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p o p p e t ♥ 10-03-2013 12:52 AM

Welcome to Farefield {FULL}
Welcome to Farefield!
>>Farefield OOC<<

Our story begins in a little town just outside of Salem, Massachusetts called Farefield. Our town is often overlooked and mostly avoided. People don't vacation to Farefield, they tell campfire stories about Farefield. There are many places here said to be haunted, occupied by creatures of the night, portals into the sixth dimension, etc. Our town is a gathering spot for all the things that go bump in the night, though by unwritten law of creatures of the night, they're supposed to keep themselves as secret as possible. Hah. Good luck in Farefield.

The weather here is always gloomy. Our trees are always bare or losing crunchy brown leaves. It's strange how that happens even in Spring, but we're used to it here. We get storms in summer, snow in winter, fog the rest of the time. You could say it's the perfect setting for some Hollywood Halloween movie. Black cats roam free, crows stalk us as we walk the sidewalks, strange things happen, and people die. It isn't that they're dying that's strange. It's how they're dying, or that they're just, disappearing. Sometimes they're seen again, but they're different. Very different.

The houses are old, with lots of character and large yards. The schools are small, where most people at least know of each other. And the nights always seem long. Longer than normal. The town is surrounded by the Whispering Woods, almost as if to keep it somehow secluded.

We have a few main locations here:

Town Square: It's made up of, you guessed it, a large square in the center of the town. It's a fairly decent sized park with trees, a gazebo and such. It's surrounded by our town's only shops and restaurants, including single the grocer.

Main street: It's adjacent to Town Square. Town hall is located on Main Street, as well as the local high school, and the single town church and single gas station.

Old Mill Cemetery: Yep, a cemetery. It's large, being the only cemetery this ancient town has ever had. It's got a new section that's kept up with, but it's mostly made of a lot of old headstones with tall grass, overgrown shrubs and trees and walk-in tombs. The tombs are said to lead underground to various places where things live. There is in fact an old mill on the premises as well. A lot of the town's rebels like to hang out in the cemetery and cause trouble.

Whispering Woods: These woods have their name for a reason, that's right, they whisper. Not everyone believes it of course, but it's true. They're said to be haunted, and a place you don't want to be alone when they're the only entrance and exit in town for, well, whatever the town attracts anyway. It surrounds the entire town.

Skull Creek Crossing: It's an old faded-red wooden bridge over a small creek. No one knows why they call it a creek since it's more like a small river. It's at least three car lengths wide and always rushing. Not something safe to swim in by any means.

Bloodlake Camp: The lake gets its name from the color the water appears to be. No one knows why it looks so red, or why it appears just like blood on a full moon, but no one really talks about it either. The camp is old and a little run down, but its got a creepy sleep-with-one-eye-open kind of charm that some ghouls people love.

Fearstreet Fair: The Fair, like the diner, was created to bring tourists. It was made to be a thrilling, scary point to visit in the town, with less colorful and happy fun things, and more creepy and bloodied-looking terrible things. It's like some kind of Halloween Haunted House made year-long fair. It's rarely busy, except on Friday and Saturday nights, and while it is an attraction for tourists, they don't stick around long, if they survive.

Deadman's Diner: Yeah, they actually named the diner, Deadman's Diner. It was a tourist ploy. But it didn't really work. They scared more people away than they attracted, but that's okay, we like it that way. Tourists always come here thinking we're all witches or vampires or something. They have no idea.

Typical homes: These can be used as your character's home if you want! Just make sure no one else is using it first.

Keep reading...

p o p p e t ♥ 10-03-2013 01:08 AM

Character options and Rules

Our story can have witches (male & female), vampires, werewolves, and humans. I'm keeping it simple. If you have a really creative idea to have some kind of spirit-being, or troll-like person (or other ghoul, etc.) PM me with your idea and we'll discuss it.

Before you join, you MUST read the other character profiles first. If we have seven females and three males, and you try to add a female, I'm going to turn you away. If we have seven vampires and you want to add a vampire, I'm going to turn you away. If we have any characters who can shapeshift into a purple giraffe, and your character can shapeshift into a purple giraffe, I'm going to turn you away. Are you catching my drift? Be diverse. Vampires need to be different from other vampires, humans need to be different from other humans, etc.

We also NEED ANTAGONISTS. Bad guys who cause trouble, monsters who want to turn everyone into mindless zombies, whatever, I don't care, but we need good guys and bad guys to make the story whole.

Witches can do a lot of stuff, being that they can cast spells and do all that fun stuff. (Can you tell I don't know anything about witches?) So witch abilities are sort of endless. They do not have superhuman strength though, or senses. They do appear human. They also live longer than the average human, around 200 years.

All vampires have superhuman strength, senses, etc. They all also have the ability to compel other creatures (will them into doing things for them, etc. - by making eye contact and telling them what to do/not to do.) The sun doesaffect them, unless they're wearing some sort of enchanted charm that allows them to walk in the sunlight. (These can be acquired by the help of a witch.)

They can also have one or two other small abilities (like: telepathy, shapeshifting into a single creature, etc.). The abilities can not be the same as any other vampire in the story. Vampires are allergic to wood and silver, as well as garlic. The strong odor of the garlic confuses their senses and foils mind control.

Vials of pure garlic extract can be consumed if one suspects they may soon be attacked by a vampire. When the vampire bites, he will soon find his throat burning, like he'd consumed acid. Large amounts of this in a vampire's system can be used to subdue him. Young vampires cannot cross running water. Vampires heal quickly and their blood heals humans quickly as well. Vampires can only enter a home when invited in, but can freely enter into any building not considered a home for humans.

Vampires can only turn others into vampires by blood-sharing. This means, a vampire feeds on a human and a human drinks the vampire's blood. They would have to share a loottt of blood for the human to actually change. But by sharing, they can in that moment, share one mind and soul, and it causes them to be able to speak telepathically to each other, as time goes on. The only other way for a human to become vampire is if they have vampire blood in their body (they can be forced into a situation like that if you want) and then they die. Within the hour they would awaken, a starving, young, crazed vampire.

Werewolves: All werewolves in human form are strong than a human, but not as strong as a vampire. They still have superhuman hearing, sight, and smell. Their body temperatures run higher than a normal human, making them feel as if they're running a slight fever. Changing into a werewolf and back would render the shifter naked. Werewolves who've had years of practice can change at will, not just on a full moon. It's very painful, but hurts less the older a werewolf gets.

A werewolf lives longer than a human, around 120 years. Werewolves are allergic to silver. Aside from that, a vampire bite is the only sure thing to kill one in its wolf form. They are also repelled by wolfsbane. People plant it around their homes and it masks the human scent quite well. Pure wolfsbane extract can also be used to subdue a werewolf, if you can get it into his system. (Putting it in his drink, or giving him a shot of it.) Werewolves also heal very quickly. Werewolves can turn humans into werewolves by biting them while in wolf form. A female human who becomes pregnant by a werewolf, will also become werewolf by nature so that her body can handle the litter. Werewolfs typically mate for life, but some are rebels.

Werewolves and Vampires are natural enemies. A bite from one or the other would kill the bitten, slowly, over the course of a few days, causing the victim fever and hallucinations and making them violent throughout the course of it.

Character ideas that would be useful (these can be human, vampire, witch or werewolf, too):
Doctor at the local hospital - who makes house calls, too
Police officer
Diner waitress/waiter

- Follow Mene rules and TOS.
- No Godmodding.
- Post at least once a day. (I can understand life - I have one. I get tired and lose inspiration sometimes, too. But don't make us wait more than two days without a family crisis or you'll get the boot. In other words, don't make us wait because you're being lazy.) Most of us can post throughout the day. So if you can't commit to that, don't join and ruin it for the rest of us. [no]
- Post in paragraphs. NO one-liners EVER. [illgetu]
- If you want to join, PM me with your character idea (by filling out the character profile skeleton below), and when I give you the go ahead, post your character picture and profile in the RP along with your first post.
- Above all else, be creative and have fun!

p o p p e t ♥ 10-03-2013 01:13 AM

Approved Characters

Name: Rebecca (Becca) Shane Dalton
Owner: p o p p e t ♥
I am: human
Hair: Long, light brown with natural blonde highlights, making it look brown in dim light and blonde in the sun.
Eyes: Sapphire blue with the same gold specks around her pupil like her brother has.
Height: 5'4"
Gender: Female
Sexual orientation: Straight
Birth date: September 12th
Place of birth: Phoenix, Arizona, though she moved with her parents to Portland, Oregon and then to Farefield, Mass.
Current Occupation: Becca runs Camp Bloodlake during the "off season". People can still go there to use the lake and other amenities and it still needs its upkeep and bills paid. Becca oversees those things.
Markings/tattoos: She doesn't have any tattoos but she has a birthmark on her right shoulder just above her shoulder blade. It's somewhat of a star or sun shape with seven or eight jagged points, fairly even.
Parents: Alive and married; Janice Dalton and Harold Dalton
Siblings: She has one brother who is ten months younger than her; Matthew Dalton
Relationship status: While Becca has had loads of boyfriends, moving on to a new one as soon as the last got boring, and they always get boring... She's currently single, having broken up with her last boyfriend in September, just after her birthday.
Style: Expensive and fashionable. Becca has a variety of clothes, but they're all perfect for Becca's complexion, complimenting her hair color and style as well as her eyes. She got her sense of style from her mom, who is a fashion designer. Even Becca's night wear is fashionable.
Special Skills: Becca was in ballet for twelve years, from the time she was 5 until she quit when she was 17. She has exceptional balance, poise and discipline because of it, and is limber thanks to it. And of course, she can dance. Being that her mother and father both had very important jobs that kept them away, Becca learned to cook at a young age. She's exceptional at it. She's also a whiz at math and science.
Dreams: Becca has always wanted to learn to play an instrument, maybe the piano or violin. She's also always wanted to learn French. Aside from that, Becca doesn't know what she wants to do with her life, which is why she's taken a break from college to help her parents in their new town. Becca picks things up easily and could probably do anything she put her mind to. Unfortunately, every time Becca learns something new, (or dates someone new) she feels like there's something missing, or like it's not quite the right fit. She feels like she's always searching for something just out of reach.
Short personality description: Rebecca is charming, sweet and funny, with just the right amount of sass and sarcasm. She's athletic and loves to be outdoors (too bad they moved to such a dreary place). She's great with children and animals as well as her peers who, like the creatures of the night, seem to be drawn to her charisma.
Short backstory: Becca recently moved to Farefield with her parents. She didn't have to, but felt they needed the extra help. Everyone, and sometimes places, have what's called an aura. (The distinctive atmosphere or quality that seems to surround and be generated by a person, thing, or place.) It just so happens that Becca has one of the brightest auras in the Western Hemisphere. She wouldn't have known, had it not been for her newest best friend, who apparently has witchy genes, or something.

Since Becca's arrival in Farfield, more people have been disappearing and dying. Some people believe it's her, that she's a vampire or something, and avoid her at all costs. The real reason, is that the ghouls of the night are drawn to Farefield naturally, but even more so are drawn to Becca's aura like bugs to light. It's said that when a vampire feeds, he's ingesting his victim/donors very aura. That it's the aura that defines their taste and the sustenance of the blood. In vampire terms, that makes Becca a powerhouse.

It's pretty ironic that everyone thinks she's some kind of monster. Though, Becca is inclined to believe in those sorts of things. After all, her aura has been growing stronger and stronger since puberty, and this wouldn't be the first time in her life she's drawn near the things that go bump in the night.


Becca is currently living with her parents, not sure yet if she plans to move back to her hometown or not. Their house is two story, and also has a basement as well as an attic. The attic might as well have been a third floor, as Becca's mom turned it into a work station for her clothing design shop. It has a large covered front porch with a wooden two person swing. The home is white. Becca's room is on the second floor. The home has all wooden floors and is large, in the shape of a short L, the longer section being on the backside. If you count the porch you could call it a square. The garage is separate from the house and the property is large, covered in many beautiful maple trees.
Here is an idea of where Becca lives:
(You can see Becca's room there on the second story.)

Becca wears this pendant. It's a real ruby with a real gold chain. It's a family heirloom and the key to undoing the vampire curse, or killing all vampires off entirely. It can't be touched by a vampire without severely injuring them. It can't be used without a particular grimoire's spells that only a witch can read and use or without the blood of the Dalton family. (So the blood of her parents, brother or herself.) Becca never takes the necklace off and if she does, she hides it in her room in a place no one would find it.

Name: Kasimir
Owner: Kry
I am: Human
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'9
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: Bi-sexual
Special abilities: His dexterity and agility seem to be a little above average for most humans.
Short personality description: Sometimes flirty, most things amuse him. Reckless. Speaks with a German accent, knows three languages, German, English and Lithuanian. (German being his native tongue)
Short backstory:When Kasimir was born, he was given over to the care of a very strict German-American orphanage. He stayed there until he was eighteen, that's when they kicked him out. Kasimir is 27 years old. He has traveled around a lot, and has now found his way into Farefield. Trying to make his way as a hapless thief.
Kasimir can often be found in the company of a certain pale skinned, silver haired male who may or may not be a vampire.
Other: He has scars on his back from rough treatment at the orphanage he grew up in, and a couple of stab wound scars on his abdomen.
Name: Alistair "Hiro" LeVon Deveraux
Owner: Kry
I am: Vampire
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Grey-blue
Height: 6'2
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: Bi-sexual
Special abilities: All the things that come with being a vampire.
Short personality description: Kind and patient. More likely to help a human than eat them. Though he won't hesitate to kill anyone or anything if he feels the situation calls for such drastic actions. Does not like other vampires. Knows three languages, German, English and Lithuanian. (Lithuanian being his native tongue)
Short backstory: Alistair comes from a small Island that most have never heard of. He was the son of the ruling Lord, and heir to his seat...or would have been had he not been turned to a Vampire. Alistair is over 400 years old. I find myself often longing for my humanity. For hundreds of years he drifted along this word lamenting everything he has lost. He has grown tired of watching humans he befriend grow old and die...though it seems he can't rid himself of the company of a specific blonde, German human.


Name: Nathaniel "Nate" Fletcher
Owner: Hidden Cupcake
I am: human
Hair: A deep sable color. Shortly cropped and thick, it has a natural bounce to it. It most often is left unkempt and his lack of a drive to maintain his hygiene often leaves it greasy and almost flat.
Eyes: A dark chocolate brown. His right eye has a small spot of blue in the iris.
Height: 5'6"
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: Asexual, though he does appreciate romantic relationships.
Janet Fletcher - Mother - Deceased
Vincent Fletcher - Father - Deceased Unknown
Laurelei Fletcher - Grandmother - Deceased
Special abilities: Nate is remarkably perceptive, able to pick up on bold-faced lies easily.
Short personality description: Nate is quiet and reserved. Not being very social he doesn't tend to talk much with others. Under moments of physical danger or similar his personality seems to pull a 180; he becomes loud, animated, and violent. Brutally so. When he comes out of it he doesn't seem to recall his actions and is usually disoriented and suffering from a pounding headache afterwards. He can't stand dark places and is highly nyctophobic.
Short backstory: For much of his life Nate lived in Washington, living with his grandmother in her old house in the middle of the woods. His parents had died in a housefire when he was three years old, he himself found outside in the garden, unharmed and clutching a stuffed animal. They barely ever went into town, his grandmother a shut in and social pariah. Nate was blissfully unaware of the truth of his grandmother's isolation, unaware of the magic blood in his veins, his grandmother and father both witches. It wasn't until his grandmother died, the details of which are fuzzy and hard to grasp, and he inherited her things did he even hear of the town of Farefield.

The years went by and he moved from foster home to foster home, eventually ending up at Washington State University. In college he discovered a taste for film and started carrying a camera with him wherever he went. As time went on he had the terrible feeling of being followed, confiding in his roommate and best friend Louis. Louis suggested a camping trip during the summer break. It was during one of their hikes on this trip, when he got separated from Louis, did he encounter what has been watching him; a monster, twisted and terrible, taller than any man should ever be. Faceless. Hard to look at. He blacked out and woke up in the mental ward of the hospital about two months later, sitting in a chair in his room. It was later explained he had been found wandering the woods, mumbling nonsensically and clutching his bag. He had been entirely unresponsive for those two months. Louis didn't even remember the trip.

Over the weeks his grades slipped and he finally dropped out, moving out of the dorms and into an apartment. Louis went with him, getting a second job to help pay the rent. Going through his grandmother's things once more he comes across some old photos of his father and a house surrounded by tall and dark trees, a tall figure in the shadows of the trees, barely noticeable. On the back 'Farefield, MA 1971' was written in marker. After making a few calls he found the house was still in his family's name and he packed his bags and moved across the country, moving into his father's rickety old house in the middle of the woods.

After he moved in he was plagued with nightmares and he now relies on over the counter sleep pills to allow him some rest. Sightings of the creature from earlier have increased for him (though how many of these are hallucinations and how many are not is a mystery to him) and his memory has no longer become reliable. Locals and campers have said he's been walking around the camp site in the night and was even told he was digging at the roots of trees with his hands at the edge of the old cemetery. He only ever wanders into town now to do some grocery shopping, hit up his job at the diner, or browse the library and the old town archives, looking for any clue of the tall creature haunting him.


This is his father's house. It's cold and large and falling apart. Many of the rooms are locked or boarded up. If one was to actually measure the inside and compare it to the outside, though, things might no add up about the old house in the middle of the woods...

Name: Onyx Claire Nguyen
Owner: Sadrain
I am: Human (actually, a witch who has yet to discover her powers)
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Eyes: Piercing gray, like stone glistening with dew
Hair: Pitch black, soft and wispy, falling to the bottom of her shoulderblades. Often messy
Height: ~5'6"
Birthday: 3rd July
Parents: Father is deceased, mother has re-married and moved away
Siblings: Older brother and step-sister
Occupation: Self-acclaimed author, but basically jobless. Has managed to win few prizes in contests with short stories, however
Relationship status: Single. Has little dating experience, she has never really been in love. Although, recently someone attracted her attention...
Special abilities: Yet to be discovered, however since early childhood, she's been able to see things others can't - a dark shape that's gone after a blink or little creature scurrying off somewhere. Sometimes she sees things and people completely different as they are, for just a second. She writes it off to over-creative imagination, but sometimes it creeps her out. Her sometimes over-sensitive and compassionate nature spurs from fact she can sense emotions of others, although they would have to be quite strong
Short personality description: Rather guarded and reserved at first, she is shy of taking the first step in getting to know someone. Unless, her 'brakes' are off which is usually caused by one of following reasons: being tipsy, quite happy or sleepy. When she warms up to someone, it turns out Onyx is goofy girl who likes to laugh and joke, sometimes just not making sense. In fact, it seems that she attempts to maintain this happy attitude no matter what, as if she's afraid of giving into fears or sadness. At times, the girl's a bit torn between following main trends and being her own person. Very loyal and surprisingly trustworthy for someone who talks so much. On the impatient side, impulsive, but despite being slightly immature she manages to stay pleasant and even charismatic, as she's also quite sweet and caring to her dear ones
Likes & Dislikes: Onyx is a total cat person. Big or small, she adores them and feels like she has special connection to them. She generally likes all animals, but dogs are one thing that scare her deep down. However, lizards, snakes, spiders? No problem usually.
She loves to eat and drink, but as she enjoys jogging and bicycle riding just as much, it usually evens out. At times, Onyx jokes she is robot that works on coffee.
She doesn't like cemeteries much, won't go in one if there's a choice.
Likes music and finding funny stuff on Internet, playful arguments and teasing. Books, reading and writing is her passion. Not so keen on nicknames unless given by people she likes.
Enjoys tending to the small garden around her cottage, but usually grows plants and flowers that won't suffer too much if she neglects them some
Dreams: The only thing she really has her mind set on is writing. Other than that, she has close to none idea what she wants to do with her life. And even writing is not going so well, it feels as everything she writes is 2-dimension and cliche... She wants and at the same time dislikes idea of going to college or university, leaving this city. It's as if something ties her here and all can she do is sit in the fog and wait until it clears up to see the stars to shoot for
Style: She lives by idea: why spend more, if you can spend less? Or even better, create something yourself? Onyx has no problem buying cheap, although certainly pretty and romantic/girly clothing (sometimes even daring) and then making it all hers by sewing beads and patterns on it. In similar way, she creates jewelry
Special skills: The way she sews and beads, braids and makes the jewelry could be considered a talent even. She's a decent cook, would be even better if she wouldn't get distracted by things like sudden story idea or new bracelet design (good thing you can stop the crafting and sewing at nearly any time without ruining the whole outcome. Unlike food). Onyx is also very creative and imaginative, which isn't always a good thing as she lets her imagined scenarios scare sometimes
Short backstory: Onyx had a loving family. It was a tragedy when her father died in some accident at work (he worked at woodmill near Farefield) when she was just 11. Around her 16th birthday, her mother met a handsome tourist from other side of States who was into all kinds of spooky and magical things just like she was. Despite all the tantrums she threw, the two got married a year later and her mother moved away. Her brother was already off into his own life and that meant Onyx was left to live with her grandma who passed away year and half ago. Now, she regrets how she practically ruined her relationships with mom and doesn't like to talk about why she lives all alone. Onyx would like to patch her relationships up and her brother keeps urging her to do so, but there is something she can't quite get over...
Other: She has strange sleeping habits, stemming from fact she stays up so much either partying or at her PC. Night is her time of inspiration. Now that she has Rebecca as friend, it has gotten better, however - she has a reason to go out at daytime.
Has a black cat named Memow. Onyx loves her very, very much.
Determined to become a good writer, not because of money, but because of what her work could give to readers.
Tends to drink, not much, just enough to get tipsy, so her brakes go off. Holds liquor well.
When her grandmother died, she left the house and good deal of her money to Onyx which she is using rather carefully to live, until she writes that bestseller book

Her home, a little out of the way, closer to the woodsX


Name: Audrey Fontaine
Owner: Hidden Cupcake
I am: a werewolf
Hair: Dirty blonde down to her shoulders. Keeps it in a loose ponytail most if not all of the time.
Eyes: Light, grayish green
Height: 5'8"
Gender: Female
Sexual orientation: Pansexual
Special abilities: Audrey can change between her two forms at will and has even found a way to enter an 'in between' form that resembles a wolf on two legs. The snout is stunted, her ears are simply elongated on the side of her head, and possesses no tail.
Short personality description: Audrey is a psychopath. She has been known to torture people for fun. Being a lone wolf she has no familial attachments to any pack and has no intentions of ever doing so. She hates vampires with a burning passion, quick to stalk and kill any she feels she can overpower.
Short backstory: Audrey lived a fairly normal childhood. In high school she became much more violent, getting into fights. After a while she dropped out and ran away. During her drifting period she was bitten and eventually ran with a pack. Life seemed to stabilize for her and her violent tendencies faded.

Her life fell apart when her pack was killed, slaughtered by a coven of vampires aided by a powerful witch. She was lucky enough to avoid death, only escaping with a terrible wound across the bridge of her nose. It left a terrible scar, the blade forged from silver.

She watched from the shade of a bush as the vampires left with their spoils; teeth and skins. She would have wandered off were it not for the witch. She found her and, through strange magic, bound Audrey to her will. Years passed and Audrey learned many things from the witch. The most interesting was the tale of two amulets said to be able to wipe those bearing the curse of wolf or bat from the world.

She became transfixed and, when the witch finally died, made it her goal to track them down, killing whoever got in her way; witches, wolves, vampires, or man. As the years passed she learned also of the book containing the enchantments and spells for the pendants' use. She eventually caught wind of the family who held the pendant which dominated the vampire curse and she has been tracking the necklace ever since. Recent scentings have brought her to Farefield.
Other: Audrey lives on the streets or in whatever house she's....rented.
Name: Aiden
Owner: PrincessKasumi
I am: Vampire
Hair: Honey Blonde
Eyes: His right eye is a deep blue color, almost bottomless as if it could suck you in. His left eye is almost a bright amber color, almost akin to the yellow eyes of a cat.
Height: Not quite 6'0"
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: Straight
Special abilities: Aside from typical vampirical abilities he possesses are telekinesis and a small form of phasing (kinda like shadow cat from x-men) which he can't use often.
Short personality description: Bluntly honest, he more then likely whether you want him to or not WILL tell you what he is thinking and how he feels. He could be unpredictable may never know what he is going to do until he does it. And him being a vampire does increase his 'sneaky' factor. He loves the thrill of risks, you never quite know what will happen. There is a side he doesn't nuture or ever had a care to. Beneath his hard exterior is something few if any one ever gets to see...
Short backstory: Aiden has no true home, but he suppose Farefield would be his home seeing how long his been there. And he's been there a very long time. Time has long since lost it's meaning to him, the days, months, decades have all blended together. His life just seemed like one long day. Sometimes it was exciting, others.. it was quite the opposite. Aiden never stayed in one place for too long when he was younger, always looking for new places to terrorize as new vampire.. but as time went on he outgrew those fledgling desire, but not entirely.

Aiden was once a nobleman somewhere in the eastern hemisphere, somewhere perhaps in England. But that life is no longer relevant to him or anyone else. What matters is the now and what is to be.

How Aiden came upon obtaining a Dire Wolf as companion is nothing short of a mystery, he may have obtained the canine from a previous life, or as gift.. or perhaps payment in exchange for something he did. But it is certain that the wolf known as Sasha has been sited in graveyards standing or laying protectively around a crypt.

What made Aiden stay in Farefield, one cannot say. But what will make him stay for awhile longer is what is attracting his brethen and other such beast...


Aiden has no permanent home. His hobbies? Hunting and drinking blood, oh wait.. drinking is a way of life. It's not a unsual occurance for a Vampire to have a pet, but in this case it highly unusually to have a wolf.

This is Aiden's house in the woods, out by Camp Bloodlake.
And this is the front door of the place:

Name: Matthew James Dalton
Owner: p o p p e t ♥
I am: human
Hair: Light brown with natural blonde highlights , making it look brown in dim light and blonde in the sun.
Eyes: Hazel with specks of gold around the pupil
Height: 6'0"
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: Straight
Short personality description: Matt is charming and charismatic. He's also headstrong and quick to stand up for himself but even more for those around him. He sees himself as a natural born leader, and defender, which he is. He's smart, even though he was known to slack off in school.
Short backstory: Matt has been living in an apartment in Portland, Oregon while he went to college. Recently he decided the school scene wasn't for him and came to Farefield to "visit" his parents and sister. He has no real plans to return home, but none to stay in this creepy little town either. He won't be surprised if he gets here to see his sister's life in some kind of turmoil, that's just Bec. At least he'll be here to help clean up her mess like old times. It could be fun. Besides, Matt is a family man, and he's really been unhappy living on his own.
Other: Matt is Becca's brother. He's ten months younger than her, though looks and acts more like the older sibling. When he smiles he has two deep little dimples on both sides of his face.
Name: Peter Shakar (Pishacha)
Owner: BrotherOfDarkness
I am: Vampire origins unknown
Hair: grey
Age:appears in his sixties
Eyes: grey
Height: 5'10"
Gender: male
Sexual orientation: Not obvious
Special abilities: Has knowledge on lots of arcane, occult and holy items and history. Always knows something about history, and myths and legends.

It can be guessed that Peter is an old vampire, very old, but his origins are unclear. He so far appears to be able to communicate to a degree telepathically, although sometimes this can just be a suggestion rather than a clear voice and can shift himself into a mist to travel. He also has a reflection, but something is wrong with that reflection, but again is unclear quite what.
The most remarkable thing is that he appears to be immune to the effects of silver himself, although his spawn are not though have heightened resistance to normal weaknesses.

Short personality description: always calm and collected, seems to have a lot of patience, and never is seen raising his voice, he speaks in almost a whisper. Will often give a smile, but it is always stiff,and his eyes do not smile with his mouth, wether it is his old age is hard to tell.
Peter, walks with a very slight limp

Other: Peter has moved recently to Fairfield, and opened an antique store, people originally asked him why Farefield, as he must not get much trade. Peter explained many of his sales are sold over seas, and online by his assistants, that he has moved simply to get away from the stress and hustle and bustle of the busy towns and cities. He has mentioned that he has other investments abroad, but doesn't go into details.
Name: Lilith "The Blood Countess" Von Blaise
Owner: PrincessKasumi
I am: First Born Vampire
Hair: Purple Black
Eyes: Crimson
Height: 5'8" without heels (heels are usually 4" to 5")
Gender: Female
Sexual orientation: Straight
Special abilities: Pyrokinesis/Electrokinesis and shape shifting in a crow (slightly larger but not too noticeable)
Short personality description: Neurotic, loyal, playful, Dissociative identity disorder (multiple personalities)
The other side of her has: Deceptive, Brutal, still loyal
Short back story: She was the first child brought unto this world by a/the original vampire Peter. Unlike her siblings who came after she was an old one. Lilith sported two completely different personalities, the only thing linking them was loyalty to her maker, and regrettably the rest of her kind. Both personalities do know of each other and what the other does, almost as if it is two souls in one body.

She was amused with one particular human, so much so she adopted her nickname for her own. It seemed fitting for her other side. For a really long time though she was with Peter before something cause them to part.. almost indefinitely. But she managed to come back some how, to search for him.
Other: She usually dwells in an abandon church, it was her latest conquest. Besides it seemed fitting for her to dwell inside of a church. Since she is the first the weakness of made vampires do not operate at full strength as they would if it was used against a normal vampire. And weakness are even more ineffective towards original vampires/towards the original vampire. She has a job as a Doctor in the local hospital.


Name: Michael Gantry
Owner: BrotherOfDarkness
I am: Human
Hair: bald
Age: 32
Eyes: brown
Height: 6ft 2"
Gender: male
Appearance: Tall, athletic and attractive. Always dressed smart, and holds himself confidently.
Sexual orientation: straight
Special abilities: marine veteran, and marine boxing champion. Has the ability to put things and plans together very easily, and seems to have a lot of friends in high places.
Personality description: can be a very ruthless person, and is used to getting what he wants, he is very animated, and an energetic person, he inspires other easily, through his passion and words, or through intimidation. Either his physical presence or personality. He will appear to go out of his way to help citizens of Farefield. And plays up,to the public and press, is a typical politician in that respect.

Other: Michael, has been mayor for five years, only a two,years after moving to Farefield... no one has been interested in doing what he does, he seems to know some people in high places, and it seems if Farefield needs anything he gets it.
Name: Carnelian Alcander Nguyen
Owner: Sadrain
I am: Witch
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Eyes: Bright, intense sky blue
Hair: Pitch black, soft and wispy, nearly shoulder length and with tendency to be slightly (but not only) messy
Height: ~6', perhaps a bit taller
Birthday: 21st December
Parents: Father is deceased, mother has re-married and moved away
Siblings: Younger sister (Onyx Claire Nguyen), step-sister
Occupation: Librarian, freelance artist & photographer, a Gray Guard
Relationship status: Single. Has had an on-off relationships with someone, but it was never really settled (one way or another). Is generally too busy with work to be looking
Special abilities: Rather well-versed and strong in magic, has good control over his powers. Especially talented with item enchanting and all kinds of passive magic. Heightened intuition and attunement to outside magical sources (enhanced items, spell barriers of all sorts, magical beings are all noticed and correctly recognized/valued by him)
Short personality description: Just like his sister, seems cool and even defensive at first. But when people get to know him, they realize he isn't all that up-tight and arrogant as he may seem. In fact, he loves a good joke and laugh, although he rarely, if ever, just goofs out.
He is calm (in the sense, rarely anything throws him off balance) and content, but can have a bit of temper at times. Loyal and even protective, although in his own manner, and certainly trustworthy. Alcander can be just as determined as stubborn and that is a lot. Can be rather sweet and kind, no doubt that he is helpful.
Carnelian does not discriminate anyone and will treat everyone good (also all kinds of supernaturals), until they prove they do not deserve it. He does have a good dose of healthy distrust/caution, however, and observes everyone a lot, even those who seem to be absolutely 'safe'.
Tries to keep an open mind and is artistic, intelligent
Likes & Dislikes: Nature, animals, beautiful things in general, but does not make it his goal to own them.
Likes free time, peace and art, also drawing, taking photos, painting.
Hates to be out of the loop, defenseless, unprepared or vulnerable, but tries to control it.
Alcander enjoys music, books, a good meal (likes sweets more than a man normally would admit).
Having fun and unwinding is certainly something Carnelian would like to have more in his life, but avoids alcohol, coffee and other such things usually.
Actually likes using magic, enchanting items
Dreams: Although he would not openly admit it, most of his life he has spent studying and working hard to become what he is today. And the work is never over. Carnelian really would like to be able to take some time off, without any guilt, and live - take a break from his routine, draw and take photos at his leisure, relax with an entertaining book, not one for mastering language, some spell, or about how to deal with certain types of supernaturals. And perhaps even start serious relationships, although that is the most secret dream of all, one Alcander has doubts and concerns about. But he knows he cannot have a real break: every now and then, people need him, and what's more - one day his sister will need him
Style: Kind of laid back proper. He won't bother always having a tie on, but probably will wear dress shirt and pants, or perhaps black, straight jeans with seams down back and front of legs. Always has multiple silver items on him, like a cross (most likely, under the shirt), signet ring (left hand's pinky) and a silver stud in right ear with carnelian gem in it. Wears glasses. Has 'combat' outfit with light armor, steel capped boots and few more items of silver
Special skills: Martial arts. Has an excellent eye for all things beautiful, tends to carry camera and notebook with him most of the time. Alcander uses various weapons, old and new, proficiently. Knows multiple languages, including latin. Excellent time management skills. High stamina. Decent cook
Short backstory: Carnelian realized that he could do and see, sense more than other children very early. His mother was dismissive of it at first, but eventually accepted and let his grandmother educate him into witchcraft. The elderly lady soon realized the great potential and began shaping him into a Gray Guard.
He learned that from ancient times, his family had belonged to Gray Guards, a group of witches and select few other supernaturals (those individuals that did not have natural bias towards another group) who watched over the course of history and more importantly, other supernaturals while attempting to stay mostly neutral. They usually got involved only when things were going out of hand - mass murders, endangering of whole countries or species, but when they did, they quelled the disaster quickly and proficiently.
It was no easy task to be a Gray Guard, and knowing that, he accepted the responsibility, perhaps pressured by his mother's and grandmother's hopeful eyes. And although he was very responsible student, Carnelian's heart was never really into it, especially since he couldn't spend as much time with Onyx as he would like.
But it changed, just like his whole family's life was turned upside down when a something, perhaps werewolf or another creature, murdered his father. What made it even worse, Onyx was first to see the mangled body parts and blood, having run off ahead of him, and Alcander always wonders if she didn't see even more than that...
She changed after that, becoming more reclusive and seemed to delete the whole event out of her memory. However, lot of other memories disappeared, too, and her magical powers became suppressed. Any mention of magic made her cry and panic.
In the end, family decided to conceal the witchcraft from her as she obviously suffered when it was mentioned. They educated her half-secretly, providing her books about herbal medicine, fantasy literature and discussing that and more at length, teaching her Latin and so on. But it wasn't the same. Carnelian felt like he had lost his father and part of his sister that night. To compensate that in a way, and to make sure that it would not happen again, he then fully put his mind and heart into studies, working to become better and better Gray Guard
Other: Actually has a degree in Fine Arts, has taken courses for photography.
He has decent eyesight, glasses are not so much for actual eyesight than all other kinds of visual perception as they are enchanted. They also work as defense against some mind
controlling and affecting magics and tricks.
Any weapon he uses is enchanted to some extent, most of his items are
Loves Onyx from bottom of his heart and feels guilty about having to hide things from her, that he hasn't been by her side. Hopes to amend some of it now

Name: Vincent Fletcher
Owner: Hidden Cupcake
I am: a Witch
Hair: Light brunette, his hair is stringy and lies flat on his head. The longest strand fall to just behind his ears and hang over his forehead.
Eyes: A light, stormy blue
Height: Just barely reaching 6'
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Janet Fletcher - Wife - Deceased
Nathaniel Fletcher - Son - Alive
Laurelei Fletcher - Mother - Deceased
Special abilities: Vincent is a man of many talents, though he particularly enjoys taxidermy.
Short personality description: Vincent is gentle and kind, always smiling at strangers and willing to lend a hand if it's ever asked of him. He is not above cruelty though. He can go from kind and gentle to cruel and merciless within seconds all with a kind smile. He has a tendancy to obsess and become overly attached to people in his life. Family, especially by blood, is very important to him
Short backstory: Vincent was born near Farefield many years ago and spent most of his young life moving around with his mother, ignoring the dark shadow at the edge of his vision. His father was absent his whole life. He still doesn't know the man's name. They never stayed in any place for too long. What his mother did wouldn't allow them. Vincent's mother was a Woods-Witch, a terrible manifester of magic who used the fleeing life of many different creatures and their remains. His mother preferred to use children.

He eventually came into his own power, breaking off to work on his own while maintaining constant contact with his slightly overbearing mother. He eventually settled in Farefield, drawn in by the woods that whispered dark things in the night. He built his home and set about his life. He lived there for a long while, forming budding friendships and blending in near seamlessly. Until an incident exposed his nature to a local Gray Guard family, forcing him to flee.

He made his way across the country and settled again Washington. He met his wife, Janet, while he was staying over in a small town near the coast. They developed a strong relationship and married a few months later. Their only son, Nathaniel, was born half a year later. He adored his boy, spoiling him rotten. And he was intent to keep his mother away. He didn't trust her with him, recognizing the way she eyed him as the same way a hawk would eye a mouse. She already hated his wife.

The time between the fire and his waking up is a mystery to him, though how he survived never was. The time spent after, though, was filled with pain. And anger. He's spent the last 23 years fixing his burnt and broken body, using his magics to restore his skin and flesh. He has followed his son, the only blood he has left (a fact he made sure was true she was not allowed to have him), to Farefield, trailing just a step behind. He does his best to ignore the dark shadow near his old home.

p o p p e t ♥ 10-03-2013 01:14 AM

Farefield Updates

Current day/weather: October 2nd - Pouring rain, around 9 a.m. with very dark grey skies and wind.

Character locations and extras:
Becca - Outside of the office building at Camp Bloodlake
Onyx - At Becca's house with Matt
Matt - At his parent's house with Onyx eating breakfast
Kaled - At the church with Nate
Nate- At the church with Kaled
Kasimir - At the diner with Randolph
Randolph - At the diner with Kasimir
Alistair - At the bed and breakfast with Vart
Vart - At the bed and breakfast with Alistair
Clara - Outside of Camp Bloodlake
Audry - Inside the office building at Camp Bloodlake
Aiden - Outside the office building at Camp Bloodlake
Lilith - Just joined

p o p p e t ♥ 10-03-2013 02:21 AM

It was early afternoon in Farefield, though no one could ever tell the difference. It was a typical gloomy and overcast day. The leaves were browning and beginning to fall from the trees already, not that they were ever very green to begin with. A light breeze picked up and Becca's long soft hair flitted around her face. She reached up and tucked it behind an ear while she fumbled with the office door key to Bloodlake Camp.

Although it was October and the camp was closed, someone had to upkeep it. And while there were a few people hired to keep the canoes afloat and the water running, Becca was hired to make sure all those things got done, and that the bills got paid. She was lucky enough to work on her own time, and she was officially off work.

Finally the stupid lock on the decrepit cabin-like office door locked. It was silly that they even locked it. It wasn't like a toddler couldn't manage to get inside. But, she'd been told that some of the town's younger generation liked to mull about the place in the off season. No one seemed to mind. Even the cabins were left unlocked. But the office had important documents that didn't need messed with.

She dropped the keys in her over-the-shoulder bag that her best friend had given her last month on her birthday, and hopped off the two short wooden stairs into the dirt with a smile. She took in the sight of the lake, and her smile faded. Right. I'm in Farefield now. The place wasn't so bad. It was quite beautiful, and sometimes enchanting. But overall, creepy. Really really, creepy.

Becca headed through the camp, sticking to the dirt path that would lead her through the woods and to her car. She wore a pair of brown laceup boots with fleece-topped socks sticking out above them. She wore a jean skirt and a red plaid fleece button up shirt, fitted to her form and rolled up at the sleeves. It accentuated her brown-blonde hair and sapphire eyes, which is why she wore it.

Sticks and leafs crunched under her boots as she followed the path through the camp towards her car. The camp wasn't far from town at all. It just felt far because of the mass of woods that engulfed everything. In fact, she was pretty sure she could hear some of the fair rides and music, if she listened closely.

Beekeeper 10-03-2013 06:00 AM

Kaled found something deliciously ironic in his profession. An individual such as himself who could have easily passed for a patron saint of patience and guidance, leading a congregation towards the path they thought would bring them to their God when he could be no further removed from their teachings. When all he wanted was to lead them right into the palm of his hands where they could never again see the light. He was his own God, his own master, doomed to toil in mortality until his birthright was granted to him.

Noon should be coming to a close. His last sermon had dispersed, leaving him with nothing but himself and his God. Or so the masses would believe. He took great pains in discretion, leaving not a trace of his true purpose lingering on his skin, in the church, in the air. Scent wouldn't have been such a problem if not for some of the residents in town. A misfit bunch of monsters and rabid dogs interspersed between the human inhabitants. But Kaled had not been able to do as he had if such a hinderance as a stray 'wolf could discover him so easily.

It had been one such reason he had chosen this specific line of work. A priest is almost held entirely free from suspicion in all regards, and the church gave him an excuse as to why the grounds were littered with wolfsbane along stray pieces of silver and chunks of garlic cloves. His church was known as one of the safest places in Farefield to go for mass or confession or for a place to stay for the night, especially for weary travellers who could not find somewhere in town to stopover.

After all, a church is meant to be free from unholy dangers.

But nothing is safe from me.

The old wooden stairs creaked as he descended, shoes putting pressure on boards that should have been replaced years ago. Kaled had seen no need - the wood was not yet rotting and that was good enough of a reason to postpone such a task. There was also the added incentive of not allowing anyone down into what others assumed was the personal crypt of the church.

In all fairness, they were correct. The space underneath the building was, at one point, the burial grounds of all previous clergymen. But now it had a decidedly more sinister purpose.

Electric lights flickered, barely illuminating the space in a stuttering soft golden glow. The shadows seemed to writhe wherever the light didn't reach, twisting into impossible shapes when viewed out of the corner of one's eye. But the true centre of attention was to the young woman chained down in the middle of the floor overtop a complex symbol made up of circles and lines and letterings of a language unknown.

Kaled stepped over to her, darkness brushing the hollows of his face to paint it like a skull. He bent down to grab a knife that had been lain near the edge of the outermost circle, and - without moving from where he was crouched, without even a glance at the trembling woman's face - spoke.

"Be honoured, for you are serving a purpose far greater than your mortal life."

Light stuttered, the room going black to yellow to black to red to yellow again.

He stood, something that continued to bleed in his palm. His shoes made a barely audible scuffing noise as he turned on the floor. Wooden boards creaked once again under his feet and, with a small thought and push of power, turned the switch off. After all, it wouldn't do to stain the white enamel.

The room turned to darkness and remained that way.

Above, Kaled began preparing his next meal.

But for the thud of knives and the soft humming of a tune long lost to time, the church was utterly silent.

Kry 10-03-2013 07:21 PM

"Where did you get it?" The question was asked with serious curiosity, the speaker sitting rather contently atop a large headstone in the cemetery. A large oak tree grew just behind him, shading him very well from the sun. Well, it would have shaded him very well from the sun but the day seemed rather overcast already. A gloomy day, one his companion thought perfect for lurking about in cemeteries. Alistair didn't particularly like cemeteries, it reminded the vampire too much of death. He would much prefer to sit in a small cafe or bookstore.

Right now though that apparently wasn't happening, and he was holding something up. A small pendant in the shape of a dragon, dangling from a metal chain, grey-blue eyes staring at it intently. He glanced once at his companion, the blond sitting at the base of the headstone, leaning his back against it and resting his head somewhat against one of the tall vampire's legs. Alistair was clothed simply, black boots that looked as if they weren't from this era, low heeled and made for traveling. Black jeans and a black long sleeved button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up past his elbows. His skin was less pale, less cold, he had fed recently. From a small animal he had managed to the get the drop on.

The blonde human was clothed in black work boots, dark blue jeans and a thin long sleeved white shirt. A silver, black and blue bracelet fit tightly against his right wrist. He had looked up, green eyes sparkling with amusement, at his friend when the other spoke, asking that question. He was sure Alistair already knew, well more or less knew, his less than honest methods of obtaining objects. Especially rare things. The blonde German was a thief, he always had been and he supposed he always would be. He was sitting indian-style at the base of the large headstone that Alistair currently used as a chair, sometimes letting his head rest against one of his companion's legs as they dangled next to him. "Well, I was looking for something nice, when I stumbled upon some people talking about things. Things that keep a vampire from cooking in the sunlight.." His voice was laced with a German accent and he glanced up at the sky. "..Though, I haven't seen much sunlight since we've been in this town..Still it could help in other places." He was grinning, those emerald colored gaze tilting towards his friend. "Getting in was the easy part, getting out was rather tricky..." Kasimir had begun to ramble about his adventure into what had apparently been a witch's home.

The German rambled a few moments, telling the whole ins and outs of sneaking into the house, though halfway through he was cut off by the pendant being dangled in front of his face. "You stole it. For me?" There was an unreadable tone in Alistair's voice when he spoke those words. It wasn't the first time Kasimir had done something foolish like that, and it certainly wouldn't be the last. "Take it back, Kas. Return it to the one you stole it from. I don't think it'll work, it wasn't made for me." Alistair didn't know much about witches and magical pendants, but didn't something like that only work if it was made for a specific person. Kasimir was pouting now, though he did reach up and take the dangling pendant from Alistair, he stared at it. As if trying to will it to work for his friend.

Hidden Cupcake 10-04-2013 05:39 PM

Business was slow today. Really slow. Nate stared out at the Town Square through the diner's front window, listening to the distant sound of the ever present street fair and the strange noises coming from the manager's office. But he ignored those. He had become an expert at ignoring things. Eventually he turned and headed toward the back, silently decided the door's bell would let him know if any customers wandered in.

He sat with a huff in the chair they kept for the floor staff, giving their line cook a quiet stare. He looked away when the older man turned to look at him, pretending to be staring at the shift calendar. They sat in silence like that for what felt like hours. Chances are it had only been a few minutes. Eventually the cook left the room and Nate leaned over to grab his back on his hook.

He dug through and removed his phone, eyeing the screen. No messages. Didn't know why he even looked. The only people who even had his number now were his boss, the various telemarketers nation wide, and his old roommate. But they hadn't talked in months and he was sure Louis had stopped caring. Putting his phone back in his bag he tossed it to the side, leaning his head back and staring up at the ceiling. It was going to be a really long day.

Beekeeper 10-05-2013 03:59 AM

There was still, at the very least, two hours length of time left until his penultimate service of the day. Most citizens tended to stay home past the dimming of the sun, not wanting to venture out into the twilight for fear of what may be thriving in the shadows, what horror lurked beyond the scope of their vision. Kaled resisted the urge to giggle - it was unbecoming for a warlock of such standing to giggle like a teenaged girl - but he did allow himself a small smile. More than what Mother would have permitted though she had disallowed the expression of any emotions.

It wasn't right for power to be tainted by mortal feelings. Or that was what she had taught him. She herself had not been one to follow her own teachings, giving in to anger or hatred or self-righteousness far too easily and far too often. Absently he traced patterns onto his skin. A casual observer would think it to be a random assortment of lines, but to Kaled - to him, his fingers were trailing along tendrils of memory, brushing past moments when Mother had been unable to restrain herself...

He cast the thought from his head. The past was the past for a reason and it was petty to dwell on happenings from so long ago. No, he must keep to the present, look to the future, for that was were his mind was needed.

With a wave of his mental hand he had the plate and cup wash themselves in the sink which had conveniently been turned on, scrubbing and drying and floating back into the cabinet to be used again later in the evening. He had only one personal set of dishes, the rest for guests to use should they find themselves in his church and needing a meal. Though occasionally the visitor would find themselves staying longer than they had intended.

The woman in the former crypt had been such a person. Kaled couldn't resist - she was the ideal sacrifice, fit and kind and wise beyond her years. A pure air about her. Human. Travelling across different countries, needing a place to stay, anywhere that could put her up for little or no cost whatsoever. So she found herself at his doorstep just as the last of the congregation had dispersed, driving back into their comfy little ignorant lives.

Now she was lying on his alter - though not the one in public view. Her life's liquid had spread across his sigil, giving power to his God. He had been kind and killed her quickly, a quick line across the throat from ear to ear. A smile to match the one she had when they first met. He had done the rest of the work post-mortem, sparing her the added suffering. Sentiment.

Mother would've been so disappointed.

But Mother is gone, spirited away by the shadows she once commanded. The same cannot happen to you, Kaled. Not with your destiny, not with your promise, not with the skill that you wield your talents. The darkness is your friend, your tool, your master.

And with it I shall be reborn into a higher being.

It will only be a matter of time. I just need the one, the perfect sacrifice to be spread under my fingers and then - only then - will I be given what is so rightfully mine.

p o p p e t ♥ 10-05-2013 06:07 AM

Becca was nearly halfway to her car. She couldn't see the red lake anymore, or any of the cabins, just the looming trees of the Whispering Woods that surrounded her. The sky was abnormally dark, as usual, but it didn't really bother her. Though she'd been born in Phoenix, Arizona, she'd spent the last many years of her life in Portland, Oregon. That place didn't have many sunny days either.

She fingered the stone of a necklace she'd always worn. It was a long necklace, the stone hanging to about her navel area. The chain was made of real gold, thin and delicate, but enough to hold the weight of the large dark ruby. The ruby was real, too, though no one had ever realized it.

The necklace had been passed down in her family for generations. Her great grandfather once told her a story about a time when the stone was protected by her family, for some, reason... Becca couldn't remember now. Her great grandfather passed away when she was just a child. She'd never taken his stories seriously.

When Becca was finally given the necklace, on her 18th birthday some time ago, she'd found it to be more beautiful than she'd remembered. She'd chosen to make it a part of her daily wardrobe, even though her grandmother had warned against it. Becca didn't know why it mattered. It was a cheap family heirloom that held sentimental value to the family, she understood, so she thought. She'd take care of it. Sheesh. Old people and their things.

Little did Becca know, the stone was but a piece of the puzzle to reversing the vampire curse. Somewhere out there in the world, was a similar stone, an opal, that had the power of undoing the werewolf curse. The two had to be brought together to work, but depending on the incantations spoken, there were many outcomes possible. For instance, should they fall into the hands of a werewolf with a knowledgeable witch on his side, they could wipe out the entire vampire population in a city, and potentially the world. And vice versa.

If someone else brought the stones together, they could wipe out both species. But, if they worked together, they could simply reverse their curses. But no one out there knew all of that information, at least not yet. Bits and pieces of this and that were rumored, but only a single unknown grimoire held the truth. Which one? And only a witch could read it or recite the incantations...

Becca's thoughts were on none of these things unknown to her as she fondled the necklace. Right now her mind was becoming more and more aware of the growing eerie feeling that was beginning to consume her, and cause the hairs on the back of her neck to stand on end. She heard something in the woods behind her.

She spun around to see nothing. Then there it was again, in the other direction. She turned again. Nothing. Had it been a whisper? Becca's heart raced. It was just the wind. It had to be. She was alone out here, wasn't she? Becca picked up her pace, boots crunching over leaves and sticks and kicking small rocks down the slope that led to her car. It was just ahead.

Another eerie hiss cut through the trees. Becca... it called. No, her mind was playing tricks on her. Ruunnn... it hissed, louder than before. Becca didn't hesitate. She ran now. The wind picked up instantly and whipped around her causing her hair to wrap around her neck and face. She clawed at it, pulling it from her eyes. Her heart was pounding so fast and so hard, she was afraid it might actually burst, but she didn't stop. With her keys in her hand, she raced towards the end of the path, down the slight slope.

Her car was just ahead, she could see it now. When she finally reached the car door, she fumbled with the keys, and dropped them. Fear was killing her, right now, she was going to die because, because, of what? A little bit of wind? Becca knelt down and picked up her keys. The instant her fingers touched them, the wind stopped. Completely stopped. The trees didn't even shake now.

letmefly101 10-05-2013 03:40 PM

Onyx awoke with a slight nose coming from outside of her window. That's how she always woke up. She could never sleep in due to a fairly loud nose that comes from the window next to her bed every morning. Stupid rain gutter. Onyx got up gingerly feeling as if all the alcohol from last night had come rushing up to her head. She immediately grabbed the aspirin off her bed side table and popped two.

After about twenty minutes of getting up without setting off her head, she quickly got dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans, and a red and black plaid button up shirt, putting her combat boots by the door in case she needed to go somewhere for inspiration at any given moment.

Skipping breakfast, Onyx made her way over to her study, and sat down at the large computer she called Dino. Because of how ancient the thing must've been. Onyx swiftly put on her glasses she used for typing and began.

Alek slowly turned to see... "No." Onyx said aloud.

Onyx must've rewritten that one line twenty times before she finally gave up and just slumped her head onto the desk. Without looking, she turned off the desktop and slowly started thinking about giving up on her writing career and just getting an actual job that would pay more, and would cause less stress for her.

Hidden Cupcake 10-05-2013 06:36 PM

Nate continued his lonely moping, eyeing the ceiling with the same enthusiasm he had when he first started. That is to say none. Almost absolutely zero. He jerked from his spot only when there was the distinct sound of someone clearing their throat about a foot from his ear. He turned, blinking at the face of his manager with a look of annoyed horror.

The older man didn't say anything at first and Nate shifted uncomfortably until he stood from the chair. He cast a quick glance at the clock and, with a sigh of relief, he realized the frightening interruption was because his shift was over. His manager was frightening and he was pretty sure he was a cultist or something equally ludicrous by the noises that left his office on a daily basis, but he was a rather considerate man. All of Nate's shifts ended soon enough that he had some time to get home before the sun went down.

A few minutes later he found himself out in the town square with his pack on his back and walking slowly yet deliberately toward the edge of town and toward the woods. He lifted his eyes to the overcast sky, only a little disconcerted that he couldn't see the sun.

He picked up his pace a bit, taking as many shortcuts as he could without full on breaking the law. He just needed to get back to the house, get back to where he knew he was safe. wasn't a word to describe being alone in the middle of the woods in an old house that had too many locked doors with too little keys. All he needed to do to get there was cut through the cemetery, take the hour long trek to the scariest lake he had ever seen in his life, and then walk along that overgrown dirt road down to the house while keeping his eyes plastered to his feet. Simple. And this time he had a camping lantern with him so if the sun did go down before he got home he wouldn't have another panic attack.

With an annoyed sound he pushed the old gate open, slipping onto the cemetery grounds and scanning it quickly. There was movement over by one of the trees a little way down. He looked away almost immediately. It wasn't impossibly tall but he wasn't taking any chances here. Not again. He started to weave his way through the old stone slabs, slipping over a few with practiced ease as he made his way toward the far end.

PhoenixNeko 10-05-2013 09:38 PM

Varten sighed as he walked back to his house. He had been planning this Halloween party for months. He had all the decorations bought and the house looked good. Though Valentines day was his favorite holiday, he enjoyed Halloween immensely. He was a creative person by nature and really did like to be around people.

Reaching his front door, Varten sighed. He just wanted to make some friends. Maybe meet the love of his life, if he was to be so hopeful. He had always dreamed of finding 'Mr. Right'. But knew that it was next to impossible when all the good looking men ignored him.

Kry 10-06-2013 01:49 AM

"Kasimir, are you going to pout all evening?" Alistair thought he caught some flicker of movement at the far end of the cemetery, but he ignored it for the most part. If it was a threat it would come to them, if not then it would just pass them by harmlessly. Most of the vampire's attention was on the blonde German, watching the other as he leaped to his feet rather suddenly, looping the pendant around the vampire's neck. Alistair sighed and shook his head slightly before slipping off the headstone to stand next to his blond companion.

Kasimir had jumped up when the vampire spoke, and quickly put the pendant around his friend's neck. "I don't pout." A statement that was clearly untrue, the German pouted about almost anything. Still Alistair didn't protest when the pendant had been put around his neck but he did move to stand, causing Kasimir to step back slightly. "Just keep it awhile, if it doesn't work I'll return it. If it works then I'm sure the person I swiped it from won't miss it at all." An easy grin was on the blonde human's lips and he grabbed Alistair's wrist and started tugging him forward. "I'm tired of this spooky place already. Let's do something fun." He let go of his friend once the vampire was following him. Alistair was a bit quiet now, but that didn't bother Kasimir, the other was often quiet. Side by side they began walking through the cemetery.

PhoenixNeko 10-06-2013 05:21 PM

Varten just threw the fliers down on his porch on a whim. He decided that they weren't even worth cleaning up. A breeze blew by stirring his long red coat, the last present that he ever got from his mother, and taking the fliers to the air. The young vampire watched as they danced on the breeze before they were too far out of sight. A sudden sense of dread filled him, as he had never purposefully littered since he was a human child.

Squashing the feeling he walked in his front door. He sighed as he stared down the entryway at all the fantastic decorations that he so painstakingly put up. Finally Varten climbed the stairs to his room, to take a shower. He felt that he stunk even though it was far too cold out to have worked up a sweat. By the time he was out of the shower, he felt much better and too awake to rest.

p o p p e t ♥ 10-06-2013 07:46 PM

When Becca was finally in her car, sitting in her seat with the doors locked, she took a deep breath. She looked out all of the windows. A slight breeze had the trees swaying gently. There was no one and nothing in sight. She couldn't help but laugh at herself. It was a hysterical sort of laughter, and she leaned her head back on her headrest as she calmed herself.

Maybe the rumors of this little town are starting to get to you, Bec, she told herself. Just then a large brightly colored thing plastered itself on her driver side window, and she screamed and squeezed her sapphire eyes shut. When she gained the courage to open her left eye just the tiniest sliver to look at the window, she realized it was a piece of paper. A flyer. The wind must have picked up again, plastering the thing to her window.

Becca would have laughed at herself again, but she was embarrassed, even being alone out here, that she'd gotten herself so worked up over a little bit of wind. She turned the car on and powered the window down enough to fit her hand out and pull the piece of paper into her car. It was a flyer for a party at the old Nytewing's place. The place was old. It was large and had a very I'm-haunted-and-my-walls-bleed kind of feel. A big party none the less and perfect for the month of October. This was so Onyx's kind of thing.

She pulled her cell phone from her purse and dialed Onyx. When she answered, Becca would tell her about the party and ask if she wanted to go, and of course she would. Becca would promise to swing by before the party so they could get ready and arrive together, taking one car to the house just at the edge of town and mostly secluded.

When she disconnected with Onyx she drove out of the camp and headed back into town, the short half a mile that it was, passing by the cemetery. She could see figures there, as always. Apparently it was a neat place to hang, especially at night, though Becca couldn't see why. The place was creepy. But, the whole town was a little creepy, so she supposed she understood how some of its residents might like it.

Her small red two-door car glided down main street, pulling into an empty parking place outside of the diner. Her tummy grumbled, lunch had passed without her and she needed to eat. Especially if they were going to a party later. She couldn't drink like Onyx could, and would need all the help she could get to keep from getting drunk easily, like a full stomach.

She got out of her car and entered the diner, sitting in a booth by the window. She ordered hot chocolate and brunch. Becca could eat breakfast for every meal of the day. She was a huge pancake, bacon and hashbrown casserole kind of girl. Top it off with a side of eggs and an orange juice and you had Becca's favorite meal. Though chinese food was a very close second. She sent Onyx a short text, letting her know she was at the diner if she was hungry. She could meet Becca there, or Becca could bring her something if she wanted.

She stared out the window, sipping at her hot chocolate as she waited for her food, having no idea what kind of entities her aura might be luring towards their secluded little town and endangering its inhabitants.

Hidden Cupcake 10-06-2013 08:05 PM

The movement picked up in Nate's vision, causing his his shoulders to stiffen. He lifted his head, casting another glance in the movement's direction. Two figures, moving away from a tree and through the small forest of headstones. He sighed, relief flooding his chest. Good. Just people, probably mourners or some of those kids who hung around here often.

His pace slowed considerable at that revelation, allowing himself to relax slightly. He cast a quick glance upward and frowned, cursing the overcast sky before starting to move again. He turned his head to the two figures, blinking at them before continuing on. They seemed to be heading the way he had come, intending to leave. Good. If he wanted anything it was to not really be bothered. He needed to get back to the house, get those books read. Look at his tapes from last night.

The wind blew hard in his face and he stopped, lifting a hand to keep any of the dried old leaves that would have surely blown off some of the browning trees into his face. Something slapped into his arm, causing his to twitch. It was a piece of paper a brightly decorated one at that. He grumbled before removing it, eyeing it with annoyance. A party. A one for Halloween at that. Maybe...maybe he should go. It had been a while since he'd been to a party. Not since his first semester at WSU. He smiled lightly at the memories and turned, eyeing the way back up and out of the cemetery. Why not? People who usually threw parties usually let people stay the night if they needed to. And it's not like he had work tomorrow. Hell he may even be lucky enough to get a ride out to his place. It was unlikely but it was certainly a better option than staying in the middle of the woods in paranoid silence with the TV on. With a sigh he stuffed the flyer into his pocket and turned, trudging back the way he had come.

letmefly101 10-06-2013 08:34 PM

After Onyx had been in thought for a good few minutes Becca called. Becca had mentioned something about a party, and how Becca would come over and get ready with her. A party was definitely Onyx's scene. Onyx obviously said yes and soon after she disconnected with her friend. Onyx had always been a party girl, due to her family pretty much sucking during Onyx's whole childhood. But nonetheless, Onyx liked the feeling of partying.

About five minutes later, Onyx could feel her stomach rumbling from the lack of food in it. She was always a pretty heavy eater. Put Onyx in front of a buffet, give her two hours, and half of it will be gone. But Onyx always managed to stay in shape, because she knew she could become overweight very easily with her appetite almost the same as a full grown mans.

Not even thirty seconds after her stomach growling, she got a text from Becca stating she was at the diner getting food. Onyx sent a quick reply saying she was on her way, and headed for her front door. Onyx kicked on her beat up combat boots, grabbed her keys off the hook next to the door, and stepped out. She quickly locked the door behind her and made her way down to dirty old beat up truck that had been in the family since her grandfather. Onyx hopped in, turned on her car, and began making her way down towards the diner.

Fifteen minutes later, she arrived at the diner and peeked inside. Seeing the back of Beccas head, she came and sat in front of her, giving Becca her signature smile. The waitress came over and Onyx ordered bacon, eggs, grits, fries, and lots of banana peppers. Plus a small coffee on the side to drink. Onyx had a weird appetite and she was fine with that. All she knew was that she was starving.

PhoenixNeko 10-06-2013 08:47 PM

Varten wondered if anyone found his flyers. It was later that night and he had no idea if anyone were going to arrive. He sat down and sent a text to his old mentor, the man that had changed him. They had dated briefly after the red-head had been turned, but it had ended well enough that they still talked. He pushed his glasses up his nose. He didn't actually need them so they were lens-less glasses.

He got a reply saying that he was sure to have guest, and even if he didn't he should still try to enjoy himself. So Varten decided to put on his costume. As he stood up he heard a plaintive mewling noise from the bedroom door. Glancing over, he saw Cheshire looking hungry and forlorn. Figuring that he should feed his precious kitty before he got dressed, he padded barefoot down the hall in his fluffy red towel.

Kry 10-06-2013 08:58 PM

Something fluttered past, and Kasimir reached out to snag it. The paper flitted across the top of his fingertips as he missed it. He didn't need to chase the paper though, Alistair had caught it rather effortlessly, and looked it over. The vampire's face betrayed no hint of interested or amusement as he read over the flyer before placing it in the blonde's hands. No doubt in his mind that Kasimir would want to attend. The human enjoyed things like that, though Alistair had a feeling the blonde thief would only get them into trouble.

Kasimir had pouted when he missed the flyer, but the pout didn't last long. Good ol' Alistair was always quick on the draw and the vampire had caught the paper so easily. Kasimir admired that easy, lethal grace and dexterity of his vampire friend, he didn't admire it enough to want it for himself. It would however make thieving so much easier, but then, wouldn't that take all the fun out of it? Besides, being a human was so exhilarating, one never knew when they might die..but vampires..they would just live forever. That would certainly get boring after awhile. Green eyes blinked when the paper was handed to him, and he looked it over. Those eyes sparkling with excitement and amusement. "This is going to be a great party, we have to go." He glanced up at his tall friend, grinning. "At least, I hope it doesn't turn into a boring snore-fest." Kasimir folded up the paper and slipped it into a pocket as the two continued to make their way out of the cemetery.

p o p p e t ♥ 10-06-2013 09:03 PM

Becca shook her head with a smile, "I really don't know how you eat like that," she said. She noted in her mind at the fact that they were both wearing red plaid button-ups. Though they looked different, and were very different people, they were somehow so much alike. That's why they were best friends, Becca guessed.

Onyx was Becca's first friend in Farefield. They'd hit it off immediately. And even though some of Becca's so called "friends" had started steering clear of her after rumors of her being some kind of creature of the night started surfacing... Onyx had never abandoned her. Becca wasn't a creature of any kind. The deaths and disappearances weren't Becca's fault. Well, not directly anyway.

After a few moments Becca's face lit up. "Oh Onyx!" she exclaimed. "I found this at that nicknack store on the corner," she started, as she pulled a book from her over the shoulder purse. "It was hidden in the back on a shelf under some trinkets," she added, handing it to Onyx. "The store owner said she's had it for years, that it never sold so she just used it as a sort of shelf."

Becca bit off some bacon. "She said it's a spell book or something, some old witches diary." Becca giggled. "I know it's silly, but I thought it may be good inspiration for your book. If nothing else we can try some spells and see what happens!" She laughed again. "Anyway, I thought it looked really neat." She finished her bacon.

The inside of the book had readable areas, and some not so easily readable. Maybe in some kind of old witchy language or something. There were even strange symbols inside. Becca had only flipped through it for a moment. Whoever had made the book had done a really good job making it look real anyway.

letmefly101 10-06-2013 09:15 PM

Onyx only shrugged at the comment of her eating. She took a bite out of eggs and said, Food is food, Becca. So why not eat everything I can?" Onyx grinned at Becca and noticed the plaid shirts. "We really need to work on our fashion sense." And with this, Onyx laughed. She love Becca as if she were Onyx's sister. Her and Becca had been best friends from the start. Almost nothing could separate them, and Onyx loved that. Onyx didn't have many friends, and was always a loner. But now, with Becca, Onyx felt more happy.

Onyx listened intently about the book and studied the outside. Before looking at one of the pages on the inside. Somehow, Onyx knew what some of the symbols were, and what the foreign language was basically saying. But, she wasnt going to bing this up. She closed the book, feeling the cover, and smiled. "Becca! I love you! This is going to help me so much, you have no idea. And we can totally do some of these things in here to try and be all cool and act like witches!" Onyx laughed, and when she finished, took a sip of her coffee.

Onyx suddenly had a question pop into her head. "So, the party. Is it like a costume party or...? And will there be alcohol?" Onyx winked at Becca at the last question, knowing how easily drunk Becca always seemed to get at parties. She could never hold down as much liquor as Onyx could, but that was alright, Onyx would always be there to hold her hair back whenever she needed to throw up from to much alcohol.

p o p p e t ♥ 10-06-2013 09:33 PM

Becca laughed with her friend. "Yes, we'll act like witches!" she mused. "I'm glad you like the book," she added. It was a pretty cool little thing. She nodded at her questions. "They flyer said it was a costume party. Of course there will be alcohol," she said with an exasperated tone. She swore the last time she drank that she wouldn't do it again, but Onyx always brought out the carelessness in Becca.

"It's out at the old Nytewing place," she said in a low voice and widening her eyes a little for effect. She glanced down at her phone. "Oh my gosh!" she said, "We've been here for ages!" The waitress came by and Becca handed her a twenty and told her to keep the change to cover their meals and tip. "I'm going to run home and grab my costume and I'll meet you at your place in thirty," she told Onyx as she slid out of the booth. "We only have a couple of hours until the party and I want to curl my hair," she said. "I'll see you in a bit!" And Becca was gone.

As she'd said, she was there in thirty minutes, costume over her arm and ready to get down to the beautifying business. She rang the doorbell and waited for Onyx to let her in, excitement making her antsy.

((Don't want to rush too much, but wanted to get into the party scene so everyone could post without waiting on our conversations, lol.))

letmefly101 10-06-2013 09:53 PM

Onyx shivered slightly at the location of the party. Onyx hated that house, just because of the major creep vibes it gave off. But she didn't care as much as normal, she was getting an emotion of almost as if she didn't care about anything. She swore she was bipolar most of the times.

Before Onyx could even pay, Becca rambled about her plan, and payed. Onyx waved goodbye to her friend before getting up herself and heading to her car. She ran to the local grocery store down te street and picked up some eggs, milk, cheese, bread, and paper plates before returning to her truck and placing it next to her on the passenger seat, and began making her way home.

As promised, Becca was on time. As usual. Onyx made her way up from her comfy couch, and made her way over to the front door, almost tripping over her combat boots she had left in front of the door. She quickly scooted them to the side and opened the door. In a British accent, Onyx welcomed Becca. "Why hello, darling." Onyx smirked and moved out of the way to make room for Becca to come in.

Hidden Cupcake 10-06-2013 09:56 PM

Nate stopped dead, head turning as he eyed the two figures making their way in the same direction he was. This wouldn't bother him usually. In fact people didn't tend to bother him the slightest. But, as he watched them, his dread was rising. The wind blew at his back now. And it carried a noise. It was quiet at first, barely there for him to hear. But it rose and a bolt of cold shot down his spine. He turned, eyeing the woods at the very far end of the cemetery.

Movement. Movement in the trees. It was there. His dread devolved, dissolving into straight terror. And he turned and he ran. He didn't know in which direction he was running. All he knew was that he needed to get away. And he would. He needed to. He didn't even seem to car when he tore past the two closest to the gate, didn't even care that he had slammed into one from behind. He stumbled a bit before slamming to the ground. He sat there for a moment, panting loudly and raggedly. Panic was clouding his mind.

He scrambled to his feet and, glancing back at the woods one last time, ignoring the two who had been present in the graveyard with him, he slammed open the gate and ran. He didn't know how far or how long he had run. All he knew now, as he sat panting and heaving, was that he was on the steps to some church or another. Probably the only one in town. He wasn't really one to keep track of such things. He didn't know he had practically just run down the street to the church at the far end. He leaned back, practically draped across the steps as his chest heaved and his breath came out in wet gasps. He would here a bit. Get his breath back. Yeah. Then he'd find that party or something. No way he was going home tonight.

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