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Amane 02-15-2013 03:20 AM

Amane's Cottage of Love (Oh My!)
Welcome to the Cottage of Love, in every sense of the word! I don't have a Valentine. I've never had one. Do you? Who needs 'em? It can be just as fun with a group of friends and plenty of candies! I know I always stuff myself silly with candy hearts at this time of year. I sit at home and eat 'em all alone. My dream Valentine's Day! LOL.

That's enough rambling from me. Enjoy the all-you-can-eat heart cookies in the back. Share all kinds of love!

hummy 02-15-2013 04:14 AM

we dun has cookies?

Damia Flagg 02-15-2013 04:19 AM

Hello Amane.
Happy Valentines Day.
I do have a valentine & we have been married for several years now.

I like the candy conversation hearts. I always have to buy a bag of them for Valentines Day.

TerrenaAnimula 02-15-2013 05:15 AM

*eats a cookie*
I don't have a Valentine either. :(

hummy 02-15-2013 05:21 AM

i like to look at them but no teat them.

Maha-Aamir 02-15-2013 05:21 AM

Hello Amane! wonderful to see your love cottage [:D]
Im married so i get a rose and chocolate every year and i love sharing it with the kids...
but what really makes the day special is my mom's birthday [XD]

Damia Flagg 02-15-2013 05:39 AM

@ Maha-Aamir ~ tell your mom happy birthday for us. :D

I was sharing some of my chocolate with a few co-workers this afternoon.

Sora 02-15-2013 05:47 AM

*waves to everyone* Hello ~ ^-^

Maha-Aamir 02-15-2013 05:54 AM

Thanks Damia [:D] i will tell her the next time i see her in my dream [XD]

CADFND 02-15-2013 06:17 AM

Hello everyone. ^^;

*noms a cookie*

I don't have a Valentine this year. I've never had one before. I hope that I will eventually, though. >w>

Maha-Aamir 02-15-2013 06:19 AM

isn't there a gypsy crystal ball reader on mene who can give you some love potion CADFND?

Amane 02-15-2013 07:42 AM

Hi, everybody! :D

Hummy, did you not read the post? [:P] I said separately from my little Valentine's Day ramble that there are all-you-can-eat heart cookies in the back. But no, I didn't put it in the thread title this time. [lol]

Candy hearts are ridiculously good. It's too bad they're only around at this time of year. Those and the Christmas gingerbread cookies.

Once there was an EI with love potions…

Maha-Aamir 02-15-2013 07:57 AM

Lovely wonderful and colourful Amane [XD] i want cookies!

Amane 02-15-2013 08:10 AM

Hi there, Maha! [glomp] The back table's full of 'em!
XD I wanted to do something with the rainbow goodies I've stockpiled~

Maha-Aamir 02-15-2013 08:12 AM

thank you they are yummy
*stuffs face with cookies*
and those hearts at the back look great, celebrating love !

Amane 02-15-2013 08:15 AM

The best way to celebrate love is stuffing your face with heart cookies and candy hearts. No Valentine needed! XD

Maha-Aamir 02-15-2013 08:20 AM

YES! and movies... I prefer comedy/romance [:D]
And I am my own Valentine [:)]

Amane 02-15-2013 08:29 AM

Sounds like a plan! :D I like how you think. I like comedy and romance plots, even if they're cheesy or worn out. Never gets old for me if they're dressed up well.

Puffer 02-15-2013 08:32 AM

Ah ha! I found Amane's thread. xD

I haven't eaten anything sweet all day. This breaks the Valentine Code. xDD Instead I'm just watching a political drama tv series here. Pretty gloomy. I have my boyfriend here with me, but we're not really big on Valentines I guess. :P

Amane 02-15-2013 08:34 AM

Welcome, Puffer! In that case, heart cookie? :D

Maha-Aamir 02-15-2013 08:35 AM

yeah just imagine, everyone goes around complaining no one loves them the way they should, but we are living with our own selves since forever but never think of appreciating Us... hehehe something like that. my yoga teacher told me to love Me [:)]

Puffer 02-15-2013 08:42 AM

Love yourself before you ask anyone else to love you? :o Or something like that, I think heard something like that before. xD

*noms cookies* thank you. *glomps* I think I have ice cream in the fridge.

spicedroses 02-15-2013 08:43 AM

I heard tale, that there are cookies in here waiting for me to devour them!!

Amane 02-15-2013 08:44 AM

Right? Yourself is the easiest Valentine to have.

Dive right in, Spice! All-you-can-eat. XD And hi! [glomp]

Maha-Aamir 02-15-2013 08:49 AM

yes and the easiest one to please and love... I heard you need to take care of yourself before you can care for others... hehehe something like that.

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