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-   -   Star's feeling lost and misses her friends ~ Wanna Chat? (

Star Valo 02-19-2014 03:52 PM

Star's feeling lost and misses her friends ~ Wanna Chat?
Valentines... one of my favourite Menewsha events.
But I have been feeling particularly lost this event, not really knowing where to go to chat...

So, late to the party, i've set up my own thread

Also, I've been missing all my old friends that have sadly seemed to vanish from Mene...

Halp me, oh Valentine's eventers?

tigerangel 02-19-2014 03:54 PM

Hi Star and you're very prettiful avatar.
How are you, girl?

Star Valo 02-19-2014 04:03 PM

Awh :3 thank you Tiger :3
Yours is lovely too, very regal looking

I'm not too bad thanks, how are you?
enjoying the event?

KatMagenta 02-19-2014 04:19 PM

I spy a Star thread! You'll never be rid of me. [:P]

tigerangel 02-19-2014 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Star Valo (Post 1772520094)
Awh :3 thank you Tiger :3
Yours is lovely too, very regal looking

I'm not too bad thanks, how are you?
enjoying the event?

Aww, thanks.
I'm having fun, not been able to be here as much as I would have liked though.
Nice to see you here.

Star Valo 02-19-2014 04:27 PM

~Huggles tightly~
Does Kat get the same sad feeling Star does because everyone's gone?
No Jeanie, No Nao, no Mitsu, no Jack, No Lix, No Jake, No Flish, No Jessi, no Fern, no Hope...
Star's mene Family is feeling very small as of late

Oh Good to hear Tiger! :D
I've been lurking for most of the even, unsure of where to post.
Atleast you've been ale to spend some time here :D Always a good thing, i love Mene events :3

Vox 02-19-2014 04:32 PM

Hello! :) I've been having a hard time finding a place to chat too, haha. But I've always been pretty awkward at conversation. :P So how is the event going for you so far? Think you'll get all the items you want?

Star Valo 02-19-2014 04:36 PM

Hey Vox! :3
you can come chat here then! :D 'cos I'm so awkward at entering other threads that have like, loads of people talking in them already ><

Besides the not knowing where to post, the event is going pretty well, I think I should be able to get most of the stuff i want, If I manage to keep talking! [lol]
How about you? How's your item-ness going?

tigerangel 02-19-2014 04:41 PM

Mene has the best events, in my opinion.

KatMagenta 02-19-2014 04:42 PM

I got hypnotised watching bobsleigh, sorry. I was thinking of Nao the other day actually. I haven't even seen her on Tumblr.

Hey Vox!

Star Valo 02-19-2014 04:45 PM

Oh, I totally Agree with you Tiger!
I miss the coded events though, But I've got used to this style of event now.
But I do miss the whole "Hide-and-seek" style of getting even rares

I've not heard from Nao or Mitu lately either Kat, I think last time they were on here, Nao wasn't very happy, she seemed rather snappy and the like when i tried to joke about and play like we used to... :/

KatMagenta 02-19-2014 04:50 PM

I can take Star's items and hide them somewhere. [insane]

Star Valo 02-19-2014 05:04 PM

Yes please Kat!

tigerangel 02-19-2014 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Star Valo (Post 1772520219)
Oh, I totally Agree with you Tiger!
I miss the coded events though, But I've got used to this style of event now.
But I do miss the whole "Hide-and-seek" style of getting even rares

I've not heard from Nao or Mitu lately either Kat, I think last time they were on here, Nao wasn't very happy, she seemed rather snappy and the like when i tried to joke about and play like we used to... :/

I think I vaguely remember how the events used to be. It was fun though, for sure.

KatMagenta 02-19-2014 05:09 PM

Um... *puts an EI under a cushion*

Star Valo 02-19-2014 05:11 PM

~covers her eyes and counts to ten whilst Kat hides stuff~

I miss how much stuff went on during events.
Everyone came out to hang out in the hang out threads, there was a story line and a lot of NPC interaction...
I miss the event Dramas too....
I always enjoyed that

Vox 02-19-2014 05:21 PM

I have tried posting in a few of those threads. But since there were so many people my posts just got overlooked. I'm just no good at asserting myself. :P I have a tendency to avoid threads with multiple pages, which is one of the main reasons yours jumped out at me!

That's good! I was thinking you might have started the event late and were behind on getting tokens. I'm definitely having a harder time getting tokens this event since chance was limited to 5 rounds every 20 minutes, but like you, I think that if I can bring myself to chat with people (which is normally not my strong suit, but I am working on it!), then I'll have enough for what I want. :)

I agree with tiger also. I love how the whole community gets involved and we have six or more different event threads being run by users. Other sites will have like two if you're lucky.

Hi there Kat! How are you doing this afternoon?

KatMagenta 02-19-2014 05:21 PM

Me mam's going to be home soon so I'll be off for now. I'll try and get on my laptop later so I can talk more. [:)]

nemo.love_22 02-19-2014 05:25 PM

Hey there Star!! [heart] [hug] I'll come and hang out with you! :)

tigerangel 02-19-2014 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by KatMagenta (Post 1772520302)
Um... *puts an EI under a cushion*

Are you hiding the nest even item, Kat? [wha]

KatMagenta 02-19-2014 06:36 PM

Hey Nemo!

We're going to eat in a mo so I'll likely disappear again.

Star wanted to play scavenger hunt so I was hiding things but I've never been very good at hide and seek. [lol]

nemo.love_22 02-19-2014 06:39 PM

Hey Kat! :) I'm going to head out in about 40 minutes. But I should be around till then.
Hahaha! Trying to be sneaky, eh? I've never really been good at hide and seek either.

KatMagenta 02-19-2014 06:40 PM

I keep trying to think of obvious places missing things end up and my brain keeps saying "behind the fridge". I've never looked for anything behind a fridge...

nemo.love_22 02-19-2014 06:43 PM

Mmm, good point there! No one would think there, sneaky place to hide. Not a lot of people do look behind fridges.

KatMagenta 02-19-2014 06:46 PM

I don't think I could physically move a fridge so if something ended up there it would be lost forever.

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