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Skulduggery 07-03-2014 03:40 AM

Saved by her rescue (silvergamer and Skulduggery)
He was a boy, she was a girl. Can I make it any more obvious?
He was a Knight, she was Common. What more can I say?
He saved her life, and he'd never tell.. That secretly she saved his as well.

-- Skeleton(Unless you have your own that you wanna use) --

Any extra information?:

-- My Character --

Name: Jowan Rayne
Age: 25
Bio: Jowan lived a boring life, never being one for rebelling against his parents. So, with his father having been a Knight, they lead Jowan into following his father's footsteps. Though it was a boring life, it was still one he was content with. His mother having been from a commoner family, he could have just as easily lived an entirely different life. The only real thing to note about his life, is that his mother died when he was still of a fairly young age. He had to take on even more responsibility after that.
Any extra information?: He stands at 6'1". He works under his now Knight Commander father.

(It was difficult to find him a picture. o.O)

Name: Elliot Rayne
Age: 46
Bio: He worked as a Knight all his life, living his dream job. Once he had a kid, he forced that kid to live up to his expectations. His wife passed away while Jowan was still a young teen. He's had to try and raise him alone to the best of his abilities. Though he tries to be nice to Jowan, the death of his wife seemed to have made him a bitter man.
Any extra information?:

Pandora's Box 07-04-2014 03:56 PM

Name: Elaine Jones
Age: 24
Bio: Elaine grew up in a normal home. Her mother was a tailor, and her father was a blacksmith. Elaine spent her childhood getting into her father's tools, and getting herself hurt on more than one occasion. She took up her mother's work when she got into her teens, and when her mother's eyes began to fail, she decided to dedicate her life to helping her live comfortably.
Any extra information?: Elaine has a tendency to act first, think later.
Name: Scarlet Willow
Age: 29
Bio: Scarlet became Queen at a young age. Because of this, she has a childlike quality that some people find amusing, and others find annoying. She's hot tempered, and dislikes not getting what she wants. She also has a hard time understanding politics, despite being Queen.
Any extra information?:

Skulduggery 07-05-2014 11:30 PM

Jowan inwardly sighed, the days being boring as ever. His father had just woken him up, so he needed to get to work. He sleepily made his way to his closet, and put on his under shirt and leggings. He felt his stomach growl, and in his attempt to stall, he decided now was a good time to get something to eat. Ah, the 'joys' of being the Knight Commander's son. Hopefully her royal highness doesn't catch him..

After his last bite, he got up immediately and began marching down the hall back to his room. He felt more awake now and he didn't want to take his time hanging out, just in case somebody may get him in trouble. He opened the door to find his father there. "Where were you?" Elliot's voice practically boomed to Jowan's ears, though in all honesty, he was speaking pretty normal. "I, uh.. I got.. hungry." Was Jowan's sad response, worried about the outcome of this. "Fine, but don't dismiss me again, Jowan. I'll let this one slide. You had better be on your post in five minutes, son." Elliot said, before heading out the door.

"I.. uh.. Yeah." Jowan replied after his dad left, before taking notice that he wasn't there anymore. He went over to put his armour on, nervous. "I.." He looked at his shiny metal breastplate first, and blinked at it. "How do I put this on again?"

Pandora's Box 07-06-2014 11:10 PM

The Queen is coming!! Elaine was rushing around her tiny shop, trying to make everything as neat as possible. Of course, since she normally did her work in private, she didn't care whether it was clean or sloppy. As long as she could find everything she needed, it didn't matter to her. However, today was different. There was some kind of rich people get-together, and the Queen wanted a new dress for the occasion. Her normal tailor was away, so Elaine was given the task of helping Her Majesty, on very short notice.

The brunette was careful to make sure all of the prettiest (and most expensive) fabrics were out for show. All of the 'commoners' fabrics, she tossed into a pile in the back of her shop. "I've gotta make sure I look like I'm talented. If I pull this off, I could be famous with the 'richies'." she thought aloud. She always called the higher class people richies. She never cared much for snobby rich folk. But, there were dozens of repairs that needed to be made to the shop, and more business would help pay for those repairs.

As long as I hold my tongue, and don't smart off to the Queen, I should be able to handle this. Crap. This is gonna be tough. she thought.

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