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blueblackrose 09-24-2012 01:45 AM

The Hidden Rose Garden Under the Stars - Last minute chatting

The Hidden Rose Garden
Under the Stars

Hello dear travelers. It’s wonderful to see that you have found my little garden here in the middle of the forest. Who am I you ask? Well I am blueblackrose, the owner and caretaker of this garden. By the way you may call me bbrose, rose, blue or bbr if you like. I do hope you have come to chat, star gaze and perhaps to play some games with me. I promise there will be a variety of activities for you to take part in if you wish. I might even offer up some freebies for those of you who just stick around to chat. Oh and please do check out my art request. Well now my dears don’t let me keep you waiting, after all I’m sure that you would like to check things out and maybe see some stars. Have fun and be safe.

Think you know me? Wanna have some fun?
Check this out!
Interactive Johari Window - Describe blueblackrose

| ~Introduction~ | ~Catch the Falling Star~ | ~Sing Me A Song~ |

| ~The Great Feast~ | ~Shall We Dance~ | ~Winners~ | ~Artsu~ | ~Art Request~ |

blueblackrose 09-24-2012 01:47 AM
Catch the Falling Stars

How to Play
Periodically I will post a star and the first person to catch (quote) it will earn a point. At the end of the event the players with the most points will win a prize.

The Falling Stars

CrimsonShadow - 1 points
Liztress - 1 points
crazymuch - 1 points
spunky3 - 3 points
wish - 2 points
Suona - 1 points

First Place - CI of there choice from the Mene's Shop
Second Place - Half Body CG of choice
Third Place - Headshot CG of choice

blueblackrose 09-24-2012 01:48 AM
Sing Me A Song

How to Play
I am always looking for new music to listen too and I've been rather bored as of late. So to play this game you will fill out the form and post the link to a song each day for me to listen to. Everyone will get one point for each song. The top three each day will earn extra points. At the end of the event the people with the most points will win a prize.



I'll Sing You A Song!
This is my song: [insert link to either youtube or audio of song]
@ blueblackrose; (just take the space out to complete the ping)

Day One

Day Two

Day Three
R a n d e h

Day Four

Day Five

Day Six

Day Seven

First Place - CI of there choice from the Mene's Shop
Second Place - Half Body CG of choice
Third Place - Headshot CG of choice

blueblackrose 09-24-2012 01:52 AM
The Great Feast

How to Play

We’re going to be playing hangman. Every day I will be hosting at least one round of hangman. There will have to be at least 3 players for a round to begin. Each round will consist of 3 to 5 puzzles depending on the amount of time I have and the number of players. All puzzles will be Feast related. I will announce the beginning of a round 30 minutes to an hour before it begins. All players will earn one point for each correct letter guessed. Players who solve the puzzle first will earn an extra 3 points. At the end of the event players with the most points will receive a prize.

First Course
Hadsvich - 8 points
Liztress - 2 points
sushi_mew - 7 points
Kent - 7 points
crazymuch - 4 points
spunky3 - 13 points
iC[a]ndy - 5 points
Minuxe - 2 points

Second Course
Kent - 11
sushi_mew - 4
Shadami - 8
fireprincess - 2
hadsvich - 8
R a n d e h - 5
iC[a]ndy - 12
mewmew07 - 2
spunky3 - 7
Ivvy - 9
Queen_Andais - 1
wish - 3
Artsydaze - 2

Third Course
sushi_mew - 5
bloodstainedwings - 6

Ivvy - 3
spunky3 - 5
iC[a]ndy - 3
Fiona_Watergate - 1

Forth Course
R a n d e h - 4
crazymuch - 6
Fiona_watergate - 1
Divacita - 3
sushi_mew - 1
spunky3 - 6

(not all points have been added yet)

Fifth Course

Sixth Course

Seventh Course???

First Place - CI of there choice from the Mene's Shop
Second Place - Half Body CG of choice
Third Place - Headshot CG of choice

blueblackrose 09-24-2012 01:52 AM

blueblackrose 09-24-2012 01:53 AM


Page Prizes
Page 10 - Headshot of avatar (CG)
Page 20 - Fullbody of avatar (traditional)
Page 30 - Headshot of avatar (traditional)
Page 40 - Halfbody of avatar (traditional)
Page 50 - Fullbody of choice (CG)
Page 60 - Headshot of avatar (CG)
Page 70 - Fullbody of avatar (traditional)
Page 80 - Headshot of avatar (traditional)
Page 90 - Halfbody of avatar (traditional)
Page 100 - Fullbody of choice (CG)

The winners of these games will be announced after the event in the Community Discussion Forum
Catch the Falling Star
Sing Me A Song
The Great Feast
Shall We Dance

blueblackrose 09-24-2012 01:54 AM


This is where I will post any and all art that is won or given away during the event.

blueblackrose 09-24-2012 01:55 AM

Art Request

I would love to get some art of the following avatars and OCs.
If you're interested in making me art just let me know. We can discuss payment through PMs.

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

blueblackrose 09-24-2012 01:57 AM


Just in case...

blueblackrose 09-24-2012 01:58 AM

*cuts the pretty purple ribbon*

The garden is now open for star gazing!

Liztress 09-24-2012 02:04 AM

*steals the first post* Hey, bbr!

Velvet 09-24-2012 02:13 AM

Ooh, pretty picture. :3

blueblackrose 09-24-2012 02:15 AM

Hello Liz and Velvet and welcome to my rose garden.

Liztress 09-24-2012 02:16 AM

How are you doing? And gorgeous avatar. ♥

blueblackrose 09-24-2012 02:22 AM

I'm doing alright, but I have a slight headache due to some relatives. Thank you my dear. Yours is gorgeous as well.
How are you doing?

Liztress 09-24-2012 02:24 AM

Overall, I'm good. Some things could be better but I'm positive that things will get better. And thanks. :)

blueblackrose 09-24-2012 02:27 AM

That's good to hear and just gotta stay positive.

I know things aren't working out for me the way I'd like them to, but things are bound to get better at some point down the line, lol.

Liztress 09-24-2012 02:27 AM

That's how I look at it. Money's super tight around here. But it's going to get better. Just got to last until then.

blueblackrose 09-24-2012 02:37 AM

I know what you mean about money being tight. I'm looking for a second job, but not having much luck. I'm hoping that maybe I can at least find something that is just seasonal so that I will have extra money for Christmas.

Liztress 09-24-2012 02:39 AM

I need a job but I'm going to just wait until we can get a second vehicle. Right now, we've had some not so good luck with the car. But the good part was it wasn't much to fix it and we did get it fixed.

blueblackrose 09-24-2012 02:41 AM

It's good that you guys were able to get it fixed. I hope you'll be able to get a second vehicle and a job soon.

Liztress 09-24-2012 02:42 AM

My fingers are crossed. And thanks. Yeah, the wheel bearing was broke and needed to be replaced.

blueblackrose 09-24-2012 02:44 AM

You're welcome.

Liztress 09-24-2012 02:47 AM

So, what's your thought on the new items?

blueblackrose 09-24-2012 02:51 AM

Kind of mixed. I really like some of them, but I've always been a sucker when it comes to boots, gloves and sleeves. I also like the Boleros, dresses and tunics. I haven't made up my mind on whether or not I like the petal pants, belts, star trek like shirts and shoulder guards. The other stuff is alright, not really my style. I'm sure I could find uses for the items later no. Maybe with trying to make a cyber punk avatar or something.

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