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ghostPastry 12-26-2015 05:42 AM

The Ghost of Christmas Art

Upon entering the thread, you feel a suddent, stiff breeze that chills you to the bone. You shiver and pull your coat tighter around yourself, but the chill only gets colder. When you think you can't bear any more cold, the thread is drowned in a bright blue light, and the cold is gone. You shut your eyes against the harsh light, and when you open them again, there stands a skeleton surrounded by three cat ghosts, holding a sketchpad and looking at you inquisitively.

"Do you know who I am?" asks the apparition. You shake your head no. The apparition smiles at you... you think.

"Good. I prefer it that way. I am the Ghost of Christmas Art!" he proclaims, spreading his arms and accidentally smacking a ghostcat in the face in the process. "Whoops, sorry..." the ghost mutters, gently patting the ghostcat's head.

"Anyway. I have been cursed to an eternity of drawing pictures of the travelers who pass through my thread. It's actually not so bad, as curses go." The ghost pulls a pair of reading glasses out of his pocket, and squints down at his clipboard.

"Hmm... yes, let's see... I'll just need you to fill out this form and we'll be good to go! A few caveats: I only draw Menewsha avatars, but it doesn't have to be your current avatar! You have to fill out a form for me to draw you. It might take me longer than the duration of the event to finish all the art. Any art finished after that point will be sent to you in a PM, but up until that point, all art will be posted here." The ghost looks over his glasses at you.

"That all make sense?" You nod, and the ghost flips his clipboard shut. "Great! Let's get started."


HTML Code:

[B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="LightBlue"]Phantom, I Beseech You: Draw Me![/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR="LightBlue"][/COLOR][/B][COLOR="LightBlue"][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]This avatar, please: [please attach an image here, in case i don't catch your current avatar in time][/COLOR]




blueblackrose - COMPLETEX












Captain HowdyX










Dystopia 12-26-2015 05:48 AM

hmm. Would you be interested in drawing something else if I paid you for it?

Maha-Aamir 12-26-2015 06:06 AM

Awesome [:D]
A pinch of spook in FoWN [:)]

Kat Dakuu 12-26-2015 06:07 AM

more art! Must have.

Phantom, I Beseech You: Draw Me!
This avatar, please:
unless you're against drawing the nudity then I'll pick something else. ^^'

hummy 12-26-2015 06:07 AM

bootiful artsu!

ghostPastry 12-26-2015 06:10 AM

Dys- sure! shoot me a PM. :]

Maha- i'm all about the spooks!

Kat- nudity's fine by me [rofl]

hummy- oh thankyouuu [oops]

blueblackrose 12-26-2015 06:12 AM

Artsu! *makes grabby hands*

Phantom, I Beseech You: Draw Me!
This avatar, please:
Avatars of Fiaria

If you do not draw anthro avatars let me know and I'll choose something else.

hummy 12-26-2015 06:12 AM

you're welcome

ghostPastry 12-26-2015 06:16 AM

blueblackrose- I'll totally draw anthro! :] do you have a preference out of those three?

hummy 12-26-2015 06:23 AM

yay bbr art

blueblackrose 12-26-2015 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by ghostPastry (Post 1773531473)
blueblackrose- I'll totally draw anthro! :] do you have a preference out of those three?

Awesome! *does Snoopy happy dance*

I prefer the outfit that number three is wearing. As for background if you add one it doesn't matter it can be one of those or a forest.

Kat Dakuu 12-26-2015 06:48 AM

us art collectors be swooping in like the pack of starving hyenas we are.

Maha-Aamir 12-26-2015 07:08 AM

Phantom, I Beseech You: Draw Me!
This avatar, please:

ghostPastry 12-26-2015 07:22 AM

art collecting is a wise thing to do, though! and i'm glad y'all're swooping in, otherwise who would i draw? [;)]

bbr- ok cool! i probably won't do a bg, but we'll see.

hummy 12-26-2015 07:24 AM

*claps* so many arts a coming

Maha-Aamir 12-26-2015 07:51 AM

ghostPastry skip my background too... just want a cozy looking avi art [:D]

ghostPastry 12-26-2015 08:30 AM

will do! trees are a pain to draw anyway. [rofl]

Hadsvich 12-26-2015 03:08 PM

Cute thread! So glad to see you back on Mene~ > u<

Phantom, I Beseech You: Draw Me!
This avatar, please:

Maha-Aamir 12-26-2015 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by ghostPastry (Post 1773531676)
will do! trees are a pain to draw anyway. [rofl]

and harder to sculpt out of clay [cry]

salvete 12-26-2015 04:37 PM

Phantom, I Beseech You: Draw Me!
This avatar, please: [please attach an image here, in case i don't catch your current avatar in time]

Thank you so much <3 Happy Holidays!

Kent 12-26-2015 04:43 PM

Aw, are your slots full? D:

xuvrette 12-26-2015 05:46 PM

ART! *immediately drawn to the thread*

Kat Dakuu 12-26-2015 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by ghostPastry (Post 1773531590)
art collecting is a wise thing to do, though! and i'm glad y'all're swooping in, otherwise who would i draw? [;)]

bbr- ok cool! i probably won't do a bg, but we'll see.

there aren't a lot of artists on this site so that's why we're hyenas. XD You have no idea how happy we are to see opportunities for art.
do you collect art yourself?

ghostPastry 12-26-2015 06:15 PM

maha- truuuuue, ugh.

kent- i've got endless slots! i add more every time i fill up. :P

kat- haha right?? i feel that. and i do enjoy getting art! but i'm way too poor to be a collector ahaha.

Kent 12-26-2015 06:20 PM

Oh, great! > w< Draw my foxy with her present, please~

Phantom, I Beseech You: Draw Me!
This avatar, please:

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