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-   [User Run Event] Summer Time Fun 2017 (
-   -   It's Time to Fly! A Kite that is.. Day 6 and Day 7 is here! Select your next square![Game] (

Queen_Andais 06-20-2017 05:56 PM

It's Time to Fly! A Kite that is.. Day 6 and Day 7 is here! Select your next square![Game]

Queen_Andais 06-20-2017 05:57 PM

Warm, windy days on the beach are just not complete unless you bring out your best kite and let it dip and soar in the ocean breeze.

And it's even more fun when you realize your kite is soaring higher than anyone else's on the beach. Might be a small point of pride to know that you've mastered the ability to fly such a flimsy contraption to its fullest.

No hidden surprises or meanings here... you'll be flying a kite for prizes.

Take time out from the busy hustle of Summer fun and come fly a kite with me!

Queen_Andais 06-20-2017 06:56 PM

Grab your kite and toss it to the wind! (Well, that's how we did it as kids!)[XP]
Sadly that won't work here in the virtual world, no wind really.

1. Everyone starts off with their kite at the same height (10 feet from the ground)

2. Players will be picking a square daily from the board

3. Square values are different each day, so if your strategy is to pick the same one, well that might not work out for you.

4. You want to be the one with the highest kite at the end

5. Game runs the entire length of the URE (Results to be posted in a separate thread)

6. Anyone can participate

7. If you miss a day, you will not be allowed to make it up, just gotta hope for a good square the next time around

8. Using the provided form you will post your pick here in the thread, be sure to ping me to it. If you don't ping me, I won't necessarily see it.

9. Prizes will be as follows:
1st Place - My Little Evil Vicky Doll + 7k
2nd Place - Year of the Warm Fuzzies + 4k
3rd Place -
4th Place -
5th Place -

10. Special prize will be awarded to those that play everyday!

Queen_Andais 06-20-2017 06:57 PM

Daily Form:

HTML Code:

[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]Day 6[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE="4"][COLOR="SlateGray"]Let's Go Fly that Kite!
I Pick Square:[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/FONT]

HTML Code:

[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]Day 7[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE="4"][COLOR="SlateGray"]Let's Go Fly that Kite!
I Pick Square:[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/FONT]

Queen_Andais 06-20-2017 09:53 PM
Day 1:
Elirona - Square 13 (-6 feet)
onsenmark - Square 15 (+5 feet)
Nephila - Square 8 (-3 feet)
Hadsvich - Square 17 (0 Feet gained or lost)
Kent - Square 22 (-4 Feet)
sadrain - Square 9 (-3 feet)
star2000shadow - Square 17 (0 Feet gained or lost)
Dystopia - Square 13 (-6 feet)
*Hime* - Square 7 (+2 feet)
Xogizmoox - Square 14 (0 feet gained or lost)
ANTIPODEAN OPALEYE - Square 3 (-5 feet)
LizzyCollinsDeArc - Square 18 (-3 feet)
Mageling - Square 8 (+3 feet)
The Auctioneer - Square 23 (-5 feet)
Velvet - Square 3 (-5 feet)
zeapear - Square 19 (-5 feet)
salvete - Square 22 (-4 feet)

Day 2:
Xogizmoox - Square 6 (0 feet gained or lost)
Hadsvich - Square 1 (-1 foot)
Kent - Square 7 (-6 feet)
salvete - Square 17 (0 feet gained or lost)
Shadami - Square 21 (+5 feet)
ANTIPODEAN OPALEYE - Square 19 (+4 Feet)
*Hime* - Square 25 (+15 Feet)
LizzyCollinsDeArc - Square 22 (0 feet gained or lost)
Damia Flagg - Square 18 (+5 Feet)
Razak - Square 16 (-4 Feet)
Nephila - Square 1 (-1 Foot)
Dystopia - Square 13 (+4 Feet)
onsenmark - Square 8 (+3 Feet)
Velvet - Square 25 (+15 Feet)
zeapear - Square 13 (+4 Feet)
star2000shadow - Square 25 (+15 Feet)
dragoness129 - Square 13 (+4 Feet)
Car'a'Carn - Square 18 (+5 Feet)

Day 3:

Razak - Square 5 (0 Feet gained or lost)
star2000shadow - Square 7 (+8 Feet)
Shadami - Square 19 (+6 Feet)
Kent - Square 18 (+2 Feet)
Dystopia - Square 19 (+6 Feet)
Hadsvich - Square 13 (-1 Feet)
Xogizmoox - Square 7 (+8 Feet)
onsenmark - Square 19 (+6 Feet)
Velvet - Square 14 (+10 Feet)
zeapear - Square 1 (0 Feet gained or lost)
Salvete - Square 5 (0 Feet gained or lost)
woohoohelloppl - Square 8 (-4 Feet)
Nephila - Square 25 (0 Feet gained or lost)
*Hime* - Square 24 (+5 Feet)
Elirona - Square 13 (-1 Feet)

Day 4:
*Hime* - Square 2 (+6 Feet)
Shadami - Square 13 (+15 Feet)
Nephila - Square 14 (+5 Feet)
Elirona - Square 13 (+15 Feet)
Salvete - Square 8 (+8 Feet)
onsenmark - Square 7 (+10 Feet)
Xogizmoox - Square 3 (+5 Feet)
star2000shadow - Square 3 (+5 Feet)
Hadsvich - Square 25 (+4 Feet)
Dystopia - Square 4 (+2 Feet)
Kent - Square 5 (+3 Feet)
Velvet - Square 13 (+15 Feet)
zeapear - Square 23 (+2 Feet)
Rochiel Silverfire - Square 13 (+15 Feet)
wish - Square 10 (+10 Feet)
woohoohelloppl - Square 13 (+15 Feet)
Elirona - Square 13 (+15 Feet)

Day 5:
salvete - Square 12 (+15 Feet)
Hadsvich - Square 7 (-5 Feet)
onsenmark - Square 12 (+15 Feet)
dragoness129 - Square 18 (+6 Feet)
Dystopia - Square 14 (-5 Feet)
star2000shadow - Square 11 (+10 Feet)
*Hime* - Square 19 (-1 Feet)
Xogizmoox - Square 11 (+10 Feet)
Kent - Square 21 (-3 Feet)
Nephila - Square 6 (+7 Feet)
Elirona - Square 13 (-4 Feet)
Shadami - Square 25 (-5 Feet)
Velvet - Square 11 (+10 Feet)
woohoohelloppl - Square 24(+3 Feet)

Day 6
Dystopia - Square 24
Hadsvich - Square 3
dragoness129 - Square 8
xogizmoox - Square 4
star2000shadow - Square 13
*Hime* - Square 1
Kent - Square 11
Salvete - Square 7
Onsenmark - Square 6
Elirona - Square 13
Shadami - Square 12
Velvet - Square 15
Suona - Square 8

Day 7
Hadsvich - Square 5
*Hime* - Square 11
Shadami - Square 4
salvete - Square 21
Velvet - Square 4
Xogizmoox - Square 5
Elirona - Square 13
Kent - Square 1
Suona - Square 24
Dystopia - Square 8

Queen_Andais 06-21-2017 08:54 PM

Velvet - 65 Feet
star2000shadow - 58 Feet
onsenmark - 45 Feet
*Hime* - 40 Feet
Elirona - 39 Feet
Xogizmoox - 38 Feet
Shadami - 34 Feet
salvete - 34 Feet
woohoohelloppl - 24 Feet
Nephila - 18 Feet
Damia Flagg - 15 Feet
Car'a'Carn - 15 Feet
Rochiel Silverfire - 15 Feet
dragoness129 - 15 Feet
Mageling - 13 Feet
Hadsvich - 13 Feet
zeapear - 11 Feet
wish - 10 Feet
LizzyCollinsDeArc - 7 Feet
sadrain - 7 Feet
Suona - 7 Feet
Razak - 6 Feet
The Auctioneer - 5 Feet
Dystopia - 4 Feet
Kent - 2 Feet

Queen_Andais 06-29-2017 02:17 PM

Last Reserve

Elirona 07-14-2017 12:16 PM

Day 1
Let's Go Fly that Kite!
I Pick Square:

Hi, queenie! Hope you don't mind me being the first to post in your game. [yes]

onsenmark 07-14-2017 12:44 PM

Day 1
Let's Go Fly that Kite!
I Pick Square:

Nephila 07-14-2017 12:45 PM

Day 1
Let's Go Fly that Kite!
I Pick Square:8

Hadsvich 07-14-2017 12:48 PM

Day 1
Let's Go Fly that Kite!
I Pick Square: 17

Kent 07-14-2017 01:23 PM

Day 1
Let's Go Fly that Kite!
I Pick Square: 22

sadrain 07-14-2017 02:31 PM

Day 1
Let's Go Fly that Kite!
I Pick Square: 9

Good luck everyone!

star2000shadow 07-14-2017 02:48 PM

Day 1
Let's Go Fly that Kite!
I Pick Square:

Dystopia 07-14-2017 03:40 PM

Day 1
Let's Go Fly that Kite!
I Pick Square:

*Hime* 07-14-2017 04:15 PM

Another awesome thread.
This will be fun
Day 1
Let's Go Fly that Kite!
I Pick Square:7

Xogizmoox 07-14-2017 05:21 PM

Day 1
Let's Go Fly that Kite!
I Pick Square: 14

ANTIPODEAN OPALEYE 07-14-2017 07:03 PM

Day 1
Let's Go Fly that Kite!
I Pick Square: 3

Suzy Sunshine 07-14-2017 09:58 PM

How wonderful of everyone to come out to fly a kite!

Dottie Mae Evans 07-14-2017 10:31 PM

Day 1
Let's Go Fly that Kite!
I Pick Square:

This sounds like fun. The thread title reminds me of Mary Poppins. :3

Mageling 07-15-2017 12:15 AM

Day 1
Let's Go Fly that Kite!
I Pick Square: 8


The Auctioneer 07-15-2017 12:45 AM

Well now! Kite flying you say. Let me give it whirl.

HTML Code:

Day 1
Let's Go Fly that Kite!
I Pick Square: 23

Velvet 07-15-2017 01:17 AM

Day 1
Let's Go Fly that Kite!
I Pick Square:

zeapear 07-15-2017 02:58 AM

Day 1
Let's Go Fly that Kite!
I Pick Square: 19

salvete 07-15-2017 03:08 AM

Day 1
Let's Go Fly that Kite!
I Pick Square:

All times are GMT. The time now is 06:37 AM.