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rozen 10-20-2013 05:14 AM

Surviving With Each Other

7 looks about 5

His master uses his powers to transform into a wolf for profit. He's abused badly. His master even blinded him as punishment.



Silver Storm 10-20-2013 06:52 AM

Name: Taka

Age: 33

Bio: A deadly assassin, he is one of the best and has been working as one since he was 13.


rozen 10-20-2013 07:16 AM

Tomoe was locked inside a cage, waiting to be brought out only to be shown off to a frenzy of screaming people who wanted to see the so called human beast. He icy blue eyes could only see darkness but his white wolf ears twitched at the sound of the roaring crowd as they were excited to see such a creature.

"Tomoe, transform now." Ordered his master as he looked at the kid with a grin on his face. Chained up to the cage, he slowly transformed, doing this every day, more than once just made him feel depressed, he hated this life, he wanted to leave it so much. The crowd all roared with excitement. After a few "dog tricks" the show ended within an hour which seemed like an eternity in hell.

The master of the poor little wolf had locked him up inside his master's bedroom to be looked after. There was little to no chance of escaping, only a small time frame and that was when he would be taken out of his cage to be chain or have the chain taken off to be caged.

His master unlocked the chain to put the wolf boy back into the cage. Tomoe did as he was told without causing any trouble, otherwise he would be beaten.

Silver Storm 10-20-2013 07:24 AM

Taka hung back out of sight, scoping out the man before him. When he was given a target, he never asked questions but headed out to deal with them. He watched the man put the wolf boy back in his cage and he found his attention straying from his target. He couldn't pinpoint why his attention was drawn to the wolf child, but none the less it was.

He shook himself and focused his attention back on the man before him. He would spend the time between now and the last show, studying his targets movements. When the last crowd had dispersed that is when he would make his move. He settled into the shadows to watch and wait.

rozen 10-20-2013 10:00 PM

The show had ended. Tomoe was locked inside a cage in his bedroom. His master came in and smiled wickedly as he revealed bags upon bags of coins from the show. He spread it all out on his bed and laid in it, moving some of the coins onto his fat stomach. He used to he skinny but since he had found the wolf boy, he kept growing and growing around his waist since he was able to eat whatever he wanted.

"You're my precious money maker, yes you are!" His master mocked. Seeing the boy not being happy pissed him off. He took the boy outside of the cage to beat him. "You're a depressing little mutt! You need to learn how to smile more!" He went to hit the wolf boy several times. "Now smile you damn mutt!" He ordered. Tomoe didn't know how, never once has he smiled since he had came here. There was nothing to smile about.

Silver Storm 10-20-2013 11:03 PM

Taka saw his target distracted with beating the child and decided to make his move. He slipped into the room like a silent nightmare and his target dropped to the floor lifeless before he could deliver another blow. Taka stood over the lifeless body but his eyes were focused on the child before him. He couldn't just leave the boy here, who knew when some one would discover the boy's lifeless master.

Taka was an assassin though, a killer not a nurturer. What was he going to do with a child? Perhaps he could find a home for the child. He grabbed the child swiftly, covering the boy's mouth before he could make a sound. "If you want to live and possibly find a better life, don't utter a sound." Taka whispered the words into the boy's ear.

Not even waiting for an answer, Taka scooped up the child and was out the window in a flash. He hardly noticed the weight of the child as he moved stealthily but swiftly away from his target's home. He didn't even slow until he found a dark corner of the woods, more than a mile from the boy's old home. Only once they were hidden in the shadows, did Taka set the child down.

rozen 10-22-2013 03:29 AM

Tomoe didn't know what to do. He thought the random guy was strange. "You don't have to worry about me." He stated as he stood up and brushed himself off. He didn't understand why they guy would want to save him, if this even counted as being saved.

Tomoe's stomach was growling, he hasn't eaten in such a long time, he actually doesn't even know when he last ate, when his master last fed him. He yawned and kept his mouth shut about wanting to eat, he was never allowed to mention it or else his master would always get upset, which meant another beating.

The boy twitched his wolf ears a few times and wagging his tail a little to get the kinks out of them. "What did you mean by finding me a better place to live? My master told me that no one would ever accept me. It's better to live with him because he sometimes gives me stuff." Of course his stuff consisted of an overly huge shirt that served as his one and only outfit, even for sleeping and occasionally getting food and water sometimes.

Silver Storm 10-22-2013 03:38 AM

Taka felt anger wash over him at the boy's words. How could that man tell the poor boy that no one would want him? Taka was even more determined now to find the boy a good home. "Well I am afraid that your master angered the wrong people and is no more. But there will be someone out there that will love you."

Taka figured the boy might be hungry or thirsty. He pulled out a hunk of bread and offered it to the boy. "And from what I saw of your master, you are better off without him," Taka muttered coldly. "Using you for his own gain; he didn't care about you only the money he got from exploiting you."

rozen 10-22-2013 04:06 AM

Tomoe smelled something really good coming from the guy who had taken him away from his master. He grabbed it and sat it on the ground so he could eat it, it was how his master always told him to eat. He thought it was normal to eat food this way so he had never really questioned it.

"My master took care of me for a long time. He hurt me a lot but if I wasn't with him, I would be all alone. He even told me that I would be dead without him." He didn't know exactly what that meant but he was afraid to ask any questions. The boy didn't understand much of what the guy was saying.

Silver Storm 10-22-2013 04:31 AM

"Well I will make sure that you are never alone," Taka vowed, wondering why this boy got to him so much. He looked at the area around them and decided that it would be okay for the night. "We will sleep here tonight," he said.

He settled down with his back against a tree and began to think. Would he really be able to find a home for the boy? He was an assassin. Killing was his game, not finding homes for lost, lonely children. But he couldn't just leave this poor young boy to fiend for himself.

He felt the exhaustion wash over him that seemed to be becoming more and more common after every kill. He had been doing this since he was thirteen and had become one of the best in the land. His employers valued him and sent him on the most difficult and important missions they had. That used to thrill him beyond words, but he was getting tired of studying people and then killing them like it was nothing.

rozen 10-22-2013 08:24 PM

"Why?" Tomoe asked. He didn't understand why someone wanted to take care of him, it was weird to have someone be nice to him for one in his life. "Why do you want to help me?" He was curious to say the least. He doesn't know what he should actually be feeling though.

Tomoe transformed into a small wolf pup, his fur was pure white, it was very soft and fluffy. The wolf up sneezed a few times, it was cold out to him, hence the reason he transformed. Walking over to the guy by following his scent, since he couldn't see, he sniffed around him to find more of what the guy had given him, he liked it, it was better than the food he had gotten from his master.

"My master always calls me Tomoe, you can call me Tomoe too." Tomoe told him. He continued to sniff for some food.

Silver Storm 10-22-2013 08:31 PM

Taka wasn't sure how to answer Tomoe. He had no idea why he was helping this child; he was a cold blooded killer. "I wish I knew why," he muttered almost more to himself then Tomoe. He dug in his bag and pulled out another hunk of bread and handed it to the sniffing wolf pup.

"Perhaps because no one should be treated like that and taken advantage of," Taka mused. He undid his cloak and laid it over himself and held up a corner for the pup. "Come on over here. Its cold and its only going to get colder. Tomorrow maybe we can light a fire."

rozen 10-22-2013 10:33 PM

Tomoe bit down into the piece of bread and wagged his tail slightly. It didn't take him long before he ate the rest of his piece of bread. He rushed over to the guy to lay down, using his scent as a guide. He was waiting for the guy to put a chain on him or something of the sort, or put him in a cage.

"But I'm not normal so it's my job to show everyone that I exist. I'm a freak of nature. That's what my master told me. And I'm really bad. That's why he hurts me." He yawned and shut his eyes slowly as he became comfortable a little bit. He, for once, actually felt a slight emotion of happiness that someone was being so nice to him.

Silver Storm 10-22-2013 11:05 PM

Taka tucked the cloak around the wolf pup and fought to control his rage out the now dead master. All of these lies that he had been feeding the child to make him obedient. He almost wished he could go back and kill the man again, but that was not possible. The best way that he could get back Tomoe's dead master would be to teach the boy the goodness of life, things like love, joy and acceptance.

"You are not a freak of nature," Taka growled. "You are a special gift and I highly doubt that you are bad." He mulled over the boy's words through the night, only dozing lightly when he slept. At dawn he slipped out from under the cloak, tucking it back around the sleeping pup and went hunting for breakfast.

rozen 10-22-2013 11:32 PM

Tomoe didn't believe the guy on him being special or that he was actually good. His mind refused to believe that for some. He moved closer to the guy as he slept since he was trying to get close to the heat source.

The next morning, before the guy came back, Tomoe woke up. He only smelled a lingering scent of the guy and figured that he left. The wolf pup ha no idea where he was going to go from here, he was afraid to be on his own but the guy had left, leaving him with no other choice. He ran off to try and find a place to hide.

Silver Storm 10-22-2013 11:36 PM

Taka returned to their campsite of the night before to find the boy gone. "He thinks I left him, how could I be so stupid," Taka growled, throwing down the fish he had caught. "Tomoe!" He called, concern welling up in him and quickly turning to panic. He grabbed up his cloak and started circling outward from the camp.

"Tomoe! Where are you boy?" He yelled as he continued to search, hoping desperately that the boy was okay. "Please come back," he murmured sadly into the wind.

rozen 10-22-2013 11:50 PM

Tomoe flickered his ear when he heard the sound of that guy's voice. He yawned as he walked back to see why he was even trying to find him, he had left. He came back by listening to him call out and through his scent. He was able to find his way back from that.

"What?" Tomoe asked as he titled his head to the side. He didn't understand what was wrong exactly. He yawned a few times as his stomach growled. He was pretty hungry though he was hardly fed any food so it should come off as that much of a surprise.

Silver Storm 10-22-2013 11:59 PM

Taka heard Tomoe's voice behind him and whirled around. His heart soared at the sight of the wolf boy and he scooped him up in his arms. "Why did you leave?," he asked staring down into the pup's blue eyes.

He turned with the pup still cradled in his arms and began retracing his steps through the wood. As he mentally looked back over the experience he was shocked by his panic. Twenty four hours ago he didn't even know that this child existed, and moments ago he was running through the woods screaming the child's name like a frightened mother. What was happening to him? He was a cold blooded killer.

rozen 10-23-2013 12:23 AM

"Because I thought you left." Tomoe answered him. He surprised by being picked up so suddenly. It scared him, he wasn't used to being picked up so randomly like that. "Why are you holding me?" He asked curiously. He thought it was weird that someone wanted to hold him.

"Are you going to put a chain on me or put me in a cage?" He asked. He was used to it. He actually felt weird from having his freedom because all of his memory was just him being locked up or chained up.

Silver Storm 10-23-2013 12:34 AM

"I uh I guess I kind of panicked when I saw you gone," Taka bashfully admitted. "No, no chain or cage. If you want to leave you are free too."

Taka knelt and loosened his grip, allowing Tomoe to leave if he wanted. He found himself hoping that the boy wouldn't take him up on the offer and leave. It felt kind of good to hold a warm body close, Taka realized. Killer assassins aren't usually the type to get hugs from people.

rozen 10-23-2013 02:09 AM

"No, it's ok. It just feels weird is all. I'm hungry." Tomoe stayed in the guy's arms. He felt warm being in there for some reason, he didn't want to leave. "I don't have anywhere to go if I leave you. You're going to make me happy right? I want to know what being happy is." He never felt happiness, he was curious on what it felt like.

Silver Storm 10-23-2013 02:14 AM

Taka's heart of ice cracked some more at the boy's words. "I promise I will make you happy." He carried the pup back to the camp site and was relieved to see that some animal hadn't come and dragged off the fish that he had caught.

"How does fish sound for breakfast?" He said trying to collect wood without putting down Tomoe. As he held the boy close he came to a decision, he was going to tell his employers that he quit and he was going to spend his life making this boy happy and showing him the joys of life.

rozen 10-23-2013 02:50 AM

"I never had it, I don't even know what it is. But what I would get to eat is this green stuff that was on bread. It was nasty." Tomoe made a face at it. He didn't like thinking about the nasty foo he was fed. "My master told me that I was bad. He hurt my eyes and I couldn't see anymore. He put something in my eyes that made them burn." He explained. Tomoe didn't move much in the guy's hand. He let the guy move him to any position he wanted.

Silver Storm 10-23-2013 02:57 AM

Taka felt rage wash over him again but he calmed himself. He finished collecting the wood and started a fire, setting Tomoe on his lap. "Fish is so much better than that," he told Tomoe as he worked. Soon he had a warm fire going and proceeded to clean the fish and cook them.

When the fish was done cooking he cut of a chunk and made sure it had cooled before offering it to Tomoe. "Try this and see what you think," he told the boy.

rozen 10-23-2013 05:56 AM

Tomoe sniffed the fish before putting his tongue out to taste a little bit of it. He then tore off a piece with his teeth and ate a little bit of it. "I like it." He said. He wanted more but he didn't know if it was ok to ask so he kept his mouth shut about it.

"Where are we going after you eat the fish?" He asked. He was curious as to where they were going to go, where they would live. "Do you want me to make you some money? I can put on shows that my master always makes me do. I don't like it but I don't want us to go hungry either." The little boy offered.

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