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Nanoke Kazekuro 01-20-2008 04:48 PM

How do you wait for heaven? (Donut and Nano)
Your character:


Originally Posted by Donut
Name: Markus Kibbon
Other" Music producer, and guitarist himself
Bio: Born in the city, Mark has always had to fight for what he truly wanted, even though money was no issue.
Personality: Caring once you know him, has a temper, and hates being picked on but who doesn't.

My character:

Name: Sarabeth Johns
Age: 17
Other: She can sing wonderfully.
(Bio and Personality play out in rp)

Nanoke Kazekuro 01-20-2008 04:54 PM

(Sorry for the delay on putting this up.)

Sarabeth stood in the barn on the warm summer day. It was a hot one, and she was working. She brushed all the colts, then moved on to the pregneant mare, Mayflower. Today seemed like an ordinary day for her. Of course they had a guest coming, but that didn't concern her much. She finished up the brushing.

Sarabeth looked down at her self. She was wearing a pair of worn in levi jeans. They fit her well. Her shirt was a baby blue tie up, sleeveless middrift top. Her soft strawberry blond hair was pulled in a high ponytail. She looked about usual.

She wondered when the guest would be here.

Donut 01-21-2008 01:50 AM

Mark was sitting, slouched in the back seat of his fathers car. He didn't like riding, let alone in the back. He was told that they were going to the country, and his interest was shut off. They were about half way there, when his father handed him a little bag, and said. "Put that will look better..". Mark pulled out the shirt, but didn't like it.

He had on his black jeans, and a black/gray baggy shirt. It was what he liked to ware, even though his father didn't like it much. He was just thinking of how much this day was going to suck, and he just didn't want to go.

Pulling into the driveway of a older farm house, him, and his father got out. Mark just looked around a bit, still not caring much.

Nanoke Kazekuro 01-21-2008 02:17 AM

Sarabeth's mother, Emmaline, and her father, Abram, stood on the porch, waiting to greet their guests. "SARABETH! They're hear!" Her papa called.

Sarabeth sighed and put down the grooming brush. She wiped her face on an old white t-shirt that she kep hanging from her back pocket, and then came out. "Comin' Mama." She called back.

Donut 01-21-2008 03:10 AM

Mark wasn't paying attention, and was looking the other direction. He had a bunch of things on his mind, and being here wasn't one of them. He hear them talking, and slowly turned around. His father never said that there was a girl here, but he was starting to get a bit on interest gaining, as they walked toward the other people. ((His dads name is Donovan..don for short))

Nanoke Kazekuro 01-21-2008 03:16 AM

Emmaline smiled. "Good to see you Don, it's been much too long." Abram nodded and extended his hand out to Don. "Welcome back to the farm. Population, us and the animals." Abram said warmly with a chuckle.

Sarabeth made it up to the porch. Her mama glanced at her. "Don, Markus. This is our daughter. Sarabeth." Sarabeth gave them both welcoming smiles. "Howdy." She said, the southern twang ever-evident in her voice. "Welcome, and it's a pleasure to meet you both."

Donut 01-21-2008 03:22 AM

Don shook his hand. "It has been too long, years i think.." he said chuckling. "and nice to meet you too young lady." Don added

Mark looked that the older people first, then when the girl spoke he looked over to her. "Yo.." Mark said running his hand through his hair. It was a while sience he had talked to people outside the city, and since being a producer, he has talked to many girls, but none that he actually like liked.

Nanoke Kazekuro 01-21-2008 03:27 AM

Sarabeth cocked her head to the side in curiousity. People around here really didn't use the termonology 'yo'. "Err uh... Hi." She said with a sheepish grin. "So, welcome to the farm. Just holler if you're in need of anythin'." She said kindly.

Donut 01-21-2008 03:30 AM

Mark smiled a bit. "Sorry..will do.." he said nodding his head toward her a bit. He could tell that she wasn't used to the slang, so he would have to keep that on the down low.

Nanoke Kazekuro 01-21-2008 03:32 AM

"Would you like a tour then, so yer all familiar with the area?" Sarabeth offered. "If you do, I can show you 'round here." She said with a nod.

Donut 01-21-2008 03:34 AM

Don pipped up on her offer. "That would be take Mark, and we can catch up on some old times.." Don said with a grin.

Mark shrugged. "Works for me.." he said nodding again.

Nanoke Kazekuro 01-21-2008 03:39 AM

Sarabeth nodded. "'Kay then. Follow me. First I'll show you around the farm, then we can walk into town and I'll show you around there too." She said as she walked off towards the barn. She'd start this little tour there.

Donut 01-21-2008 03:43 AM

Mark followed, running to catch back up with her. "thanks by the way.." he said now walking beside her, as they headed toward the barn.

Nanoke Kazekuro 01-21-2008 03:45 AM

She gave him a sidelong glance as they entered the barn. "Not a problem. Now... This is where we keep all our animals." She pointed to a pregneant mare. "That's Mayflower. She's expectin' soon."

Donut 01-21-2008 03:50 AM

"Interesting.." Mark said looking around a bit while they got there. "she yours?" he asked

Nanoke Kazekuro 01-21-2008 04:25 AM

"Actually, she's papa's by law. But she likes me better." She said, then continued the tour. About an hour and a half later, they had finished around the farm. "Lemme go see if papa'll lemme borrow the truck so we don't have to walk all the way into the town." She said.

Donut 01-21-2008 04:28 AM

"Ok.." mark said sitting down, in the yard. The grass was soft, and he didn't mind being there anymore. It was present, and there was not commotion around. He didn't mind being around her either, he was starting to like it out here better then the city, but he knew that he would have to go back by the end of the day anyway.

Nanoke Kazekuro 01-21-2008 04:32 AM

She came out jingling the keys to her papa's ford truck. "C'mon!" She said as she made her way to the truck.

Donut 01-21-2008 04:34 AM

Mark got up fast, and ran to the truck. He got in the pasanger seat, and buckled up. As they started to pull out he just thought to talk a bit. "So how old are you?..I was thinking about i right?" he asked

Nanoke Kazekuro 01-21-2008 04:39 AM

"Nope. 17 years old. I won't be 18 for another 4 months." She said as she started up the truck. And off they went. A few of her freinds from the next farms over flagged her down for a ride to town. "Hop in the back." Sarabeth said. Three girls and 5 guys ranging from ages 16 to 20 got into the back. They went a little bit more before some more freinds flagged for a ride. By the time they got into town, there were about twenty people in the back of the truck. Once they stopped, she looked back. "Hey all. This is Markus. Markus, that them all." She said with grin.

Donut 01-21-2008 04:42 AM

"How ya all doing?" Mark said looking around at everyone that started to get in the back. He didn't know what was up, but he just went with riding, and made the fun of it, even though that he didn't feel right.

Nanoke Kazekuro 01-21-2008 04:44 AM

"Kay all! Let's head on down to the hole!" Sarabeth called. The hole was a club for the town's teenagers, and it was all in fun. There was music, food, and dancing. It was all run by a few of the moms in town so that kids weren't out cow-tipping.

Donut 01-21-2008 04:46 AM

"with something by the name of the whole..he was confused. But Mark just went for the ride, and hoped to have some fun alone the way.

Nanoke Kazekuro 01-21-2008 04:51 AM

They stopped in front of the building with a hand painted sign that said the Hole. Music and laughter could be heard inside. Everyone started to pile out of the truck. Sarabeth looked over at Marcus. "Ya'll from the city have ya'lls fun. This is how we get down in the country." She said with a grin.

Donut 01-21-2008 04:55 AM

"OK..we will see.." Mark said, and got out. Waiting for her, he just stood there while everyone else went inside. The music getting louder as the front door opened

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