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-   -   *Camp Demo* Come on in, kick back on a recliner, enjoy the AC, watch some cartoons or something! (Now doing art freebies every 2 pages by dice roll) (

Chickie Nuggs 06-16-2012 02:08 AM

*Camp Demo* Come on in, kick back on a recliner, enjoy the AC, watch some cartoons or something! (Now doing art freebies every 2 pages by dice roll)
Howdy folks!

Now I've never been much of a camping-type of person, but for the sake of good form I have decided to open up my own kind of Camp hangout.

This is the first user-run event that I've been a part of over all the time I've spent here and I regret that. I always made time for something else or would forget about it. Not this time!

Get comfortable and stay a while!

hummy 06-16-2012 02:10 AM

cartoons and air conditioning?
i'm lovin' it!

Chickie Nuggs 06-16-2012 02:12 AM

Yes yess!
This is all my ideal form of camping. Practically being home! :D

Oh hello Hummyz! :hug:

Alexandrus Gambino 06-16-2012 02:12 AM

Hello, Demoscout. I really like your pixel art :V

hummy 06-16-2012 02:14 AM

i agree with AG.

BellyButton 06-16-2012 02:19 AM

I'm going to sleep in your cabin, Demo. :ninja:

Chickie Nuggs 06-16-2012 02:22 AM

Well thanks Alex and Hummy! I appreciate it. ^^

*pushes pile of trash aside for air mattress*

There ya go! :D

hummy 06-16-2012 02:22 AM

hiya, Belly.

BellyButton 06-16-2012 02:24 AM

Thanks Demo! What kind of snacks did you bring?

Hi Hummy! Did you just get to camp too?

I'm so excited!
*jumps up and down on trash heap*

Chickie Nuggs 06-16-2012 02:26 AM

Oh I'm gonna need to disappear for a while. I was wanting to stick around longer and chat, but the problem with sharing a computer with my mom is that I can't object when she wants to get on. I'll be back laters tonight. :D

You guys keep each other hostage- *cough* company while I'm gone.

*throws bags of triscuits and pringles at Belly as I zip on out*

Alexandrus Gambino 06-16-2012 02:26 AM

*Looks through trash pile for cans of pringles and boxes of pocky*

BellyButton 06-16-2012 02:28 AM

HEY!! That's my bed!! :illgetu:

Catch ya later, Demo :3

hummy 06-16-2012 02:33 AM

i'm hoping we don't get any poison ivy.
*watchs Belly jumping up and down while AG riffles through her bed*

this is gonna be fun!

Chickie Nuggs 06-16-2012 04:47 PM

I didn't get to come back on last night. My mom hogged the computer, so I eventually just went to bed. >_>

@Belly: But what about the air mattress? :O You prefer the trash pile?
Look at that mattress. It's all ronery n stuff.

@Hummy: Don't worry there shouldn't be any poison ivy around these parts. I made super sure that the experience would be pleasant.

hummy 06-16-2012 04:49 PM

aw, demo, tell mom sharing is good.

Chickie Nuggs 06-16-2012 04:51 PM

Well, it's her computer and she thinks I'm on it too much as it is. Which I guess is kinda true sometimes.

hummy 06-16-2012 05:09 PM

aw, but mom, it's summer camp time.

Chickie Nuggs 06-17-2012 02:58 AM

Yeah I know. :(
Usually on the weekends I have a lot less time to spend on Mene. Once next week rolls around (starting Tuesday) mom mom will be away working and I will have a bit more time to spend.

I really should be spending more of my time job searching, but damn events sometimes. They really suck me in. xD

hummy 06-17-2012 03:07 AM

yay for tuesday then!
multitask, demo.
job search online and play with us, too.

Balsac 06-17-2012 03:08 AM

*lurks in the shadows*


Maria-Minamino 06-17-2012 03:08 AM

cartoons - like legend of korra - which was so intense today!!!! O.O
And AC? count me in!

hummy 06-17-2012 03:37 AM

i know, right?
we need uz some kettlecorn and cookies and it's allllll good.

Chickie Nuggs 06-17-2012 04:01 AM

I haven't seen Legend of Korra but I know it has something to do with Airbender....which I also have not seen.

Hi Bal welcome! :D
No need to lurk. Just chill with the rest of us folks.

Balsac 06-17-2012 04:18 AM

But I'm a demon :gonk:

Chickie Nuggs 06-17-2012 04:23 AM

Okay fine do as you will. :roll:
Good night folks! Don't let the bed buggies bite! :D

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