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*Hime* 10-15-2016 01:05 PM

Hime's 52 Week Dress Challenge

Sometimes I start tweaking on avatars, and then I forget which items I used, which sucks. Before I went on my long hiatus I had several nice outfits but I lost them (except for those I won on Admin's pick years ago, thank you Menewsha archive!). So I'm finally making my closet in here. To be sure it doesn't stay empty, I'll try to go for a minimum of new outfit a week. A challenge is nice :-)

*Hime* 10-28-2016 04:29 PM

*Hime* 10-28-2016 06:07 PM


*Hime* 10-28-2016 06:08 PM

~Reserving this postie as well~

*Hime* 10-28-2016 06:08 PM


ObviouslyAya 11-04-2016 01:52 PM

The tinypic links here seem to be broken as well :/ I checked the last few rounds of Users' Pick to see if anyone had saved your fiend avatar when nomming, but no luck. I'll check my computer when I get home, and if nothing else I'll PM you to see if you have a copy that you can re upload.

I use imgur for avatars, not tinypic anymore.

*Hime* 11-04-2016 04:11 PM

It weird. Never had any problems with tinypic before :C
I still have them on my computer. I'll try to upload them on imgur then.

Shadami 11-08-2016 12:45 PM

The fiend avatar... hang on....
This one I saved, i don't know if its the one you wanted oor not.

Eastriel 11-16-2016 01:57 PM

Hime your avimatars are like pron to me. You have no idea! That week one avi is drool worthy!

Shadami 11-16-2016 02:11 PM

is it bad i really love this idea ? and want to steal it for myself with some kind of contest or something behind it. xD

Symphony of the Night 11-22-2016 05:26 AM

very cool idea, hime!!!

Shadami 11-23-2016 02:23 AM

Isn't it?!? I love it so !much!

*Hime* 11-25-2016 10:20 AM

Haha, it would be cool if I didn't forget about this thread xD

@Shadami: yes, that is the one! And of course you can steal xD
@Easty: thank you! I love your pirate avatar [drool]
@Symphony: thank you

Symphony of the Night 11-27-2016 09:54 PM

you are very welcome <3

Shadami 11-28-2016 03:58 AM

well now you remember . so get to it :D

*Hime* 11-30-2016 08:51 PM

I will! I just don't get on my laptop these days c;

Shadami 11-30-2016 09:35 PM

yay!! This will be tons of fun :D

*Hime* 01-07-2017 10:23 PM

I updated. Sorta xD

Shadami 01-11-2017 01:00 AM

well i'm glad i was able to help. I'm gonna try to get going on this myself. I'm calling this one the avatar of my first week of 2017 xD

*Hime* 01-20-2017 03:06 PM

Your avatar freaks me out Shadami. Its so twilight zone

Shadami 01-20-2017 08:40 PM

Why thank you Hime! :D its meant to be creepy. though i feel like its still missing something...

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