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Immy 04-14-2014 12:26 AM

Pride and Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice

Writers: Ranie & MaidenRoseHeart
Warning for any language, violence, etc.

The sun sets in western hemisphere as Mathis Hunter leaned against one of the old boulders near the western town he was just miles away from the city when he got attacked. Most didn't know about his heritage or didn't take notice since he dressed like the others that normally went into western towns. He had taken a stab wound to his side bleeding since it punctured a nerve. His side was throbbing as he felt the pain make him feel woozy. Mathis wasn't your average cowboy that was for sure, no matter how he dressed he still stood out against others. Being only one more mile from the town he slid down to sit against the hard rock in the shadows somewhat, breathing heavy he looked around, no one was around to help him, and he doubt anyone would.

Feeling the cool wind of the night brush against his skin and through his long black hair he sighed closing his eyes only for a moment. He knew he should have kept going, but he hurt all over getting into a fight with others. Luckily he wasn't the only one whom was going to feel bad after the fight, but he was in probably the most pain right now. Feeling his consciousness slip away he sat slump against the cool ground enjoying how cold it was compared to the feverish feeling he had.

maidenroseheart 04-15-2014 12:42 AM

Living out on her brother's farm had it's advantages and disadvantages. The advantages were easy. There was room to breathe, scream, cry, laugh, and sing. She had plenty of space for her garden. With no nosy neighbors, she could enjoy the activity of reading a book in a hammock in her precious free time. Not that reading was wrong, but for a female in a dress to lay in a hammock. Well, that was frowned upon.

There were disadvantages too though. Such as that there had been more cases of flu lately. A message had come in from the doctor that he needed her help at the clinic in town. So here she was, nurse driving in the dusk towards town, her bag in the back of the wagon with the empty burlap bags. She could stay at her aunt's house when she wasn't at the clinic. However, it appeared that that wouldn't be too often.

Seeing a form slumped on the side of the dirt road, Trinity pulled up beside it and stared. Was it a victim to the flu? Succumbed already before reaching help? She didn't want to mess with a corpse, but Trinity also knew that if there was any chance this man was alive, she needed to help. Tying off the reins on the edge of the buckboard, she pulled up her skirts in one hand and vaulted over the edge with the other. Landing lightly in her high leather boots, she hurried around to where he lay.

It appeared to be a well-tanned man. Hair pulled back was dark. Italian? German? She wasn't sure. Gingerly reaching towards his neck, she lightly put her two first fingers on the edge of his throat, looking for a pulse. His skin was warm and moved with her touch. He hadn't been dead long. There was a pulse. He wasn't dead at all. Leaning over carefully, she gentled shook one shoulder while feeling for a fever with the other hand. "Sir? Sir? Wake up. You must wake up."

Immy 04-29-2014 02:59 PM

Mathis heard someone or something coming near, though he couldn't fully make it out, it sounded like wheels on rocks, and that must have been what it was. Just then he had heard a female's voice, weakly he opened his eyes "What? Oh...I'm fine, just tired" he didn't have to lie to say that much, he was tired after the day he had, and how far he had made it just to this rock. He was lucky he got this far with his stamina.

He couldn't see the young lady very well, but knew she was young in age. He wasn't sure how young, his vision somewhat blurred, and it did made him wonder what she appeared to everyone as. Sitting up a bit more against the rock as he struggled to ignore the pain he felt, he was almost numb to it right now; a snake slithered it's way over to them, it was a small one, but even small ones are venomous. Once it got close to his hand he lifted his hand up over it's head slowly making a circle above it and the snake turned slithering off to find another meal.

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