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numerica 10-14-2015 10:52 PM

NaNoWriMo 2015
I'm really looking forward to this. I have a new, novel length story idea, and I can't wait to write it. I feel like I've got a good chance of completing it this year. That said, I'm a little nervous, and looking for penpals/chat pals who are also participating for moral support.

Is anyone else here participating?

If so, do you have a story already in mind? What are you doing to prepare?

hanahaki disease 10-18-2015 08:58 AM

November is the month that precedes exams so not a good time for me [:(]
Once I'm an irresponsible adult though, I'll go for it.

Bearzy 10-19-2015 05:14 AM

I'm participating for the 5th (or 6th?) year in a row. I've never won but I'm hoping that this year will be it for me because I'm not studying so nothing else is demanding my attention and making me not want to look at a screen or write. I also have a way better plan than I have previous years so that is positive too.
To prepare I am looking at what has tripped me up in previous years and looking for advice on how to counter those things. Also just getting general writing advice. There's a really good podcast called Writing Excuses that has really helped me do my prep.

Ling 10-19-2015 10:28 AM

This year will be my 4th attempt at NaNoWriMo...I've only just recently figured out roughly the type of story I will write.

Bearzy 10-20-2015 05:40 AM

Feel like sharing or is that too much like committing to the idea?

xuvrette 10-20-2015 12:48 PM

Ha! I forgot to check this forum for NaNo thread. XD

*runs around and hugs Nano pals* >.<

Bearzy 10-20-2015 05:51 PM

Ahh! You found it! *hugs*

xuvrette 10-21-2015 11:49 AM

Yep yep~ We should have a countdown days.
like... 10 more days.

Bearzy 10-21-2015 10:40 PM

8 more days 'til NaNo. Who's ready? I'm not!!

xuvrette 10-22-2015 11:16 AM

No, is not. Gosh, I need to get the timeline ready this week! >.<

Bearzy 10-23-2015 04:48 AM

I have a weekly planner that I am going to use as my word count calendar. It will have -goal- and -achieved- for each day.

xuvrette 10-23-2015 11:23 AM

I use Scrivener, love it.

You are a visual person? To see the goal to get it.

Bearzy 10-24-2015 04:35 AM

I am a tactile person. I also do all my planning with a pen and paper because the physical act of writing or doodling helps me to think.

numerica 10-24-2015 03:35 PM

I'm also very tactile. I write better with a pencil and paper then I do going directly to typing, which sometimes makes keeping my word count goal harder, because I have this debate: Do I write by hand and then have to type it in, or do I type only, and have a slight interference with my creative flow?

xuvrette 10-24-2015 05:09 PM

I do all my thinking and planning on good old pencil and paper.
But when comes to getting speedy job done, I would use computer. I do type faster AND undeniably, computer is tidier...

I don't normally use handwriting for the MAIN content. nowdays. I did that when I was in school, and write down in cheap exercise book.
Now with conmputer, I think it is more efficient and fast.

Every sentence I write in my summary during planning, could convert up to 10k words when writing the main story. Computer sure help a lot... save more energy.

Bearzy 10-25-2015 02:13 AM

Do you write in English Xuvie?

And yes! I have that exact debate every year Numerica. Do I give myself twice the work and twice the temptation to edit or do I risk losing my train of thought?

xuvrette 10-25-2015 04:00 AM

Depends on story/genre/character/setting, for fantasy, I mostly write in English.

Bearzy 10-25-2015 06:28 AM

For your planning as well?

xuvrette 10-25-2015 06:55 AM

One story one language, from planning to writing. Exception of foreign inspirations. Then I would have the original language keywords written as personal note.

Bearzy 10-25-2015 07:10 AM

That's very cool.

xuvrette 10-25-2015 07:43 AM

What story you prepare for this year, Bearzyzy?

Bearzy 10-25-2015 09:05 AM

Basically it's about a civil war caused by someone being elected to rule and someone else who decided that because of their birth status they should be in charge instead.
Except fantasy setting.

xuvrette 10-25-2015 01:31 PM

Democratic vs heraldic!!

What time period would that be?

Bearzy 10-25-2015 11:38 PM

An imaginary one~ I don't know enough about history to make it fit with the real world.

xuvrette 10-26-2015 04:34 AM

I like fictional setting. Are u targetting 50k words?

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