nor a quick one. He ran his hand through his blond hair and looked at the ceiling.

Andraus 07-03-2011 12:38 AM

"Alright, Move out! We had a Secondary Squad coming with us, consisting of 10 men. We are Going in AATV [Armored-All-Terrain-Vehicle] with Duel Mounted turrets. Dont get comfurtable, This Mission is going to be Extreamly Dangerous, we may not make it out alive, but Dont get discouraged. We are the best of the best, and we have eachothers back. " he told them, putting his rifle on his back, and holding his Uzi in front of him "Alright! mount up!"

Kilia 07-03-2011 01:19 AM

The gold eyed girl froze in spot when she heard someone yelling about who was in their town, she didn't know if it was a friend or foe that had shouted that, but she sure didn't want to find out either way. So when she saw a man coming towards her with an axe that was bigger then her, she couldn't help but duck down into the tall grass and crawl underneath a long forgotten bus. Eyes wide open as she watched out for the guy with the axe and the other man that had been chasing after her who also started to leave when he saw the taller more menacing guy. One thing that was clear was that the savages only cared about themselves and only things that dealt with them and what they wanted. She held her breath as she laid in her hiding spot and waited for the coast to be clear before she started to head back to the others.

VampHunterX13666 07-03-2011 03:26 AM

He had grabbed his back sure everything else he needed was in it and looked at his leader. He stood at ready and listened he knew how dangerous this mission was and how important.

Derago 07-03-2011 05:10 AM

With a loud grunt and a great leap Dero mounted the man chasing her and pinned him to the ground with an axe at the back of his neck. "WHERE?!" He hissed. The savage flailed and tried to point backwards. Dero jumped up and whipped around, scowling and turning the skull tattoo pink. "GUNS! SHOW YOURSELF OR I FIND YOU." He was practically foaming at the mouth he was so angry. The axe was in front of him like a shield between himself and the guns and the man under him began to crawl away.

Arc Angel 07-03-2011 06:21 AM

Carter sighed softly, rubbing the back of his neck and turning his head to look back out at their camp, shaking his head warily before turning back towards Ivy to answer her question. "No, I'm just fine- I should actually be heading out again before dark. Thank for takin' care of him." He'd nod and wave slightly at her before heading back out of the tent, slipping out his pocket knife to clean off with the hem of his shirt before heading back out of camp. As he departed, Carter could've sworn he heard a faint yell, but it wasn't clear enough to distinguish its owner much the less which direction it came from.

Vicktoria remained quiet and listened to their leader intently, letting out a soft sigh as he finished and ordered them to mount up. She hadn't had any particular questions to ask, but there was so much she wanted to know. Slinging her sniper's harness to rest on her right shoulder, she adjusted her vest a bit before picking up her Desert Eagle and holding it firmly in front of her, barrel pointing down.

momochan 07-03-2011 05:02 PM

(Dude...I don't know what to do with Link. xD;; /shot)

"Alright and no problem.", Ivy said while she was starting to wrap up the wound on the man. She sighed a little and let the guy rest. He seemed to be in less pain, but she couldn't tell. She sighed and brushed her hair out of her face and then went to the first guy she was treating too earlier. All she had to do was put dome gauze over his wound at the moment. So that's what she did.

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