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Rawrsaurus 10-03-2012 06:43 AM

October Giveaway - Closed!
October Giveaway
I just feel like giving out a few items, and just might want a place to stop in if I decide to post a little on here.

Every 5 days all month I'll generate a random page number since the last prize was given, and then a random post on that page. That person will then also get a randomly generated item from the "Collectibles" drawer of my inventory. If it lands on me I'll reroll a post number.
All are fair game except the pudao, cause I only have one.

---------- Post added 10-03-2012 at 01:44 AM ----------


If you win something, and want something else valued at the same amount I probably really won't mind swapping them out. I don't even know what stuff is on here anymore, hah.

So, there is indeed the possibility of winning something big. By the end of the month, FIVE of those items will be given away.

If it's successful I might do it again, possibly with another inventory drawer.


October 8th: Antagonist, won Sash of Chaos! Rolls done on page 26-27
October 13th: Seridano, won Horns of Nature! Rolls done on page 46
October 18th: Antagonist, won Order Armor! Rolls done on page 53
October 23th:Antagonist, won Peacock Regalia! Rolls done on page 70
October 28th: Seito, Won Waves of Naias! Rolls done on page 83
October 31st: Fiona_Watergate won a Sleepy Melodies Harp! Rolls done on page 90

Ted D Ber got a Jester Hat - Mini Game

Other winners for posting:

Ted D Ber

Forgot who got what, but gave out anklewings, bee/panda headphones, amorian chakrams, battleaxes, waves of naias, lots of EIs

Please Click This:
**It'd be cool if you could click my stupid pet thing LOL I'd actually really appreciate it a lot, if you'd please.

Actually for every 10 new views it gets I'll give away a couple random EIs to someone who's currently in the thread. Nothin big but yeah.

Announcement: So, I'm doing unheard of well in the pet-view contest....and the Admin seriously just made a site-wide announcement prompting people to try to beat me =___= With bonus prizes. So I can't rest now haha....

Ivvy 10-03-2012 06:48 AM

wow how cool of you to do something like this! I hope you have the best of luck and have loads of people who come to chat and hang out. :) And ohh pet clickies must go click!

Rawrsaurus 10-03-2012 06:50 AM

Thanks! How do I that friend notification thing? So I can try to gather anyone I used to know haha.

Ivvy 10-03-2012 06:52 AM

lol I think its @ myfriends ;

only with no spaces

Rawrsaurus 10-03-2012 06:53 AM


Hahah alright, TESTING TESTING.

I just made mirror giveaways on like 2 other sites I haven't been on in ages hah.

Death_to_the_reaper 10-03-2012 06:54 AM

Yeah, that is the code.

This seems like a cool idea.

Rawrsaurus 10-03-2012 06:55 AM

Yeah if I did an event drawer in the future I'd probably just do daily drawings since they aren't worth as much I'm guessing

Lacrimosa 10-03-2012 06:58 AM

I don't think that worked, I didn't get anything. xD

Rawrsaurus 10-03-2012 07:00 AM

Dangitt haha, I'll figure it out I guess. I logged on here to a bunch of PMs telling me people are talking about me XD

I wonder if I should change for the first time in like...literally years.

Ivvy 10-03-2012 07:01 AM

a lot of the event sets have lost value lately it seems.

Rawrsaurus 10-03-2012 07:01 AM

Oh wait, I didn't put a semi-colon, I'll try it again


Ivy~ I only have the super old ones, like would those be worth anything?

Lacrimosa 10-03-2012 07:01 AM

That happened to me too, they were mostly announcement or event things though.
Haha maybe. d: Why don't you have a face, anyway? Or eyes I guess I should say.

Rawrsaurus 10-03-2012 07:02 AM

I dunno I liked it more without them haha.
Before leaving I just decided to throw on rich junk and be fine with it hah.

Death_to_the_reaper 10-03-2012 07:06 AM

The super old ones are the one people are after.

Rawrsaurus 10-03-2012 07:07 AM

I mean just even like bleeding hearts and first year halloween/winter nights junk? Cause I have like 20 of each of those items haha, and I'd gladly throw them at people if they wanted them

Ivvy 10-03-2012 07:07 AM

Its the 07 items and the st pats 08 ones that are high in value and that everyone is looking for. I know they are all on my quest list of pretties I may never be able to

---------- Post added 10-03-2012 at 02:08 AM ----------

The bleeding hearts sets are looked for as well I know a lot of people who were questing those Such pretty items all black and red and those foxes are adorable. :)

Death_to_the_reaper 10-03-2012 07:09 AM

I'd love to have one of those foxes for with my avi for Halloween.

Lacrimosa 10-03-2012 07:11 AM

Ah, I see. xD That's what I did when I came back actually.
Then made this out of whatever was in my inventory. >>

Rawrsaurus 10-03-2012 07:12 AM

Oh hrm, I only have spares of the v-day belt and pot of gold, and only one of each of the others I plan to keep for myself

Death~ Oh yeah sure, I'll send it over....if I can find how to do that haha

---------- Post added 10-03-2012 at 02:13 AM ----------

Alright think I did it. You wanted the black one right?

Lacri~ I like how I still wanna call you Kadri lol

Lacrimosa 10-03-2012 07:13 AM

Woah you have a vday double? Crazy.
I was gonna laugh at you for forgetting how to trade but.. I forgot, too.

Why do you like that? XD

Rawrsaurus 10-03-2012 07:14 AM

Yeah I had more before. My last spare v-day pendant I used on an art auction. Oh wait I have 2 lovelipops too LOL I forgot

Caaaause that's the name you used the most when I talked to you most haha. And it's my favorite probably

Ivvy 10-03-2012 07:15 AM

You have a second v-day belt o.O [drool] I definatly want to be around for a chance at that >.<
I am also staring at the kings crown and the mask set those are two big items on my current quest gold saving funds. *points to gold under avi* I earned a lot during the event. :)

to send an item you use the trade tab. :) If that helps any. :) I am also seeing if I can find the thread that tells you how to ping your whole friends list lol

Lacrimosa 10-03-2012 07:16 AM

Ahh I see. XD Both of those are the ones I'm missing, haha.
Ahh makes sense. :p I need to think of a new name. Lacrimosa is often taken and I'd prefer to have one username to use everywhere.

Rawrsaurus 10-03-2012 07:18 AM

Ivvy~ I'm actually really hoping it doesn't land on masks, just cause apparently I only have one set haha. I don't even know what they're worth anyway.

I just remembered I let my other friend borrow a queen crown like...3 years ago =_= Erg, I should inquire about that

Lacri~ What hahah. Yeah I've just been using Rawrsaurus still, and Chiasmus/SpreadZero for games.

Ivvy 10-03-2012 07:20 AM

the masks when I was looking around I think were at about 60k ish a piece and I know one person selling the k crown for that much as well.

lol take the masks out then silly since they are not spares anymore .>.<.

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