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N I G H T 11-07-2011 02:19 AM

N I G H T's Maniacal Misadventures of Menewsha
N I G H T'S Maniacal Misadventures of Menewsha

This story is about N I G H T's crazy adventures through the unknown for mystical
treasures and forbidden secrets hidden around the island of Menewsha! N I G H T has been bored for far too long
and has decided to set her goal on finding adventures! (no matter how unfortunate or crazy they might be) <33

Character List

N I G H T: The daring Menewshan explorer and villain. Secretly on a mission for Mr. Mayor.

The Old Bitter Hermit: Crazy beach dweller that gives useless advice.

The Huntsman: Heroic hunter and gatherer to save the day, anywhere, anytime. Works for Abagail at the inn.

The Dutchman's Widow: A mysterious young maiden that recently lost her husband to unknown causes and owns an inn...

Thieving elf: An elf that steals magical objects for fun.

Sofie: The kind young daughter of the Huntsman and professional pig catcher.

The Dracowl: A weird crossbreed of a small dragon and barn owl, known to be quite dangerous.

The Storm Charmer: A strange fellow who believes he can charm rain clouds. Not sure if he's crazy or actually magical.

The Dwarf Witch: She may be small, but her magic is strong. She is a helpful person and very kind.

Old Crazy Farmer:
He's a resident of a village that was ransacked by pirates.

The local magician:
An expert in wand identification and palm reading.

N I G H T 11-07-2011 06:46 AM

Day 1
Misdirection from a Bitter Hermit

Sitting at the sacred eastern docks of Menewsha, I ponder about the world around me. I throw a pebble watching it sink into the watery sand below me. I am overcome with a sudden urge to stand up and find adventure! Many of the locals told me to steer clear of the forbidden caves near the northern enchanted forest. I'm convinced something valuable is hidden in those caves and I shall find it. I suppose some people would think this journey insane, but I think it's adventurous!

"I spy a N I G H T looking to make some trouble!" Says a crackling voice behind me. I turn around to see the old bitter hermit.

His hat is too large for his head, woven from magical gold straw. And his brown robes, though weather worn are from gods, as legend has said. I suppose I would respect him if he weren't such a terrible conversationalist and wore shoes.

"I'm just on a mission of good will to bring joy to the world," I say with a smile, but he is too clever to believe me.

"You've never been a very good liar!" He snorts while doing a little jig.
"I'll give you a potato to hocus-pocus yourself away," I say annoyed, wanting peace and quiet to make my plans. I retrieve from my satchel the potato I had saved for just an occasion.

"Gimmie! Gimmie" His voice crackles. "You better not bamboozle me!" he grins, shaking his finger at me. I throw the potato to him. He catches it midair hurriedly sinking his almost toothless grin into it. Little does he know the potato is a magical trap, laced with forgetfulness spells to keep him from remembering me. They never do work very well though.

"It seems my sojourn here has ended," He giggles, "But before I leave I must warn you to stay clear of the northern caves. They are FORBIDDEN!"
"Ah. well that explains everything," I roll my eyes. "Oh, by the way, which way should I go to find towns? My sense of direction is always a bit fuzzy... "

The bitter old hermit points his a finger towards a clump of forest to the northwest. I guess I'll have a bit of walking to do. I barely blink when the hermit disappears, like a ghost in the wind. Locals are so strange. Oh wait... never mind, I see him waddling on the beach in the distance, talking to a crab. Boy he's a fast old man. I hear him muttering "OMG! Is that a llama?!" to the crab. Maybe I used a little too much magic on that potato...

Walking away from the docks, I head towards the town the hermit pointed out. I climb a nearby tree to get a better visual of the paths to decide which to take. Wandering around without knowing has more than once gotten me dangerously lost. I take out a small map and magic quill from my pocket and mark this area with a big golden 'X' as a reminder that this location has been visited. The spring breeze rolls in suddenly, whistling the trees and almost throwing me back to the ground. I am still secure to the tree, but unfortunately it knocks the small map out of my hands, blowing it far away.

"Oh well, I've got another one," I sigh, disappointed I lost that map because I had previously marked it with the location to the some other cool docks previously visited. The docks are a humble sanctuary for me to ponder my thoughts. Well luckily, the tree has some wild purple fruits growing on it. I gather a few from branches, putting them in my satchel. I take a bite from one and it's ever so delicious. After that quick purple fruit lunch, I jump down from the tree and accidentally disturb a tiny wild dracowl in the tree hallow. It's just a baby, no bigger than my palm but it's awake and now somewhat angry. It burps up a conflagration in my direction and I hear someone yell "Watch Out!"

Before I know what's happening, a huntsman has pushed me out of the way. He laughs, but I'm somewhat displeased getting up and brushing myself off.
"It almost singed your face. Dracowls are know to be very dangerous," He says.
"Noted," I sigh. He chortles, shaking his head. I jump when I hear a low growl, thinking it's the dracowl again.
"What was that noise?!" I say, looking about. But then I turn around and realize the growl is coming from the huntsman's stomach. After I giggle, I hand him some purple fruit as a thank you for saving me from harm.
"Thanks for the fruit," he says, "If you need anything else, my inn is near. We take lots of travelers."
"We?" I say curiously.
"Yes, the Dutchman's Widow and me run the inn," he smiles. Locals and their weird titles for things.
"Oh," I say, still curious. I wonder what happened to her husband. I forget to ask about it though.

After a few hours of walking, we finally arrive. I rent a room for the night at the inn from the Dutchman's Widow.
After I settle in my inn room, I take out a new small map and quill, and mark a golden 'X' of the inn's location. Another endeavor accomplished, as well as being on my way to the northern caves. It will only be a matter of time till I find what I'm looking for. Adventure!


N I G H T 11-07-2011 02:29 PM

Day 2
Epic Failures of the Unseen

I wake up from the sweet aroma of custard pie, the Dutchman's Widow aka Abagail, has a charming talent for baking sweets in the morning. As I get up from my full night's rest I stretch and yawn to get all the kinks out. I take my folded map and magic quill out from under my pillow, and write 'sweets' where the inn is marked. A small image of a pie appears on the map. I suppose I believe it helps to keep track of locations of food for journeys. I put the map and quill in my pocket for safe-keeping. Map questing is often sporadic magic, if you don't keep track of things, you often lose your destination. Outside the window of my inn room, I see the huntsman, busy chopping wood for the oven and fireplace. I take out my map again, to look over it and see places I might want to visit before I go to the north. I reach for my quill, but there's nothing in my pocket! I'm confounded by it's sudden disappearance.
It was here a moment ago, I know it was! I think, looking all over the room.
I check my jacket again, and come to find out a hole in the bottom of my pocket! Where did that hole come from?! I get on my knees, and look under the bed since it's the only place something could hide. I come to the startling discovery of an elf scurrying towards a little door with my quill in his arms!
"Hey! You there! Give me back my quill!" I yell at the elf. The elf turns around and jumps a little.
"You can see me?!" the elf asks in bewilderment.
I crawl under the bed and slam my hand against the little door, blocking his exit. WOAH! That was close! He could have gotten away!
"You almost hit me with your giant hands!" the elf yells.
"Well you stole my quill! Give it back please!" I say angrily, trying to get closer to grab him, but he's fast and scurries from corner to corner.
"Look you giraffe, I found this gold feather so it's mine!"
"Giraffe?! Why you thieving little liar!" I say to the elf, and grab a hold of his tiny shoulder. He panics with a small screech and blows gold dust in my face.
"Ah!" I scream, sputtering and rubbing at my eyes.

I crawl out from under the bed and stand up, wobbling all over the place. When I open my eyes after rubbing the dust off them, everything is black. Hmm, I appear to have gone blind...great. Stupid elf magic. I forget sometimes that I have an allergic reaction to it. I have just the cure for this though, rose petals and pig sweat should do the trick! I feel around the room for my satchel, luckily not stolen too, and take out a small vile. I uncork it and smell it to make sure it's the crushed rose petals. Thankfully it is. Feeling around for the window, I open it and call out for the huntsman still chopping wood.

"Mr. huntsman! Help!" I call out.
"Yes m'lady! What troubles you?!"
"Excuse me, could you tell me where I could find a pig, please?"
"A pig? What for?"
"Yes a pig! Please bring one to my room! Hurry! It's an emergency!" I yell, feeling more and more aggravated.
"And also some matches, wood, and a cauldron of well water!"
"Yes m'lady!" He answers. Thank heavens this inn has good service.

A few minutes later, the huntsman comes to my room with the ingredients. He hands me the pig and I squeeze it's porous, elongated snout until it squeals making sweat drip from it's nostrils. Following my directions he collects the pig sweat in the cauldron of water and I add the crushed rose petals. I tell him to direct me to the fire place, and I light a fire with the matches and wood, setting the cauldron on top.

"What will this do?" He asks.
"Cure me of elf magic blindness," I say.
"Oh! So you met the elf. He's is avid collector of magical objects. He stole my bow once, what did he steal from you?"
"My quill and my sight," I sigh, finding this conversation arbitrary.

Finally the cauldron begins to boil, making the stench of roses strong. I take the cauldron from the flame and place it on the ground in front of me. Bending over, I inhale the aroma and chant three times, Once was taken twice return. Like a beacon of joy, I see a fuzzy red glow of the flames in the fireplace come into focus.

"Yay!" I exclaim, standing up and hugging the huntsman,"Thank you!"
The huntsman babbles some inaudible sounds and nods his head.

"Yay!" I hear a small voice echo behind me, and turn around to see a small, young girl hugging the pig.
"This is my daughter Sofie," the huntsman says. "She's the one who caught the pig for you."
"Welp, learn something new everyday," I say and we all laugh.
"Hello Sofie, I'm N I G H T," I say. "Thank you very much."
She shyly hides behind the huntsman and smiles at me.
"Want me to help you find some custard pie as a reward for the pig?"
Sofie nods her head and runs up to me taking my hand. We all go to the kitchen together to rest and have some of Abagail's complimentary custard pie!

I guess adventure will be put on hold, for now...


N I G H T 11-07-2011 11:36 PM

Day 3
Charmer of the Storm

I leave the inn early, bidding farewell to the huntsman, the widow, and Sofie. They are very nice people, I must visit this inn again sometime. As I start down the trail Sofie runs up to tell me something. She tugs on my sleeve to get my attention.

"Don't worry, I found your quill and put it back in your pocket," Sofie whispers to me.
"Oh, well thank you very much," I say, patting her warmly on the head.
She giggles and runs back to her father, and they all wave goodbye. As I continue down the path, I mark on my map as 'Good Path'. I see a fellow traveler up ahead, sitting on a giant mushroom while holding a basket. I approach him with a smile, but he's too distracted to notice me. He stares up at the sky, his gaze unwavering.

"Hello sir," I say to him, but he continues to look up.
"Hello?" I repeat, but he's ignores me.
I study his basket, wondering if I steal it from him will he'll notice me. I wonder what will happen if I poke this. Poke poke.

"Hey! Don't do that," he says, surprising me.
He wraps his grip on the basket tighter.
"I'm so sorry! You just seemed really distracted."
"Well of course I am! Just look at those dark clouds," he points up.
I look up and shrug, not sure if I care to know what this is about.

"A thunder storm is approaching! THOSE THINGS ARE WONDERFUL!" He says excited by the thought.
"I...guess," I say.
He gives me a dirty look and huffs.
"So what's in the basket?," I ask, tempted to try and open it.
He grins, his teeth are sharp and scary. Opening the basket he pulls out a large snake and shoves it in my face.
"Get that thing away from me!" I scream, shoving the snake away. He laughs, and puts the snake back in the basket. He ties a small piece of yarn around the basket lid to keep it shut.

"Don't worry miss, she's not poisonous. She loves people," He smiles, kissing the top of the snake's basket.

I cringe a little from his love for the snake, my heart beats fast from being so scared. It's weird though. I never knew I was even scared of snakes before. Guess I'm learning something new about myself everyday...

"It's okay miss, I'm a charmer," He explains.
"Oh, neat! So you can make the snake do tricks?" I ask.
"NO! NO! NO! I'm not a snake charmer, I'm a storm charmer," he points up to the clouds again.
"A...what?" I ask, curious to know what this is.
"I'll show you," he says, and looks up again.
"Well, shoot! How did that get up there?!" He squints.
I look up to see a hot air balloon floating higher and higher towards the storm clouds.
"I thought I tied that down this morning," he mutters, shaking his head in shame.
"You have a hot air balloon?! Can I hitch a ride with you to the north?" I ask.
"Uh, if you haven't noticed, I just lost it..." He frowns, tears beginning to swell in his eyes.
"I wish the balloon would come back," I sigh.
"Me too," He sighs, resting his head in his hands.
Suddenly a loud crackle erupts from the sky, and heavy rain starts to come down.
"Oh no!" I say sadly, guarding myself with my satchel. I still get soaked from heavy rain. The storm charmer gets up from the giant mushroom with his snake basket over his head.
"Follow me!" He says, waving for me to go with him.
I reluctantly follow him off the path, through thick trees, and into a clearing. We approach a large rocky pond with a rainbow waterfall.

"Wow, this place is beautiful" I say happily looking around.
"Come on! Follow me," he waves for me to continue following.
He walks behind the waterfall, and I quickly follow.
Behind the waterfall are hidden catacombs, aligned with lights and full of mining tunnels.
"So neat! I've never seen a place like this!" I say.
He smiles and nods his head in agreement. "My snake told me to go here."
I frown a little at this statement, but shrug, not sure if he's magical or crazy.
We take shelter from the storm, and wait it out. He sits against the catacomb wall with his snake basket and takes a nap.

Bored, I start to wander deeper into the catacombs. I notice a weird bluish light coming from the end and decide to investigate. I go further and further, the lights along the walls flickering dimly. I come to the end where the bluish light is brightest. I find a small blue gem on the ground radiating light. It's a moon sapphire. These are precious and rare to anyone who comes across one. I hurriedly pull it out from the ground and study it in my hand. Removing it is a mistake and the walls begin to shake, collapsing in behind me. The cave-in has blocked my means of escape!


N I G H T 11-08-2011 07:24 AM

Day 4
Shine a Little Light of Luck

Marauding through the catacombs nearly got me killed. I sit in the darkness with nothing but the small light from a moon sapphire and satchel full of magic tools. Not much to work with and I have no way of knowing where to go. Unfortunately if I didn't map quest before hand, I can't see any golden 'X' for this location on the map, and these catacombs are definitely not on the map. Even with this cave-in, no obstacle will deter me from continuing my adventure! So I press on, challenge accepted, and hopefully I'll find a way out in this new direction through these tunnels. I hope the storm charmer doesn't think I'm dead.

I walk a while using the sapphire as a flashlight through the tunnel, which eventually splits into a fork. Choosing the left tunnel in the fork I continue to walk. As I walk further down this left tunnel, I hear a gushing sound. Sounds like falling water! Aww yeaa! Where there's falling water, there's definitely a way out! For a time without the guidance of my map, my navigational skills are not bad. I wish I'd know this talent of mine sooner, I wouldn't have had to rely on the map all the time in previous explorations. As I come to the end of the tunnel, it opens up into a small cave grotto, with a small geyser of water rushing down into it. I see an opening to the outside on the other side of the grotto! But now I must find a way to cross this big bowl of water. I put the moon sapphire in my satchel for safe keeping, because there seems to be enough light from the reflections in the water. I climb to the edge of the grotto, accidentally cutting my hand on a sharp rock.
"Ouch," I say, rubbing my hand. Such little cuts sting so bad.
I wiggle like a worm to the narrow top and squat to get close enough to the edge of the grotto to plot a means to escape. I've got it! I improvise taking out my magic growing hat from my satchel. It's water proof and grows to whatever size the person's head is. I turn the hat over and step into it. Sure enough it grows the size to fit my entire body, and becomes as big as a small boat. I take out my extendable walking stick from my satchel and extend it to use as a paddle. I sit down in my hat and scoot on my rear, rolling into the water afloat. I bob and splash about in my hat boat and begin to row myself to the other side of the grotto with my walking stick.
Ha! This was an ingenious plan! I finally get to the other side of the grotto and wiggle out of the water, a little tired and excited. I smell a burning at my feet. It seems when the hat was used as a boat, it wasn't actually meant to stretch to the size of a person. It's quite the opposite. I quickly rise to my feet and run towards the way out. Behind me I hear an explosion. It seems the magic of my hat had spontaneously combusted from overuse.
And somehow, my extendable walking stick had broken in half. I pick the two pieces of stick off the ground and say a small enchantment to repair it.

I come to the opening of the tunnel, and breathe a sigh of relief as sunlight hits my face. At this moment I shall make a firm resolve to never ever follow strangers into strange catacombs ever again. No matter how nice. Especially ones with small baskets. I gaze around studying my surroundings. This exit has led me to a grassy hilltop near the foot of the mountains. I also spot a Wizard's hallow across the field where a mountain goat is grazing. Thank goodness. Maybe I can ask the Wizard there where to find the northern caves. Better to ask for directions this time, and not chance it like the others. I'm surprised I'm not in worse conditions. Everything went better than expected.


N I G H T 11-08-2011 08:07 PM

Day 5
Wizards and Wolves on Hilltops

After my disastrous escape from the catacombs, I'm exhausted. I'm feeling very sleepy and want to rest. Unlikely though for the rainstorm made the hillside a muddy swamp. I trudge through it and trip on a rock, but save myself from falling with my walking stick. My cut hand makes me wince while holding myself up. Ow, that stings! I forgot the cut is there. I pick up my walking stick again and continue on. At the top of a hill I see sheep and goat grazing on wild onion. Is that a black sheep behind them? No, that's not right. There's something creeping around. It's fast, quiet and big. I hide from it behind tall grass. I peek through the grass to see what happens. A large black wolf is hunting. It runs and lunges for the sheep, but a sudden crack of lightning stops it instantly. The wolf howls in pain and runs away.

"It's alright, you can come out now," I hear a voice say.
I stand up to look, seeing a dwarf woman in dark green robes holding a crescent moon staff.
"Hello," I say, "I just escaped a cave-in and don't know where I am."
"Come dear come," The dwarf woman calls.
I trudge closer to her. She looks at me with worrisome eyes. "You poor dear, come with me," she smiles, taking my hand. I know I promised myself never to follow strangers again, but this time I need help.

We walk through deep mud up steep hills. My shoes get stuck. I lift my feet but the mud pulls them off and they sink, lost forever.
"Just my luck," I sigh.
The dwarf woman laughs, "Don't worry dear, we'll get you new proper shoes."
"How much further must we walk?" I ask.
"Just a little bit more...right up that ways,"she points to the top of high hill.
I gasp a little and follow her up the hill. At the very top lies a winding Wizard Hallow with a pointed hay roof, cobblestone walls and stained glass windows. It looks spooky but somehow feels safe. The door is made of old heavy wood and copper. We walk up the steps and enter.
Inside it looks just like a tavern. Except everywhere are magical objects, potions, tomes, familiars, witches, and wizards. I see small groups of wizards and witches conversing.

"Come sit dear," the dwarf woman directs me to a wood chair and table. I shyly sit and look around. I've never seen a Wizard's Hallow before. These people look like they're enjoying themselves, laughing, sharing war stories. "I hope this doesn't blow up! Bottoms up!" I hear a wizard joke while he drinks a strange liquid with his friends. They all laugh. A couple of witches place bets on whether or not he'll explode.

The dwarf woman comes back with a cup of coffee and a piece of meat pie. I take them greedily and stuff my face like I haven't eaten for days.
"Thunk juu," I say, drinking and chewing.
She nods her head, "It's quite alright. We welcome are kind to whatever they need," she says with a smile and walks away to get more things.
I have an epiphany that she thinks I'm a witch. I chuckle to myself. I have little to no abilities...if you count little repairing spells and magic objects. These are just clever tricks of mine I've picked up as an adventurer, not powerful magic like the people around here have.

The dwarf woman returns with a basin of soapy water, a towel, and sturdy buckle boots. "Here you are dear. Let's get you cleaned up." She takes out her staff to cast a spell on the towel. It starts to scrub my feet with water moving on its own. I wait for it to finish, then slip on the boots. With little surprise, she has found my size boot.
"Thank you again," I say.
She nods, "No problem."
"I have a question," I ask, "Where are we exactly?"
"Just a bit southwest, below the valley in the hillside Wizard Hallow."
"Southwest?" I groan. I've been walking in the wrong direction the whole time.
"I have to go. I have a long journey," I say.
"Well, I can help you,"she hands me a train pass. "This will get you as far as the base of the mountains, but not through. To get to the northern caves, you'll have to find other means."
"Oh, thank you!" I say, " did you know I wanted to go north?"
"Magic," She winks.

I thank her again, regather myself, and take some food and drink for the road. The dwarf witch directs me where to find a train and says goodbye. I continue on foot, stomping through marshy hills towards the train station and notice something shiny in the mud. I come closer brushing it off, and see a silver handle. I tug at it slowly pulling up a small silver box carved with ancient symbols. It looks as though someone buried it long ago and forgot it.
I set it down, and take some tools from my satchel to pick the lock. In a few minutes I get it open. Inside it is a twisted white wand cased in red velvet. "Wow..." I mumble. I take the wand and wave it around for fun. I begin to wonder how much it's worth. Anyway I pocket the wand and box and continue on my journey to find the train station...


N I G H T 11-08-2011 09:52 PM

Day 6
The Lion, The Witch, and The Weirdos

I successfully boarded the train from Wizard Hallow hills on my way to the north coast. A mean little kid on the train kicks the back of my seat making me mad.
"Please don't do that. It's bothersome," I say to the kid. But he sticks his tongue out at me and continues to bother. Thankfully he gets off the next stop, and I continue on my way in peace.

A few hours later, the train begins to smell of rotten egg. "Damn, It's burned!" I hear someone yell in the front car and everyone turns to see. The train starts to slow down and comes to a startling halt.

"Attention please, everyone stay calm. It seems our steam engine has caught fire and will have to be repaired. Everyone will be refunded passes and must get off at this stop until further notice," The conductor says through the tele-box.

Just my luck...ugh. We all get off in a small village with limited places to visit. What a strange village. It has no people around other than the train passengers wandering about, just empty stores and animal dung all over the place. I see a door with a red X on it and realize the place was ransacked by pirates. But that doesn't explain the animal dung. Some passengers are fearful, and hurriedly walk back to wait by the train. Others are curious, opening doors and calling out hello every few minutes.

An old farmer with a wheel burrow goes past me, scooping up animal dung into it. I walk up to the old farmer to ask him something.

"Excuse me sir, what happened here?" I ask as I approach him, he slowly turns to look at me, the shovel shaking in his hands.
"King Lion," He says, "Leader of demon pirates!" He exclaims, a crazy look in his eyes. "They came and destroyed everything looking for the Red Witch's dream crystal! Even taking my turnip cart," the man shakes his head. "It was dreadful! So dreadful, my turnip cart... They threw their poo all over the place marking us! That's the oddest thing I ever saw! "

I look at him a little weird and start to back away. Clearly this man is not well.
"Beware of King Lion, he'll rip you to shreds with his band of renegades!" He yells at me, making me move even further still.

I continue to investigate, walking around stores, and hear a cracking under my feet. I look down to see I've broken a small mirror. Seven years bad luck is all I need. In it's reflection, I see something moving behind me. I quickly turn around and catch a glimpse of someone following me.

"Hey!" I call out, "I know you're there."
Slowly a man comes out from behind a building and shows himself. Surprisingly it's the huntsman from the inn I had visited not long ago! The sight of him makes me feel a strong sense of safeness. It's embarrassing to explain.
He smiles and walks up to me, laughing heartily at the look on my face.
"Missed me that much?" He says, making me blush and look at my feet.
"Were you stalking me? How creepy!" I say, trying to make him feel bad about embarrassing me.
"Oh, no. I just happened to be on the same train a couple seats down from you. It was strange to see you again and I curiously followed you around here."
"I believe you," I smile, not sure what to think.
"Ah. Good," he laughs.
Near my foot, I see a small tuft of red, curious at the thought of what it is.
"What's that?" I say, pointing down.
"Donno," the huntsman looks down near my feet with a shrug.
I curiously begin to dig the red tuft up, wanting to know what it is. I uncover a large feathered pirate hat, slowly picking it up to study it. "What in the..."
The huntsman slaps the hat from my hand, fearfully looking around. "It's a trap!"
He hurriedly picks me up and runs in the opposite way of the train.
"Hey, wait," I say, not sure what's going on.
"They'll smell you on the hat when they return and know people are here!"
"Oh..." I say, I hadn't thought of that.
"I can run on my own you know."
But the huntsman ignores what I say. He runs through the forest for what seems like a very long ways, and finally stops at a beachfront to put me down and rest. I look around while the huntsman catches his breathe, not sure where he's brought me. But then I recognize the old withered docks immediately.
"The bitter hermit's beach?!" It seems I'm back where I started...


N I G H T 11-09-2011 12:49 AM

Day 7
The Dream Crystal

"Please talk to him," the huntsman begs me. "We need his help." It's been hours since I've seen any sign that the hermit is returning to the beach. I'm ready to go and start walking away.
"What do you take me for?! An idiot?" I glare at the huntsman, angry that he's ruined my adventure. I don't even want to talk to him. It starts to get cold, and I retrieve my gloves from my satchel and put them on.
"I'm starving,"I grumble. The huntsman looks around, and starts heading for the forest. I follow him, not sure what he's doing, but he takes the bow and arrow on his back, and holds it at the mark. He spots a fox, hunting in the grass. I push his arrow down when he holds steady.

"No don't kill it," I say. Taking the rest of the food from my satchel, I set an old sausage down on the ground for the fox. The fox comes up cautiously and starts to nibble on it. I'm glad I got to feed it. I start on my way through the trees, the huntsman following me silently. It's annoying. I see a large edifice up ahead on the path. Finally! It's a tents for the marketplace.
The marketplace is lively, lots of people, merchants and music.
There's a piano player playing a familiar song, and I have a sudden urge to sing. I jump right into the music and start singing,
"...never know how much I love you
never know how much I care
when you put your arms around me
I give you fever that's so hard to bare..."

Everyone in the market huzzahs and dances. I kinda like seeing the happy people, but I must get back on task. I must get back to my mission to find food. After the music ends, I return to the huntsman who's busy drooling over some fancy bread stand.
"If I buy you that great smelling bread over there, will you forgive me?" the huntsman asks. I sigh and smile, but don't answer him. I go over to the stand and ask the merchant if I can barter my extendable walking stick for a loaf of their bread. They agree and we make the exchange. I walk back to the huntsman and break the loaf in two, hand him a half. We eat it together while watching a coal walker perform his dangerous stunt for a crowd.
After we finish eating, the huntsman is strangely nervous. "Can we return to the beach now?" He asks.
"Yeah sure...but hold on, " I say. I take the wand I found in hillside and go up to talk to local magician's. He looks bored waiting for customers at his stand, but when I come up, his face lights up.
"Hello! Welcome," He says with a grin.
"Hi. I was wondering if you could identify this white twisting wand for me?"

The magician gently takes the wand from my hand, and looks at it through a large magnifying glass.
"Why, this is no wand, this is the dream crystal!" He says, studying it's strange markings in awe.
"What..." I say, grabbing the crystal from his hands and taking a closer look.
"W-why yes, these crystals are rare and grow in the northern caves, but this one in particular is laced with spells and was carved into a wand," he tells me.
"A wand? How does it work?"
"Well if you dream of something you want, you should be able to use it properly. But I'm not entirely sure."
I thank the magician for the information and give him the moon sapphire as payment. "Be careful with that," he advises.
"Thanks I will," I say.
I come back and grab the huntsman's hand and we return to the beach.
I try dreaming up the bitter hermit to appear. A strange blue glow emits from the end of the crystal wand and swirls around my head. The huntsman turns, hearing the strange babbling voice through the blue haze. The old bitter hermit comes into focus, prancing about on the beach.
"Bitter Hermit!" I yell. He looks in our direction, waddling towards us.

"What do you want you evil girl?!" The hermit asks angrily.
"We need your help to save some people from pirates," I say. The huntsman nods his head in agreement.
"Pirates you say...hmm," he thinks real hard, scratching at his stubble.
"I shall give you all the help you need," he agrees.
We listen very carefully.
"The secret is in you," he says, poking at my forehead. For such a serious moment, it's suddenly ruined when the hermit runs off to talk to a beach turtle. I roll my eyes and the huntsman shrugs.
"Follow me, " I say.
I stop in front of the turtle and dream something real big.
"I've worked out a master plan to help us travel faster, capture the pirates, free the prisoners, and come home. All with this wand in order to foil the Red witch's plans...."
"What?" Asks the hermit and huntsman at the same time.
"I'll dream us a victorious adventure."


N I G H T 11-09-2011 01:32 AM

An Adventurer's Rebellion

I have gathered a group of willing fighters to save the village people from the clutches of King Lion, the fiercest pirate of the Menewshan seas. Him and his band of renegade pirates work for the Red Witch. We have found out that Mr. Mayor has been in cahoots with the pirates the whole time, and has joined their side in battle.

With me are the Huntsman, the Hermit, the Dwarf Witch, and the Storm Charmer. We ride on the backs of giant sea turtles towards the northern peninsula, to ambush the secret pirate palace carved into the northern cliffs. This is where King Lion is resides, with Mr. Mayor at his side.

We have taken them by surprise, the pirates no match for our wands and bows. They exchange cannon blows and heavy swords, but we are swift with our skills and sharp wits. Mr.Mayor is nowhere to be found, suspected of fleeing the scene on a pirate ship full of lost treasures. King Lion surrenders, his powerful meows have been weakened by the cunning abilities my group possess. King Lion frees the towns people. After he's defeated, I reveal my secret and show him the crystal wand. I then I snap it in half and throw it into the ocean.

"Tell your witch if she ever wants the crystal, she'll have to go through us first!"I announce.
"Yeah!"my comrades agree.
"If it has been destroyed then I no longer work for the Red Witch "He laughs, and flees on a ship, too quick for us to catch.

We return home on our giant turtles, weary but victorious. Abigail has made us a glorious feast with the help of Sofie at the inn. The townspeople celebrate with a parade and large dance party. Surprisingly, Mr.Mayor magically appears to award us with metals of valor, but we know his secret....he can't fool us!

My adventures are at an end, and all is well in the world of Menewsha... well maybe. You may never really know. ;D

THE END...OR IS IT?!!!!!!! OMGBBQGTFO!!!<333

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