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DeViAnT01 01-14-2013 02:38 AM

The Hunt- Can you survive?

You wake up on an island with no clue how you got there. The only memory you have is a man in a mask telling you to sleep. Your arm has a stinging pain, just above the elbow. You find a note in your pocket...

Contestant no. ____
Welcome to my little game. There are 24 other members on this island. I've done the honor of having a tracking device implanted in your arm. You have fifteen hours until my team of highly skilled hunters arrive and begin the hunt. You can run, but you can't hide. I'll be watching. Good luck to you all.

Dr. U. L.

Let the games begin.

rules: there are none

PM me all contestants.









Good Luck!

---------- Post added 01-13-2013 at 11:11 PM ----------

Name: Carson

Sex: Male

Height: 5' 7

Weight: 143

Age: 18

Bio: Carson was a bit of an outcast. While other guys went out for the football team, Carson preferred to be alone. A bit shy, Carson avoided the spotlight whenever possible. The last thing Carson remembers before waking on this island is walking through the front door of his apartment.


---------- Post added 01-13-2013 at 11:30 PM ----------

Carson opened his eyes. It seemed like he had been sleeping for years now.
Wait... this isn't my bedroom....
Carson sat upward, and immediately fell back down. The drug hadn't wore off yet. Carson layed on his back, breathing in the warm air as the forest spun around him. The foliage had made imprints on his face, and his left arm stung.
Bee sting?
No it couldn't be a bee sting. Carson was allergic to bees, and would be already dead by now. Carson's joints were sore, and as he tried to rub some life back into his limbs, he felt the sting in his arm again. He looked down and saw a small welt forming just above the crook of his arm.
It felt as though a bead was lodged under his skin. As the dizzyness started to leave, Carson viewed his surroundings. He was surrounded by large trees, and could hear running water in the distance. Ferns and vines hung down around him, and the air was filled with sounds of the wild.
Where am I?
Standing up, Carson brushed the leaves and dirt off his jeans and grey v-neck. That's when he noticed the note laying by his feet. . .

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