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CK 05-27-2012 10:10 PM

Is the AAY a Child, Young Adult, Adult, or Elder?
Based on what the avatar above you is wearing, how old do you think their avatar "is"? :) And WHY do you think that?

As a general guide, here is how I'd estimate the age ranges:
  • Child (approx: 0 - 15)
  • Young Adult (approx: 15 - 30)
  • Adult (approx: 30 - 55)
  • Elder (approx: 55 - forever)
Note: I am not saying that anyone 55 is "elderly" just that they've reached a respectable position in life.

Pro-tip: Remember that the context of fashion can change! A babydoll dress may go on a cute little girl - or it may easily be worn by a hot young woman. Check out accessories and background to try to determine context. :)

PS: Don't forget the forum rules. :)

Anglie 05-27-2012 10:17 PM

I'd say you are a child, probably in middle high school as you have a school uniform on though with the cute little panda umbrella I'd have to go with middle school at age of 14-15

Mystic 05-27-2012 10:24 PM

Neat thread idea! This could be fun! :)

I'd say based on the big eyes, gown, and the doll they're around 10 or so. Not quite a young child but not quite old enough to be without their dolly.

CK 05-27-2012 10:33 PM

Based on the lack of pants ( :rofl: ), lipstick, and overall youthful image, I'd say Mystic's avatar is a Young Adult. :)

DaisyKeehl 05-28-2012 06:03 AM

Child. Uniform, cute looking.... you gotta be a child =3

Cherry Who? 05-28-2012 06:23 AM

I'd say a young adult, probably in your early-mid twenties. You make energetic music that doesn't sound like anything else in existence, and it's made easy by your youthful energy and ideas.

Death_to_the_reaper 05-28-2012 09:12 AM

Cherry represents the elderly solar system.

So I say elderly.

Bearzy 05-28-2012 09:04 PM

I'd call Death a young adult. Young enough to still be quirky, but old enough that people assume she has a good reason.

Mystic 05-29-2012 04:04 AM

Carzee reminds me of a middle aged queen. I'd say adult due to the expression and the attire.

Linnea 05-31-2012 02:35 AM

the use of all the naturey items it makes me think of mother nature/gaia, thus making you very old... so you are an elder :yes:

Bearzy 05-31-2012 10:45 AM

You look like a child playing dress up... in all the props.

~LONGCAT~ 05-31-2012 04:46 PM

You seem to be of that "can't quite tell if you're immortal" look, so i'm going to say Elder, because you could be 300ish.

Antagonist 06-02-2012 08:48 AM

The expression suggest someone young, however the clothes appear to be for someone more, young adult?

Dystopia 06-02-2012 10:32 PM

xD You're an adult because I read One Piece.

Siri 06-02-2012 10:52 PM

You're a young adult human body possessed by an elderly spirit. I watch Supernatural (and similar shows) where ancient demons always possess hot dudes that have their shirts off. :cool:

CK 06-05-2012 01:42 AM

The colors and items Siri is wearing speak to a "younger" avatar. So it becomes more of a "Child or Young Adult" question. Of the choices, I lean towards Young Adult because those sorts of shoes are semi-dangerous (I've worn them and fallen and hurt myself. >_>) and the bow-for-a-shirt seems less child-like. :3

Mystic 06-05-2012 01:55 AM

I would say young adult because of the school uniform and over all young feel to the avatar.

Bearzy 06-05-2012 07:34 AM

I'm saying elder. You seem mildly ageless, so you could be a thousand for all I know.

Mizayo 06-10-2012 06:39 AM

I'm going to say child because you look like you're a kid hyped up on sugar. lol

Mystic 06-14-2012 05:13 AM

They look like they're a young adult just starting off on an adventure.

Smores 06-14-2012 05:19 PM

I would think adult. Comes off very wise and mystical - like someone who lives in the middle of a forest and knows lots about everything. One of those... and I find them adulty...

So you are an adult.... Haha. xD

Bearzy 06-14-2012 11:51 PM

Child. You make me think of someone made a king far too young.

Flowery Pit 06-15-2012 05:10 AM

I would say, Young Adult, just by what you're wearing. You're like a confused student not understand what just happened behind the tree door.

Mizayo 06-15-2012 01:47 PM

Child would be my guess. You seem like one of those little girls off of a horror movie. You're like all sweet looking, but you have that scary mask, which underneath it's revealed that you're not a person at all...

Mystic 07-01-2012 08:31 PM

An young adult but a ghost. So I guess that would mean elder since ghosts live forever.

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