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linapoo 12-21-2007 08:33 PM

[ l e m o n - b e a r ] // freebies


chat with SangALee..aka: lina, okay? :'D

Hello! This is where Lina's nest will be for the entire event.
It'll be a hang-out, freebie stand, and lots of other stuff.

I hope everyone enjoys Mene's first Winter Event! *A* <3


WINNER Candiie
What you're bidding for.. FULL BODY CG

1 FB = 2 Waist
1 FB = 2 FB Chibi
1 FB = 4 Heads


Here you can get little freebies from me. 8D
I'll just randomly pick cool people I'm chatting with.
So, make sure you have an avatar you want to be drawn dressed on your avatar!
Or it can be a dream avatar in your signature.

But, you must not ask me to draw you because well I already know some of you want art so it's understood, no?


Here's pick-up for those I've drawn! :'D

1. ` Riku
2. Meilin
3. Lilis
4. Dystopia
5. candiie

!Any questions, feel free to ask.
!If you have an OC; I'll ask for a PB if I feel like drawing.
[Be sure to mention him/her/them!]

linapoo 12-21-2007 08:35 PM

--------------------------------RESERVED, FOOL!

linapoo 12-21-2007 08:35 PM

--------------------------------OKAY! *cuts ribbon* TALK, FOOL!

Amp 12-21-2007 08:40 PM

I'm no fool.

Anoni 12-21-2007 08:41 PM

Lemon bear sounds yummy. o w o

linapoo 12-21-2007 08:42 PM

@Amp: TT AT I'm sorry, Amp-sama. -bow-

@Anoni: Ah, I would never know. TTwTT But they do! -imagines what they would taste-

Anoni 12-21-2007 08:46 PM

  • I think they'd taste lemony, sour, and furry. XDD

c h o c o f a c e 12-21-2007 08:46 PM

Hello there.
Hehe, I was kinda party happy and posted before I should've.
Though, I deleted my post.

Anyways, how are you?
Excited about the event?

meilin 12-21-2007 08:47 PM

-bounces into the thread- Hello!

c h o c o f a c e 12-21-2007 08:49 PM

Hello there meilin.
How are you doing?

Bunnyy 12-21-2007 08:50 PM

  • Gummy bear . P:
    *ish hungry* ;-;

meilin 12-21-2007 08:51 PM

I'm doing well. =D;; Excited for the Winter event here. XD;;
How are you?

c h o c o f a c e 12-21-2007 08:54 PM

@meilin - Just the same.
I am super excited over it.
This is my first one here, so I had no clue what to expect.
Sooooo many items to choose from.
I am going to be chatting it up to earn some gold.
I wanna buy them all.
Though, odds are, I really won't.
Then again, that's probably for the best.
I am supposed to be saving for my avatar.
LMAO. I'm so lame.

Oh, and I am pretty good.
You can probably see that. Hehe.

Amp 12-21-2007 08:55 PM

@Sang Neh, it's okay. x3 I was just playing around.
Soo eh um...How are you guys?

meilin 12-21-2007 08:57 PM

Yeah. XD I was here for the Halloween event. That was fun. =D
The dresses look nice. I might try to snag one before they stop being half price.

c h o c o f a c e 12-21-2007 08:57 PM

@amp - I am doing amazing.
I seem to have some luck with this snowflakes.
Haha, I keep getting tons of them.
And by tons I mean, three in a row.

How are you?

c h o c o f a c e 12-21-2007 08:58 PM

@meilin - Huh?
The Special Event items are half price what they will be?
How long will they be for sale?
(Just so I know when to start making purchases)

linapoo 12-21-2007 08:59 PM

@Anoni: 8 A8 -chokes on fur- Gah!

@Chocoface: Oh, you did? XD; Didn't notice.
But that's alright. 8D

Very excited about the event. *3* I've already dolled my avatar up. Haha.

@Mei: HeyHey! <3

@Bunnyy: ; O ; -feeds- How's this?

@Amp: Haha, so was I. ;D
Good, yourself?

`Riku 12-21-2007 08:59 PM

^^; hello everyone~! =]

linapoo 12-21-2007 09:02 PM

Hello, Riku~ :'D <3

meilin 12-21-2007 09:03 PM

Yeah, the items in the Special Event store are at half price right now. When the event ends, they'll be moved to the regular shops for double what they are right now.

Lina - How are you? =D

linapoo 12-21-2007 09:04 PM

I'm good, Mei. Thanks for asking. ^0^ <3
What about yourself? :'D

c h o c o f a c e 12-21-2007 09:04 PM

@SangALee - Yeeaahh.
You probably didn't notice because I deleted it right after.
I had a slow moment and it clicked that it said "Don't post."

@meilin - Oooh. Okay.
Thank you!
I guess I should definitely start preparing to make some purchases.

b-ooger 12-21-2007 09:05 PM

Hey Riku.

Sylira 12-21-2007 09:05 PM

Lina~ <3 xDD Hullos~

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