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firedragongt 04-18-2007 11:57 PM

What's your favorite video game?
Looking back over a number of pages of threads, I don't see any threads dedicated to naming/discusing favorite video games. old or new, if you liked it, discuse it!

Personally, I'm a huge fan of the Final Fantasy series. I've played most of them, and like them all. I would say that my favorite from the series is FF8, but my favorite villain is Sephiroth from FF7. I think they need to remake both games with modern graphics, voice acting, and maybe even extra content (i.e. side quests, items, unimportant locations, ect)

I'm not sure if I could really pick between those games though..

FF8 had a great battle system, a (i think) better world map, and a good summon set up.

FF7 had a great villain, better (again, personal opinion) main characters, and a more involved plot.

FF8's main characters were comparable to mercenaries, which was fine, except that it lost a little bit of the "this is important to me" feeling that FF7 had. FF7 had a great villain, but it didn't compare to FF8 for how you set up/customized the characters.

again, this is about any game you like, past or present. just say what game and explain why you like it so much. if you want to talk to others about their choice, go ahead.

Man 04-18-2007 11:58 PM

Wrong forum. n_n Maybe you should request to have this thread moved here.

ChibiTotoro222 04-18-2007 11:58 PM

MOVE'D. :3

twizted child eve 04-19-2007 12:15 AM

Super Mario Bros. 3 for the old school original Nintendo. 8) I love it. I still have my Nintendo. It's great.

The Strange Visitor 04-19-2007 12:26 AM

Oh, that is not fair. I could never name a favorite video game of all time. I am a self described video game historian. So I have a love for all video games and systems. So, in all honesty, I could never name my all time favorite.

Now if you were to ask me what is my fave at the moment, that I could answer. It would have to be Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2

X-thrax 04-19-2007 12:29 AM

Pokemon Red and Blue. :D
I wasted a lot of YEARS playing that. It was pretty fun. Now there are a billion Pokemon and it's kinda dumb now... because there is too much.

firedragongt 04-19-2007 12:30 AM

you have a point. not only are there too man already, they keep adding more. i stopped paying attention after yellow came out though..

blueblackrose 04-19-2007 01:17 AM

I'm a big fan of the Soul Calibur series. I have played all three.

The first one was good and the graphics were amazing. I really liked the Dreamcast, it was a great system. Unfortunately I don't own a Dreamcast, I really wish I did.
Two and Three have their good and bad points. I really like the create your own character option in the third one.

I also like Fable and I can't wait for the second one to come out. I have seen previews and it looks awesome.

firedragongt 04-19-2007 01:52 AM

just watched it and the game looks increadible.

Atkascha 04-19-2007 02:49 AM

I... have no clue what my favorite video game is. I think I'm going to have to go with Final Fantasy Tactics along with Disgaea. There is just so much in both games that appeal to me - strategy, customization, humor (hey, badly translated games are funny. Geronimo!)

mesuchan 04-19-2007 03:25 AM

I cant pick just i will name a few.
I of course enjoy RPGs....XD
I like any Final Fantasy.....especially FF7
uhm...I love Kingdom Hearts X3 <333333
and I'd have to say that the game that has the best story ever is Shadow Hearts 2:Covenant
oh and resident evil

Alegretto 04-19-2007 06:48 AM

Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines

Short? Yes.

Buggy? Yes.

Impossible to find? Yes.

Replayable? HELL yes.

Great depth and interesting NPCs? OMFG. You have no idea.

This game is just great, in every aspect (aside from being short and kinda buggy at points). I really can't recommend it enough. It's gorgeous, it's fun, the characters are all very vibrant, the dialogue is clever and snappy, and it sos open that one can play through again and again without getting bored.

It also has Beckett. Best.NPC.EVER.

P o i P o i i i 04-19-2007 06:58 AM

© I like Golden sun I-II and Riviera: The Promised Land


Golden Sun made my mind go crazy because of it's puzzles xD

but it's worth it ^w^

firedragongt 04-19-2007 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by Alegretto
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines

Short? Yes.

Buggy? Yes.

Impossible to find? Yes.

Replayable? HELL yes.

Great depth and interesting NPCs? OMFG. You have no idea.

This game is just great, in every aspect (aside from being short and kinda buggy at points). I really can't recommend it enough. It's gorgeous, it's fun, the characters are all very vibrant, the dialogue is clever and snappy, and it sos open that one can play through again and again without getting bored.

It also has Beckett. Best.NPC.EVER.

sounds like an interesting game. I think I've heard the name of it before, but I'm not sure.

GainaSpirit 04-20-2007 09:31 AM

I don't think I have one fav game overall... It's mostly, I have some games that I liked like Final Fantasy Tactics on playstation or Jet Set Radio Futur on Xbox.
I think I have lots of fav and fav for me are the games I enjoyed playing and didn't stressed me out, killed my real life etc ^^

Mitani 04-20-2007 10:56 AM

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Zelda Ocarina of time, Metal Gear Solid: the Twin Snakes or Super smash bros melee ..Dunno i like so many D8

Kasumi 04-20-2007 04:51 PM

I like Dead or alive 4.

firedragongt 04-20-2007 06:55 PM

I'm suprised that so many people can't pick a game they like more then others. Is it because there are so many good games or is it that there isn't a game thats good enough to be better then the others?

Deadmanwalking 04-21-2007 06:59 PM

Age of Empires
my favorite game is age of empires all three of them. there great and there my personal favorites and i play them alot

firedragongt 04-22-2007 07:56 PM

Thats how I am with the Final Fantasy games. I can never get enough of them.

Yuki Rosaro 04-22-2007 08:14 PM

My most favourite game of all time is Metal Gear Solid on the PS1. The introduction to that game still gives me goosebumps when I watch it. ^_^

Just playing the game is such an emotional rollercoaster. Your mind can go from a state of patience and planning your route to panic and quick-thinking at any minute if you are not careful. Not to mention it's storyline was very entertaining.

It was great to see the remake of it on the Gamecube too. A good game can only get better in a remake, plus it was good to see all the characters with eyes for a change. XD

firedragongt 04-22-2007 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Yuki Rosaro
it was good to see all the characters with eyes for a change. XD

lol. yeah, that is a good change. The Metal Gear series is a fun one to mess around on even if your not trying to win. Personally, I love trying to lure the enemy over to me one at a time to kill.

Yuki Rosaro 04-22-2007 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by firedragongt

Originally Posted by Yuki Rosaro
it was good to see all the characters with eyes for a change. XD

lol. yeah, that is a good change. The Metal Gear series is a fun one to mess around on even if your not trying to win. Personally, I love trying to lure the enemy over to me one at a time to kill.

Oh, i got that in MGS2. I had so much fun going through the game collecting the dogtags, it was my favourite feature of the series. XD

Also, going through the game killing is good, but it's such a bigger challange to do the whole game without killing anyone, including bosses. It's one of those things that seperates the men from the boys.

morph 04-25-2007 01:58 AM

so far my favorite is kingdom hearts series. [ currently waiting for kh3 ^.^ ]
i've tried playing a few final fantasy games but i die in the first 10 mins of the game xP [ im not very skilled xD ] also i do like some of the pokemon games for gameboy SP. i hope to get a DS to try that new game out [ diamond and pearl i believe ]

Jonath Nell 04-25-2007 04:06 AM

My Favoright game of all time would have to be Star Ocean: The Second Story.

What a great game! In Japan the whole series has one of the larges cult fanclubs ever, though after their last game in the series I don't think as many people are interested anymore.

The game was a great RPG, with some of the best character development that I have ever seen, and more than 80 diffrent endings in all.

The game was full of many fun minigames and sidequests, along with an end of the game super dungeon, called the Cave of Trials.

Not to mention the really innovative item creation system, and Private action system.

All and all this is the best game that I ever played, even if it was only a Playstaion one game. It was still wonderful... sadly though, after it's developer (Enix) merged with Squaresoft, they managed to totally kill the series with the last game, which was an entire bust and no fun to play.

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