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Junabelle 03-22-2012 02:32 AM

"I don't want to see or read The Hunger Games because it's just like Twilight."
Lately, I've heard a lot of people saying that. And is it me, or is that the most frustrating and angering sentence I've ever heard? It makes me want to strangle them. The whole time, I was thinking, "Don't EVER compare things to Twilight and don't EVER compare the Hunger Games with anything." I mean, why would you compare something to Twilight? That would just cause so much debate and anger among people. I'm a Twihard and all, but seriously.

Discuss your thoughts on this!

Repo 03-23-2012 12:41 AM

They're nothing alike in plot - but from the short page I've read of the Hunger Games - the writing might be as bad. Dx
Though, I HATE first person point of views with a passion, but just be my personal preference.... ^^;;
But! I always like to know what I'm ranting about before I actually create an opinion on things... I'm about to start the Hunger games, and I'm going to see the movie this weekend with a friend for her birthday.

In all honesty though - they are both teen/kids novels.... I prefer Game of Thrones to the Hunger Games.... ;]

Eoin 03-23-2012 03:34 AM

OhMyGoodness...who dares to compare those two series of books! How Dare they!

The Hunger Games are an amazing series...perfect for any teenager interested in post-apocalyptic genres. Yes, I will admit that first person rather odd, but first person-present tense? That's jsut ridiculous....but, I' will say that the plot-line, though rather cliche, was excellent.

Survival themes are always interesting, and the way this one played out was amazing and rather original...

Now, don't even get me started on Twilight....I can write a freakin' novel on how terrible those books and movies are....

Twilight is nothing but a well-hidden work of plagiarism, and disgraces a wonderful set of books called the Vampire Chronicles, by Anne Rice.
The writing is childish and totally cliche, and the ideas are totally unoriginal and plagiarized....

The books are only worth reading twice at the most ((if you don't pay too much attention to the detail)) and the movies are just awful to begin with.

That's all I got....

YuYuPantsu 03-23-2012 11:41 PM

I've always seen/considered Twilight to be high class fanfiction. Lol. And the Hunger Games had a disappointing ending to me. So I guess it's similar to me in that way, that it had a sort of fanfiction-y vibe to both of them. But as a person who enjoyed both series for what they were worth, I don't see how anyone can make such a claim. O_o;; Even though I have my fair share of rants on either book series. ^_^ haha

Mehimaru 03-23-2012 11:52 PM

I am an avid reader. I read the back of shampoo bottles while I bathe.

I loved the Hunger Games so much that I read each book in approximately two days a piece. I have not yet seen to the movie, which just came out.

As for Twilight, the moment I got half way through the first book I was hooked. I read the entire series before I ever watched the first movie. I was a book Twihard and I am glad I did that. If I had not read all of the books before seeing any of the movies, I would not have been able to finish the book series. As it stands, I only watch the movies when my sister gets them on dvd so I can laugh at what I view to be completely ridiculous. Not to mention Bella is NOT my idea of a good role model for young teens.

On a side note, I am also a HUGE HP fan. Love the books, love the movies, love the music (yeah me for being into underground music). I view each of these series as having their own merit. None of them can be compared to one another because they are much too different. It's like the apples to oranges saying. It's like comparing "Dirt Road Anthem" by Jason Aldean to the version written by Colt Ford or "She's Like the Wind" by Lumidee to the version written by Patrick Swayze. It's not logical, it's stupid, and it needs to cease.

Ps. the ending to Hunger Games is just like the epilogue in HP....a finite ending so to try to appease the masses while saying "I will not written any more on this series. Look for my new work." Both were utterly rubbish endings that could have been better written. *walks away muttering* Stupid epilogue...not even a real ending...bullshit...

DreaminatNite 03-24-2012 06:36 PM

You have to admit though, that the ending was getting mushy like twilight. Even though they had to fake it for sponsors. I was ready to hurry up and finish it at that point. Other than that the hunger games is very different from twilight.

Mehimaru 03-25-2012 12:26 AM

Wait, are we merely talking about the first book and the movie?? Yeah, the first book started getting mushy. My comment was actually based on having read all three books.

Lyndie 03-25-2012 03:18 AM

How do people think they're like Twilight? They're nothing alike, plot-wise. I like Twilight and all, but the Hunger Games are about standing up for what you believe in, even though there's risks, and Twilight is about the importance of having a boyfriend.

Linnea 04-05-2012 04:53 PM

i can see how someone might think they are both similar, and as i've read both series i feel i have the right to say so :P
but obviously the plot is vastly different, the characters are also vastly different, but both series are geared more towards a younger audience and they do have a girl who is the main character. there is also the 'love triangle' theme going on in both and a big ole battle there at the end, and even katniss and bella are a little bit similar as they are both teenage girls and most teenage girls have similar traits at that age (a little vanity or self absorbed, a bit emotional or easy to turn things into something dramatic, etc) but the level of maturity and how each girl deals with the hand they are dealt are very different and that is because one character was more developed than the other and the inner conflict was better displayed.

Vox 04-05-2012 05:00 PM

I don't think the comparison is with the plot so much as with the fanbase. >.> Also, I haven't read either series, but they do seem to be a little romance-driven.

Keyori 04-05-2012 05:05 PM

I think part of it might be "youth novel series becomes wildly and inexplicably popular and then is made into a movie."

Vox 04-05-2012 10:14 PM

^ Yes, that's partially what I was trying to get at.

Codette 04-06-2012 05:20 PM

I agree with Keyori. I read Hunger Games, wasn't a fan by the time I finished, so I have no desire to see the movie. But so many 'popular' youth novel series are being made into movies lately, I'm almost not sure if I should bother reading the books if the movie will be out in a few months.

Ivvy 04-07-2012 11:41 PM

I now need to pick these up and see what all the comotion is about.

Popcorn Gun 04-10-2012 01:35 AM

But the two are nothing alike...there are no vampires let alone glittery ones in The Hunger Games...and a lot more corruption and compelling non-hormone driven story line.

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