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I-Jojo 09-26-2014 11:58 AM

Ball jointed doll help?
Hello everyone, I'm just now getting into dolls for awhile and I've always wanted a bjd. I have pullip dolls which I love but I wanted to get some more. I don't know what to as my first bjd. I found two that I would like to get but I think I want to get one for now and the other later. But I get nervous when I wait too long. First is a custom set from Eluts. The second one is from So I don't which one to pick out. I hope you guys could help me out. [boogie]

Eluts your choice model: This is where I can make a custom doll for myself. And I had an Idea what I wanted to do. I was thinking having the skin tone light brown, having type two arms and legs, adding ears and tail, type 1 breast and having Cherry's head. I wanted to add ears and tails because I know I can switch them out.

Lillycat's Millie choupie- dark : I love the style from this artist and I fell in love with Millie. Her body and skin tone look so beautiful to me.

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