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-   -   Save the princess, win the hoard! Lovelipop up for grabs, among other things! Day 6 Up! (

Roachi 02-13-2017 05:09 AM

Save the princess, win the hoard! Lovelipop up for grabs, among other things! Day 6 Up!

Howdy!! I was suppose to host a thread with my very good friend Queen_Andais. But unfortunately... This happened ---->
My wonderful little boy either sat or stood on my laptop. Gotta love toddlers!
I thought vday (mene event) wouldn't be happening. But i have a lovely fiance' and he got it fixed for me!! Only thing is i'm a tad late to the party!! Because Queen has already started the thread & there is no post for me on the front page i've decided to start my own thready! So hope you all can join me & make it just as fun! <3

Also we love cats, make sure you got your i <3 Kitties bumper sticker showing :P

Roachi 02-13-2017 05:14 AM

Just a simple posting contest. The ones with the most, will win the pot!
And they're pretty big pots at that! ^^

Rule: You must have at least 50 posts in this thread by the end of the event to be eligible for any of these prizes


1st - All things yumeh!!! - Yumeh cat ears & tail, Jamming with yumeh, Yumeh Plush, Yumeh cat hairpin, Yumeh birthday scarf, Yumeh slippers, Yumeh halo, Birthday yumeh pop, Who hid the catnip, Wicked Yellow grin, 15k!
2nd - Dark heart halo, Vday 2010 set, Heartface fox slipper set, x3 random CIs, 12k
3rd - x3 Random Vday EIs, The sting in the tail, Cozy Afternoon, 8k
4th - x2 Random Vday EIs, My little evil vicky doll, Hawt diggity dog, Aqua suntinas bouquet, 5k
5th - X2 Random EIs, x1 Random CI, Home improvement pack 1 & 2k
Posts over 100 - Random EIs or Gold.

Roachi 02-13-2017 05:19 AM

You're the hero now go and rescue your princess!

Roll the dice below to earn points.
To get closer to the princess & rescue her from the king!
Every dice = a different amount of points
So for instance if the number to get is 17 and the prize is 20 points, this amount of points will go towards your tally & get you closer to that 500 points & win the big bucks!

Be the first to reach 500 points & claim the princess! (or if there are no winners by the end of the event, the person with the highest score) And win the ultimate prize!
Along the way you could earn raffle tickets into the draw for the lovelipop!
Yes you heard right! The Vday 2007 lovelipop!
One number each day will be a dud and will lose you points.
Please read the rules below to get a better understanding.
Any questions ask!

Here are the rules;
1. You may roll all the dices at once in one post - Do not quote the dices as i cannot see if you are cheating when you do this.
2. Any cheating, you will be disqualified immediately
3. You are allowed to get (8) dice roll wins per day - This may change every day so check back here (then you will be placed in time out -until roachi releases you.
Generally - no more then 12 hours.)
4. Yes you can win with the same number more then once - but a max of (8) times per round/day.
5. No double posting/merging posts.
6. If you win a number - Ping roachi to your post, so she can confirm later. Please ping me if your post is on a previous page, don't just say "post 689". Cheers
7. You will not know the prizes up for grabs, they will remain anonymous until the end of the day!
8. Your prizes/points won't be updated till the end of the round & a new day is put up.
9. Do not ask how to play this game if you have not read this post in it's entirety
I will kill you lol. Srsly though. Take the time to read the rules!
10. I will most likely change or update these rules, as i always forget something lol. Hey its a technical game lol.


1st to 500 points (saves the princess or person with highest score) - Wicked Yellow Grin, Green Tengu Nose, Vday 2008 Set, x1 Random CI & 20k
2nd most points - Valentine Cruise Ticket, Vday 2009 Set, Strawberry Sugar Cookie, Romantic Gentleman & 12k
3rd most points - Eggplant Hibiscus Bloom, Pullin moar faces, Glowing heart halo & 8k
4th most points - x4 Random Vday items, Purity Wings, Heartface fox slippers set & 5k
5th most points - x2 Random Vday Items & 3k

Day 6 Dice/Numbers
I assume you know how to roll a dice?
If not please ask, someone will help!

Roll a 100 sided dice and get a - 10
Roll a 100 sided dice and get a - 29
Roll a 100 sided dice and get a - 67
Roll a 100 sided dice and get a - 99
Roll a 1000 sided dice and get a - 717
Roll a 1000 sided dice and get a - 229
Roll a 1000 sided dice and get a - 456
Lucky Number: 274

Roll a 274 and get a special prize. You can only win it once!
As always ping me to your roll.

Previous Days Results

Days 1, 2 & 3
17 - 100
1 - 70 Points
127 - x5 Raffle tickets!
449 - 60 Points
77 - x3 Raffle ticket
901 - 20 Points
676 - 50 Points
555 - Minus 10 Points
699 - 150 points
414 - 1k!
- 5 Points
357 - x2 Raffle tickets


Day 4

55 - 100 Points + 2 Raffle tickets
1 - 50 Points + 1 Raffle Ticket
199 - 60 Points + 5 Raffle Tickets
347 - Minus 20 points!
768 - 20 Points + 2 Raffle tickets + 2k

Day 5
3 - 50 Points
18 - 80 Points, 5 Raffle tickets, Random CI
15 - 40 Points, 1k
157 - 60 Points, 3 Raffle tickets
444 - 150 Points, 5 Raffle tickets
990 - 50 points, 1 Raffle ticket
317 - Minus 20 points
13 - 5k wowza! x5 Raffle tickets & Random CI

Roachi 02-13-2017 08:36 AM

Heros Tally!
Updated to Day 5

- 430
Precarious Fool - 390
Dragoness129 - 260
Velvet - 240
xoxoAngiexoxo - 100
star2000shadow - 70
Spicedroses - 60

Roachi 02-13-2017 08:42 AM

Ticket holders for the Vday Lovelipop 2007
You can only win tickets into this raffle by playing the princess bride game,
or posting regularly in this thread (random ticket giveaways).
Updated to day 5

*Hime* - 17
- 17
dragoness129 - 14
Precarious Fool - 9
xoxoAngiexoxo - 4
Spicedroses - 3
Dystopia - 2
star2000shadow - 1
- 1
Xuvrette - 1
Eastriel - 1

Roachi 02-13-2017 08:42 AM

I wonder if anyone is gonna notice this ... [ninja]

Do you have a friend who deserves a special gift?
Well PM Utopia with this form. They could get a little love from us for valentines day!

Pm this to Utopia only.

Friends username:
Item under 1k:
Item up to 5k:
Item up to 10k:
Most wanted item:
Quest thread:
Why they deserve this:

Gifts Given

Shadami - From *Hime* & Precarious Fool. You lucky thing you!

Roachi 02-13-2017 08:44 AM

Okaaay we're open.
Still sorting prizes.

*Hime* 02-13-2017 08:46 AM

What a pretty thread!

---------- Post added 02-13-2017 at 09:46 AM ----------

And second: omygoshlovelipop!

Roachi 02-13-2017 08:48 AM

Thanks hime! How are you hon?

*Hime* 02-13-2017 08:57 AM

The 1000-sided dice lands on 45
The 100-sided dice lands on 40
The 1000-sided dice lands on 934
The 500-sided dice lands on 261
The 1000-sided dice lands on 964
The 1000-sided dice lands on 380
The 100-sided dice lands on 28
The 500-sided dice lands on 4
The 700-sided dice lands on 698
The 700-sided dice lands on 384
The 1000-sided dice lands on 102
The 1000-sided dice lands on 867

Hope i did good here. Those are a lot of dices! :0

I am actually tired and I was sick as hell this morning so I called in sick at work. And now I can't stop thinking of all the work thatll be waiting tomorrow.

How are you?

Roachi 02-13-2017 09:13 AM

Yup lol. Keep ya goin for awhile lol.

Aww no, thats not good. You should get some rest hon <3
Well i've had the week from hell lol. I just got over a 3 week cold, then had a tummy bug or something then my son got sick and has been sick for a week. Today is the first day he's actually looked and felt better. So fingers crossed i will get some sleep tonight lol.

*Hime* 02-13-2017 09:17 AM

I have my fingers crossed.
I seem to have been sick every day this year. Going up and down. Tummy aches, viral.infections
.. doesn't end.

The 1000-sided dice lands on 757
The 100-sided dice lands on 100
The 1000-sided dice lands on 879
The 500-sided dice lands on 377
The 1000-sided dice lands on 57
The 1000-sided dice lands on 869
The 100-sided dice lands on 95
The 500-sided dice lands on 34
The 700-sided dice lands on 427
The 700-sided dice lands on 220
The 1000-sided dice lands on 392
The 1000-sided dice lands on 255

Roachi 02-13-2017 09:31 AM

I know how you feel, makes me literally sick xD

---------- Post added 02-13-2017 at 10:35 PM ----------

Okay can't stay awake any longer eyes getting heavy. Better get ready for bed, as got work tomorrow. Boo!
Night all! Will be back tomorrow <33

*Hime* 02-13-2017 09:36 AM

Haha. So did you find a laptop you could borrow then?

Crap I lost my copy.paste of the dices. Here I go again.
I should prolly copypaste the winning numbers as well
The 1000-sided dice lands on 825
The 100-sided dice lands on 42
The 1000-sided dice lands on 270
The 500-sided dice lands on 470
The 1000-sided dice lands on 550
The 1000-sided dice lands on 481
The 500-sided dice lands on 482
The 700-sided dice lands on 113
The 700-sided dice lands on 264
The 1000-sided dice lands on 361
The 1000-sided dice lands on 996

Roachi 02-13-2017 09:41 AM

No, my partner took it into the shop the next day & they had completed the job today.
It cost us $250, but oh well. It went on the visa. I kinda need it for my assessments n stuff as well. So thank god for that!

*Hime* 02-13-2017 09:43 AM

That is good news indeed. Wouldn't know what to do without my laptop, my precious. 250$ is quite expensive though, was old laptop?
The 1000-sided dice lands on 86
The 100-sided dice lands on 23
The 1000-sided dice lands on 1000
The 500-sided dice lands on 212
The 1000-sided dice lands on 289
The 1000-sided dice lands on 779
The 500-sided dice lands on 44
The 700-sided dice lands on 197
The 700-sided dice lands on 90
The 1000-sided dice lands on 772
The 1000-sided dice lands on 758

Roachi 02-13-2017 09:45 AM

Its only a few years old. But screens are expensive to replace. I knew it was gonna cost a bit.
A new one woulda cost me more.

*Hime* 02-13-2017 09:46 AM

Just a question Roachi:Is itn't there a mistake in te numbers?
As in Roll a 100 sided dice & get - 676
Roll a 500 sided dice & get - 555

---------- Post added 02-13-2017 at 10:47 AM ----------

Oh yeah those darn screens [gonk]

---------- Post added 02-13-2017 at 11:10 AM ----------

Well I guess I continue anyway
The 1000-sided dice lands on 284
The 100-sided dice lands on 96
The 1000-sided dice lands on 783
The 500-sided dice lands on 172
The 1000-sided dice lands on 841
The 1000-sided dice lands on 970
The 500-sided dice lands on 174
The 700-sided dice lands on 342
The 700-sided dice lands on 312
The 1000-sided dice lands on 281The 1000-sided dice lands on 504

star2000shadow 02-13-2017 10:11 AM

The 1000-sided dice lands on 707
The 100-sided dice lands on 77
The 1000-sided dice lands on 328
The 500-sided dice lands on 200
The 1000-sided dice lands on 327
The 1000-sided dice lands on 364
The 100-sided dice lands on 75
The 500-sided dice lands on 276
The 700-sided dice lands on 1
The 700-sided dice lands on 519
The 1000-sided dice lands on 633
The 1000-sided dice lands on 569

'wanders in sleepily' hey Roachi 'waves' how goes your evening, slash, morning?

xoxoAngiexoxo 02-13-2017 10:11 AM


---------- Post added 02-13-2017 at 04:12 AM ----------

OK wat did I do wrong

*Hime* 02-13-2017 10:12 AM

Hey guys. Hurray for more people to chat with
The 1000-sided dice lands on 13
The 100-sided dice lands on 78
The 1000-sided dice lands on 646
The 500-sided dice lands on 111
The 1000-sided dice lands on 81
The 1000-sided dice lands on 349
The 500-sided dice lands on 22
The 700-sided dice lands on 320
The 700-sided dice lands on 117
The 1000-sided dice lands on 882The 1000-sided dice lands on 491

xoxoAngiexoxo 02-13-2017 10:12 AM

I never get these right

*Hime* 02-13-2017 10:14 AM

There is also a the numbers I think
The 1000-sided dice lands on 683
The 100-sided dice lands on 20
The 1000-sided dice lands on 945
The 500-sided dice lands on 134
The 1000-sided dice lands on 170
The 1000-sided dice lands on 864
The 500-sided dice lands on 410
The 700-sided dice lands on 34
The 700-sided dice lands on 620
The 1000-sided dice lands on 79
The 1000-sided dice lands on 736

xoxoAngiexoxo 02-13-2017 10:15 AM

Is my slash backwards is that my mistake

*Hime* 02-13-2017 10:17 AM

Yes, thats it angie.
I meant in the numbers that roachi put up. Its impossible to het 5555 on a 500 dice?

The 1000-sided dice lands on 84
The 100-sided dice lands on 23
The 1000-sided dice lands on 859
The 500-sided dice lands on 236
The 1000-sided dice lands on 417
The 1000-sided dice lands on 447
The 500-sided dice lands on 336
The 700-sided dice lands on 278
The 700-sided dice lands on 513
The 1000-sided dice lands on 506The 1000-sided dice lands on 947

All times are GMT. The time now is 09:57 PM.