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Kisu 01-19-2014 09:47 PM

I Wouldn't Put My Money On The Other Guy
"This is Earth. Sort of. Now it is called 'The United World Under Peace'. How stupid is that? Like we are really at peace. Our old cities still stand proud and tall, in a way. They are crumbling somewhat. Pollution took over Earth, slowly accumulating and accumulating, until the year 3029. It was then that societies fell apart, crumbled at the moment people began dying from the very air they needed to live. That's called irony.

Before that year, the pollution had been bad, yes, caused cancer and asthma, and many, many other things. However, the population had reached a boiling point. The average house size was twenty feet by twenty feet, and it wasn't uncommon for three or four families to share a one bedroom apartment.

To deal with the rising populations, the various countries throughout the world created a group called the 'People's Health and Welfare Department', around 3025. They didn't do the good they had intended. They had good intentions, it was said. However, the choices they made didn't reflect this. They decided pollution would be an excellent way to reduce the population. A free way, since caring for the population had reduced funds they needed to line their own pockets. And After all, there were plenty of ways the human race could survive, and they could take the best of the best, leave the rest.

And it was done.

The day after they decided this, in 3033, over three thousand building crews flew into the sky, no explanations were given to the general public. No one could see what was happening, the smog hiding the huge skyships. After a time, they were forgotten. In 3042, the pollution had gotten so bad, that when people left the circulated and purified air of their homes, even with masks on, there was a very limited time that they could remain outdoors. Because of this, the dead began rising in numbers. It didn't help that the filters were old and working full capacity, so constantly breaking down.

Except for the few that P.H.W.D selected, people were evacuated. PHWD had waited for this day, had known it would happen, and the aristocracy of the world were snatched and taken into the skies. Scientists, Doctors, the most brilliant of mind and body were all taken into the skies.

My great, great, great, great Grandmother was there that day. It was what took her mind. She said she watched these shining metal angels come out of the grey smog, gathering up screaming families. All the wealthy, the intelligent of us,and the people with the healthiest bodies were gathered by the people in the gravity defying suits. Absolutely no one knew why.

They snatched them from the streets and the 'Angels' turned their faces upwards. And they took them. Up into the skies.

For three months, the pollution stayed horrible. Three long, long months of confusion and chaos. The PHWD's plan worked, and most of humanity was killed. But after three months, something happened. PHWD had discovered something they didn't plan on. Everyone they took wasn't used to labor. It was hard, and they were lazy. If they left everyone to die, there would be no one to work in the halls or fields they had created.

So they created Wind. The breeze we feel occasionally is not real. Our atmosphere is too heavy for oxygen now, and so it cannot move like it used to. There is no 'low pressure' and 'high pressure'. But the PHWD...they needed to keep some people alive. They found a way to keep Below alive. There isn't enough power in the world to clean up Below now, but they use turbines to suck in air, and send the smog through a purifier, and so we have just enough to breath.

Now, after the Wind, we could see into the Above occasionally. What the PHWD had done...they built entire cities in the sky....huge bubbles. With completely pure air. They live there, happy, smiling. Occasionally, Below has to raid the Above, just to survive. But, I am getting ahead of myself again.

It was exactly a week after the Wind, my Grandmother said, that the Angels came again. Now of course, we know now that these are not Angels, but men in combat uniforms, there suits lit up to see through the smog they fall through. Gas masks unlike any we had been given. But we still call them Angels, another example of irony. They came, and people ran out to them, reaching out. The Angels had come before, gathered up us lost souls, and taken them Above. Why wouldn't they do the same now?

People ran to them. And the Angels hovered above us. The Angels took their time, each selecting a healthy looking male. Always a male. They gathered one each into their arms. My Grandmother watched fearfully. It didn't feel right to her....why only Men? Why hadn't they come before, when people were dying? What were these people doing here? They frightened her.

She ran inside, and peered out of her window. The Angels lifted up their Chosen, then carefully aimed at the people around them. Then they opened fire. It was their way of saying 'Back off, we got what we came for'.

Now, we very rarely are raided. Above uses Below as a breeding ground. They raid us when they need new workers. Otherwise, we are left to fend for ourselves. The workers who missed their families and escaped...they tell us many things. The people of healthy...bright and shining from the sun. They don't see Below people as people anymore. To them we are dirty and stupid. But we'll show them, hm? There are ten different Above Cities. They are each ruled by one family, descended from the PHWD's members..."

"It's now 4189, and this is still how things are. But one day...they'll have no choice but to take everyone on Earth to Above, or to fall with us. Someday we'll make it so. It's not right, and we will show them this." The group of children around the tall male smiled together, all glancing up and imagining the sun's rays falling on them, something so rare and precious to the children of below.

"Is it true? We will get to go to Above someday?" A young boy asked, his blue eyes focused on the dark haired man sitting on a trash can.

"Of course. We'll find a way. Now...time to get everyone home..." The man unfolded his legs, and stood, stretching. "Masks on..." The male slid his gas mask on. The children did the same, and looked to the male.

Emerald bright eyes peered out, though covered by bug looking eye covers. Short dark hair flopped back and forth in a short gust of wind. Through the quick break in the clouds, sunlight beamed down, revealing a dirty, dusty world. Street ruins were everywhere, and strange sounds seemed to come from strange places. Heavy dust lifted into the air as the humans moved through the streets, but quickly fell down to add another layer unto the various ruins. Mannik didn't pay it any attention, however, leading the children through the streets quickly. The pistol on his hip was upstrapped and loaded.

While humans bodies hadn't adapted to the atmosphere, various animals had, and humans were not at the top of the food chain anymore. Best to be prepared.

They moved quickly through the ruins. The children were used to this world and it's dangers, and followed orders as if they were small soldiers. They stayed put when told, and kept their strange masks firmly sealed, although it made them sweat and it itched horrible where they sealed unto their skin. One by one, the children were dropped off, safe and sound after a day of lessons. Their homes ranged from old basements, to holes dug into the ground, to getting into a basket to be pulled up to the second story of an old building still standing. They were Below's future now. They were the next generation, and would decide their fate. It was Mannik's job to train them, when he wasn't busy trying to raid Above himself.

Each one was precious, since it seemed that the majority of people in Below had become sterile. There was no proof, but Mannik's guess was that it was due to the pollution as well. Their entire world was based on it.

The tall male wanted nothing more than to got to his own hovel, curl up and sleep, but he had a meeting to get to.

The kids were important, and Mannik had no problem helping them, however, it wasn't, and would never be, the most important job in his life. Their small community under Seven, one of the huge cities of Above, never had enough sunlight to grow their own food. They got meat from the animals they were able to hunt and kill, but it was dangerous and even that ran out sometimes. So, Mannik's job was to fly one of their few precious ships to Seven. Grab what he could, and return. Firearms, new masks, parts to fix their purifiers, vegetables, anything and everything was fair game to bring back. Everything would be used in one way or another.

Mannik finally reached the concrete building without any mishaps, and stepped inside quickly. It had been some kind of building to hold animals thousands of years ago. Marine ones, by the enclosures. Mannik happily unsealed his mask, taking gulps on the fresh air flowing in the building, then stepped part the large enclosure. The glass had long ago been broken out, but inside still sat fake rocks, covered with dust. A flight of stairs, and Mannik was standing at the top of rows and rows of seats. He moved down them, glancing into the tank long since emptied of water.

A group of people were gathered, arguing. When Mannik was spotted, they quickly quieted, greeting him when he walked down more steps into the tank. These steps were their own. They had carved them into the wall slowly. If they ever were bombed, though unlikely, it had happened, any plans they had made should be safe this far down, with concrete surrounding them, and they could be carried on by the next generation.

As usual, the group got right down to business. "You brought up last week, Mannik, that our ships need some repairs. Getting the parts is as risky as getting a new ship. So we weighed the options, and we've decided to go with a full ship. A few, if this goes right." A slim, short woman with cropped red hair spoke quickly and briskly. "And you will make sure it goes right..."

sadrain 01-20-2014 08:25 PM

Sadrain's Cast, currently featuring
Zenon Valmir Hadar


Name: Zenon Valmir Hadar
Nickname: Zen, Val
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Position: Eldest son and heir of Hadar family, future leader of Seventh city

Appearance: Reference
Personality He seems like a person that's easy to understand, clear and direct stream, but there are some underwater rocks that one might miss to notice in eluded in false sense of safety.
He's blunt, although often plays it off as a joke. He seems a bit shallow and short sighted, but actually thinks ahead, most of the time. He likes to consider him self mature and thoughtful, but that only applies half the time, sadly. That makes him easy to be underestimated for the times he actually sets out to think and plan.
Zenon's a bit of rebel. He is too smart to show it all that openly always, but it's definitely there. He has some temper issues, although is more of the 'put on a smile and act on it later' guy - when he does, it's rarely nice. Of course, he's also spoiled, but material goods actually hold much less importance to him than one would expect. It's attention he likes and particularly desires one directed towards his own accomplishments or qualities (such as his good looks), not his family's riches. He can be selfish and self centered, too.
He likes to have fun and talk, has hard time turning down a fight and can be vicious fighter, both in your face and behind your back, when he really wants to get something. Manipulating, betraying, cheating and lying - it all runs in his blood, Val just opts not to go down that most of time.
Generally, cheerful and optimistic person, he does not break easily.
His opinion of Below is... lacking. He has never thought about it much, but when he does, he wonders just why more effort hasn't been put into saving it. He still thinks they are people down there, even if savages.

History: Zenon grew up knowing he'd be ruler of the city and it both annoyed and pleased him. It meant extra studies, but it also meant he'd get adoration and respect. Early, he learned that he didn't really deserve the position, as Hadar city had fabricated claims on the position not all that long ago. The society has sharp eyes and nose in Above, many were not pleased with power shift - some traditionalists and others simply jealous they had not done it first. To appease them, his family accepted proposed marriage between him and Adelmar, meaning one of the original ruling line would again be close to power and their children hold rights both old and new.
There is nothing spectacular more to tell about his past at this very moment, he doesn't feel there have been any life twisting events in it yet. Of course, there are the occasional grumbling fests from his mother or aunts, which are known to propel him into just right about what they don't want, so spicing his life up, but other than that, his life is calm and predictable. Val doesn't really like that.

Other: Over the years, he has began taking Adelmar as some unchangeable addition to his life - she's always going to be there, in his bad times and good ones, to scold him and sooth him, or just quietly listen to his stories. Perhaps more than he realizes, Zenon has grown attached to her. Not in love sense, but more like a friend or a dear pet. Of course, he has had various relationships on the sides, not particularly trying to resist beautiful ladies beckoning him in their rooms.
He has learned how to fight and use weapons due to taking part of the program that 'raids' Below.

Adelmar Ednah Wislawa


Name: Adelmar Ednah Wislawa
Nickname: Adel, Mar, Silly lady (only called so by Zenon)
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Position: Eldest child of Wislawa family that previously ruled city Seven

Appearance: Reference 1, another outfit reference
Personality Adelmar is a dutiful daughter, or perhaps we should say granddaughter as most she does is for her now deceased grandparents. She doesn't talk back to her parents, does not rebel and her one main focus is saving her family's name and estate. If that means putting aside her own happiness and marrying someone she has no feelings for, then so be it. The thought of actually doing something that she wants has occurred to her, but... where would she go? Although she has bright mind that easily absorbs knowledge, there are enough people from scientist rank and it would not be that hard to find her. It also would cast a black spot on Wislawa family if she ran away, which is last thing she wants.
Mar is one who desperately wants to please and be noticed by those who she cares for. For longest time, she tried to gain attention from her father, but eventually, something in her heart broke and she has practically ceased to care for him. Most of her affection is now turned towards her little brother (she suspects he is only half brother, however), but as she is stern older sister, trying to get him study, he favors both his parents that spoil him to no end.
Mature and serious for her age, she enjoys luxurious and glamorous lifestyle that being rich can provide, but does not make it out to be one thing to give her happiness. In truth, she's not even sure what would make her happy. She's well trained in all vague arts of speech - small talk, diplomacy, hidden threats, flirting and so on. Of course, other skills that someone of her status must have are not lacking either and she's good at reading people. If given options, she prefers observing over talking.
She has good deal of cunning along with intelligence and the combination makes her cautious. Normally, she isn't one to hurriedly do crazy things, but plans out everything to her best ability. She can be rather sharp, but does not enjoy inflicting pain of any sort - cold, but not cruel.
Her opinion of Below is simple - savages. But her thoughts on people of Above aren't that great either.

History: Every great lineage has one weak generation eventually. In Wislawa family, it was Maksym Kajetan Wislawa - Adelmar's father. Last few centuries had not favored this family in general, they had lost their rights as city-state rulers due to (fabricated) unclear inheritance issues, cutting their property in half and deeply injuring their pride, but Maksym's gambling and drinking habits finished off what they still had.
Although they still manage to maintain their face in front of society by grabbing deeply into Ioana's (Adelmar's mother) family banks and selling off one by one historical riches and jewelry, they are near bankruptcy and the large estate now only has few servants.
This all, of course, has reflected on Aldelmar's life. She has seen how her family's estate is slowly being torn to pieces by her own father and for some reason, he has never really liked or cared for her. Perhaps because she is a girl - after birth of her brother Tadeuzs, he now usually settles for ignoring her - or maybe because he sees in her everything his parents wanted him to be.
Mar knows her mother loves her, but the two have somehow always had cool relationships, maybe perhaps Ioana never dared to stand up to her raging husband when he screamed at their daughter for no reason. The only attention that she has ever received is from her father's parents. They gave her honest praises, hugged her and gave her kisses... And they shared stories of their old glory days with her, pain of loss evident in their tones. It was tragedy for Adelmar when her grandmother died, soon followed by her husband, leaving ten years old girl feeling lonelier than ever.
From early age, Adel has been engaged to Zenon, heir of Seventh city. Getting married to a rich, influential man is only use that her father finds for her. She attends to balls in her mother's old dresses, adjusted for her and the current fashions, and the two play happily engaged couple in front of everyone. However, the wedding day has been postponed now and again by Hadars and Maksym worries it may be called off as a whole.

Other: Although Adelmar is not in love with Zenon, she has grown to care for him as friend in some aspects, both aggravated and amused by his generally light disposition. If they were to be married, she'd most likely make just as faithful wife as she makes daughter. She has not pursued any other relationships in this time, too.
She has 'forced' Val to teach her basic self defense moves and how to use a small gun, from there developing her own half dance-half fight moves and practice routine to keep herself fit. It's a bit for sense of being different and also filling her time.

"Watch it," he grumbled when one of his 'co-workers' bumped in his shoulder, breaking his concentration on the screen before him displaying a flight simulation that actually served more than just a game. The other man rose an eyebrow and stopped in mid-step, then moved back to peer over his shoulder. "Hey, what got you annoyed, Zen?" he in inquired, but got no reply as one named Zen, or rather Zenon, was fully focused on screen, ignoring any questions. He had the rights.

He wasn't annoyed as Jayce had pointed out. It would be something his fiancee would say. No, he was downright pissed off. His mother had been in nagging mood for a week now, for no apparent reason. But everything he did or wanted to do was just about wrong - no matter if it was play-fight with his best buddies or flirting with some pretty chick at party (he hadn't even got wasted, for Pete's sake), not even talking about taking active part in Raiding or how he treated Adel. If she should have learned something by raising him then it should have been that what he always did exactly what was forbidden.

And so, finally fed up with it, Zenon had come directly to HQ where they were preparing for another Descent. He would, of course, take part. That's just what he needed right now. A bit of venting, a bit of change in routine. Not that it would be really different than those other times he had taken part. Finally, satisfied with score, he relaxed in chair and ran fingers through slightly shaggy brown hair which brought back thought of his mother - she always told him to clean up his 'street' looks, but everyone found it fit him. And most importantly, he liked it. Why did few inches in hair really matter? It's not like he went around unshaven (usually).

Pulling out something that to modern person would have looked like glass framed by strange, black gem, he slid his fingers across 'glass', making the machine to liven up. He tried to call Adel, but she wasn't picking up - now, what's up with that? Was everything really out to annoy him today? Man huffed, but then shrugged it off. Maybe she was busy. So, he sent a message instead, "Hey babes, I'm departing from HQ in three hours, come see me off?" He addressed her so on purpose, knowing it would tick the girl off. She had told him on various times to not call her in any names that he used for his flings or fan girls. But still, she'd come. She always did. That reliability Adelmar had was just something one of a kind.

Until then, he'd go hear what HQ boys had pulled off in that party over at Marec's (that he couldn't attend due to stiff family night).

Adelmar really did arrive, not a moment too soon or too late to give him properly long good bye. Zenon knew all the other guys were green from envy because he was only one that could get his girl inside HQ. She wished him luck, hugged and they exchanged a kiss that lacked any passion, but still looked sweet (like elderly couples kissing or holding hands look sweet) and watched as he climbed up the stairs to one of the ships. He waved at the girl before door closed, feeling better now.

As the silvery ships descended, he pulled up his helmet and waited for the right moment when doors would open once more and it would be time to move into darkened streets of Below.

Kisu 01-21-2014 01:52 AM

"All of us go through the history lessons, and since you teach them, I assume you are up to date, Mannik..?" The red headed woman peered at him sternly.

"Of course, Commander..." Mannik answered automatically, though he was slightly puzzled by the new subject.

"So you are aware of the impending wedding on Seven?"

"Yes, Commander." Again he responded like a perfect little soldier. "Between Hadar and Wislawa."

"Our source..." Commander Imhoff nodded towards a rather skinny and ragged old man who shuffled nervously around the table, jumping at any sound. "Jourd...Jourd..." The man jumped and stared at the woman dully. "Who risked his life returning to us three months past, has informed us for the Decents Seven has currently scheduled. We all know this..." She quieted the people who started to open their mouths and inform her with a lifted hand and harsh look. "But, a recap never hurts and it's best to know where we all stand." She leaned on the table, peering at a crudely drawn map of Seven. "And we all know that today is a planned one, and have taken precautions." Over the past years, even with the promise of fresh air, the horror stories of how people were treated in Above drove many into their tiny, hidden shelters. "As well as a trap...." As she spoke, she shifted the paper to reveal another map, much more detailed and well drawn.

"On our part. We know the basic areas Above lands when searching for us. Here, here and here are three sure fire places. We have Graphene nets hidden, and some of our people are in position already. Once they land, since no one will be insight, hopefully, they will be forced to exit the ship. We will cover the ships with our nets, while opening fire on the Angels."

The plan was quite simple actually, but Graphene was a hard material to work without machines, so these huge, strong nets were another precious item, and a lot rested on this plan. But, something still nagged at the tallest human in the room. It took him a moment to put it into words. "Commander...I don't understand. I'm not in command of this operation...What did you mean when you said I would make sure this mission didn't fail?"

The Commander paused for a moment, eying Mannik. When she spoke, her voice took on a tone he hadn't heard from her before. It set off alarm bells in his head. "We've selected you for another mission, in case this one fails. Zenon Hadar is next in line to rule seven. He is pledged to a woman..." She paused to fumble in another stack of papers, tugging out another crude picture. It wasn't colored, but the charcoal had been wielded admirably. A slim woman with a petite figure smiled out at him. Mannik's green eyes peered at the picture a moment. The man next to her was Zenon, recognizable from his training, but he had never seen the girl, though it was clear who she was. It must have been drawn from a public appearance. The pair was standing on a pair of steps, holding hands sweetly. "Adelmar Wislawa...If our mission to get the ships should fail, we will have no ships and will have lost lives." She paused again. "You will go to Seven when these ships make their Desent, staying shielded so you'll remain undetected. It will be like a normal raid, and we have the list all ready for you." Typically, on a raid, the person from Below was given a list of items to keep an eye out for. Mannik accepted the paper curiously, since he didn't see what this had to do with the information Sarah Imhoff had just given him. He glanced at it, reading the three words scribbled on it neatly. Adelmar Ednah Wislawa.

The Commander waited a moment, then questioned him quietly. "We have Polaris filling in as teacher for the children for now...Do you understand, Mannik?"

Raids had never involved kidnapping. And he certainly wasn't the best Raider, so for a few seconds, Mannik didn't. It wasn't until he looked up from the paper and met his commander's eyes that it seemed to click into place. Though her face was still stern, Sarah Imhoff's eyes were shining with the tears she refused to shed.

This mission wasn't likely to succed.

He hadn't been chosen for ability, or how stealthy he was.

He'd been chosen because he had no family, and the other Raiders did.

It sunk in quickly once Mannik realized. His jet locks bobbed as he gave her a curt nod. "Yes, Commander." His voice sounded strange. Maybe he was afraid? This wouldn't be the normal Raid, no matter what Commanded Imhoff said. Normally, he would pretend to be a worker from Below, and would have access to almost anywhere. And even if the Wislawas had fallen from grace, they would be the future leaders, and well protected. She would mostly likely have guards. She would likely object to being snatched away from home. "Why..." He couldn't bring himself to name it kidnapping aloud. It seemed like the harvest Above did to Below. "Why do we need her?" He tried again.

"If we fail to capture either the Hadar boy or the ships we need with the mission down here, taking the Wislawa girl would be a blight on the Hadar pride. They will have to get her back. No matter what. If that means paying Below an outrageous amount of supplies..." Commander Imhoff's eyes were still shining with tears, but something else danced in the stern green orbs. Pride, perhaps?

Name:Mannik Vlare Tak
Nicknames:None, though sometimes just refered to as 'Soldier'
Age: Nineteen
Position: Raider for Below, also somewhat of a teacher

Personality Mannik grew up in the dark dusty world of below. As such he is far too serious for his own good. He posseses very dark humor, and tends to lean towards sarcasm when he feels backed into a corner. The only time he seems to drop the serious persona is the rare occasion when sunlight comes down into his dismal world. Honor and duty are important to him. He harbors resentment towards citizens of Above, for denying all people access to that world. Other than that, he doesn't think of it too much. Outwardly he appears sure and confident, but his thoughts and feelings are often a jumbled mess.
History: Mannik's father died on a Raid when he was young, and his mother followed soon after. It didn't affect him much however, and Commander of the Below Rebels, Sarah Imhoff took him in. Having her for an adopted mother, Mannik grew up around the other soldiers, and learned all he could, particularly about ships. When the previous teacher was Harvested on a Decent, Mannik ended occupying his spot. Since then, if he wasn't on a Raid, he was teaching the children.He hasn't really thought of any other life, though he talks of Above often. To most people, Mannik seems to 'elite' soldier, living only for his work.

sadrain 01-22-2014 02:01 PM

Adel stood in the main hangar until last of ships left, the hatches closed and for brief moment, everything was calm and peaceful. It wouldn't last long, soon workers would arrive to prepare for ships' return. They would have to take the 'cargo', offer medical help to Descenders injured - people from Below were not so afraid of the silvery ships anymore and sometimes retaliated. She left, before they came, not wanting to take part in the commotion or give one of her trade-mark cool looks at someone who would have liked to see her leave.

Of course she wasn't supposed to be here. But she didn't want to go to her empty home - her family had left to Eight for a week on a relaxing vacation only she, of course, couldn't go. She had to stay where Zenon was, Maksym had pointed out with a smirk. And so, Adel did. She could go to Hadar residence, too, but felt no particular need to parade under nose of Wynonna Fedelma Hadar. The woman quite clearly despised her, most likely because under Adelmar's politeness she didn't sense any true respect, rather the opposite. And why should she respect this arrogant woman who wasn't even of Hadar blood line, but had married into it, yet thought she was the Empress of Seven or perhaps of all Above? Adel didn't even give whole Hadar bloodline more respect than they deserved as second in line to power - the ruler place did not belong them, they had stolen it. Some would think that with such mindset, she would hate Zenon, but this young woman was too smart to deem him guilty for his grandfather's crimes. Besides, her own family had let the reins of power slip out of their hands without much fight, too...

With sigh, she sank deeper into the chair and closed her eyes. Hopefully, Zenon would return safely from Descent. Adelmar knew that he was in a bad mood which meant he could be up for some crazy stunts, only to prove his strength and power. She knew him well, from both appealing and nasty sides, and what was funny - he knew that she did and appreciated it. She stayed with him, silent and unwavering, next to him no matter what. Val liked to think that it was because of silent admiration, although that was far from the true reason.

Young woman rubbed her eyes slightly and shifted in chair. She hadn't slept much that night, her father had been angry about something related to packing for the trip, so that meant arguing, crying and after that begging for his wife's forgiveness. Adelmar never quite understood what her father felt for her mother. He never hit her, unlike his daughter or servants, and her tears broke him, yet his treatment went from one end of scale - cruelty to spoiling - frequently. Adel thought that at least she'd never have to experience something like that. With Zenon, she knew what to do to avoid his anger and his somewhat careless attitude was always the same, always giving her what he was expected to as her fiance. And then, she slipped into light sleep.

Meanwhile, the ships slowly moved through the layers of smog, nearing the ground. Zenon heard pilots conversing in cockpit, something about density of it changing in past few years, but didn't pay much attention to it. It really wasn't his business. Most he got to deal with Below was hearing his father grumble about yet another Raid they had managed to pull off, stealing precious supplies and taking some of the Below workers with them. As a result, the others were treated even more draconian, so they couldn't give as much precious information away and wouldn't get chance to run off. Some, however, had settled in and lived here for generations. Those usually didn't suffer such a harsh treatment.

And of course, Descents. He had taken part in a handful, as they did not happen as often now. Usually, they were smooth, but once, his Descent group had been assaulted by some soldiers of Below. That day, Roy had been hit and he had to drag comrade back to ship while shooting at the men in mismatched armor and clothing. He hadn't managed to shoot any of them, though, aiming at the land near their boots and shooting one in leg. Somehow, taking a life didn't seem all that appealing to Zen. Sure, in games it was fun, but in real life, the flowing blood was kind of... gruesome. Well, of course he kind of regretted not shooting anyone later on as other guys wanted to mock him for cowardice and if only he hadn't been Hadar, they would have, too.

He felt the ship land and stood up, peering out of the transparent material built in ship's doors. It was as sturdy as rest of it, so it was not a weak spot of any kind. But that wasn't on his mind right now. No, Zenon was wondering where everyone was. Although it was not as easy to gather men these past few times anymore, there still was someone usually. Just not now... Strange. He narrowed his eyes, taking in the area carefully. Was there point of getting out here, if no one was here? They could still relocate.

Kisu 01-23-2014 10:57 PM

Mannik had left the meeting in a hurry. There wasn't too much longer before Above ships would depart. He moved through the old city blocks quickly, keeping an eye out for trouble. He got lucky for the second time of the day and didn't meet any obstructions.

His ship was old. Very old. Like before anyone had left to live in Above old. It was one of the few the Below rebels still had, and it was also Mannik's pride and joy. Above hadn't bothered with really old, broken down ships, thinking they would be useless in their new world. It was a good thing they hadn't brought all of them, otherwise Raids wouldn't be possible. The people of Below would have starved or wouldn't have had the supplies they needed to live in Below.

The metal was patchwork, really. Pieces salvaged over time and welded together. Still, it ran. There was a whoosh as the glass top slid backwards, under the metal that made up the back of his ship, and Mannik was tall enough to reach in and pull out his flight suit without having to climb on the wing. There were two seats, again patched together with salvaged pieces, although a few springs could be seen poking out of the fabric in the back. "She won't have a comfortable ride back..." Mannik muttered to himself, refusing to think that he may die.

He tugged on the jacket, zipping it up. Then he tugged up the pants over his own. Something his ship did not have was a heater, and it got cold in the clouds. The gloves were next, and Mannik flexed his hands automatically after donning them. He climbed into the cramped space and flicked a few buttons. A whoosh happened again, and Mannik was peering through dusty glass. Absentmindedly, he shoved some of the fur from the jacket out of his face.

Another switch and the machine whirred to life. The familiar excitement filled him. He'd be leaving the dust and danger behind for a little while. He'd get to bathe in sunlight! A rare smile lifted his lips and the ship lifted from the ground, hovering. Mannik's fingers moved over another switch, and he peered at a circular grid in front of him, nodding.

It was another reason he loved his ship. Above's ships no longer had shields, since Above was at peace, they hadn't thought they would need shields, which hid them from other ship's radars. Most of Below's ships, however, still had the shields, and they were remarkably easy to fix.

Soon enough, Mannik was whirling through the air. It was a straight shot where he was going, and took less than a half circle of the clock (A half hour.). When landing on Earth, he landed on three flat 'feet'. Here, however, he had no place to land. It had taken months to prepare the various spots they had to 'land'. He found what he was looking for easily, due to years of knowing what to look for. A small dent in the underside of Seven. Mannik shifted the ship until he was hovering under the small dent. Slowly, and turning every now and then, Mannik was able to fit the glass hood of the cockpit into the indent. He flicked another switch, and three hooks came from the top of his ship, hooking themselves into three tiny indents also made previously. Any ship that flew below wouldn't be able to tell a ship was there. It would look like mismatched metal that made up the bottom of Seven.

His glass slid back again, and Mannik pressed his ear against the metal above him. His mask dug painfully into his cheek and neck, and as usual, he heard no movement. Still, better safe than sorry. He reached down into a panel of his ship and tugged out a small metal piece with a small hand crank. Using the lights from his ship, he easily fit one end of the metal object into a huge industrial screw. Then he began to turn the crank. He did the same at four corners of a piece of metal. He pocketed the screws, and carefully lowered the piece of metal. Inside was a long tunnel. He poked his head above, blinking at the light. It wasn't well lit, but tiny bulbs lit up the empty corridor. Mannik grinned and stood up, placing the metal back. He paused long enough to remove a small piece of chalk from his other pocket. He made a tiny mark in the bottom right corner.

He was currently in the 'sewers' of Seven. Only Below workers were here, and even the workers who had happily settled here wouldn't dare rat out Mannik if they happened to see him. A rat would be found out quickly, and the others from Below, who were rooting for the rebels, would have silenced the rat quick enough. They would know to look out for the chalk, and keep from stepping unto it.

The male moved down the corridor quickly. One side was a freezing cold wall, and the other had a railing, keeping people from falling into the rushing sewage. Because of the chemicals used to treat the waste, every so often on the railing were bright orange bags labeled 'Chemical Spill Kit'. Mannik paused at one of them, noting the thin line of chalk running along it's seem. He tugged out the outfit hidden inside, and stuffed his gas mask, and flight clothing into it. Most Below workers had the same uniform, a gray one piece jumpsuit. This was the item Mannik had pulled out, and he tugged it over his current clothing quickly.

Now just to find the girl...

He paused a few more feet down the tunnel, gripping the cold rungs and climbing. At the top, he lifted the trap door and shut it quietly. 'Sewage Entrance', it read. And now Mannik was standing in the maintenance room for the 'HeadQuarters' of Seven. This was, of course, the most likely place to enter and exit Seven. No one expected Below workers to come through here, due to heavy guards and security measures. But, someone with the issued jumpsuit and smelling like he'd just been released from a Sewer Shift wasn't likely to be questioned.

Mannik turned away from the door, and came face to face with a worker from Below. The man's blue eyes were widened in suprise, his hands loosely gripping a mop handle. Mannik touched a finger to his lips, and forced a hand into his jumpsuit. He fumbled around for a minute, until he was able to tug out the 'list' from the pocket on his jacket. He handed it to the worker. The man nodded and leaned close to Mannik. "Edna Harris?"

This was common enough. People brought here to work missed their families. There were few enough people that everyone pretty much knew everyone else. So when Mannik met workers in Above, they commonly asked after their families. "Fine." He responded quietly.

"Take me back?" This was another common request, and Mannik usually obliged the first person to ask. Because his ship had one seat. It was hard to refuse, however. He hesitated.

"Help me get her...You hold her in the back. It will be tight..." The young man's face lit up, and he nodded. He pointed to the paper, then shoved a bucket into Mannik's hands. Mannik took it, dug for his gun. He dropped it gently in the bucket, and covered it with a rag. The man lifted his mop up higher.

"Last I saw, she was here. Fell asleep. Only got a few minutes before the Recovery Crew arrives to get ready for the returning soldiers...." Mannik nodded and followed the male. In front of the room were two armed soldiers. They nodded at the two workers, granting them entry, assuming they were cleaning a mess made inside.

It was easy to recognize the female from the photo drawn, and Mannik couldn't believe she was there, just laying out like a package ready to be delivered. He held up a finger to the male, then popped his head out the door. The guards weren't expecting him, and after two soft pops, he was dragging their dead forms into the room. He shoved one under the couch, and sat the other one in a seat like he'd fallen asleep.

Then it was easy enough to rip a sleeve off the soldier under the couch. He moved to Adelmar, and nodded to the other male, then her arm. The man moved to her, grabbing her right arm. Mannik opened her mouth, and stuffed the sleeve into her mouth, forcing it back too far to be spit out. His other hand remained on his gun, and pressed it to her temple. Once the gag was in her mouth, Mannik's free hand gripped her left arm, his other hand keeping the gun against her. "Not a word or a wiggle. Even with a bullet in it, your body is still valuable...start walking..."

sadrain 01-24-2014 11:35 PM

The moment hand touched her arm, Adelmar woke up - she hadn't been in deep sleep and movement around the room had already began to disturb her rest. She tried to claw at the hand that was stuffing something in her mouth, a scream clawing in her throat, while right arm thrashed in attempt to break free, but the cool material of barrel at her temple moments later cooled, no, froze the girl. Her gray eyes stared in horror. What was happening? No, that was a stupid question. She was being kidnapped.

At the threat, she momentarily considered screaming and kicking, just to get shot. Being taken by anyone - enemy of Seven or her family from Above or Below - would turn out worse than death, most likely. But the will to live was strong in her, maybe... maybe there'd be a way out of this. Eventually. And so she complied with man's demands, getting up and slowly moving towards doors. He couldn't be all that much older than her, but he had such a harsh expression. Adel's gaze moved around the room, as if looking for escape or grasping the last 'sights' of freedom. Her heart sunk, noticing body in chair. She vaguely knew that man - Rikard? He was called that or Reyan. She couldn't recall now. He had failed his task and was now dead for it. She will be, too. Sooner or later.

They were now out in the corridor and she realized, they were moving towards exit to Sewers. The girl tried walking slowly, perhaps the crew would pass by here and notice, besides she really felt sick and dizzy, trying not to gag and cough from having the rough cloth in her mouth and throat. But that wasn't tolerated and Adelmar had to speed up. Soon, she stumbled out of Headquarters, eyes now filled with tears. Few rolled down her face, and she momentarily squeezed eyes shut, as if to force tears back and refrain from crying. She wouldn't give that pleasure to her captors. Besides, it didn't help, nor she could wipe her face or blow her nose. Tears would make it all more uncomfortable for her.

Still, easier to be said than done, when strange people with unknown motives are ripping you away from the only life you have ever known by kidnapping you. As they walked further and further down the corridor, place of Seven that she had never seen, Adelmar felt a bit crushed by each thud of boots. They paused only when the one with green eyes pulled out gas mask out of one of the Chemical Spill kits. There was only one conclusion that she could draw from that right now: they were going Below. Not that it really changed anything. Only perhaps that any escape was made less possible - she wouldn't survive down there even if she got out without proper equipment.

They continued on until came to a hole in wall. Then, she was stuffed in back of small spacecraft, the other male holding her tightly. It was extremely uncomfortable and she sat stiffly, despite the arms around her trying to bend her some for their own comfort. Adel's gaze was focused on one point at the back of pilot's seat, except for when he was closing the hole and preparing to part from the wall. If she ever got free, this information could be invaluable to securing Seven. Hadars had been pulling out their hair, trying to figure how Below got in and Raided.

Perhaps that would be information that could save her life, too. Hadars most likely would jump on chance to get rid of her, even if they traded for her. They would blame it on Below, maybe start a full-out war with people there to enslave everyone. But if she could tell them their weak spots, maybe, just maybe, they'd spare her. If she was smart enough to give the information in parts so they believed she had it, but vital one only when she was safe and far from their reach.

As her mind went over this, urge to cry came back again. She was considering her inevitable end! And all because of... because of what, really? Zenon, of course. Her engagement to him. And they were right that he was one person in all Seven that could agree to trading something for her (assuming these people from Below wanted to trade, by the 'valuable' comment). But most likely, he'd do something crazy instead, like attempting to free her on his own. Not so much for her as just using opportunity to go on an adventure with noble cause. If Hadars knew their son even just tiny bit, they should push their heir to some outer residence and lock him there, blaming his disappearance on stress and despair her kidnapping had caused, to avoid some catastrophe Zenon would surely cause, if left to act on his own whims.

Girl's thoughts swirled and spun while they flew away from walls of city that she had once thought to bring utter safety to her. And as time passed, strange apathy slowly replaced panic and horror. There was nothing she could do anymore, nothing at all. She would go with the flow. After all, wasn't that what she always did? Only now it wouldn't be her parent's will guiding her fate, but savages of Below. Wanting to keep her alive probably won't save her from abuse, but she could put up with pain, couldn't she? And eventually, it all would come to an end. No suffering lasted forever.

And first thing she'd do when the gag would finally be pulled out of her mouth, whether it's when they landed or when she was already in her new 'room' or anywhere else, would be coughing and then laughing. Softly, bitterly, but definitely laughing. It had been bubbling in her chest ever since realization no one really wanted her back settled in.

"Come on, what you waiting on, Zen? Get out!" he heard call from cockpit and frowned. He didn't take well to being ordered around, but it wasn't why he had grimaced this time. Somehow, all this just didn't fell all that right, but the man couldn't pinpoint it. "No one's there, guys. Maybe we should look for another spot," Zenon called back, but put hand on lever that would open doors. "Then take a tour around. Someone must be there. If you don't like some kiddo or woman, just shoot 'em," was nonchalant answer. He shrugged and pushed doors open.

He was right off the staircase when there was a noise and moments later, he felt something in his leg, the feeling not quite clear... It was like strength just left it and man just fell down on his knees, then forward, just barely catching himself on hands. Perhaps that saved young heir's life as the next round just flew over him, meant for chest height. There was no pain yet, but he wasn't stupid enough to not realize what had happened and immediately began crawling up the stairs. "TAKE OFF!" he screamed in intercom built in the helmet and immediately, engines began rumbling. Leg felt limp, unusable, but he managed to pull it close enough so it wouldn't get hit again. He more heard, than saw that something with heavy thud landed on ship and there was another sound, as if this something was now sliding off the metal surface as the ship had already began moving, but now it was pulled down by Graphene nets, covering most of the vehicle.

Still, this gave him enough time to get inside without any more bullet wounds (he had managed to twist his left wrist painfully and certainly got some bruises, though) and close the doors. They would last direct hits for a while, but not for eternity. They had to get away from this damn place. "Why aren't we moving!?" he yelled at two pilots in cockpit, heavily leaning on the doorway to stand upright. Leg had began to hurt now.

"Nets, we can't get them off," one explained awkwardly, trying to push more power in direct engine, but the ship roared, not took off. "Idiots! Side and back boosters!" Zenon roared and when the two just looked at him in dumbfounded manner, unceremoniously flung main pilot out of his seat. In back of his mind, he registered emergency calls from other ships, but he was too busy to be able to respond. First, he lowered engine power so the thing wouldn't overheat and while the sound calmed, adjusted position of side boosters. Moments later, all power went to bottom and side ones - ship lifted off the ground slightly, then began leaning, raising the free side in air more and more. His hand was constantly controlling their angle and then, man put power in back ones.

Ship groaned and wailed, trying to pull away from its trap and while it struggled so, net started to slip off of it. They were nearly fully on their side now, both original pilots crashed in a wall and Zenon struggling to keep position and steady control, too. But then, net slid off fully, raising a storm of dust as it hit the ground, and ship flew out forward suddenly. The man leaned back in chair, holding onto the controls and trying to pull the whole machine up to avoid crashing into that wall that came closer and closer.... The 'nose' finally pulled up, but bottom of ship did not avoid collision, there surely had to be a hole in corridor leading to doorway now. But all of that mattered not because they had gotten away.

He had never felt such a mix of anger, fear and thrill like in these minutes. It sent his heart racing, blood pumping... Amazing feeling. Zenon leaned back in chair, grip on steer loosening. He could have changed places now, but he didn't. He liked leading the ship, being in control... Usually it was boring, most exciting part being the flight simulations that today had come so handy, so he preferred to go on direct Descent, but now... The ship was his for this hour. Beside that, it was hard to get up, too.

One ship had fallen to savages, another pulled free somehow, that's what he heard through intercom. The other ship that managed to fled had lost Descender. Their crew one was only one fully intact, thank luck or skill. They will be heroes upon return. He will be hero.

Kisu 01-27-2014 01:33 AM

The whole capture when off without any hitches, and soon the worker from Below was stuffed into the back with Adelmar.

Mannik ignored them, other than to shove an extra gas mask back there. There had been an extra one in the bag, so the male already had one, but he squirmed around, attaching it to Adelmar.

Once this necessary thing was done, however, Mannik completely forgot the two passengers, focusing on flying. His shields were up and good, and with a slight hum and lurch, the ship moved away from Seven.

A short time later, and Mannik's ship was parked. He slid the top back, then tugged Adelmar off the male. He nodded gratefully, gave Mannik a few whispered words of thanks, then disappeared into the constant thick dust. Mannik set Adelmar down gently, tugging a camouflaged net over his ship, before guiding her to Sarah Imhoff's house.

He kicked himself momentarily for not blindfolding the girl. She had valuable information now. Oh, well. They had a million ways in and out.

He gripped her elbow gently, and led the way through the eerie dust. "Welcome to the world you created." He muttered.

Finally, they stopped at what looked like a chunk of cement. Mannik leaned against it, pushing it away easily. It was tin, painted with a thin covering of cement, and hid steps into the Earth. The dark haired male gently guided the girl down the wooden steps, closing the covering behind them. A tiny lantern lit the way dimly, taking them past doors and doors. Mannik stopped at the wooden door with a twelve painted on it. He didn't knock, but walked right it. He shut the door firmly, removing his gas mask, then taking off Adelmar's. "Sarah...I'm back...with her..." He called out, while removing her gag.

Sarah moved into view, shocked, but clearly pleased at the return of her adopted son. She hugged him. He returned the gesture stiffly, but they both broke it off as Adelmar's laughing filled the air.

Mannik stared at her, completely at a loss. She was crazy. That was the only explanation. Crazy lady. Great.

Sarah, on the other hand, peered at her, then vanished. She returned a moment later with a metal cup of water. "Here, dear. Drink up. You're in shock, alright? I'm sorry that we've taken you from your home, but we need you, badly...Come...have a seat...we can discuss your living arrangements for the time being...Mannik, get some food..."

"Miss Wislawa...I will assume you know why you brought here, to some extent. Do you have any current questions? Or is there anything we can get you to make your stay here more comfortable?"

The tall male hurried to obey, ducking in the doorway to Sarah's kitchen. A metal box sat on a counter. He opened it, and mist rose. Inside was a cooked meal, and Mannik lifted it out, returning to the metal table Sarah had lead Adelmar to. He placed the plate in front of her. A large bird sat on it. It had been eaten from some, but plenty of meat was still on it's bones. A pile of rice and some strange roots had also been partially eaten.

Mannik didn't speak now. His mission was complete. He'd report his findings to Sarah once she was done with the Above girl, and then he'd be free of the whole mess.

sadrain 01-27-2014 11:35 PM

If she didn't already feel quite numb, she'd be relieved to be finally out of the ship. It had been very uncomfortable ride, both physically and mentally. She was not used to be restrained, at least not this personally. She had rarely been touched by anyone, especially someone she didn't know. For past few years, most physical contact she had had was some public embraces and kisses from Zenon and with whoever was her partner during dance. Despite being engaged from early age, her fiance had never really looked at her as a girl or a woman. At least not like one of those flighty girls he bedded. And truth be told, she always did feel more like an item than anything else. One thing that won't change with her new status down here.

The green eyed man took her by elbow and led her away from ship. His actions weren't rough, surprisingly, but his words... He blamed her for state of this... this world? Adelmar's eyes took in details of Below, she had never been here and that really hadn't been her loss. And there was nothing in her power she could have done to change this dusty ruin littered sight before her. She considered trying to run away now - she could, a stomp on his food, jab in stomach, something to free her hand -, but where to go after? Most likely, she'd get a bullet in her back before she reached cover. But perhaps there was a chance? "I am indecisive fool," the girl cursed in her thoughts, her mind speeding up again and trying to devise a plan. She couldn't swallow normally, from stress her heart felt in her throat along with the gag and...

She had missed her chance. They arrived at... a block of concrete? That turned out to be hidden entrance. No wonder no Descender had found their homes, it was a clever disguise. As they walked deeper into underground, Adelmar carefully took note of each door. Not that it all mattered. She was too cowardly to act when given a chance, wasn't she? When he removed her mask and gag, she first gagged and coughed, focused on herself, but when she rose her gaze, she noticed the tearful reunion. And then the quiet, bitter laugh came, mixed with cough. There was nothing funny here, not in typical sense, yet... Who would hug her, if she ever returned to Above? Would her mother do it? Maybe. But not in front of her father. However, here, this woman embraced kidnapper, for he who was dear to her (her son? The woman looked too young to be his mother. Maybe lover?) had risked his life to bring back a victim. Just like the scene that should be playing out right about now in Above, between her and Zenon. How was it that those forcefully taking others had more love and affection for their deeds than those they took had ever had?

But from where all these thoughts? Below and Above, they were supposed to have nothing in common. Of course, she had been cynical about Above for long time now, but this was not the situation to put them in same weight category as Below. Maybe she really was crazy, as she could read man's opinion in his eyes. Her thought train crashed when woman brought her cup of water. She probably had never drunk from something so crude in her life, but that was last thing on Adelmar's mind right now. She wanted to drink the cup dry in large gulps, but refrained. She had to keep her manners that were nearly bred in her and one thing that separated her and these savages.

Adel sat down where offered, observing this red-head. In the girl's ears, she spoke roughly - not because of word choice, it was the way words were pronounces. You could immediately recognize one from Below because of it. Some workers spent a lot of time trying to ditch this accent, but hardly ever managed. However, the speech was yet again surprisingly kind. Nearly as if she had been invited over for a sleepover. She was even apologizing. Girl resisted another chuckle. This seemed so absurd, unreal. All of it. She set the cup down and put hands in her lap, folding them neatly, about to speak, when plate was set in front of her. In Above, they had roasted animals, too, the idea kept from ancient times when people actually hunted for food. Adel realized that here it was the real thing.

"No, thank you, I am not hungry," she said, each word pronounced exactly as it had been taught to her, sentence forming melodious. It was not a lie, too, although the pair could take it as an insult towards their food. But why should she care if they were insulted or not? Her grey eyes bore into the other woman, there was no sign of fear or pleading. "I realize I am in no situation to make demands or requests nor I know what I would need, since I have no knowledge where you plan to keep me. However, you should know that you will not gain desired results with me as an exchange token. As your..." she looked at the man, trying to find proper word for him, "soldier will confirm, he found me practically unguarded. The guards he eliminated were not assigned to me, although there are plenty of people that could possibly target me. That alone should make you realize my worth is not what you assume it is. In truth, both Wislawa and Hadar families would not care if my existence was ended. However, this event can be very handily used against you when need for more hostility arises."

What she wanted to gain with this speech? Nothing, really. Well, perhaps not nothing. But the desired outcome of them taking her back of course would not come true. Maybe she'd just be killed off swiftly and wouldn't have to endure captivity and perhaps death at her own people's hands later on. Perhaps, if she hadn't been such a dutiful citizen for so long, the thought of offering her knowledge to them in exchange of freedom or better 'stay' would settle down more permanently in her mind, but now it just passed through the back of her mind. She couldn't betray her grandparent's legacy. Someone had to try restoring their lost glory... Although right now that was the furthest thing from her reach. She could, of course, double-cross them later on, but who says they would fall for her trick and not just take her information and shoot her later? Savages had no concept of honor, did they? Not that she had met anyone who did.

She took another sip from cup, still watching the pair with calm, firm expression. Nearly as if they were in exchanged positions and they were at her mercy, not the other way around. At any display of force, grabbing by shoulder, hitting the cup out of hand, slapping her - she would remain just as composed. Tears would have to be saved for later. But somehow, Mar didn't expect that, at least not right away. They were trying to seem civilized, weren't they? Perhaps they would hit her during interrogation for information. Surely, they wouldn't just let her sit around and wait for a trade?

Kisu 01-28-2014 01:32 AM

Mannik had sat quietly and patiently during his commander's speech. Once the food was refused, however, he reached for the cold bird, only to have his hand smacked. Sarah moved the plate back in front of Adelmar without looking at Mannik, who sulked quietly.

Something the girl said made him glare angrily at her. "Can't get much worse for us. How'd it feel, girl? To be taken away from your home? Imagine how many people go through that here! And you being taken will be a thorn in the Hadar's side. Don't you think they will be ashamed they didn't protect you? They will want you back. Our price is cheap enough..." Sarah glared at the male for a moment, before turning to Adelmar.

"Miss Wislawa...please ignore him. Mannik has grim view of Above. Not that I can blame him, but he shouldn't take it out on you." She stated pointedly. Mannik obeyed and stayed silent. She paused for a moment, evaluating her captor. Whether or not she was aware, Adelmar's words worried Sarah deeply, though she didn't let it show. All of Below had risked quite a lot to bring her here. Sending her back risked even more, with the information she now carried about them. Just the fact that she knew this housing complex was bad.

She opened her mouth to speak, but a large crack cut her off. She glanced backwards with an irritated expression. Mannik waved at her, signaling to stay seated. The tiny room they were currently in opened to an even smaller area, clearly seen through the open doorway. There was a small bed, space to turn around while standing, and a huge silver box. Mannik opened a side of the box and poked around inside until it started to quietly hum again.

This done, Sarah turned her attention back to Adelmar. "My apologies...our air purifiers don't work very well sometimes..." She frowned. "You don't have them Above, do you? I forgot for a moment. The dome you live in with plants and recycled oxygen makes it so you can breath. Here, we don't have any sealed rooms, but because of the smog, our air must be constantly purified. Plus..." She paused to point at a vent near the ceiling. "That connects directly to the next room. We have one purifier for even ten apartments. So the purifiers are a bit overworked and short circuit on occasion. So, lesson one...if you hear or see one go out..." Sarah leaned forward to tap the gas mask Mannik had removed from Adelmar. "Put this on. If you have to go outside for any reason, put it on."

"Now, as to your living arrangements...We...didn't anticipate..." She faltered slightly, glancing to Mannik. The male's green eyes peered evenly at the woman from Above.

He finished the sentence for Sarah. "That I would return. Much less with you."

Sarah hesitated, then nodded. Once Mannik sat back down she reached over to pat his hand. "So, we actually didn't make plans for that..." Her gaze turned to Mannik once more, her eyes narrowing when she saw he'd snatched a strip of chicken off the plate. " two already know each other, and can keep her safe, and let her know what she needs to know to survive until we hear from Seven. We'll send a message tonight..."

Mannik chewed the meat, obviously not understanding. It dawned on him slowly. "'s...a girl...from...there!" He finally spat out. "I can't watch her! I'm no babysitter! And it's already a pain!"

"Mannik will take you to his home. If you need anything, he will be more than happy to assist you. My name is Commander Imhoff, by the way, dear. Leave the robin, Mannik..." She gave them a curt nod, then stepped into the small room, tugging a curtain down.

sadrain 01-28-2014 09:58 PM

Oh great, he was one of those passionate people that vented about their troubles to whomever they held responsible and it happened to be whole society of Above that had lived there for.... More than a millennium. It was absurd, in Adelmar's rather rational mind. If she was to be blamed for kidnapping on some level, then each person should also personally punish themselves as their ancestors had helped to create the pollution that eventually led to this situation, too. Yes, she didn't sleep during history lessons, unlike most other students. She never slept during any lessons. And there were no means in her hands, never had been and never would be, that could have averted Descents. Besides, wouldn't they want to be up there, where life was easier?

But besides that outburst, he didn't interest Mar very much. Rather, she wanted to read more into the woman's reactions. Worried, wasn't she? And not without a reason. Not that it changed anything for Adelmar, though. She was still stuck here, made to listen about their situation and trying to comprehend it all. Now, she wasn't spoiled to the point she needed golden goblets and maids to dress her, especially since she didn't have any of it in her daily life either, but this was beyond anything she had ever imagined.

Young woman grasped the gas mask, fingers sliding over the material. It felt rough and very real, but her mind fully didn't accept it. Or rather, didn't want to. This would be her life now? More half-life than anything. Imprisoned, hated... Although there had always been dislike and boundaries around her, this outmatched it all by far. Adelmar tried to focus on woman's words, but some of them slipped by her. She grasped the general idea, though, but said nothing until red-head said 'Mannik' would share his apartment with her and he nearly exploded. Ah, so she would be a pain, hm?

Her gaze rose, and sweet poison dripped off her tone: "Let me assure you, Mr. Mannik, the feeling is mutual." Then, she looked to the third person and nodded in acknowledgement. Somehow, it didn't seem possible to say 'nice to meet you' to this Commander. Now it was just her and the green eyed man and Adelmar stood up, smoothing down her skirt with casual yet flowing movement. "Lead the way, Mr. Mannik," she spoke, voice now more resigned, but there was certainly some sarcasm in that "mister".

When they would exit the apartment, she'd follow him quietly. She didn't expect much from her new living 'arrangements', it probably would look just like Imhoff's apartment or worse. So, sleeping on floor or on chair. Lovely. Just lovely. And let's not forget the haughty, I hate you just because owner of the place. But then again, she could be chained to cold wall and being humiliated by men right now... At least that wouldn't happen now. Right? Adelmar shuddered at the thought slightly. But most likely, this Mannik would be too disgusted of her to lay a finger on her. Unless he wanted to show her how Below girls felt... It was rare that one from Above would forcefully bed a servant, but not unheard of. Others gladly seduced their masters for better situation, at least until the man grew tired.

Kisu 02-01-2014 08:59 PM

The male didn't respond to the Above woman's words, other than a slight twitch of his mouth and a glare. He stepped forward and grabbed the mask from her hands. He wasn't rough about it, just matter of fact as he buckled the three belts that held it in place and turned her head, making sure it sealed.

"Make sure it's tight around your jaw. Otherwise you'll die within two minutes. Not enough oxygen. You'll suffocate." He stated it all curtly, before strapping his own on. He pushed out the door and began to stride down the hallway, towards the hidden exit. When he spoke, his voice was muffled by his mask. "Run off if you want. But, there's all kinds of beasts out here. I'd suggest staying close."

Without speaking any more, he exited the hidden door, covering it up once Adelmar left. Mannik's anger and resentment was clear as he stomped down the ruined streets, sending up puffs of dust, and occasionally grumbling. Occasionally, a strange animal would emit an eerie cry, but other than scurrying shadows, not one beast was seen.

Finally, at what looked like a small tin shack, Mannik stopped. He glanced back towards the female, then shifted his body, blocking something from view. There was a scraping sound, then nine rapid clicks were heard. The tin building rasped, and slowly, a door slid backwards and into the side. Mannik moved into it.

Here, too, there were stairs. Other than the bare wires crisscrossing the back of the door, it looked identical to the 'apartment complex' the two had just left. Mannik pushed open the door at the bottom of the steps.

The area down here was about twice the size of Sarah's apartment, though it was nowhere near as clean. Dust covered everything, whereas Sarah had attempted to fend off the dust in her living area. A crude fireplace was built into a dirt wall that made up one side, though the other sides were in the process of being sealed with concrete. An air purifier buzzed loudly in the middle of the room. There was no furniture, however. On the cement floor in one corner, near the fireplace, was a massive pile of pelts, and the other corner looked like old clothes were piled up. Some clothes were even uniforms of various kinds of guards from Above. On some kind of black slabs were rather detailed drawings, made with another kind of rock. Another insulated box that contained food sat near the door.

Mannik waited until Adelmar was inside the room before closing the door and removing his mask, hanging it on an old rusty nail. He glanced at her, almost nervously. "It's not much. But, it's home. You can sleep there..." He pointed to the pile of furs. "Are you hungry yet?" It seemed like food was never far from Mannik's mind. "The pipes in the fireplace go for a few miles through the ground. Can't locate the source of the fire. And the tin walls up there cover the concrete door and walls, so it's a lot harder to get in than you'd think." When he'd made his home, he'd made it with these things in mind. He wasn't stupid. Above selected good workers. Mannik wasn't particularly strong. But, his hunting skills kept him more well fed than most. He was tall and well fed, which would make him ideal for various work in Above. He wouldn't let himself be taken on a Decent.

(Sorry it took so long to get this up.)

sadrain 02-03-2014 12:43 AM

She stood stiffly while he fastened the straps of her gas-mask. Did Mannik think she couldn't do as much on her own? She'd have, if she hadn't thought the apartment was in this same 'complex'. Adelmar's fists clenched by her side, but she didn't do much else. For now, at least. There was a growing need in her to punch something - or preferably someone. Usually not one for violence or large emotion displays, standing around helplessly like this built up anger and desperation that could break norms she followed obediently. And still, her common sense told her she had little to no chances of survival if she indeed fled.

So Adel followed to him, wrapping arms around herself. It wasn't cold, no, but it felt like her exposed skin couldn't breath with all this dust and air she could nearly feel as heavy around them. Each strange cry in distance made her wince internally, but young woman did her best to keep up with him. "Like an animal led to slaughter, quietly and obediently," she thought with distaste. But despite such co-operative actions, she actually took in every detail she could, trying to imagine what she could do and where to go, if she did attempt an escape in a short while. If they'd share an apartment, perhaps she'd have a chance to flee as it wouldn't be exactly a prison?

Her new 'home' turned out to be even more simple than she could have pictured. She would have to sleep on floor? But if he did, she could, too. Woman took off her mask, looking around for a place to put it and then hung it next to (or over) Mannik's. At question about food, Adelmar wanted to say 'no', but after short hesitation said that she will eat. Who knows when next meal would be offered, there was no point in starving herself - it only weakened body. After receiving her portion, she settled down in the furs, nibbling on food slowly, eyes downcast.

Would she get a new set of clothes, did they ever get a chance to shower down here? These thoughts spun around her head. Knee length dress and coat over it wasn't the best outfit for prolonged wearing in environment such as this. Adel berated herself for not asking Commander for a brush, at the very least. Her long hair didn't tangle easily, but she couldn't stand walking around with messy head. Then, a thought came to her - he hadn't checked pockets of her coat. The SocialPad was still with her, although she doubted it was in zone and could be used to call someone or write to them. And there was nowhere to hide it here, either. But maybe she could 'legalize' it as a personal journal? In fact, continuing to write her diary could be a good way to stay sane.

A thought occurred to her and Adel rose her head to look at her captor. "How does your Commander plan to give message to Hadars? Is there messenger in Above? Or in another way?" she inquired and moments later, bitterly added: "I just would have liked to see their faces when they hear the news." And those were not lies. Although she could quite clearly picture shock mixed with disgust about her and whole situation right now, too.

Kisu 02-03-2014 04:02 AM

The male turned away digging in the small box. He took stock of his small amount of food and scowled at it, though it wasn't really the food he was irritated with. His adopted mother, Sarah, had known handing the girl over to his care was a horrible thing to do. Number one, she was from Above, and had no idea how to survive here. Mannik wasn't made to babysit. Number two, Sarah hadn't said his teaching duties were off now, so Mannik assumed he would need to collect the children tomorrow and teach them again. Number three, she was a girl! Mannik felt awkward enough with girls down here, otherwise, he would be sharing his old bomb shelter with one. So to have her in her set him on edge. He had no idea how he'd get to sleep tonight. His house was his sancutary. He couldn't remember the last time he'd had someone in here.

Still trying to get his thoughts together, he reached up, into one of the many alcoves built into the concrete wall, and tugged down his set of eating items. This was another problem. He had exactly one plate and cup. Silverware was annoying and hard to find, and Mannik had ended up donating his to another family months ago. Oh well. He gave a small shrug, then dumped a few cold steaks unto her plate, tossing some more of the strange roots on as an afterthought. The steaks looked like beef, but tasted very diffent. Gamey and stringy. People of Above commonly had fruits and vegetables they grew there, but down here it was rare. So this cold meal would have to do.

He handed her the plate in silence, then shifted awkwardly again. "I can start a fire and heat it up...but the fire takes oxygen, so it would be hard to breath until I put it back out...Oh, yeah...uhm...water..." Mannik moved away quickly, reaching back in the box. He lifted out what looked like a smaller box, and slid a tiny piece back to create a small opening. Cold, filtered water trickled out into the metal cup. Water was another luxury. A long walk to get it, then a longer filtering process, before it was finally fit to use. He set the cup down next to the girl before retreating a safe distance away, gnawing on a steak of his own.

When she finally spoke, Mannik blinked at her in suprise. "Huh...they really don't tell you citizens anything up there, do they?" He nodded to the clothes and gas masks. "Do you think this is all we take? We've got a few of those SocialPads...Hell to charge, though. Sometimes I have to take them up there, charge them, and bring them back. There aren't many things we had to contact Above about, but it's nice to have them. And you may get your wish." He paused, then added, "If they don't believe we have you, we'll need to show them we do, so you'll get to see someone tomorrow." He blinked at her curiously. This girl was strange. Serious, somewhat bitter, but she had claws. They may have been tiny, but her small bit of sass earlier showed that she definately had some.

"So, you're good tonight then? Don't need anything?" Mannik shifted, finishing his steak. "Tomorrow, I've got some work. Can't leave you here, so I guess I'm bringing you with me...Just...don't try anything stupid. There will be kids around. And if you put them in danger, I'll have to kill you. I'd prefer not to. So don't make me. After we get down, we'll go see the Commander. I'll try to get you someplace you'll feel more comfortable."

sadrain 02-03-2014 10:56 PM

As expected, the food wasn't even anywhere near delicious. But still she ate it, chewing each bite at least good twenty times or more before swallowing. At his fumbling explanation about heating food, she looked at Mannik with slightly confused expression and then told him that it's fine. It's not like the food would get all that better when hot. She sincerely doubted anything could make it really edible.

Why did he go explaining all these things? In fact, why did he do everything to make her feel comfortable, like hand over his only plate for her? Was it because Commander had told him so sternly to treat her nicely or he was as good as someone from Below could be? Shiver ran down woman's spine remembering gun at her temple and harsh voice. Could someone doing that could truly be nice? Zenon Descended, too, but she also wouldn't go as far as to call him good. Zen wasn't bad either, he was just... Well, him.

She thanked him quietly (out of reflexes, rather than actually being thankful) for cup of water and picked it up, enjoying how the liquid soothed her dry throat and lips. It wasn't as delicious as the one she drank Above, but she certainly appreciated it a lot more right now. Adelmar thought it must be stress that made her so thirsty now. Her hand clenched cup tighter when he began talking about how her people didn't know anything, but she set it down with composed movement and continued to eat in same slow manner, only now her eyes were set on her captor.

Mannik continued to talk and she came to conclusion he was rather chatty fellow. And he was somehow... confused about her? No, that was wrong word, but she couldn't find better one. Did she contradict his opinion about royal girl from Above, hm? Was she supposed to throw a tantrum and wail? Well, he wouldn't see such display of despair and weakness from her. She wanted to spit something at him, perhaps that she couldn't know in detail what little thieving rats took from her city, but figured that he wasn't worth it.

Then he changed the subject, again shifting towards how comfortable she was or wasn't. She let him finish and then shrugged nonchalantly:"Given the situation, this place will suffice." Really, what else she could say? Go and demand a luxurious bed with soft mattress and silken covers? It's as if he was mocking her. Maybe that's what he really was doing, too.

"And contrary to what you may believe, I am not out for blood of Below's people. I have no reason to harm a mere child," she continued, a little insulted by assumption she would do such a thing. "By all logical means, it would only worsen my life quality down here. And I would like to point out that for my dead body you will get nothing but open war from Hadars." Her mouth twitched then, as if these words had hurt her somehow. "I do wonder why you would be appointed as a teacher, Mr. Mannik, but of course, it is not my place to judge your suitability for such role." She paused, as if contemplating something, before continuing: "However if you wish to keep them safe from my 'stupid actions', then you should tell me what could endanger them." She kept his gaze for a moment and then returned to finishing her meal calmly. Of course, he would probably list 'escaping' or 'holding a child as hostage' as some of those actions, or maybe those were the only ones.

Kisu 02-06-2014 03:07 PM

"This place will not suffice." Mannik muttered, reaching in to tug out another steak and biting it viciously. "Tomorrow, we will find a more comfortable place for you." Another night babysitting this girl? Mannik nerves already felt frayed, and the mere thought of this happening again tomorrow was more than he could take. It wasn't that he thought Adelmar couldn't survive here or would truly be uncomfortable, it was just that Mannik couldn't take having a girl holed up in his house.

"And I don't think you are out of blood." He continued, giving a small shrug. "But you can put them in danger just by not listening to orders. You come from Above." He shrugged again. "It doesn't mean you are a killer, but it does mean you stand around while people suffer and die around you all the time. Ignorant. I guess that's the word I would use."

Her next words brought up the lesson he'd had planned for tomorrow. It would be good for Adelmar to see the lesson as well. His frown deepened when Mannik began to speak again. "The previous teacher was taken up in a Decent. We couldn't get him back. He's dead. So, I'm able to hunt, I'm a good soldier, and I've been to Above. Those are basically the only qualifications I needed. Toss me a few of those." He nodded to the blankets. "And tomorrow, I'll be blindfolding you each time I pick a kid up or drop them off."

His tall form stood and moved around the room, reaching into the various shelves carved into the concrete. Various kinds of guns were removed from their hidey holes, the ammunition was taken out, and placed into the pockets in Mannk's pants, shirt, and vest. He even tugged out a sheath of crudely made arrows, placing them all in the little corner where he'd eaten his dinner.

"So...come on then..." Mannik gave an awkward jerk towards the wall. "Guess I've got to search you before we go to sleep..." Oh he couldn't even look at her! What had Sarah been thinking? On top of having the girl in here and with the children, she would have known this would be necessary, and Mannik had enough problems with her in his house. He certainly did not want to be touching her. And she'd probably be disgusted, thinking he was just some pervert trying to cop a feel. This was just a mess he didn't want to be in.

sadrain 02-06-2014 09:17 PM

Ah, so she was the ignorant one? Her mouth twisted slightly in a bitter expression. Adelmar wasn't surprised that people of Below had one-way opinion about Above, but it seemed very exaggerated. "World would be different place if every person in Above held as much power to change anything as you account them of having," she said, staring down at her plate. Like her, many of Above were not actual owners of their lives - their family line, honor, promises, intrigues, addiction to luxury or simply having no other normal alternative and so many other things bound them to a path they simply had to trot down, pulling the cart until they collapsed. It was golden cart with gems and the path was made from luminescent bricks while they wore gorgeous saddles, but it was still a path they could not stray from. There was nothing else in their life than this and never could be. Of course, most were blinded by glamorous glitter, but not all. In truth, even Zenon was such a horse, taking a path set by his parents, until he would grow into his power and start adjusting it which then would affect many roads around him.

She looked at Mannik, thinking if she should say all of this, make this green eyed soldier think for a moment, reevaluate something in his life, about her... But then decided that his opinion didn't really matter anyway. Yes, she was foolishly hurt by his assumptions and the stark difference between them and reality, but in the end neither she or him held any importance. They were simply natural satellites of their respective planets - Zenon and Commander. And even if she said it, he would probably laugh or brush it off without second thought. Why waste so much breath, lay out her deeply personal pain in front of him to have it kicked under furs like dirt again? "Maybe not better, but certainly different. Then again, some things never change - someone always squirms under the boot of rulers," girl finished, taking the thought in a different direction.

When he told he would be blindfolding her, Adel laughed bitterly and set aside her nearly empty plate and taking few of the blankets. She didn't toss them, but stood up and carried them over, putting them next to Mannik in as neat stack as possible and before retreating to her corner, she looked in his face and spoke: "Why not blindfold me at the start and tie a rope around my wrists to drag me around by? I am just a thing for exchange anyway." Then, girl had stepped back, one of her hands balled in fist by her side. "Or do your high morals forbid that?" she asked, "Then you can just take me by hand and lead around, teacher, sir."

When he explained he needed to search her, she briefly closed her eyes, as if bracing herself for something and then rose her head even higher, staring at some point in wall as her fingers undid zipper of her coat. She took it off with elegant, smooth move and handed to Mannik. "Social pad in right bottom pocket. Key card in left chest pocket. No other items." If he checked, it was indeed so. Dress underneath was surprisingly simple for someone of her status - white, smooth fabric with lace additions at end of long sleeves and edge of skirt. She had no jewelry beside her earrings that she removed and placed in front of him, no gold embroidery on dress that had nearly prudish bertha collar.

Adelmar removed her boots and put them close enough for Mannik to take, if he wanted. Of course, there was nothing in the heel. She had similar white, lacy socks on her feet, but that was all. She moved over to wall, facing it and waiting. If he came to search her, girl rose her arms to sides, giving him full access if he wanted, her expression defiant, yet distanced. Being checked like a criminal would not break her, she would not let it. She was Wislawa, even if the name meant nothing now, not Above or Below.

Kisu 02-07-2014 12:10 AM

"If all of you-" Mannik sighed and touched a hand to his temple. Eventually, he shook his head and lowered his head. "There used to be governments-democracies-and they were ruled by the people they were supposed to serve. We try to go off that form of government down here. I'm not going to sit here and argue with you. Just...take a look around, since you are here anyway. Maybe you can learn some things too."

"It doesn't have to be that way. People don't have to dominate other people..." He avoided looking at her when she deposited the pile of furs in the corner. "And I'm not going to dominate you. You may be here as a hostage, but you'll be treated much better than our people get treated in Above. If you make a mistake here, we aren't going to beat you and torture you for it. At least from me, you'd have a quick, almost painless death. You won't starve in a cell because you stole some bread." He shook his head again, reaching out and accepting her jacket and earrings. Mannik was silent as he emptied the items from her jacket and placed them into his own pockets.

"I'll make sure all of this is returned to you when you leave..." He muttered once he'd searched the jacket. And despite that she'd been truthful about that, she was right to turn against the wall. The rest of her would still need to be searched. Trying to stall a bit, Mannik folded the jacket neatly, and laid it on the furs that would consist of Adelmar's bed before moving behind her.

" this..." The soldier muttered. He started with her hair, checking for any hair pins. His movements were awkward, but it was clear he was trying to be gentle as he pat her down. Arms were next. He ran his hands around both sides of her skirt, feeling for anything that may be hidden inside the fabric. It wasn't until Mannik moved around to her front that a reed flush crept up his face. "S-sorry..." Mannik stated again, quickly checking her chest before kneeling and running his hands over her legs and socks.

When that was finally done, he turned away quickly, deftly searching her shoes and setting them next to the pile of fur as well. Though it was necessary, Mannik was clearly in a hurry to forget it, since he changed the subject quickly. "Tomorrow, I'll ask around for some spare clothes to fit you. All that white will get ruined down here..." Tonight would be even more awkward. Mannik avoided looking at the female as he laid down in the corner, arranging empty weapons around him and covering up in the furs.

sadrain 02-07-2014 02:08 AM

She stood stiffly, although complied when she needed to turn around. Her mouth formed thin line with downcast corners and Adelmar stared somewhere ahead, not responding to his apologies. Few times she slightly flinched from his touch, but then regained control and remained still. It was double shameful - to be inspected as if she was a thief, a criminal and to be touched by someone like this. It didn't matter that he was from Below, she would still feel just as ashamed if it was a man from Above, touching her like a statuette that didn't have feelings, sense of private space. Well, at least Mannik didn't order her to undress to check if she didn't have a blade in her underwear. She appreciated it although right now only thing she wanted to do was curl up.

After sitting down in furs, she undid her hair fully - few hairpins were with Mannik now. Adel had always liked her long, smooth hair and kept it unfashionably long, nearly down to her knees. Now it felt like another burden and she bit her lip, suddenly feeling powerless. Girl neatly lined her few belongings along wall and slid between furs, but felt incredibly uncomfortable, not on physical, but mental level. After a short while, she sat up and took her coat, pulling it in among furs and up to her chin. Not because it was cold, but it was the one familiar thing in this chaos.

It took her a while to fall asleep. Her mind was filled with thoughts, they kept flitting back and forth, not quite falling in her grasp and those that did she wished she would have let just slip by fleetingly like the rest. Eventually, her eyes fluttered shut and darkness took over. But even that did not grant her refuge for long. Soon, she found herself in living room of her home. She was sitting in a chair, no - stool -, and in great circle, her family and acquaintances sat around her in great chairs. It wasn't disapproving look of her father and mother, the way her little brother was viciously grinning (clearly thinking, finally perfect, annoying sis messed up) that made her shrink back.

No, it was her grandparents, sitting right across of her, looking at her with disgust. Somewhere in back of mind, she realized this had to be dream, but it didn't feel any less horrible because of that. "You failed us. Disappointed us," her granddad spoke. "You fell in their hands!" Zenon's father spoke up, landing fist heavily on chair's arm. "But... I couldn't do anythi--" Adelmar tried to explain, but her father snarled while others sneered, until her granddad rose his hand. "You should have let him shoot you. To be taken by them willingly, no resistance... It shows your true colors! You even feel sympathy!" he spat and Zenon's mother took over: "You have betrayed us all by letting them use you as trade token. THEY DO NOT DESERVE ANYTHING!"

"We - people of Above - do not need you. Never have. You are troublesome, worthless," she announced and even her family nodded in agreement. Adelmar looked around, trying to find someone who would stand up for her, but knowing there would be no one. Only Zenon looked unhappy, but when she mouthed please in his direction, only shook head and looked down at his hands in lap. This movement made her notice the dog leash around his neck leading to his father's hand. Apparently, as she looked around, the court had continued and when she looked back to her grandfather, he spoke these words: "You are not worthy of being Wislawa. From now on, you are nothing but a shameful spot in our family tree. And as a rotten fruit, I will throw you away."

He stood up and she saw gun in his hand. Her father was pleased, she could see it, mother cowered her eyes with a soft sigh, as gun was placed at her temple. Adelmar tried to be brave, she dug teeth in her bottom lip and stared straight ahead, but tears still rolled down her face. The coolness felt so real... Ah, yes, she had felt it earlier today. And then her hero and idol fired the killing shot.

Next moment, she was awake and wailed softly. It felt like her head was about to split open from pain and her face was wet with tears. Apparently, what she could control conscious was out of her hands during sleep. There was metallic taste in her mouth, she had bit her lip till it bled in reality. Girl sniffled as quietly as possible and tried to wipe tears away discreetly, in case Mannik was awake. At least she was facing wall, not him. There was no thought of falling asleep now with this headache, she just hoped it was near morning.

Kisu 02-07-2014 03:58 AM

Hours passed slowly, and Mannik sat wrapped in the furs stiffly. Everything was confusing. It felt like a lifetime had passed since he'd woken up this morning. He would have laughed if someone said he'd have a woman from Above laying in his tiny shelter.

Eventually, the girl's breathing evened out, and Mannik was able to at least close his eyes. Rest still did not come to embrace him, however. He listened to her tossing and turning. He resisted the urge to get up and wake her. He was no stranger to nightmares, although he'd never admit it, and especially not to Adelmar. He had killed, stolen, lied, done all manner of deceitful things. How could they not haunt him?

Eventually, Adelmar gave a small cry, and Mannik couldn't resist shoving the covers off and striding over to her. She was facing the wall, so he had to lean over her awkwardly. She was awake. It was too dark to see her face, but her breathing was too quick to be sleeping. He dug in a pocket, finally pulling out an old handkerchief from Above, and handing it over without a word. Unsure what to do now, he sat next to her, giving her back a hesitant pat. He felt like screaming. Was he seriously trying to comfort this girl who embodied everything he hated? What was wrong with him?

sadrain 02-09-2014 10:42 PM

Of course he had heard. She couldn't have even that ounce of luck, could she... Was he going to mock her now? Relish at her tears and weakness? Adelmar tried to stay as still as possible, but had little success and it would not change much anyway. But instead of laughing about her, he handed her handkerchief, making her go speechless for a brief moment. "Thank..." her voice was quiet, but sincere, and caught in her throat as she tried to suppress another sniffle, "thank you." She took it and wiped her tears, but more kept coming.

Why did Mannik do all this? Did he really, genuinely felt sorry for her? Did he have more heart for a prisoner than her family would have for her? Because Adel knew that if it had been her mother or father in this room while she cried, neither would show any compassion. Mother perhaps would ask her to stop in tone that would clearly express "you are interrupting my beauty sleep, I feel an upcoming headache." But Maksym... he would yell and she would be lucky if he would stop at that. He was usually only violent when drunk, however, and she had learned early to stay out of his way then.

In truth, soldier's attention made her cry even harder. She tried to even out her breathing and even bit her fist in desperate attempt to stop sobbing when his hand so awkwardly patted her back, but nothing helped. Streaks of red anger got entwined in her overwhelming sense of loneliness and sadness. What a miserable life she had been leading! And what for? Because blood was thicker than water? How come she was only one who had to follow this old saying? But no... She hadn't been doing what she had for her parents. Her grandparents had showed her plenty of love and their memory deserved to be honored. They would never act as she had seen in her nightmare. Of course, they would be somewhat disappointed and encourage her to find weakness in Below's group, but never reject her so wholly. However, they were not here anymore.

These thoughts didn't cross her mind for first time. And much to her anger, Adelmar realized that just like then, there was nothing she could do. She was more of a pawn than ever and had been taken off her path towards opposite side of board where she could become Queen, as she had once aspired to. But maybe... maybe there was a way to do something? Only what? What did she want right now? Surprisingly, it wasn't open war and revenge on the ones that had kidnapped her.

This thought brought her back to present moment and girl realized Mannik was still keeping her company. Her tears had nearly ran dry now, although headache was still here. She blew her nose, trying to think of what to say to him. As kindness and compassion was such a rare guest in her life, Adel didn't know how to react to it properly. "Go to sleep... I will be quiet now," she finally spoke and although it was curt line, it didn't have the cynical sharpness of earlier comments. She simply sounded tired.

"Like a fish out of poisoned water, I struggle and prepare to die, yet do not wish to return in those depths I come from," she thought bitterly, one hand clutching her coat, other handkerchief. Perhaps she would have a chance to wash it later and give back to Mannik. Now she needed to try and rest. New day came with new advice, did it not?

Eventually, she had managed to fall asleep. When Mannik would wake her, she would sit up disoriented and groggy eyed, but quickly pull herself together. Girl bid him good morning, more automatically than anything, and avoided looking at him, ashamed that he had been witness of her crying episode. And not only that - he had spun her thoughts in a desperate chaos, to the point she had been considering betrayal of her home in a way. This is why emotions were bad - one could easily be manipulated when the cup was full and feelings ran over. How could she know he sincerely meant it, that it wasn't a clever plan to gain her trust and get what they wanted from her?

She dressed and ran fingers through her hair in attempt to comb and smooth it (and was moderately successful). "Is there any chance I could have my hairpins back? If my word has any weight, I can promise not to stab anyone's eye out with them," Adel said, now looking at the green-eyed man, evaluating him. No, he seemed too crude, too direct to be part of a scheme to bend her to Below's will. He had little to no restrains or manners, had displayed nearly no cunning outside tactical advances.

But it was still foolish to get a little nightmare get the best of her. Of course, it very clearly depicted things that she knew awake, too, and that is why there was no reason to get desperate about it. Only clear head and good plan could save her now, both here and when she went back Above. If she would get as far.

Kisu 02-11-2014 11:48 PM

The male sat by the girl for what seemed like hours. He didn't speak, only because he didn't know what to say. And after patting her on the back, he didn't touch her again either, again, because he had no idea how to comfort her. All he could think about was the people taken from Below. Their first night in Above, away from the world they had known.

Below was horrible, but it was home. It was all people from here knew. And while the sunlight, and the trees, grasses, and clean air were wonderful, they were unknown, and could be terrifying. Is this how they spent their first night? Sobbing on a strange bed? At least Mannik tried to comfort Adelmar. He doubted anyone taken up there had any signs of comfort or pity shown to them.

But, then again, all the tears could be a ruse, an attempt to lower Mannik's guard or turn him soft hearted so Adelmar could try and convince him to take her home.

She spoke, and Mannik jerked, surprised out of his thoughts. He didn't waste words, but slipped away from her, to his own pile of furs.

That night, he slept lightly, and very little, keeping an ear open in case Adelmar tried to slip out. Where would she go, though?

Eventually, the tiny little watch that sat in his pocket gave a tiny beep, and Mannik stood, loading a few weapons he had unloaded the night before. The weapons went into various holsters on his person. He moved to Adelmar, then tilted his head. How did people wake up girls? Originally, he was just going to nudge her with his boot...but, it would probably be taken the wrong way. Shake her? What if he hit her head on the floor or something.

"Girl...girl....GIRL!" He finally called out. He refused to use her name. If you gave a name to something, you got attached. No way was Mannik planning on getting attached. He was rewarded when she sat up and bid him good morning. She started fiddling with her hair, and Mannik turned to dump more meat and roots unto a plate, setting it next to her, along with a full glass of water. "No." He answered her question curtly. "I'll return them when the lessons are over and all the kids are safe at home."

"We've got a lot of walking. And we need to start picking them up soon. So eat. Won't get to until dinner tonight. Once lessons are over, I'll take you to see Sarah. We'll get you holed up someplace else."

sadrain 02-13-2014 09:08 PM

The way Mannik woke her up... It was like her mind was murky waters that he was stirring up with a stick. Of course, it was not intentional and Adelmar realized that, but the way he called her left bitter taste in her mouth. She tried to swallow it and chase away the resentment, but didn't manage to and her eyes shot towards him, staring with intensity that could nearly burn holes in flesh. "Next time you call me 'girl', I will not respond in any way. I don't care if you call me 'thing', 'it', 'prisoner' or whatever, just not that."

"What did the girl do again?" her father would ask, despite her being in the same room. Or "Call the girl" when she wasn't. And then of course there were Do what you are told to, girl. I don't want to look at you, girl, leave. DO NOT SPEAK TO ME IN THAT TONE, GIRL... For her, that one word was more of an insult than anything anyone else could spit at her. That one word crushed her mood easily, made her feel worthless and disgusting. No one else would have the right to have that word against her, the dagger that made her bleed invisibly.

When he refused to give her hairpins, she grimaced, but didn't object. There was no point, was there? She brushed her fingers over the lace along bottom of her dress and found seam which she tore at. After a short struggle, one end was open and gritting her teeth, Adelmar tore it all off. It was crude thing to do, but efficient enough. It's not like 'prison guard' would trust her with scissors or knife and the less she had to ask, the better she felt. Girl braided her hair quickly and used lace as ribbon at end to keep it together. It was too long and bow was large, stiff. But it would have to do.

She ate in silence, washing some bites down with water. Her thoughts mulled around her head, back and forth. Random, pointless memories in mix of ideas about what she could do or what was ahead of her. Until suddenly, Adelmar broke silence with seemingly pointless question: "Do you know what chess is?" She didn't even look at at Mannik, but kept staring at her plate with a bit of food on it left. Simply because she had to, girl forced herself to finish it as well.

After meal, she carefully strapped on her mask and followed Mannik. She would let him blindfold her obediently, as there was little use in resisting. At least cloth didn't dig directly in her skin... Not that wearing this mask was any more comfortable.

Kisu 02-17-2014 10:39 PM

Other than a raised eyebrow, Mannik didn't respond to the female's outburst. He ate a steak quietly, and poured a stream of water into his mouth from the pitcher. He sputtered and coughed, before giving her a small glare when she spoke next. "You really do think we are a bunch of mindless savages, don't you?" His dark hair waved around as he shook his head. "Of course I know how to play chess. Good luck finding a chess board down here, though. Wood is rare. Hard to carve the figures into metal."

He eyed her evenly. If he wanted to be a jerk, he'd take the strip of cloth as well, since technically, it could be used as a weapon. He doubted Adelmar would use it as one, however. He silently checked her mask, tilting her head, before strapping his own one on and leading the way out.

He led the female through many more turns than he would usually take, and blindfolded her a few turns before every stop, leading her gently by the elbow. Other than a strange pack of dogs which Mannik scared off with a carefully placed shot into the leader's skull, the two weren't bothered.

Once the rounds were made, a group of seven children were staring at Adelmar. Raids rarely took the people of Below into family homes, so kid clothes were a rarity. Most of them wore huge adult clothing wrapped with belts, while others wore rags. Still others wore clothes that had been ripped apart and badly sewn to other parts. They all had thin bodies and cheeks that sunk in. Some of their stomachs were enlarged with parasites, it was rarely from kwashiorkor. They had protein and salt in their diet, it was the basics of life they were starved from: Fresh fruits and vegetables, and the sun. So far, Mannik was the tallest person in Below, standing almost a head if not more, taller than everyone else. Each generation seemed to get shorter and shorter. Again, there was no proof behind this, but the majority thought the lack of sunlight had something to factor in.

Another thing that was strange, is that by looking at them, it would seem like they were all related. Big brown and chocolate eyes seemed the most common, Mannik's dazzling green standing out brightly. His pale skin and dark hair were the only things shared with the other people of Below. And Sarah Imhoff's bright red hair was unheard of.

Mannik tried a few times to get the classes attention, but the children were too engrossed with Adelmar. The boys sniffed her and touched her soft skin, one even reaching up and gently tugging on her cheeks to stare at her white teeth. The girls seemed fascinated with her dress, holding the corners up to their chests, and looking down at themselves, picturing wearing the fabric themselves. A million questions came from all directions, too jumbled to make out.

The soldier gave up trying to get the class's attention, rolling his eyes and scowling at Adelmar as if she'd brought all this down on him on purpose. "Okay, guys! I gathered you've noticed we have a guest from Above with us. Just for today..." He spoke as loud as he dared in the cramped basement he'd brought them to. "So...We'll go one by one, and get these questions out of the way...So we can get to our real work."

A boy near the back, with strange ice blue eyes was the first to speak up, though his tone seemed hostile. "Why are you here? What do you want?"

sadrain 02-20-2014 02:55 PM

She let the children touch her without grimacing and even knelt down so they could have a better access. She looked at them in silence, gray eyes serious and... sad? Pitying? Adelmar liked children and she dearly loved her brother. To think that he would be suffering as these kids were made her heart ache. Of course, her brother never lacked anything and never would, as her parents spoiled him to no end. Right now for example he was enjoying holidays somewhere up there in Eight, when he should be studying, because education was the way to survive for any child, anywhere. Only here it was more literary than Above.

Woman thought about parents of these children, how many had been taken away on Descents, how many had been killed on one of those? It was not that she had suddenly learned to care a lot about these savages - they still were exactly that, even if not entirely by choice -, she had never enjoyed listening about brutality during Descents. Still, she couldn't find much warmth in her heart for adults that would like to see her dead or worse, use her like an item. Then again, wouldn't she, too, do anything to make a better future for her children, like Commander did?

She was smiling at some of the smaller girls whose slightly dirty fingers were leaving marks on the lace at the end of her sleeve and traced pattern, as if encouraging her to do the same, but at the boy's question, she rose her head and looked at him.
"What is your name?" young woman asked in softer, nearly kind, tone, although what she said was not sweet in any way, "Mine is Adelmar, you see, and I am down here because I am like a..." she paused, trying to think of comparison that would work in this dull, horrible place. Above, it could be any pretty toy or cloth, but what was a toy here? She thought back to her own childhood and recalled one of her own most precious belongings was a stone from the artificial garden around their home.
"I am like a pretty pebble you and your friend might fight over who gets to keep it, but later forget in your room's corner, because there it has no use. Only I am here because I will be used for trade, so there's at least some use for me. Your teacher was afraid to lose such a currency, so he took me along."

"Now, I know curiosity really tickles all of your thoughts, so I will answer those questions, but then you should let your teacher get on with your lesson - it really is a lot more important." And as such, Adel really did answer anything the children might ask while attempting to remain honest as much as possible, although an adult would certainly hear certain bitterness seeping through. It wasn't about her current situation, though, more like Above itself.

Kisu 12-23-2014 12:25 PM

Adelmar seemed rather good with the kids, and Mannik took the time to study her. She wasn't what he had expected. She didn't seem to mind getting dirty. Occasionally, Mannik could see judgement for their world sweep her eyes, but even more often, she just seemed...sad...and lonely. He hadn't said anything, but she had watched Commander Imhoff hug him, and the look in her eyes had been almost hungry. Was her life that hard, up there in the sunshine? What was so wrong with her world, to make her seem like that?

It doesn't matter. Mannik told himself. It was true, anyway. Adelmar was engaged, came from a wealthy family, was marrying into a wealthier family. She got fresh fruits, vegetables, and as much sunlight as she could want. Her life wasn't hard! Mannik felt himself growing rather angry at her, though he couldn't explain why. For a second, he thought about telling the Commander he would continue to watch over her. He'd show her a hard life, since she thought hers was so horrible. The thought was gone an instant later. He might be able to act cruel when he needed to, but it wasn't really him. The anger, however, remained, and it frustrated Mannik further that he had nothing to take it out on.

"Felix." The boy answered boldly, lifting his chin high, as if Adelmar had issued a challenge the boy had accepted. He listened to her quietly, showing a remarkable attention span. All of the children did, in reality, peering at the woman and clinging to her words.

Once she was done speaking, however, Felix glanced at Mannik, clearly still confused. "Why would we want a rock?"

"She means she's a useless item. Something that looks pretty, but has no use. Our guest's only use here is to get us supplies." Mannik eyed Adelmar, his voice rather gruff, and his arms folded over his chest as he leaned against a wall.

"So she's really from above?" A girl questioned, reaching up to touch the woman's hair. "Why do you talk so strangely?" She questioned.

The questions continued to come, and eventually, the children were able to pay attention to Mannik. The soldier gave Adelmar another scowl, as if she'd chosen to start all of this, and then turned to the children. "You know how to start." An air purifier sputtered out, and Felix moved to it, repairing the item quickly, before following the others. The rest of the children moved to a large container near the back of the room. They began tugging out various weapons.

Smiling, and talking among themselves, the children sat crosslegged, setting to work. They dismantled the items, cleaning them and putting them back together. Mannik moved around the room, correcting a few on a rare occasion. Some, like Felix, were able to do it without really looking at the gun they were holding. Once they finished this, they moved back to the box, bringing ammunition back and loading their guns. Once each gun was loaded, the children beamed, calling out, done, and a number to signify where they had finished.

The last was a girl who had grudgingly left Adelmar's side, calling out, "Done, seven..." Mannik motioned her over, and took the gun.

"Good job, Franny. Work on speed, alright. Your father has one similar to this. Practice at home." The girl nodded, looking rather ashamed. Mannik rubbed her head, and straightened. "We don't have time to patrol today...I've got some extra business to handle." All of the eyes moved to Adelmar, and Mannik scowled again. "And considering our little Q&A, we are rather low on time. Dismantle, put away, and we will get you home." The children scrambled to obey, excited about a half day. The short female, however, approached Adelmar, holding her gun at a resting position.

"You have to go." She informed Adelmar with a sigh. "You can't stay here." Mannik glanced over, rather surprised. Franny was the shy one of the group, and normally didn't speak much at all. She was the last he would expect to approach Adelmar.

"What are you talking about?" He demanded, moving to the females, his voice curt as always.

"Well, all of us girls played 'Rock, Guns, and Masks' to see who you would marry. I won. So, when I grow up, I'll marry you. I don't want her to mess things up." Franny replied simply, peering at Mannik.

The soldier looked rather puzzled, then slowly started to turn red. "I...I don't know where to begin with this one..." He finally stated, mimicking Franny's sigh and staring at the ceiling. He had no children, and to be rather frank, little girl crushes were even more of a mystery than a grown woman's advances. Mannik had no clue how to handle thing. He definitely needed to make sure the Commander was looking for someone else for this position, however. He shoved his hands in his pockets before speaking. "There's no marriage. Of anyone. To anyone. Except her."

Franny's eyes widened, and Mannik rushed to clarify, looking rather out of his league. "No, no, no, not to me! She's gonna marry some guy in Above! She doesn't belong here, so get those thoughts out of your head! Put up your gun, soldier!" The man had taken on a rather curt, barking tone, and Franny looked grief stricken. Despite what Mannik said, she paused long enough to throw another glare towards Adelmar. She rushed off then, dismantling her gun.

The soldier refused to look at the female he'd kidnapped, turning away and rubbing his head in frustration. Kids and a girl. Life was getting too complicated. It was so much easier when he just did raids.

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