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Rhys Luna Emweise 12-19-2016 05:13 PM

This is a private roleplay between myself and @Mikio:
Feel free to read along with us, but please, keep your grimy paws off that post button unless you are one of us.

Yaoi pairings (boy x boy love, GAY); violence; mild language; bully/victim relations; possibly abusive behavior

If you are easily offended by these, leave now. May add more if needed.

Rhys Luna Emweise 12-19-2016 05:29 PM

Jakob Alistayre Rayne
Changing schools is never easy- especially in the middle of the school year, and especially not when you've gone from a very open and accepting school, to... lets say, one that's not.
Because of his dad's job, Jakob has been to nineteen schools since starting kindergarten at the age of four, soon to be twenty. The last one he was at for two years- the longest they've ever stayed in one place, as far as he can remember. It was also where he'd been the happiest, able to truly express himself, after discovering he was gay. It had had a zero-tolerance approach to bullying, so he hadn't had to deal with any homophobic remarks more than once or twice outside of school. Now, though, his father's being relocated again, meaning another change in schools. A shame that his last school left him so ill prepared for the harsh reality that life's not all hugs, cheer, and acceptance.
To top that off, he's tiny- barely hitting 5'8", and weighing in just under 110lbs. Definitely an easy target for any potential bullies.
Having just transferred to East Mount Academy, Jakob doesn't know anybody at the school. He's only there because of his grades- there's no way his parents could ever afford to send him there on their own.

Mikio 12-19-2016 08:29 PM
Name: Julius (Jules) Alexander Duncan
Age: 16
Height: 6'1
Hair colour: Reddish wine coloured hair
Eye colour: Bright forest green eyes
Sexuality: Bisexual

Julius is the eldest out of his three siblings. He used to live in a stately home with his parents, young sister and baby brother but currently lives at the East Mount Academy boarding school in his own dorm. He comes from a wealthy family of high status and he regularly enjoys flaunting his money. His father is the lawyer of a top corporate company and his mother is a best-selling author of crime fiction. Julius is one of the most popular boys at East Mount Academy but he is also a notorious bully. When he is not hanging around his gang of thugs, he can be found on the athletics track, boasting his running skills and showing off to the girls. A stubborn, spoilt boy, he knows how to get his way with everyone, including his teachers and even the principal. He is easily jealous and becomes incredibly violent when angry. A word of advice? stay on his good side.

Rhys Luna Emweise 12-19-2016 08:35 PM

Jakob parked his truck near the back of the school in the student lot and got out, walking around to the front doors. He already had his full license, at only 16. The last place they'd lived, he'd been able to go for his license at 14- highly rural area, extremely flat, most kids learning how to drive their folks' truck, or a tractor before they were really tall enough to see over the wheel or reach the pedals properly.

He'd spiked his unruly hair, and he was dressed in a red tank top with a black mesh shirt over it, and black fitted jeans. He'd refused his father's offer to go with him, knowing how important it was the man got to work on time- had to make a good impression with his new boss. And of course his father would have noticed- and not approved of- his outfit within moments of Damien coming out of his room. So he'd waited until the man left for work to leave his room, which had resulted in him being late.

Entering the school, he sighed a little in a mix of relief and disappointment. The halls were empty, meaning everyone was already in class. It also meant that the principal would interrupt a class to introduce him, he'd be forced into the center of attention, and tell the class about himself. Which he really didn't want. He wasn't shy, by any means... He just had no idea how the students here would react to someone like him, and he'd never really been good at hiding his sexuality. Even before he came out or realized he was gay, pretty much everyone in his old school had known. Even friends from other schools he'd gone to before had said it wasn't a shock. He'd really rather prefer everyone not find out his sexual preferences before they knew his name.

He shook his head a little and headed for the main office, hoping to get his schedule and have the secretary just let him find his own way to class, which meant he could easily skip first period and slip quietly and unnoticed into second when classes changed.

Mikio 12-19-2016 09:04 PM

Julius ran out of the shower and dragged his uniform on hastily before leaving his room and running to the kitchen. He was late and he knew it. He grabbed an iced donut and wriggled into his black school blazer. He was interrupted by Gerald, his driver, who cleared his throat, giving him a tight smile. He was to drive him to school today, like last year and the year before. Julius grunted, scoffing the last remains of the donut before wiping his mouth with his sleeve carelessly. He had asked his parents for a new car after his old one got busted last year but they disagreed in fear of him getting into another accident. He followed Gerald outside to the car and waited as he opened the door for him. He settled down and remained silent through the whole journey. It was the middle of the year at East Mount Academy, the time when a lot of scholarship students were accepted into the academy, which meant the arrival of fresh meat. He smirked, an evil glint in his eyes. He was still tired from the night before, he had been up past midnight playing video games. He stifled a yawn and rubbed his eyes.

The car stopped outside the school gates and Julius got off. He walked slowly through the gates and down the parking lot where the teachers parked their cars. Julius pushed through the double doors leading to the main building. He passed the main office but caught a glimpse of an unfamiliar boy, dressed in a red tank top and a mesh shirt. He must be new. he thought, grinning. He wasn't even in uniform! He decided to hide behind the lockers and watch him from afar.

Rhys Luna Emweise 12-19-2016 09:36 PM

Arriving at the office, Jakob recieved his books, schedule, and uniform, being warned that his attire would be excused that day, but that he'd get detention if it happened again. Nodding, Jakob pulled on the button-up shirt and blazer. His jeans were fine, since they were black.

Being allowed to make his own way to class, he thanked the secretary, and left, not paying attention to where he was going as he shoved his books into his backpack.

Mikio 12-19-2016 09:47 PM

Julius watched silently as the boy made his way out of the secretary's office. He was a small boy, much shorter than him, with blue eyes and short brown, spiky hair. He was carrying a pile of books and what seemed to be his uniform stashed on top of the books. He would have been unnoticeable if it weren't for his spiky hair behind all those books. He noticed him shoving the books into his backpack and decided to make a move. Julius made sure that nobody was watching before springing in front of the boy, smirking.

'Oh, hello there' he said, in a menacing tone. 'You must be new.'

Rhys Luna Emweise 12-19-2016 09:57 PM

Jakob startled, stopping in his tracks as he finally got all his books into his bag, taking a look at the other teen. First thing he noticed were those piercing green eyes. "U-um... Hello..." He said, a little nervous. "Yes... My name's Jakob." He introduced himself, though he doubted the other boy would care.

Mikio 12-19-2016 10:08 PM

He listened as the boy introduced himself and raised his eyebrows. He let his eyes drift all the way down his body, staring at his outfit. 'Nice outfit you got there' he sneered, chuckling before pushing the boy into one of the lockers. He gave him a cold, piercing look as he prodded him with his elbow, 'here we have rules, you better put that on' he said, nodding towards the uniform poking out of his open bag.

Rhys Luna Emweise 12-19-2016 10:15 PM

Jakob cocked a brow. "You can't just order me to change in the middle of the hall..." He said, scoffing slightly. No way was he going to change there. For one thing, middle of the hallway. For two, he didn't know the teen in front of him, and so certainly wasn't changing in front of him. He looked around the hallway, spotting a washroom sign, heading for the door so he could change with some level of privacy.

Mikio 12-20-2016 10:45 AM

Julius' eyes widened as the boy walked away from him and a wave of fury enveloped him. He ran after the boy, grabbing his wrist and yanking him back, his grip tightening around the boy's fragile wrist. 'You won't go anywhere' he hissed through clenched teeth. 'How dare you disobey me, you freak' he spat, his face inches away from Jakob's. Just then, the bell went causing Julius to groan, his grip softened around his wrist and he threw a punch into his stomach, 'I'll see you around, freak' he sniggered, walking away.

Rhys Luna Emweise 12-20-2016 11:03 AM

Jakob squeaked slightly as he was grabbed. He narrowed his eyes at the older boy. "I can do as I please. You've no power over me." He replied, nearly doubling over at the punch to the gut. Winded, he leaned against the lockers a moment, then made his way to the washroom to change his shirt.

Coming back out, shirt and blazer on now, he still had his jeans on- the secretary had said they'd be fine since they were black. He pulled his schedule out, seeing his second class was english, and headed off to try and find the room.

Mikio 12-20-2016 11:17 AM

As soon as the bell sounded a flurry of students flooded the main hall as they left their classes. Julius ran his fingers through his dishevelled hair, in an attempt to straighten it a bit. A group of girls giggled as they passed him, brushing shoulders and winking at him. He smiled back at them smugly as he walked to his second class with his hands in his pockets. The hallway was packed and the sound of chatter was overbearing. He suddenly remembered that he had left his bag with his school supplies in his dorm last Friday. He had spent the weekend at home, it was the only time he got to be away from school. Julius sprinted up the spiralling staircase and past a long corridor leading to the C dorms, number 146 was engraved in gold on his door and he unlocked the door and collapsed on his bed, panting. His heart was beating so fast and he felt sweaty. He quickly flung his bag over his shoulder before running off to his Science class.

Rhys Luna Emweise 12-20-2016 11:35 AM

Jakob's morning, thankfully, went much smoother after meeting the redhaired boy with the piercing green eyes. He'd made it to his English class just in time, and then to his Art class, both of which he rather enjoyed. He was currently talking with a couple kids who shared those two morning classes as they showed him to his locker. Every student had one- it gave students a place to stash their books between classes and during lunch so they didn't have to lug them around all day.

Mikio 12-20-2016 11:53 AM

Julius felt bored all day. He sat, one hand under his chin, twirling his pen as his group members discussed their upcoming presentation. At break, he hung out with his gang, and the three of them wandered around the school, tripping up unsuspecting students and checking out pretty girls. Julius didn't see Jakob that morning, that freak deserves a harsh punishment, he thought. Who does he think he is?

Lunch was good, of course. This was the most prestigious boarding school in the country, they only employed the finest chefs for their students. He sat behind a mahogany table with his plate of tender grilled chicken and provolone cheese sprinkled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Dessert consisted of an apricot cheesecake and fresh berries. After lunch, he decided to skip the rest of the day and went up to his dorm. He laid on his bed and pulled out his video game console and spent the remainder of his day playing on it.

Rhys Luna Emweise 12-20-2016 02:05 PM

Jakob considered himself lucky that he didn't see Julius again that day. Man, could that kid pack a punch. He was sure he'd be sore for a few days, probably have a bruise there, too. When his last class ended, he packed up his stuff, and headed out to his truck, saying goodbye to his friends. He threw his bag on the seat beside him and took off the uniform, pulling his regular clothes back on. The windows were tinted enough to give him a level of privacy, plus being at the back end of the lot, he figured he didn't have to worry about anyone wandering by.

Mikio 12-20-2016 03:14 PM

At one point, Julius fell asleep. He was so tired from staying up late last night that he couldn't help when he started to drift to sleep. It was 4pm to be exact and all the students would have been dismissed for the day. He lay there huddled up in a ball, sleeping soundlessly. It was a right sight. He didn't look so big now. Nobody would have thought he was such a cruel bully as he lay there sleeping like a baby. His schoolbag was lying on the maroon carpeted floor and his books were falling out of it. The walls of his dorm room were painted sky blue and they were covered by various video game posters. Chocolate wrappers littered his room. His bedside table was empty except for a glass of water. There was a single bed frame opposite his own bed belonging to his previous roommate, Gus. He was a stocky teenager and they got along well together. He was forced to leave the academy after he was found setting fire to the trash. For now, he had the dorm to himself.

Julius was rudely awoken by someone impatiently banging on his door. The red-haired boy awoke in a huff, nearly falling off the bed as he tried to reach the door handle. He opened the door, fists clenched. 'What is it?' he hissed, clearly irritated upon being interrupted from his sleep. His friend Ross stood outside the door with a wide grin on his face as he waved a pack of cigarettes in Julius' face. Julius smirked, grabbing the pack of cigarettes from him and stuffing it in his pocket before looking around, making sure nobody saw him. Excited, he pulls Ross into his room and together they laugh and make plans to sneak out later during the night.

Rhys Luna Emweise 12-20-2016 11:44 PM

Pulling out, Jakob drove home, frowning slightly when he saw his father's vehicle in the drive. He grabbed a sweater out of the backseat, pulling it on and zipping it up before going into the house. His house wasn't huge, but it worked for him and his father. His mum was hardly ever around, always on the move with her job. A nice two storey home, it had that old Victorian style, and all the charm of an old home, while still looking modern inside.

Brick facing with the ivy growing up the side, big bay windows on the front... Four bedrooms, two and a half bathrooms- powder room on the main floor, with the bedrooms upstairs, one washroom being shared amongst the three smaller bedrooms, his parents' room having an ensuite. Jakob didn't care, because they didn't often have conpany, so it was like having his own washroom.

He went for the kitchen, dropping his backpack on one of the stools set aroubd the island, and started dinner. His parents didn't see the point of wastibg money on a cook, when they could all cook, and enjoyed doing so. His parents had worked hard to afford this house. They'd rented most of Jakob's life, occasionally living with either set if his grandparents. It helped save money when they were in tough times.

Jakob hummed lightly to himself as he god dinner started, sitting down once he'd gotten the roast into the oven. He pulldd out his textbooks, and started on his homework.

Mikio 12-21-2016 11:09 AM

The next day was a Tuesday and Julius nearly slept through his alarm yet again. He groaned as he slumped out of bed, brushed his teeth and changed into his uniform. He glanced out of his window into the school fields, it was a sunny day today and there were already a few people exercising in the fields. He quickly prepared his books for the day and grabbed his sports bag, flinging them both over his shoulders as he exited his dorm and made his way down the stairs.

He heard the chatter of students talking about the arrival of the new scholarship students yesterday and he frowned as he thought about his encounter with Jakob. He was still not done with him yet. Oh no, he wasn't. Just thinking about him made him furious. He was so deep in thought that he nearly bumped into one of the third years, Julius shot him a dirty look and muttered a curse under his breath. The boy merely raised both his hands and gave him an apologetic look even though he hadn't done anything wrong. Julius shook his head and walked towards the gym. Tuesday's they had sports with the year below so he was almost sure he'd see the spiky-haired freak today along with the other new kids. He dumped his sports bag on a bench and yawned, stretching a little.

Rhys Luna Emweise 12-21-2016 12:21 PM

Jakob had done his homework and eaten dinner with his father, before taking a shower and going to bed early. He didn't want to be late for his second day, as well.

He'd still woken up late, cursing as he saw the time on his phone. He scrambled to get ready, just barely remembering his gym uniform on top of all his books. He ran down the stairs, buttoning his shirt still, tie hanging loose around his neck. He slipped his shoes on, shouting a quick farewell, and raced out to the truck, getting in and driving to school. In his rush, he hadn't had time for his hair, so it hung around his face. He ran a hand through it, making it look at least somewhat decent.

When he reached the school, he glanced at the time again, before hurrying inside and to his first class of the day before he could be late again.

Mikio 12-21-2016 02:45 PM

Julius spotted Jakob entering the gym hall, his hair looked messy, tie hanging loose around his neck and he looked panicked. Students were already rushing into the changing rooms so he picked up his sports bag and followed them. He took one last glance behind him at Jakob before pushing the heavy door leading to the boy's changing room. The boys chattered and laughed as they changed into their navy blue sports kits, consisting of a polo shirt and knee-length shorts. The changing room was an adequate size however it would sometimes get cramped during times like this, when classes were merged together. Julius walked to his normal spot, near the wall in the far end of the room and slipped off his black leather school shoes.

Rhys Luna Emweise 12-21-2016 03:51 PM

Jakob made his way into the changeroom, setting his bag down on the bench in an empty corner. He stripped off his shirt and jeans, folding the top quickly so it wouldn't wrinkle as bad, and pulled on the shorts and polo shirt. Gods, how he hated polo shirts... And uniforms in general. He yearned for the days back at his old school, when you could just wear whatever shirt and a pair of gymshorts.

Back to the rest of the room, he didn't happen to notice Julius. He tucked his school clothes into his backpack, shoving the bag under the bench, and changed his shoes quickly, lacing up his sneakers.

Mikio 12-21-2016 04:01 PM

Julius finished changing and noticed when Jakob walked in. He was in the other end of the room but it looked like he hadn't noticed him. His eyes were transfixed on the boy as he changed out of his uniform, pulling off his shirt and revealing a slim body. He tried to distract himself by talking to his friends but he couldn't help but keep glancing back at Jakob. The boys finished changing and shuffled out of the changing room and he waited as their voices softly died down as they made their way to the gym hall. He spotted Jakob sat on the bench, lacing up his sneakers and made his way towards him, his mouth twisted into an evil grin.

Rhys Luna Emweise 12-21-2016 07:59 PM

Jakob looked up from his shoes, eyes immediately falling on Julius. First thing he noticed was that grin. 'Fuck...' Thinking about it, it probably wasnt the smartest move to have stuck himself in the corner, away from the door. He got to his feet, looking away from Julius, as he smoothed out his gym uniform.

Mikio 12-21-2016 08:55 PM

'Hello Jakob' he said, cheerfully, standing in front of him with his hands on his hips. 'It seems we're alone now' he exclaimed. He was standing very close now, their feet almost touching. Julius scanned the other boy's face, looking for any sign of fear but it was almost like looking at a blank sheet of paper. Nothing. There was no sign of emotion on the boy's face. Julius raised an eyebrow, he was either very bad at this or the boy was totally fearless. He scowled before giving Jakob a sharp push backwards. He was far from done with this kid.

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