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Cardinal Biggles 02-14-2012 09:21 AM

Shout it from the Rooftops
Banner by Cardinal Biggles, image source

Does Mene make your cup runneth over? Pass those good vibes on to others!

Cardinal Biggles 02-14-2012 09:25 PM

The concept here is that you take a proactive approach and proselytize share our lovely home on the internet with the big wide world. Grab some sidewalk chalk and find a nice piece of public real estate to write the website on. Go to a park and spell it out with twigs and pebbles, it's all up to you and your imagination!

Or if you aren't feeling creatively inclined, there's always that old standby, flyers. Omi produced some spiffy ones a while back, feel free to pass them out or post them to your local bulletin board:

We've also mocked up the components for some new ones, with handy pull off tabs, which you can assemble at your leisure




Cardinal Biggles 02-14-2012 09:45 PM

A Reminder

Prison orange isn't a good look. Please don't do anything illegal/deface anything in your enthusiasm! And as a courtesy, it is also important to note that some bulletin boards request that you ask permission before you post on them. It's best to know if this is the case before proceeding.

Cardinal Biggles 03-02-2012 05:48 AM

So like, you can post your novel concepts and escapades in here, and stuff.

jellysundae 03-02-2012 06:14 AM

I'm hoping to see some awesome pictures in here!!

Does anyone live near a beach? Writing Mene stuff in the sand would be cool!

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 03-02-2012 06:26 AM

That's a fantastic idea! -makes a note-

Ivvy 03-02-2012 06:31 AM

I live close to a lake.... and a park... and um um um.... other stuff I shall have to have fun with this... though I kind of want to make a mene sign made out of cupcakes. >.<

Woodlandnymph 03-02-2012 06:32 AM

Next time I go out in the woods and hike, I can write it in rocks!

jellysundae 03-02-2012 06:33 AM



Ivvy 03-02-2012 06:36 AM

yep cupcakes.....\o/ :drool:

Cardinal Biggles 03-02-2012 06:37 AM

I wanted to do a mene bake sale, but that didn't make any sense.

jellysundae 03-02-2012 06:37 AM

Since when does cake need to make sense :o

Cardinal Biggles 03-02-2012 06:38 AM

Everything in my world needs to make sense. I'm a delicate flower.

Ivvy 03-02-2012 06:40 AM

the sense in cake is that it is cake and people join the dark side even if there is mention of cake.... >.> cake is one of the few things in the world that doesnt have to make sense to make sense it just is the all awesomeness that it is ..... simply cake....

did I confuse anyone else

jellysundae 03-02-2012 06:41 AM

Totally :ninja:

Ivvy 03-02-2012 06:42 AM

But it was a good kind of confused right... *bribes with cupcake*

Linnea 03-02-2012 06:43 AM

we just got a crap ton of snow... it's like a brand new white board out there!

jellysundae 03-02-2012 06:44 AM

Go write Mene stuff in it!! :eager:

Ivvy 03-02-2012 06:45 AM

ohhhhhh get food coloring to add pazzaz to your snow writing... yellow for the lulzzzz

jellysundae 03-02-2012 06:50 AM

I'm daydreaming now, of something turning up on Fox News or something similar, about bizarre messages sprouting up all over the place, saying

Can you imagine the amount of new users we'd get if we got exposure like that!!

Though I'll tell you what would happen in reality...several thousand curious people check Mene out at the same time....bad gateway!!!


Ivvy 03-02-2012 06:51 AM

lol wow that would be the luck of it wouldnt it >.< I second that :headdesk:

jellysundae 03-02-2012 06:55 AM

It would definitely happen, the server would have a fit xD

Cardinal Biggles 03-02-2012 06:56 AM

Plus the people who watch Fox News are probably too old to use a computer.

Ivvy 03-02-2012 06:57 AM

and we definatly do not want to crash out dear Mene. >.<

Ohh did you see obvioulslyaya's DEAR MENE contest? I am having fun writing mine. :) Its got some cute stories And I am looking forward to seeing other peoples what mene means to them musings.

jellysundae 03-02-2012 06:59 AM

I haven't had a chance to look yet, I need to go to bed, it's 7am xD

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