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psyrien 06-30-2007 11:15 PM

Psyrien's Drabbles
I've decided to scrap my old list because it's far too girly and overly romantic. Yes, some good has come of it, but I've found myself stuck in a rut for too many topics.

Anywho, I'll be changing over to a new list that I originally wrote for d2hiriyuu.

Same things apply--my characters are mine and will be from no particular story. Random drabbles will pop up.

The List:
1. “Love me, lie to me, but do not leave me!”
2. Growing up
3. Secrets
4. Intoxicating
5. Skin
6. Playful
7. Irresistible
8. Like a cat
9. “What are wings for if they cannot set me free?”
10. Girl’s night out
11. More than anyone else
12. Playing for keeps
13. Locket
14. Knocking on your window
15. Escape
16. On the verge of something brilliant
17. Bite me
18. Wild parties
19. Underneath your wing
20. Ghost Town
21. Marks
22. Forgetting
23. A time for everything
24. Sentimental value
25. Useless
26. The sweetest thing
27. The popular crowd
28. An outsider
29. Half in love
30. Fantasy
31. Dragon
32. Soft hearted
33. Connotations
34. “Oh! My love, with me you must contend.”
35. Lyrics
36. Sun
37. Vacation
38. Hideaway
39. Puzzle pieces
40. Living and never loving or living and loving, but losing?
41. Liar, liar
42. Too close for comfort
43. Friends or lovers?
44. Let’s play a game…
45. The concept of forever
46. First things first
47. Taming the shrew
48. Old gods
49. To do list
50. Rebel
51. Inexperienced
52. “Free as a bird and just as lonely…”
53. Swearing
54. Musically Inclined
55. Creativity
56. Touch
57. Puppet
58. “What makes you so special?”
59. Copycat
60. Better off as lovers
61. Wrong
62. Inside out
63. Tuck me in
64. Social Circles
65. Refreshing
66. Tailoring
67. Design
68. Outfits
69. The many faces of me
70. Quality over quantity
71. Jewelry
72. Disguise
73. Baking
74. Just for you
75. Holding on too tight
76. Giving up
77. Learning to fall
78. Breathless
79. Paradox
80. Reason and Emotion
81. Submission
82. The flip side
83. Stuck in my head
84. Too young
85. “Dazzle me!”
86. The Stage
87. “The night is young…”
88. Response
89. Listening
90. “Because I am obliged.”
91. Dark Horse
92. Hiccup Cures
93. Compliments
94. Eyes
95. Bad timing
96. Sensitivity
97. Too nice
98. Bittersweet
99. The road to hell…
100. “As you wish.”

Old Stuff

Okay, so I've made many 100 themes lists, but I've always been to cowardly to actually take one on. ^^; ...But I'm bored right now, so I figure I'll give it a shot.

Here's my list (it's a list I created with Seito long ago):

1. Valentine's Day
2. Roses
3. Chocolate
4. The Language of Flowers
5. The Language of Fans
6. Star-crossed Lovers
7. "Trust Me"
8. "I Love You"
9. Happily Ever After
10. Damsel in Distress
11. Knight in Shining Armor on a White Horse
12. "Take My Hand"
13. Cliche Love Novels
14. Ice Cream
15. Blanket
16. Closet
17. Ring
18. Heart
19. Pair of Doves
20. Fairy tale
21. Serenade
22. Moonlit Walks
23. First Date
24. Proposal
25. Engagement
26. Marriage
27. The Red String
28. Flirting
29. New Guy/Girl
30. "Catch me when I fall"
31. Until Death do us part--or longer if we may
32. Denial
33. Jewelry
34. Movies
35. Feeding Each Other
36. Holding Hands
37. Picture Taking
38. Dancing
39. Piggyback Ride
40. White Day
41. First Kiss
42. Mistletoe
43. "Follow Me"
44. "I will Protect You"
45. Come Back to Me
46. Blind Date
47. Arranged Marriage
48. Carrying ( Princess/Bridal Style)
49. Honeymoon
50. Tied Together with Doggie Leashes
51. Spaghetti Noodle Kiss
52. Sharing a Chocolate through a Kiss
53. Wink
54. Phone Number
55. Love Letter
56. Perfume
57. Finding the Right Gift
58. Hot Springs
59. Confession
60. Only You
61. Love Seat
62. Tunnel of Love
63. Scary Movie
64. Blackout
65. Candle-lit Dinner
66. Chandelier
67. Stargazing
68. Wish Upon a Star
69. Can You Feel the Love Tonight?
70. "Will You Be Mine?"
71. Hold Me
72. Hugs
73. Kisses
74. XOXO (X Means Kisses, O Means Hugs)
75. I just can't help falling in love with you.
76. I was made for loving you.
77. Stalking
78. Longing
79. Secret Admirer
80. Crush
81. Stuffed Animal
82. Right around the corner...
83. Sick
84. Concern
85. Telephone Conversation
86. Tuxedo
87. Lipstick Kisses
88. Peck on the Cheek
89. Playing in the Rain
90. Scented envelope
91. Locket
92. Tree Engraving
93. Meant to Be
94. I miss you
95. Unexpected Love
96. Next Door Neighbors
97. Bouquet
98. Unlikely Match
99. Opposites Attract
100. Glomp!

And there's probably just going to be RANDOM drabbles stuck inside too. Rather than make a whole new thread, I'll just post up whatever inanities that run around in my head in here.

I'm probably not going to use any set characters. I'll pull out old ones from my head or make up new personalities on the spot. However, I will most likely not use any other characters besides my own. If I do, I'll say so on the drabble. ...This also means that the characters I use are mine. Please don't take without asking. Yeah, I'm just a bit paranoid about copyright stuff--probably why I've never posted stuff before.

But here it goes...

psyrien 06-30-2007 11:29 PM

11. Knight in Shining Armor on a White Horse

Missy giggled in that very immature, girlish manner of hers. "What about that stranger?"

"What stranger?" It wasn't really a question that needed to be answered. They both knew what stranger Missy had referred to. The question was a tactic--Sellah's way of putting off that silly manner that Missy used so easily.

"That one who winked at you. What about him?"

Sellah really didn't understand Missy's fascination with gossiping about boys and who liked who. It didn't really matter to her. Of course, she figured that some day she might fall in love, but that was bound to be far away.

"Well?" Missy nudged Sellah with her elbow impatiently.

Sellah sighed. "No. Not him," she said in her most flat, exasperated tone possible.

"Then who? A knight in shining armor riding a white horse to sweep you off your feet?" She was being sarcastic but playfully so.

Sellah studied Missy. Yes, Missy was a girl who would want a knight in shining armor on a white horse. She aspired to the common fantasies of every girl and would probably end up being just as happy as the baker's wife.

"No." Sellah spoke so seriously that it almost sounded like an act. "Dark horses are far more romantic, and having a thief steal me away would be far more thrilling." She smiled.

And then she began to laugh. Missy joined in. Because it was, of course, only a splendid jest.

psyrien 06-30-2007 11:40 PM

55. Love Letter

"I'm sorry, but I'm just a simple girl. Your words are very flattering, but I don't really understand your metaphors of celestial skies and spinning suns. Love letters are very romantic and all, and most girls would die if they got them."

"But I'm not most girls. I'd prefer for you to just tell me that you like me instead of hiding under flowery words. Maybe it's not your way, but I'm a plain girl. I'd rather you know it now, so you'd know what you're getting into."

psyrien 06-30-2007 11:49 PM

16. Closet

"I hate you."

And to the world it appears so. I never speak to you. I never approach you. To the world we are enemies--or maybe just strangers that rubbed the wrong way.

What the world does not realize is this secret talent I have always had. People are easy to fool if they're not interested. And no one has realized that this is all an act.

I never speak to you because I'm too busy listening to the sound of your voice. I never approach you because if I did, my act would surely fail. I can only keep you away by making you think less of me--by making you uninterested.

That way, I can fool even you.

Because you're my closet love.

psyrien 06-30-2007 11:58 PM

96. Next Door Neighbors

I really don't know you. I don't even know your names. Sure, I wrote them down in my little address book, so I'll know who to address the Christmas card to, but I don't know them right now.

Your not really an obnoxious family. If anything I would pity you folk, having to deal with our family making such a constant ruckus. The only times I've ever been annoyed with you is when you held late parties on school nights. My window is the closest to your house, so the laughing and revelry carried into my dreams, most rudely disturbing them.

Oh, and your little yappy dog that seems to have an internal alarm clock that goes off right at one in the morning--that's the only other thing. ...but otherwise, the dog is quite cute.

I suppose you're friendlier neighbors than most. I mean, I've actually talked to you a bit, and you've visited to just come and talk a few times. ...but that eventually stopped. It's not your fault really. It's just the culture. Next door neighbors could live on the opposite ends of the world and not know the difference.

psyrien 07-01-2007 03:03 AM

13. Cliché Love Novels

Myrtle thumbed through a worn out copy of Pride and Prejudice. She wasn't really reading it, just leafing through the pages. She didn't really need to read it. She had read it a million times over and knew the story by heart. But she opened the book up to read it anyways.

There was something very comforting in reading stories like this--love stories where the couple always gets together at the end. There was just something very nice about reading these stories over and over again. Certain books could be read only a few times with the times far between, but these love novels were simpler, happier and could be read several times over and still be enjoyed. Myrtle wasn't a dark person. She liked her cliche love novels.

Celestial 07-01-2007 04:34 AM

  • I really like your drabbles. Especially Closet, nice job! ^^

Seito 07-01-2007 01:19 PM

Hey~ xD I remember that list~ xD I have to go and update it in the guide~ <3

I love knight in shinying armor the best~ xD

psyrien 07-10-2007 08:44 PM

Thanks Seito and Celestial. ^^

4. The Language of Flowers

Flowers. Sellah glared at the bunch sitting on the table--it was quite a pretty bunch, actually. Sellah might have enjoyed them a bit more if not for one tiny circumstance--they were for her.

Who in the bloody world would send me flowers? It was something Sellah couldn't figure out for the ife of her. It wasn't like she was twoing with anyone. And it wasn't like she had a million flirts either. She was a very quiet girl who didn't get out very much. And of the few eligible males she knew, she was certain none of them were interested.

So where did the flowers come from? Her first thought was that Missy was playing a prank on her, but the message in the card changed her mind. For one thing, she knew Missy's handwriting. For another thing, Missy would never write something so... eloquent.

The door banged open and, speak of the devil, Missy shot into the room and bounded over to Sellah who was curled up on the bed, staring hatefully at the flowers.

"Oh, I've just heard you've got flowers!" Missy bounced up and down excitedly. "Where? Where?"

Sellah simply remained gazing fixedly at the flowers as if she wished to burn a hole through them by just looking at them.

Missy followed her gaze after a few seconds and bounded off to the table with and excited "oh!"

"They're lovely, Sellah! Who are they from?"

Sellah took her gaze off the flowers and looked at Missy miserably. "I wish I knew."

Missy pursed her lips. "Well, that will make it harder to figure out what they mean."


"Yes, silly, flowers have meanings, didn't you know?" Missy gave her an ashamed and-you-call-yourself-a-girl look.

"Well, this one is tricky. Roses in general mean love. But then we've got to take into account the color and grouping. So there's a red one in bloom and a red bud and a white bud clustered around it. And they're all thornless. Hmmm..."

Sellah blinked.

"Okay! I've got it! Red means I love you. White means purity, silence, or secrecy. Red and white together mean unity. The buds mean young love, and the thornless stems mean love at first sight. The entire placing means secrecy--you see! You have a secret admirer!" Missy clapped her hands in delight.

Sellah blinked again. "What if he just picked them from his mum's garden and tied them together?"

"No! No! No! Flowers are arranged carefully to convey messages!" Missy seemed to throw a fit over the idea.

Sellah raised an eyebrow at the flowers and wondered if men knew that their gifts were analyzed to promises, rejections, and hope. A wry smile flitted to Sellah's lips. They probably had no idea.

psyrien 07-12-2007 04:22 AM

82. Right around the corner…

There's something over there. Just over there. One step out of your sight. It's there, waiting for you.

It won't take the first step. That is up to you. You do not know what it is. The only thing you are certain of is that it will remain there. Whatever horror it holds can be kept at bay by just one step not taken. Whatever wonder it holds can be revealed with the easy movement of one foot. The mystery of it continues to grow as you contemplate but will vanish the instant you choose to walk forwards.

What a dilemna. To step or not to step? To know or not? What if one steps and finds that he would have rather remained in ignorance? But what if one lives forever regretting and wondering where that one step could have taken him?

Or what if you remain here forever? Because this is where it is best...

psyrien 07-12-2007 04:32 AM

79. Secret Admirer

I never really fancied myself as a secret admirer. I bethought myself a person who was simply too shy, who prefered to love from a distance. But I suppose that's what a secret admirer is.

I'll fall in love with someone and fancy that it is known. I will live through the love in my thoughts built and embellished from true snips of our lives. And in this way, I am your lover.

But you never knew. It's a secret. Such a wonderfully delicious secret. It's the secret that keeps it alive. Because wouldn't it just be too strange for the two of us to actually be in love? Ridiculous. So you can't know. Or else our true selves would be revealed and the fun of playing the part would ruin the act. It has to stay a secret.

I couldn't love you otherwise.

psyrien 07-12-2007 04:52 AM

63. Scary Movie

What's the big hype about scary movies anyways? They're basically all the same. They're just entertainment that shocks the watchers, jolting them into feeling that rush of adrenaline because real life is all too tame for their liking.

It's a gripping fear that one subjects oneself to willingly. And if it's too much, one can close his eyes and pretend that the last attack really didn't happen. It's not real.

And after awhile, one becomes desensitized. Things that should scare us don't anymore. And life becomes like the movies. Nothing scares us anymore. We are invincible.

And set up for an inevitable fall to reality.

psyrien 07-23-2007 09:07 AM


Why do you hate eating alone so much? Is it really that bad? If anything, I would say it's the other way around. I don't mind eating alone. You can be as messy as you want and only the strangers will stare at you. No acquaintance will be strongly offended that you have licked your fingers or spoken with your mouth open. When you eat alone, you can have whatever set of manners you wish.

And if you're alone, you can actually eat. There's no stopping between mouthfuls to make polite conversation or period where you must suspend your fork in midair and nod as they make a point.

Don't get me wrong. It's not that I'm a loner and don't want to eat with anyone. I don't mind eating with someone as long as they're someone I'm comfortable with. If they're easy and agreeable but not terribly brilliant they're alright. The other kinds are as well too, I suppose, but only if I actually know them.

I'm simply a creature who desires to eat her meals in peace. I don't hate the people I am obligated to eat with because my break falls at the same time as them. It's just that... we have nothing to talk about. So I have nothing to say. And they have nothing to say. Thus, the whole thing just becomes terribly awkward and silent.

I like to avoid those moments.

And so I prefer to eat alone.

psyrien 07-23-2007 09:17 AM

56. Perfume

Perfume. Fragrance. Cologne. Sellah coughed wretchedly but discreetly into her handkerchief. What horrid, horrid things. Sellah could not understand for the world of her why someone would want to smell like that.

It was downright disgusting. Certainly, the bottles were quite pretty glass trinket things, twinkling in the showlights. But those were to lure one in. They were designed to sparkle and catch the wandering customer's eye. Mesmerized by the shinning glass, the customer would stop and admire the bottle. The merchant, ever so smooth, would pick up instantly and launch into a ever persuasive speech designed to sell the product. One would become interested and inquire. The merchant would answer and encourage in order to build interest. But then the bottles begin to loose their twinkling glory up close and the coy little glitterings become glares when one stares straight at them. The merchant becomes desperate and offers a sample. A sample? One cannot resist. Oh go on, the customer says. The manager dabs a bit onto the customer's wrist...

"It was horrid, Missy. Absolutely horrid. I almost retched onto his shoes!"

Missy was doubled over with laughter. "Oh, Sellah, you're just not a normal girl are you?"

psyrien 07-23-2007 10:42 AM

94. I miss you

It's all very stupid, and it's not even like I should miss you. Well, maybe I should. It's very normal what with the whole going away thing, but I miss you more than anyone else.

I think of other people and I remember their jokes and the things they said, but those things never cause me such an acute, aching feeling of loss. I knew those people were leaving. And we had all just gradually drifted apart to make parting more bearable.

But you were a part of my every day life. I couldn't just drift away from you. You were there when I woke up and when I went to sleep. And when you weren't...

Well, I missed you.

psyrien 07-23-2007 09:06 PM

32. Denial

"Love him? Why should I? I know nothing more than his name," Chi said quite reasonably.

"Ah, but you know that he is enchanting as well. Do you deny it?"

Well, the stranger had been rather unlike all others. Perhaps it had been the way that he spoke to her. Perhaps it had simply been in his manner. He was a very charming person--or at least that was so when flirting.

The court lady watched Chi's face, and she smiled. "So you do find him enchanting."

Chi snapped out of her reverie. "I do not!" Her face, half obscured by a mask, reddened. "I'll admitt that he is different, but--"

"You're in denial, sweetheart." The court lady waved away the fact like a commonplace fly. "But," the lady leaned close, "what are you going to do if he's not one of us?"

"One of us?"

"You know." The lady straightened her own mask even though it had been set immaculately upon her head. "He could've been from the otherside. Anyone can come to these balls."

Chi pressed her lips together. She hadn't thought about that. What if she were to never see that enchanting stranger again--?

No! She shook her head fiercely. It wouldn't matter if she didn't see him again because there was nothing between them besides a charming smile and a...


"See, I told you. Denial."

psyrien 07-30-2007 06:52 AM

85. Telephone Conversation

"I want to talk to you."

"Why can't you just tell me now?" Her voice sounded annoyed.

He ran a hand through his hair, trying to pull something intangible out--not that she could see the gesture. "Because..."

"Because what?" The voice snapped in his ear.

He kicked up the leaves on the ground--perhaps in the vain hope that answers lay under them. But there was nothing there besides plain old sidewalk. There was nothing in his phone but just a voice.


Her voice.

"What is it?"

But it was still only a voice.

"I need to talk to you."


psyrien 07-30-2007 07:42 AM

59. Confession

It's something I just can't bring myself to say to you. I can shout it to the stars or whisper it to my pillows but never say it to your face.

I prefer it to remain my secret--my own delicious secret that can whisk me away to where ever you are. It's my dream land where I know that I am safe and can love from afar.

Confessing would just ruin that.

And I seem to have fallen in love with my own world so much that I prefer it to you. Perhaps it is selfish; perhaps it is silly. Whatever it is, I shall love you like this.

psyrien 07-30-2007 08:21 AM

My gawd, why oh why did I have to choose the "Romance List?" WHY. Everything is so bloody sappy. It's going to drive me sane by the time I finish this list. ...unless I decide to just respond bitterly to all the themes. xD

80. Crush

"It's nothing serious."

"That's what you say," the court lady teased. "Next thing you know, you'll be composing absurd love poetry and making me listen to it."

"You know perfectly well that I would do no such thing," Chi snapped. "I am not capable of such sappiness, and you are not capable of sitting still to listen to anything serious."

"Suuuuuuure." She giggled. "Well, I shall leave you to your day dreaming that you're so fond of, so you can dream about your lover in peace. Ta ta!"

"He's not my lover," Chi muttered to the closed the door. She fell back on her bed and stared at the ceiling. Her fingers picked idly at the stray threads on the pillow.

It wasn't serious. That was the sad part. She liked him, certainly, but she didn't dare think to go further. She knew that the two of them would never match--they were too different and this was not a case of opposite's attraction.

Well, maybe it was, but it wasn't a case where it would work out. She knew and he knew it. Yet, both played in a sort of silly dalliance, entertaining the fancy of a romance between them. But they knew the bounds. Just a crush. Because they both knew neither was who they appeared to be.

So that's all it could be. Just a crush.

psyrien 07-30-2007 08:49 AM

29. New Guy/Girl

Just be quiet. Just be unnoticable. She seemed to sneak into the classroom like a mouse. Maybe no one will notice me, and I'll just be absorbed into--

A paper airplane zoomed into her head. Absorbed? What was she thinking? This wasn't a biology project. She unfolded the airplane to find a note.


What a waste of paper. They hadn't even bothered to sign their name. She scanned the room to see if she could spot the sender. Unfortunately, everyone seemed to be busy chatting, absorbed in everything else but her.

I guess it's a selectively permeable membrane. She mused to herself. She suddenly realized what she was thinking and thwacked her head on the desk. "Must stop thinking of class as biology project."

"You alright?" One of her classmate's seemed concerned.

"Fine." She reddened.

"Alright then." The classmate turned around, obviously not believing her.

She slunk down in her seat again. How she hated being new.

psyrien 08-04-2007 06:58 AM

10. Damsel in Distress

Chi was in a dilemna. She paced around the room and muttered under her breath. There was simply nothing to be done for it. The queen regent would simply have to unmask and outlaw her.

But that would be unbearably humiliating. Perhaps it would be better to just run away...

No! She couldn't do that. What would he think? It would be even more disgraceful.

She turned sharply and almost collided with the person whom had just climbed through the window.

Damien took in the crazed look in her eyes, the mess of hair, and the wrinkles in her gown where she had been clutching. He grinned. "Well, it seems that I've the perfect timing to save the damsel in distress."

Chi twitched. "I'm not a damsel in distress."

"Why not?" He wandered through her room as if he owned it. He reclined gracefully on the edge of her bed. "You are female--therefore a damsel. And you are clearly troubled about something or else you would have slapped me on sight--therefore in distress. So you are a--"

Something snapped in Chi. She rushed to him and grabbed the front of his shirt, half in rage, half in desperation. "I. Am. Not. A. Damsel. In. Distress."

Damien's grin only widened, and he winked cheekily at her. "Whatever you say, lady. Whatever you say."

psyrien 08-05-2007 05:09 AM

27. The Red String

Missy pranced into Sellah's room and seized the spool of red thread. She waved it in Sellah's face demandingly. "Do you know what this is? Do you?"

"It's thread, Missy. Red thread. It's used to sew." Sellah knew that answer wasn't what Missy was after, but she also had absolutely no idea what it was that Missy was after.

"But it's red string!" She proclaimed it as if it were some magical revelation.

"Well, I guess if you want to be technical, thread can be called string--"

But Missy wasn't listening. "The Red String of Destiny!" She was holding the spool up like some idol to worship.


Missy whirled upon her. "It ties two souls together! Isn't it so romantic?"

"Umm... Whatever you say, Missy."

"Oh, come on, Sellah. I swear, you haven't got a romantic bone in your body. You're almost as bad as a boy."

Sellah laughed at this. A sudden playful expression alighted upon her face. "Well, how do you know I'm not romantic?"

Missy's face was strangely dead pan. "You. Are. Never. Romantic."

Sellah winked and took the spool of thread back. "I guess not, hm?"

psyrien 10-02-2007 03:54 AM, I've abandoned this for quite a long time. I don't even remember whom the previous drabble was pertaining to. ^^;

Oh well, new drabble!

95. Unexpected Love

How did this happen? ...again?

I suppose it's a bit idiotic for me to expect that I won't fall for someone I've already fallen for. But you see, the logic in that is that I'd moved on from that--far away. Or at least I thought I had.

It's just that... you remind me of home. And I guess I felt alone. And you were there. And that's how it happened.

It was definately unexpected--but love? I'm really not sure.

psyrien 10-02-2007 04:14 AM

57. Finding the Right Gift

"So what should I get?" He gestured to the large array of stuffed animals, incredibly adorable and incredibly overpriced--the sort of thing that only a tourist or boyfriend would buy.

Sellah examined a cat plushie. "What? A stuffed addition to add to your live menagerie?" she joked.

"No, it's a gift for a friend."

Immediately, Sellah regretted the joke. The answer made her heart leap inexplicably when it really shouldn't. She knew that the tiger keeper was interested in someone else--a very pretty someone else. But there was still that stupid fluttering that no pessimism she summoned could repress.

"Not for you," the tiger keeper assured her, though it was hardly assuring.

"I know." The reply came perhaps too fast. But Sellah did know. She knew that the gift was probably for the gorgeous and lovely flower of the vine. That beauty had stolen the tiger keeper's heart long ago and he had made it quite clear--he had even confided in Sellah. She really did know.

But she tended to forget it whenever she came into his presence. There was something about it that just made her hope...

Which was silly. Absolutely silly. Sellah berated herself mentally. "Does she even like cats?" she asked. Sellah liked cats. The flower of the vine was beautiful.

"I don't know." The tiger keeper's mouth twisted in thought. He wandered towards other animals and selected a tropical bird plushie.

Sellah smiled at it and admitted it was cute before discreetly slipping away. Sometimes it was too much.

psyrien 10-03-2007 10:57 PM

75. I just can’t help falling in love with you.

I didn't choose this. I didn't want it. I couldn't help it. It just sort of happened.

I was estranged. Torn from everything I knew save a few things. You just happened to be one of them. Perhaps it was that, but it feels like there was something more. For there were many other things for me to drawn too, why did it happen to be you?

It was like gravity. I was drawn to you. It was nice to be close to you--to stay next to you--to lean on you. You were like the sun in this cold, stormy world, and I was drawn to the warmth, both unconciously and otherwise. It was instinctive. It seemed right. I couldn't help it.

But gravity is a one sided thing. And so even though you were not drawn back, I still can't help it. I can't help but still want to be near you.

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