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Katie Scarlett Divine 06-12-2011 03:06 AM

A Pirates Journey - A 1660 Roleplay.
A french man named Julian Marquet walked into a small tavern in the middle of the large French city of Tortuga. He swiftly walked over to a woman standing by the bar and told her of a treasure he was after. A treasure that was so large it had more gold then all the French cities put together! And that he called the treasure 'Blackbeards Curse' He says that though fame and fortune could be given to the one who found the treasure, the only way to get to the treasure is to sacrifice Blackbeards only living relative, for to get where the gold is, you need his blood along with you. At first the woman by the bar is alarmed by hearing of what they would do to the last living survivor of Blackbeards family, But she then turns to all the men in the tavern and calls out for them to join Mister Marquet and to recruit men through out the city of Tortuga along the Caribbean Sea.

After going to the tavern in hopes of getting a share of the famous treasure and signing up to work on a ship of one of the most famous French pirates, you then become one of the ship hands. Once the boat is ready, you sail away from Tortuga for what could be your last time ever. This is your story. Do you choose to be a pirate and search for the famous treasure? Or save the girl that is Blackbeards only relative? Or are you one of Spain's spies? Do what you may, but remember: Once your a part of the crew, there's no turning back.

If you don't understand any of the things I said above, heres a summary: A man by the name of Julian Marquet is looking for a treasure larger than life, and is in need of a crew. You are his crew! But in order to get the treasure you have to kill Blackbeards Great, Great Grand Daughter and spill her blood over the entrance of where the treasure lies. You can be anyone you want to be in this rp: One of Spain's spies (France is at war with Spain), A person simply looking for gold, A merchant, etc. By the way, your sailing on the Caribbean in June, 1660. You set sail on the 13th.

Katie Scarlett Divine 06-12-2011 03:13 AM

* You have to be able to type at least a paragraph, I'd like this to be literate.
* There will be lots of fighting on board the ship due to the fact that not everyone will get along.. or want to share the treasure, But NO killing unless they agree to it, and I agree to it.
* Remember, there in the middle of the ocean with the same type of enviorment as it would've been on the ship. Which means all the ship mates sleep in the same large room, while the captain (Mr. Marquet) sleeps in his quarters above them.
* You have to be able to sword fight (:
* Pm me with the title as ' Arrrggh'
*Have fun!

Katie Scarlett Divine 06-12-2011 03:19 AM

Captains Log:

June 3rd: Blackbeards Great, Great Grand daughter named Scarlett is securely tucked away in the hold on the ship in a small cell. I feel bad for the poor girl, but fame and fortune awaits me!

June 11th: I have started to recruit a crew, so far all I have is a few men and woman willing to help me on the ship.

June 13th: Today the crew that I have recently recruited will be setting sail away from the beautiful city of Tortuga and towards Santo Domingo where the treasure map begins.

((I will add more to this through out the RP so everyone knows whats going on.))


Captain: Julian Marquet - Katie Scarlett Divine
Blackbeards relative: Scarlett - Katie Scarlett Divine

Katie Scarlett Divine 06-12-2011 03:22 AM



My Name, you ask? [COLOR="your color"](name)[/COLOR]
The calendar doesn't lie. I was born on [COLOR="your color"](birthdate)[/COLOR]
Yikes, I guess I'm getting up there. I'm [COLOR="your color"](age)[/COLOR]
I'm sorry you couldn't see, but I'm a [COLOR="your color"](gender)[/COLOR]
Let me tell you a little about myself... [COLOR="your color"](Biography. Optional.)[/COLOR]
Why are you here? [COLOR="your color"][/COLOR]
Where are you from? [COLOR="your color"]((It can be anywhere as long as its a city along the Caribbean, it doesn't have to just be Tortuga.))[/COLOR]
Mirror, mirror, on the wall. (picture here)

Katie Scarlett Divine 06-12-2011 03:51 AM


My Name, you ask? Julian Marquet
The calendar doesn't lie. I was born on April 19th 1637
Yikes, I guess I'm getting up there. I'm Twenty Three
I'm sorry you couldn't see, but I'm a Male
Let me tell you a little about myself... What can I say? I was born a poor French boy and taken from my parents when I was very young. So as revenge I plan to get this treasure just to show I'm not some pathetic poor child! And then I will give my share of the gold to my family once I find them. I've lived in Tortuga ever since I was sent here at the age of thirteen. Before then I lived in a city by the name of Port-de-Paix before being taken to Tortuga.
Why are you here? To find the treasure of course.
Where are you from? Port-de-Paix and Tortuga.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall.

My Name, you ask? Scarlett Andrews
The calendar doesn't lie. I was born on April 8th 1642
Yikes, I guess I'm getting up there. I'm Eighteen
I'm sorry you couldn't see, but I'm a Female
Let me tell you a little about myself... I'm the notorious great, great grand daughter of Blackbeard himself. I grew up in Santo Domingo but was captured and taken to Tortuga to be put in the hands of the famous Julian Marquet who is in search of Blackbeards treasure. I for one am appalled by the thought of being sacrificed so that they may take my families treasure.. but I suppose there's not much I can do right?
Why are you here? I'm to be sacrificed so that they can enter the area where the treasure is kept.
Where are you from? Santo Domingo
Mirror, mirror, on the wall.

Originally Posted by Lightning_Serah
My Name, you ask? Felicia Eingebreht
The calendar doesn't lie. I was born on November 21st
Yikes, I guess I'm getting up there. I'm Nineteen
I'm sorry you couldn't see, but I'm a Female
Let me tell you a little about myself... I was sent all the way from Spain to Tortuga. My father, Kindell Eingebreht, a Spanish soldier currently in the war involving France, sent me here to join the crew to keep an eye on them. I mean, who would suspect a nineteen year old girl is really a spy from Spain? And besides, if there really is all of this treasure I've been informed about, me and Spain will have an opportunity to get our hands on some.
Why are you here? To pose as a pirate.
Where are you from? Spain
Mirror, mirror, on the wall.


Originally Posted by musikfreakx
My Name, you ask? Philip Jason Swenton
The calendar doesn't lie. I was born on January, 17th, 1640
Yikes, I guess I'm getting up there. I'm 20
I'm sorry you couldn't see, but I'm a Male
Let me tell you a little about myself... In case you’re wondering, I’ve taken a liking to the sea, and plan to command it. I guess I must have inherited that from my grandfather, Davy Jones. Sure, I don’t look like the tentacle decorated vicious ship captain, but I’m just as deceiving and treacherous. I also plan to convince Blackbeard’s great great grand daughter that I am saving her, so that I can use her for my own gateway to the treasure., but of course I have to split the treasure with my loyal companion.
Why are you here? As a not so loyal member of the ship
Where are you from? Tortuga, naturally.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall.

My Name, you ask? Alona Marie Zörn
The calendar doesn't lie. I was born on May 13th, 1640
Yikes, I guess I'm getting up there. I'm 20
I'm sorry you couldn't see, but I'm a Female
Let me tell you a little about myself... The foreign Alona Marie has recently made a name for herself on the seven seas. She’s known to be anything but a lady, having been raised by Davy Jones’ son, which is how she stumbled upon Philip. They’ve known each other since they were twelve, (having been an orphan since that age and being taken up his father), and plan to take the treasure together. How could one suspect deception from such a pretty face?
Why are you here? To take hold of the ship and retrieve my well earned treasure.
Where are you from? Originally, she is from an island off of the Coast of Germany, but has been living in Tortuga since the age of twelve.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall.


Originally Posted by Lady Chello
My Name, you ask? Madam LaFay
The calendar doesn't lie. I was born on July,14th, 1640
Yikes, I guess I'm getting up there. I'm I be 20
I'm sorry you couldn't see, but I'm a I be a female child.
Let me tell you a little about myself... To know my story is to be cursed. I be telling you nothing of the short child. For ye on safety as well as mine. Just know Madam will only speak the truth and do as I say or face certain death.
Why are you here? I come here for many reasons none I will disclose to the likes of you. All ye need to know is I am here and here to stay. The witch is here and ye all will pay for ye wicked deeds. Come near my captain and I'll make ye wish you where never born.
Where are you from? Caribbean I come from many places child. The Caribbean is my home.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall.


Originally Posted by Apricot
My Name, you ask? Saoirse Jacques
The calendar doesn't lie. I was born on November 9th, 1638
Yikes, I guess I'm getting up there. I'm twenty two
I'm sorry you couldn't see, but I'm a Female
Let me tell you a little about myself... What hasn’t been said about me that you have not heard, already? Hm… Well, I was born to rather poor French housekeeper, and later taken in by the very same household she cleaned for. Raised in a prosperous environment with an underprivileged man’s mindset, I was shunned by my peers and disgraced by my betrothed. With my reputation besmirched, my guardians no longer wanted me and thus, I was cast off to live a life of relegation in Tortuga.
Why are you here? One would surmise that I’m merely attempting to satisfy my wanderlust.
Where are you from? I’ve been to many places in my youth and I believe it to be unjust to claim just one as my place of birth.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall.


Originally Posted by Esmme

My Name, you ask? Fenris ("Little Wolf")
The calendar doesn't lie. I was born on August 12, 1635
Yikes, I guess I'm getting up there. I'm 25.
I'm sorry you couldn't see, but I'm a Male
Let me tell you a little about myself... I don't remember much from my past . . . nothing beyond small snitches here and there. Most aren't pleasant. The only link to my former life I have is carved into my skin. My master marked me with pale tattoos. It isn't just the markings that make me obvious: my dark skin labels me as a slave. It isn't comfortable to have people staring at you wherever you go: the dark skin and light hair is really an attention getter.
The first memory I really have is . . . precious to me. Julian found my half dead in a gutter somewhere in Tortuga. I felt indebted to him, so I followed him about for a while until I got my bearings.
I knew him for years, but I kept disappearing. I'm not one to stay around. Recently I was in Tortuga and heard that someone was recruiting for a journey out to sea. I must admit that hearing Julian's name was like music to me ears. My "brother" was hiring: so I joined, though this time I'm not alone.

Why are you here? I chose to follow my friend. I wasn't about to let him go on an adventure without me.
Where are you from? Unknown. I suspect Santiago was once my home, but I am uncertain.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall.

My Name, you ask? Joseph Laiden
The calendar doesn't lie. I was born on December 25, 1642
Yikes, I guess I'm getting up there. I'm 18.
I'm sorry you couldn't see, but I'm a Male
Let me tell you a little about myself... I was from a privilaged family who was killed by pirates on the way to Tortuga. Fenris took pity on me after finding me near the bodies of my parents. I tend to be a bit . . . odd. Don't mind my strange habits! I don't mean to offend, really I don't.
I once heard someone whispering about me when I walked by. He said I was crazy. Maybe it's true. Does an insane person know when they're insane? Do they even contemplate insanity?

Why are you here? I am here because I cling to Fenris: he is the last bit of the world that will protect me.
Where are you from? My family came from England. We had come to the Caribbean to escape from my father's debt. I have been following Fenris ever since the event, so I come from wherever he goes.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall.


Originally Posted by AsherCliff
My Name, you ask? Asher Cliff
The calendar doesn't lie. I was born on May 31, 1647
Yikes, I guess I'm getting up there. I'm 18
I'm sorry you couldn't see, but I'm a Male
Let me tell you a little about myself... Asher was a poor orphan who recently left the orphanage on account of him being eighteen now. He had no food or water or shelter or money to purchase any of the things stated prior, so he went to work at a pub. This pub is where a crew was formed and his mind set up that he was going to find that priceless treasure and make his life memorable and valuable.
Why are you here? Asher is here to make himself known world-wide for changing his life from a poor orphan boy to the richest man of the millennium.
Where are you from? Tortuga
Mirror, mirror, on the wall.


Originally Posted by Marsyas
My Name, you ask? Aiyce Vane
The calendar doesn't lie. I was born on April 1st, 1639
Yikes, I guess I'm getting up there. I'm 21
I'm sorry you couldn't see, but I'm a Male
Let me tell you a little about myself... I've been travelling the Caribbean since I was a little boy. My father was a pirate and since my mother died giving birth, I'm all the family my father has left. I was raised by a family friend until I was old enough to take to the seas. Come to find out I was born for this. My father and I had some good times together until his life was taken during a battle. I don't regret this life, I'm well suited to it and I know my father is where he belongs. Now it's time for me to go make a name for myself. . .
Why are you here? I want to make a name for myself. . .
Savana Island
Mirror, mirror, on the wall.

Katie Scarlett Divine 06-12-2011 05:06 AM

Lady Chello:

Katie Scarlett Divine 06-17-2011 06:48 PM

Today was the day that the notorious Captain Julian Marquet would set sail in the direction of Puerto Principe. The map showed that treasure map started just a few hundred miles away from the town of Puerto Principe, so thats where they were headed. Marquet (As he usually called himself) was sitting on the side of the crow's nest, peering over at the crew below him. Most of his new crew was either getting onto the boat now with their things, or had been there for several days already. He gave the newer arrivals a wave before putting both his hands onto the rope in front of the crows nest that was hooked onto one of the many sails. He jumped off of the crows nest and glided across the rope until jumping down onto the deck and smiling at all of them. "Will someone go check on Blackbeards relative before we set sail?" He asked, glancing at all of them before making his way across the deck and up a small flight of stairs to get to the Poop Deck where the Rudder was to steer the boat.

"Scarlett's in the hold along with all of the goods, food, and weapons. Though NO one let her out of her cell. It's very important that the girl does not escape or all will be lost.
" He said firmly, clearing his throat. Marquet had dark brown hair that was cut short and mostly hidden by his Captains hat that was all black, leather and resembled a tri-cornered hat. The side of his hat had a blue flag on it, showing that he belonged to the French. Then for his clothing he wore a waist coat and breeches that were made of a rich velvet and were a dark crimson color, then on his chest he wore an expensive sat and leather sash that was black and went diagonally down his chest, while the rest wrapped around his waist. For his feet he wore long black boots and at his side was his silver cutlass sword hung from his black sword holder. And under his waistcoat was a long puffy sleeved white shirt.

He looked around at the crew before giving a nod to a few of the men closest to him. "Bring the anchor up and we'll be on our way. " He said, his brown eyes scanning the surrounding sea as he waited for the ship to be all set to go. He leaned against the rudder and sighed, spinning it softly to make the boat go to the left and right slowly. Since the anchor was in the boats movements were too slow for it to jolt anyone.

Scarlett sat in the cargo filled hold in her small cell. She stared out at the sea through the small port hole and let a small sigh escape her full lips. She glanced around the hold. Her cell was just a small room with bars for walls and the only furniture in it was a small bunk that was made of wood and strapped to the walls by chains. The floor looked dull and worn from years of prisoners being stored in it and the room smelled of a horrible odor. In the next room over was where all the ships crew would be staying. Where they had nice cots and hammocks and plenty of people to interact with.

Scarlett looked down at her slightly tanned skin and grimaced when she remembered that she had chains around her wrists so that she could not move from her crappy, wooden bed. Her appearance looked tired, weak, and hungry from not eating anything Captain Marquet had given her in the past few days. For her clothing she wore a blue underbust corset that had engravings of beautiful roses on it, a white longer sleeved shirt with slightly puffed out sleeves, then she wore a long black skirt that stopped just below her knees. for boots she wore thigh high black leather boots with three buckles on one side of each shoe.

She had long black hair that stopped at her mid back that was wavy and was all black. She had dark green eyes that resembled the color of the Caribbean grass. Her body was thin but had all the curves in the right places thanks to years of work in Santo Domingo where she had lived since she was four. She used to live in San Juan as a child, but when her father and mother died she was sent to Santo Domingo to work until a man took her hand. But before that could happen she was rudely taken by Marquet to be killed in a treasure hunt.

Apricot 06-17-2011 07:34 PM

Saoirse had been standing on the deck for less than five minutes, before she saw the Captain make his grand entrance. And though her pride didn’t let her admit it aloud, she found his acrobatics to be quite… charming? “No, now is not the time to be thinking like that!” She mentally chided herself, while half-listening to the brunette who was now bellowing out orders. He was nothing like she had ever seen in her twenty years of living, confidant, intelligent—yes, but that does not give her the right to ogle him so! He was a criminal—a kidnapper! And while she was aided him in his shoddy tactics, she would not stoop to carrying out his every whim just because he had a nice face.

Holding her head up high, just like she was taught by the many aristocratic children she used to know, Saoirse opened her mouth to ask Marquet about the prisoner. Surely, he didn’t expect her to check on the lass without any insight as to why she was in chains, in the first place. “She could be a murderer for all I know!”

Wringing her hands together as she tried to find her voice, Saoirse quickly gave up. After all, how did she suppose she was going to ask him such a preposterous question? She should already know, shouldn’t she? If there was one thing she knew about the captain was that he wasn’t sneaky… a hostage taker, yes--but, a deceiver… okay, that was a maybe at best.

“I’ll go.” Saoirse spoke up, loud enough that her voice carried over across the entirety of the deck. Turning on her heel, the brunette gathered up the fabric of her dress to the hem, and scurried off to the hold. If there was one thing she didn’t expect, it was being recruited to sail the seven seas. And good lord, she was going to do so in a dress? Said dress being a pale, baby blue with white lace trimming, a low cut neckline; a typical French design, and was topped off with a cream-colored corset. Quite frankly, she was dressed a little regal for a lady pirate, but it was what she was wearing at the time, so she didn’t have room to be self-conscious. "Tch, pirate..." She spat, as if the word was a swear. If anyone had told her that a few years ago, she would have laughed in their face.

“The sailor’s life is the life for me.” Saoirse said in a morose tone, as she reached her hands into her thick, unruly chocolate brown curls to tie them in a ponytail. By time she had finished wrapping a red ribbon around the bundle of hair, she had arrived at the prisoner’s temporary cell. “Captain said to check on you.” She announced, as she opened the rickety wooden door that led into the cargo hold. Dark green eyes widened with surprise when she took in the sight of the girl; chained, exhausted. She looked terrible! “Good lord! Are you okay?” Saoirse asked, warily approaching the maltreated youth. “Have you had any water--Anything at all?” To say that the brunette was surprised was the understatement of the season.

(Well...? What do you think?)

musikfreakx 06-17-2011 07:48 PM

The German native, Alona Zörn, scowled as she walked the deck of the ship, her right hand gently enveloping the sword at her side, her finger tips running over its detailed engravings. The sword had been Davy Jones's, her best friend grand father whose son took her in at a young age. Her companion, Philip, had gotten another one of his swords, both of them possessing the only swords and few remnants of Davy Jones that were left.

Her large hazel eyes popping open, the golden brown haired female pirate turned on her heel as she felt a greasy hand smack her butt. A tattooed, self satisfied man grinned in her triumph, other members of the crew patting him on the back. They thought she was just a cook, or something of the sort, but the instant her glare befell them they stopped laughing.

With two long strides she was upon the man, kneeing him in the groin and pushing him against the edge of the ship. In a flash her sword was against his neck, scratching the dirty skin. "Lay another paw on me and it'll be the last thing you do," she threatened, her soprano voice in a vicious tone. With her free hand she grabbed his wrist, the one belonging to the hand he smacked her butt with. Lowering her sword, she quickly sliced off his pointer finger, watching him scream with a fierce, impassive glower. "Next time it'll be all of 'em, ye hear?" She demanded, raising an eyebrow. "That's the first mate," she heard a voice whisper as she began to walk away. "Her?!" Came the bewildered response of the man she had just mutilated.

A sly smirk played over the twenty year old's face as her knee high boots clicked on the deck. A loose buckle adorned each of them, slightly jingling as she walked. She wore the average, loose but purple pirate trousers that when the wind blew them the right way framed her athletic, lean and long legs. She also wore a loose top, billowy and without any unnecessary frills, as well as flashy red corset. over top the billowy shirt.

Noting the stares but not paying any mind to them as she walked, Alona wiped the blood off of her sword onto her trousers, admiring the dangerous flare the blood added to them. Glancing up, she eyed the captain. They had known each other for a while, she had helped him plan the voyage as well as kidnapping the girl. Hoisting herself onto one of the netted ropes, she climbed until she was hanging on the ropes, her toned legs and arms supporting her, level with the Poop Deck and Marquet.

"I swear Marquet, some of these men will be dead by mine own hands if they continue their behavior," she said, being one of the few people allowed to call him by his name and not by his title of Captain. Her words were a soft velvet, a small smile pulling up her pink lips as the wind rushed around her.

Philip Swenton calmly and bemusedly watched the interaction between Alona and the grungy male crew member who had made the wrong move of touching her. Chuckling, he jumped off of the edge of the Poop Deck which he he had been standing on, landing with a thud on the main deck. With strong arms he pulled the anchor up, feeling the ship shift as it was freed from its spot on the harbor.

Nodding his head to Alona, he glanced up at their captain. Taking heed of his request to check on the prisoner he yelled a hearty "Aye, Captain!", as he went below the deck and into the body of the ship. Glancing around to make note there were no other lazy pirates lounging about, he took the steps two at a time.

"'Twould be a good idea to eat, me lady," he said to Blackbeard's great relative, nodding at the food piling up in the corner of her cell as he stepped out of the shadows. The young pirate had a habit of disappearing and appearing out of shadows, often giving his fellow ship mates or acquaintances a slight scare.

Pulling a large barrel over so that it was situated in front of the cell, the dirty blond haired pirate swung his legs over and sat atop of it. Peering at her with bright turquoise eyes, Philip offered her a minute grin, crossing his arms over his chest, the billowy shirt accenting his toned chest. His equally loose, dark crimson trousers clothed his legs. All in all he stood 6 foot 4, a force to be reckoned with on any occasion. He watched as another ship mate, one of the few other females. "Come to check on her too," he said, offering her a smile as well.

Katie Scarlett Divine 06-17-2011 08:12 PM

Scarlett was about to answer to the woman when a man walked in and said something about eating. "Why eat when i'd rather die by my own hands then some wannabe pirates?" She spat at him before glancing at the woman. "I'm fine Miss, thank you for asking." She said, once again trying to break the chains around her wrists. The thing that bothered her the most was that they were stealing her families treasure. Only the best of the best pirates should be allowed to get their hands on it. Not just a sorry looking crew in need of gold. She laid back on her wooden bed. "Water would be nice." She said to the fellow behind the bars. She thought about not being nice to him at all.. but decided to then offer a little bit of kindness in her voice. "Please. And i'm sorry for yelling towards you, but as you can tell.. I'm not in the best of moods." She said to him and the woman.

She sat up again on the uncomfortable wooden bed and let out another soft sigh. "And besides, The food is horrible.. whoever's making it should really try for another profession." She said, giving a small grin and showing off her white, straight teeth. Scarlett took pride in her hygene unlike most of the pirates.. but at the moment she didn't look herself. Anyone could tell that she wouldn't make it to Puerto Principe if she didn't eat. She already looked as if she had a fever and was weak at the knees from only being on here for a week.

Marquet grinned as Alona taught the man a lesson for touching her. He put out a hand so that he could help her onto the poop deck. "Next time they touch you i'll just bring out my pistol and then they'll all leave you alone." He smirked, glancing as a female and male both went to check on Scarlett. "I'm worried that Scarlett will die before we reach Puerto Principe. She hasn't been eating and already has a fever from being in the hold. So maybe we should have one of the crew members try and cheer her up?" He asked, raising an eyebrow to her. When the anchor was hoisted he quickly turned the boat to the left and out of the harbor of Tortuga. "Everyone wave adieu to Tortuga!" He called, taking off his hat to the city he loved so much. He let out a loud whistle to Tortuga as a few other men cheered goodbye. Then his eyes went back to the open sea as he looked down at his hand compass and directed the ship towards Puerto Principe.

"Earlier the Merchant came to me saying that there would be a storm later in the night, and then another one in a fortnight. So in order to prepare for the one later could you order the crew to start taking things down to the hold?" He asked her, then turned his head back to the crew. "RAISE THE SAILS!" He called, watching as a few men did as he ordered.

Apricot 06-17-2011 08:51 PM

Saoirse was taken aback when she heard a deep, masculine voice slice through her panicking.“Erm, yeah… I didn’t see you when—I came in here.” She said in response to him. Taking in the sight of her dirty blonde crewmate, she flushed a deep crimson. She was going to have to share a room with him!? “—my apologizes, mate…”

Letting out a breath, she eyed the young woman; whose outburst invoked fear in her that rivaled that of an angry governor ready to behead someone. The girl’s mood… It was so—low-spirited, but then again, who could be happy knowing their fate was sealed.

Caught in between comforting the girl and conversing with her crewmate, the brunette leaned against the bars of the cell. “You want some water? Well, darling, we’ve got plenty of it… just look around.” Offering a smile to the younger girl, Saoirse took a breath of hesitation, before diving right back into the conversation.

“You don’t have to apologize… not to us. Were all pirates, right, since when did we have manners?” Flushing at the intent of her statement, Saoirse quickly tried to clean it up. “Not saying that we don’t have manners, I certainly was raised strict; it’s just that… we’re criminals…” Shrugging her shoulders in defeat, the brunette rolled her eyes. “... Dearie, while the food might be bad; you’re going to have to eat something, eventually… Death by starvation is probably the worst way to die.” Absentmindedly grasping one of the bars in her petite hand, Saoirse motioned to the plates that had been brought. "I once saw a man chew off his own hand for a meal. You'll go mad if you don't eat."

musikfreakx 06-17-2011 10:50 PM

"I think I can handle 'em," she said and laughed, an infectious and lovely sound. She took his hand and jumped onto the Poop Deck, grinning when she landed perfectly. She'd spent more than enough time on the sea to perfect climbing the masses. "But, I wouldn't mind seeing a certain handful shot," she shrugged, still smiling. Hands on her hips, she gazed out at the sea, vaguely listening to what Marquet was saying.

"Aye, I'm sure Philip can fix that," Alona offered, knowing it meant something different than what the ship's captain thought. But he didn't need to know that. Anyways, if she and Philip were going to get the treasure themselves, she'd have to be alive as well.

Her large hazel eyes watched the sea lovingly. It was the one place she belonged, more so than Tortuga. Sure, she loved the city and had earned a great deal of respect from its inhabitants as well as the inhabitants of the sea, but the ocean was her true calling. "Auf Wiedersehen," she whispered, more to herself than to Marquet. Staying in Tortuga so long made her yearn for her home on the German islands, but she made do with what she had. After all, there were some ups to having been in Tortuga.

During her gaze at the sea, Alona's eyes had gently clouded over. She blinked rapidly to clear them, glancing back at the brown haired captain in front of her. More than once her eyes had taken him in, but she still had a mission to fulfill and a booty to acquire. Nodding to his request, she hoisted herself up on the banister going around the poop deck.

"The seas'll be churning in no time, start taking all wares and damageable items down to the hold." She yelled the order, eying the crew as they turned to face her. Standing on the banister, she had a good view of the ship and felt in place, commanding the crew almost as if it were her own. "No arguing! There'll be rum and treasure at our destination," she added, rising a cheer from the multitudes of men on deck. Grinning, she looked at Marquet and gave him a satisfied nod.

Philip raised an eyebrow at the feisty prisoner. "Just some advice, miss," he replied, shrugging. He knew he didn't have to take her sass or yelling, but as part of the plan it was necessary that he did. Looking her up and down, he took mental note of her beauty. Such a shame something as pretty as her had to be a sacrifice. Oh well, he thought nonchalantly to himself.

"S'alright, me lady. And I'll tell Chummy you said that," Philip said in a velvety voice, laughing as he did so. Chummy was the gruff, non negotiable cook of the ship. Philip himself wasn't crazy about the food, but he dealt with it as best he could. Hopping off of his seat on the barrel, he opened the bottom plug of it, placing a tin mug underneath its spout. Fresh water flowed into the cup and he closed the spout once it was full.

"Tell me something, miss," he said as he handed her the cup through the iron bars of the cell. "Do you believe in magic," he asked, and as he brought his hand back from where it had hovered near her ear, in his finger tips was a gold doubloon. Grinning, he flipped it in the air. As it made its descent back down, the dirty blond caught it and tucked it into his pocket, winking playfully at the girl.

Esmme 06-17-2011 11:04 PM

From where he was leaning back against the railing, Fenris kept his arms crossed. The male kept his constant frown on his face (he rarely had another expression) as he watched the crew snap to the captain's orders. It was when they ignored Marquet's words that made the broad-shouldered male growl in disdain. They were lucky to have a captain like Julian.
He stepped away from the rail, tossing a growl over his shoulder to keep someone from following. Stepping passed Julian and his first mate, Fenris went to help raise the sails. He had spent little time on a ship, but he knew his way around rather well. Perhaps that had been part of his previous life. The well-muscled male strained alongside a few of the others as they messed with the correct ropes - it didn't take long to raise whatever needed raising. When he finished the male turned to head back to where Julian stood.
He snarled at the man who rammed a shoulder against his when he passed. Fenris' dark skin made him look like a slave: perhaps a half-breed from some other country. It didn't take much to get him mad, yet other people refused to stop poking at sore spots. I am no slave. Fenris let the man go: he didn't need to cause trouble right off the bat. Clenching his hands into tight fists, he leaned against the railing again. A shadow huddled against the rail reached out to touch his leg comfortingly . . . and Fenris seemed to relax a bit.
"I'm fine," he said, his deep voice carrying a bit of an accent (I couldn't help it). The hand withdrew into the blanket huddled on the deck. Fenris glanced down at it before crossing his ankles and arms. "We're headed away from port, Captain." It almost felt strange to call his old friend by the title . . . but Fenris didn't want to look "privilaged" in any way. Addressing Julian Marquet by his station was respectful and avoided questions that could get a bit nasty.
Watching Marquet speak with the first mate, Fenris sighed quietly to himself. He was glad to be on the ship; it was good to see his old friend once again.

The sea was gentle for now. As the captain's voice passed over the crew, the boy huddled against the railing beside his companion. Fenris headed off a few moments later, leaving the boy sitting alone. He shivered under the thick blanket, wishing that his friend would return. Fenris was the only thing standing between him and the rest of the crew. Joseph Laiden shuddered, forcing images of his family's death from his mind. Pirates were his worst nightmare: he had almost run off when Fenris brought him to the ship. He'd never be comfortable on deck.
With a frown on his pale face, Laiden pulled the blanket up around his neck to keep the sea wind from touching him. Hurry back. Laiden watched as Fenris helped get the ship moving before returning to the rail. It was a relief to know his companion had returned. He could tell the man had his hackles up thanks to a crew member. Laiden's pale hand moved to touch Fenris' leg comfortingly. He didn't speak . . . but this was his way of acknowledging his friend's distress.
"I'm fine."
As soon as the words were spoken, Laiden withdrew his hand and rested his head against the wood beside him. His blue eyes flickered over the ocean as it slowly passed by. He shivered more violently as he heard the captain and crew bidding the land farewell. He didn't want to be on the ship.

The sound of the first mate's voice startled him, and Laiden lifted his wide-eyed gaze to the woman as she stood on the railing. He watched her for a few more moments before tucking himself back into the niche against the railing at Fenris' side. He didn't glance up as someone strode passed them.
"Did the slave bring along a pet doggy?" A lanky man missing a few teeth grinned nastily, aiming a kick for Laiden's rump. When the youth yelped, Fenris reacted harshly.
His glare grew cold and a guantleted hand flashed out to strike the crew member. If he wasn't missing his front teeth to begin with he might have lost them. Fenris stepped over the man and prepared to knock him senseless. "Don't touch him," he snarled, his sharp features pulling into a feral mask.
"Bloody bastard! I won't be treated this way by no slave!"
"I am no slave." Fenris' gray eyes burned with fury and the wind tugged his white hair to fit the expression. He had murder in his eyes.

((:XD A bit of a violent start, but I figured that was how they'd be noticed. *cough*))

Lady Chello 06-18-2011 12:22 AM

Madam stared at the sorry lot she would be spending the duration of voyage with. Few real use to the ship and the captain. She was no new blood to the ship she knew her way about a ship a little to well for most men liking. She had spent her time checking the logs and charts she had gathered for their little excursion. She had already set a course with the headings waiting for approval from the captain of course. She shook her head as she heard the commotion on the deck already only a sign of what was to come. No peace would be found on this ship that she could tell. "Ah to many women be on the deck no peace be here. The sea she be not on our side." She said as she opened the door and stepped out on the deck. She ignored the others as they moved as she carried the map in hand with her making her way with care to where the damned captain himself was.

"You going to sit up there all day Captain or ye going to come and see what ye think of our path? Come on boy I don't have all day. Ye be taking up to much time wasting it away. I hope one of theses young flowers ye have found can cook better than ye do." She said as she laughed and grinned at him knowing how bad his cooking really was. She knew he would get a laugh out of it he always did. "Come on boy quite wasting my time. If ye don't come on I'll drive her myself and take you to the the ends of the earth or worse I take ye to my home! My people have much fun with ye. But I warn ye captain not many will be as kind as me. ye head is still on that scrawny frame of yours." She said as she shook her head appearing beside him. She slapped the back of his head as she waited for him looking at the paper as she waited for him. "Ah boy that was for later." She said as she looked the map over making sure she liked the course before she gave it to him for inspection. At times she felt like the mother on the ship and was use to having to give orders and smack the guys around to make them behave. Though if they got to out of hand she was not above enlisting some of her friends from the other side. All of the old members of the team knew not to mess with her and to never touch her things. They knew they could come to her with their problems and she would help any she dreamed worthy. Out of the new lot she found few she would want to wast her time with. Most of them where going to be real pains to break in and to get them to see the light. Most of them didn't have sea legs and it was obvious. Though she would pass no judgment till the time came. She would respect them as long as they respected her and kept away from her and her things. She hopped they didn't expect her to bow to them because they would be sadly mistaken.

Katie Scarlett Divine 06-19-2011 04:06 AM

Scarlett let a soft blush come to her face. "Sometimes, though at the moment...not so." She said, frowning. "Thank you for the water." She said, taking a long drink of it before sitting it down beside her on the bunk. "Could I maybe go on deck for a few minutes to say goodbye to Tortuga as well?" She asked, looking at him with her large green eyes. Sure she had not grown up in Tortuga, but it was such a beautiful city. "You know, Pirates are actually very lovely creatures. To you they might not have manners, but to me their the greatest people to ever sail the seas." She said, her voice showing the passion in her voice as she looked out the porthole again. "I'll pay you to let me onto the deck for just a few moments." She said to the man, knowing that by his looks he had a likeness to money. She lifted up the side of her dress to her knee and untied a small leather pouch that had been tied to her leg.

She looked over at the wall behind the boy to the key ring that was hung on a nail by the stairs. She looked up to the ceiling after hearing a lot of commotion suddenly start up above her.


Father, father, build me a boat
Out on the ocean I will float
There I'll hail each ship as I pass,
There I'll find my true sailor boy..
" She sang softly, her soft voice sounding lovely despite her hurt throat and sickness. As she sang she stared longingly out at the city of Tortuga for the last time. "The sea looks so beautiful.." She said, her eyes lighting up a little as the sun started to set.
(Obviously she's not allowed out.. but she tried xD)

Marquet growled slightly when Madame hit the back of his head. "Hit me again and i'll throw the damn papers overboard." He said, sighing slightly. "I know how to get there, at the moment i'm not in need of these." He said, then turning when he heard one of the crew call his friend Fernis a slave. "A slave? You sir should be a ashamed!" He called, pulling his sword out of its holder and walking quickly down the steps to the deck. He went over to the man and put his sword up against the mans throat. "Say it again and you'll be the crews slave for the rest of the journey, and we may just leave you behind." He said, gritting his teeth.

He looked to Fernis and Laiden and gave him a small nod of the head. "You and Laiden can go to the hold if you like. It's getting late and you might as well go down. Laiden's obviously uncomfortable.. though if you go into the hold I suggest one of you try and get that damned girl to eat. She's making herself sick." He said, knowing he could trust Fernis in being around her. He looked to Fernis. "I know you wish for no special treatment.. so I order you to go down to the crews sleeping area and pick you both out cots." He said, giving a small smile to his friend.

Apricot 06-19-2011 05:21 AM

Saoirse frowned thoughtfully, as the girl’s question flitted through her ears. But, she couldn’t help but smile gently, when she heard the girl’s passionate statement about her fellow buccaneers. “You know, I didn’t exactly become a pirate by choice…” She muttered, twisting her fingers in the drawstrings of her bustier. “I suppose that I have a rather—cynical view of pirates… though—trust me—so far, you’re the exception to my beliefs.” Folding her arms over her chest when the girl made an attempt to bribe the man beside her, the brunette contemplated letting her go. After all, she was just a kid… Dismissing her thoughts, Saoirse let her shoulders sag. If she knew of the whole emotional turmoil thing beforehand, she would have never agreed to come along.

Perking up when she heard the girl begin to sing, Saoirse strained her ears to drink in the melody. Setting her hands upon the bars once more, she observed the youth. 'Are we really going to spill the blood of this child?' She asked herself, chewing on the inside of her cheek.

"The sea looks so beautiful.." Echoed the girl's statement in Saoirse's mind. Cocking her head to the side, the brunette focused her eyes on the tiny aperture that the ailing mademoiselle was staring out of. “I would have to agree with you, mon ami." She said out of the blue, absentmindedly tapping a melody against the iron. "The ocean’s waves always enchant those who look upon them during the evening sun… It’s as if the water is made up of many, tiny lustrous gems swaying with the tide.” Noting how late it was, the brunette decided it was high time for her to head off.

Offering one final smile to the girl, Saoirse stuck her hand through the bars. "I'm Jacques Saoirse de la France... And, while typically, after my grandiose introduction, I would tell you that I'm pleased to make you an acquaintance—ravi de faire votre connaissance—I think that would be in bad taste, given the current situation."

Lady Chello 06-19-2011 01:14 PM

Madam just laughed as she shook her head. "Ah the captain is in rare form today. To hell with us all." She said as he grinned turning as she looked at the ones he spoke to. She looked the pair over as she made her mental notes then walked back to the study. She put the maps away as she shook her head. "Ah ye better be sure what ye say captain the sea she be not on our side for this voyage." She said as she walked back out onto the deck and help tie the sales off as she watched the clouds and the sea. Her eyes shifted as she thought to the girl below.

musikfreakx 06-19-2011 05:33 PM

Jumping off the banister of the poop deck, Alona watched the scene before her, her head tilted in interest. Her eyes roamed over the one who had been called a slave. His skin was darker than most of the crew's, and he had shocking white hair. Strolling up them, she watched Marquet. Obviously, he knew the man. That could be a downfall to her plan; just one more man she'd have to deal with. Glancing at Madam, she grinned. She was a character, at the least. Nodding to her out of respect, which the woman obviously commanded, she laid her glare upon the gruel man Marquet had his sword to.

Grabbing the man's hand, the man that Marquet was threatening, she glanced at his fingers. A scab was forming over where his index should have been, blood staining his hands and the cuff of his shirt. Harshly yanking his hand, she put it in Marquet's line of sight, knowing he had seen that she herself had cut off the finger. "Du bist ein dumm Schwein-Hund," she spat at the filth of a man, viciously pushing his hand back down. He was a dumb pig-dog, as she had called him in her native German tongue. 'Pig-dog' was one of the absolute worst insults in her country.

Glancing at the man Marquet was defending, she knelt down onto her knees in front of the little boy huddled in the blanket. She peered curiously at him. "Armes Kind," ('poor child') she said sympathetically in German. Reaching into the pocket of her navy trousers, she pulled out a circular chocolate wrapped in gold foil. It was something she had scrounged off of a German pirate who had visited Tortuga. She flicked the doubloon like candy in the air and caught it, handing it to the small boy in front of her.

Standing back up, she took in the dark man in front of her. He was... different, she thought to herself. Argh, she scolded herself in her mind. She was not on focus on her mission. "I'm Alona Maire Zörn," she introduced herself, nodding at him and sticking out her hand. However, the way she stuck her hand out was different than most women. Most females held their hand palm down for the man to bow and kiss it. She held hers sideways for a shake, her shoulders back and confident, brown wavy/curly locks floating lightly in the breeze.

"No problem," he said in return to her thanks, eyes lingering on her soft features. Clearing his throat and glancing away, he regarded her question. Of course it was against the rules to let her out of the brig but... "That's a no, my lady," he said sadly, shaking his head as he ran his hands through his locks.

Leaning close, so only the female could hear, he whispered quickly so the other female didn't pick up on what he was saying. "But I'll cut you a deal. Eat your meals, regain your strength, and one of these nights I'll sneak you up to the deck," he offered in a barely audible voice. Pulling back up to his normal position, he crossed his hands over his chest once again and raised an eyebrow.

"I don't want your money miss," he retorted in a voice tinted with disbelief at her offer. He wasn't going to be paid off, by anyone, to do something they wished. His mind didn't work that way, and the way he saw it, unless it was beneficial to him more than the other person, he wouldn't do it. And at the moment, money wasn't a problem for him, especially considering they'd be out on sea for God knows how long.

"Once again miss, I think you've forgotten I'm a pirate myself," he chuckled, but in his voice was the same passion she showed. His fingers vaguely trailed over the small locket on his neck, a beautiful, clam shaped silver locket that opened to reveal a picture of his grandfather, Davy Jones, and his beloved. Engraved on the very top of the locket was a simple message "To my beloved Davy".

Instantly he caught on to her song, humming along with her. He grinned as she looked at the sea, simply nodding in agreement. He vaguely wondered what Alona would think of her, both of them sharing a love of the sea and a love for piracy. He watched Saoirse as she talked of pirates, cocking his head as he listened. He too didn't become a pirate by choice. Thanks to his grand father, his fate was already set in stone to continue the legacy. But for now, he was living with a fake last name of Swenton.

Philip too stood and walked to the bars, nodding at Saoirse. She seemed torn between being a pirate and wanting to not me. He offered her a reassuring smile. "Ay, and I'm Philip Davy Jo-," Philip cut himself off as he introduced himself. "Swenton. Philip Davy Swenton," he repeated, hoping neither of the females caught his mistake.

Katie Scarlett Divine 06-19-2011 09:25 PM

Scarlett sighed at his words. "I guess I might eat then." She said softly, too soft for the woman to hear. "Was that a Jo I heard you say?" She asked, a small smile on her full lips. "Surely your not a Davy Jones are you?" She asked, raising an eyebrow to him. "Looks like we might have a little something in common. You being a Jones and I being a Blackbeard. Though my mother married a man by the last name of Andrews.." She said, looking back towards the girl she stood and took her hand, shaking it gently. "Enchanté ainsi madame." She said, saying nice to meet you as well in her native French tongue. Though Santo Domingo was a Spanish city, she had lived in french cities many times in her life and knew both French and Spanish. "Though it's not the best way to meet.." She agreed. "Revoir." She said, offering a goodbye to the girl when she noticed she was starting to leave.

"I became a pirate by choice." She said, smiling a little. "Though many never get a choice, My mother told me that I could either pick a life of luxury where all is good, or a hard life of freedom and adventure. Of course I took freedom. Though look where it got me now?" She said, smirking at the irony. "I only hope you will all profit kindly from my bloodshed. Though I believe you have to earn the gold.. I have no say in the matter." She said, her eyes looking back out through the porthole. "Adieu belle ville." She whispered. (Goodbye Beautiful City)

(Oh and i'll post for Marquet once Esmme responds.))

Apricot 06-20-2011 03:35 AM

Saoirse’s shoulders slumped as her body grew heavy with from light exhaustion. Straining her ears to hear her crewmate’s introduction, she chuckled. “It appears that I’m the only one without a famous relative.” Chewing on her bottom lip as she pondered that notion, the brunette was surprised to feel the girl’s petite hand grasp onto her own. “Oh ... oui, vous savez français, aussi, mon ami?” She asked lamely. Of course, the girl knew French! She spoke it so fluently--one would be hard pressed not to think she was a native.

Letting the imprisoned ravenette’s statement soak in, Saoirse frowned. “Like my mother used to say—‘ L'acquisition de la liberté n'est jamais aussi facile que nous aimerions croire—” (The acquisition of freedom is never as easy as we would like to think.) “—if that makes any sense to you all.” Shrugging off her statement, the brunette looked to meet Philip’s gaze—if only for a few moments.

Feeling the heat of embarrassment skulk up her neck, Saoirse looked back to the girl. “Though, be warned… the jargon I spout should be taken with a grain of salt; as it hails from a woman who was stark-raving mad at the time she alleged it.”

Stretching her arms above her head, Saoirse fidgeted with the neckline of her attire. There was something about displaying the supple skin below her neckline that made her want to curse each and every Frenchman, or woman, who had ever dared to design clothing. “Good evening, Philip Davy Jones—I mean, Swenton.” She winked playfully at the dirty blonde. “Bonsoir, fillette.” She nodded to the girl. Bidding them both farewells with a swift curtsy, the brunette headed out. “Perhaps—in the next life, we’ll meet on fairer terms?” She said over her shoulder, before departing.

Esmme 06-20-2011 04:00 AM

The lanky man spat at his attacker. Fenris was poised to strike the crewman, but Marquet stepped in just in time to avoid any true harm. The captain's words had a unique influence over Fenris. He nodded, letting his clenched fists relax a bit. It was nice to hear Julian's harsh words lashing out at some guy who'd overstepped his bounds. He could always count on Julian to step up and defend the weak - or, at least, Fenris himself. The situation cooled further when Fenris turned his gray eyes to the man before him and cleared his throat.

Julian suggested they go down to the hold and check on the prisoner. Fenris merely nodded, keeping his face as impassive as it always was. "
Yes, Sir." He would see to finding a place for both Laiden and himself to sleep - and then see what he could do about the Blackbeard below deck. The hint of a smile that caught Marquet's lips was echoed in Fenris' gaze. Wiping a drop of blood from his gauntleted hand, he then blinked in slight surprise as a woman approached boldly.
To be honest, Fenris looked ready to turn into a savage dog and maul her for getting near Laiden. The only thing that held him back was the expression on the boy's face

Joseph's blue eyes widened when Alona approached and knelt before him. He didn't shrink away nor did he look frightened. Instead, he offered a crooked smile and watched as the woman messed around with the chocolate coin.
'There are nice people here.' His thoughts went unspoken, however. He looked pleased as he accepted the candy from the German. Glancing to Fenris he blinked in contentment before slowly standing.
On his feet he looked a bit older: perhaps in his older teens. Laiden wore dark pants and a white shirt that was surprisingly clean. He took after Fenris with one thing - he didn't like shoes much. He would wear them when necessary, but it was obvious that he didn't like their constricting feel: he had them dangling from his fingertips. In his other hand he held the treat that Alona had just offered him. His blue eyes were friendly, but he continued to stay silent. He looked very interested in Alona's hand as she extended it in greeting.
Shuffling over to bump Fenris' elbow, the youth smiled a bit. He seemed to want Fenris to be nice. . . .

White hair flicking over his serious features, Fenris watched Alona until she finally backed away from Laiden. He continued to watch her with his full attention until he felt a presense at his elbow. Even after the prompting he didn't respond to the greeting that the woman offered. Instead, he turned his gaze to Julian.
"We will be below deck if you need us, Captain." His gray eyes passed back to Alona's hand, and he brushed passed her swiftly. In doing so, he suddenly clasped her wrist firmly. Pulling her to him so their shoulders were pressed together the male's voice dropped dangerously. "If you intend no harm, then leave him be." He didn't want anyone getting near Laiden. Ever.

The boy wasn't his slave. In fact, Fenris was Laiden's guardian. They didn't share a family-like relationship, but it was close enough.
Fenris released Alona's wrist as he continued walking. Joseph's smile flashed to Alona as he followed quietly, keeping as little distance between him and his guardian as possible.

((Ooooh, my. This post is really long. :rofl: I'll say they went down to the hold, though. :XD))

Fenris' watchful eye kept alert for any passers by as he chose a bunk for himself. He prompted Laiden to do the same only to find that the youth chose the spot directly above his. They were now together for the remainder of the journey. Reaching out to scuff the teen's head, Fenris sighed quietly.
"Don't ever let them treat you like that again, do you hear me?" The dark-skinned male waited until Laiden nodded a bit vigorously. "You come to me if they even touch you." Another nod followed.
The broad-shouldered man patted his friend's head again before turning away. He needed to check on the Blackbeard now . . . perhaps get her to eat something. Stopping by the food storage in the kitchen area, he snagged a few fruits (which were rare on the sea and only lasted a few days after the ship left port) before making his way down to the storage where the woman was being kept.

He stopped at the outer door and listened as a gentle song wafted through the hall.
'Sounds . . . nice.' Fenris took a deep breath before stepping through the portal. He was quite surprised to find that two others were down there talking with Blackbeard's kin.
"Why aren't you both on deck?" he asked bluntly. Looking over Saoirse and Philip, his cold gaze moved then to Scarlett. She looked . . . tired. For a moment he felt pity . . . he hated seeing anyone looking as poor and helpless as this girl did currently. He hated slavery or imprisonment in general.

Katie Scarlett Divine 06-20-2011 04:15 AM

Scarlett's eyes looked away from them both and decided to say something to the man for them. "Well, they both came to check on me. Though this woman is leaving, or at least I think so since we both just said our farewells." She said softly, her eyes lighting up at the fruit in the males hand. Though he was handsome, her eyes looked more towards the fruit than him at the moment. "And why aren't you on deck?" She asked, her tone velvety for just a moment despite her overwhelming feeling of sadness.

She let her bangs fall into her face once again, her eyes not leaving the man that had suddenly just arrived. Was he another man just wanting a piece of the treasure? Another man that would easily watch her be killed for their own plunder. She bit her lip for a moment, then looked to Philip. "If you'd like to go get a nice cot before their all taken then you may, I'd rather not keep you from getting a nice rest." She said, glancing over back at the male with fruit.

Esmme 06-20-2011 04:32 AM

Fenris didn't react to seeing how Scarlett's eyes followed the apple he carried. She was obviously hungry . . . though from what he'd picked up she hadn't been eating. The Blackbeard was a pretty thing: lithe with dark curls falling just past her shoulders. With a slight frown, Fenris turned his attention back to the other crew members. "Your presense here is no longer required," he said in his usual accented voice.
His gaze immediately flickered back to Scarlett.
"Why don't you eat?" he asked, tilting his head a bit as he fingered the apple in his hands. He knew that Marquet had offered food to her before, but it was a mystery as to why she was prolonging her own suffering. Fenris forced pity from his mind, though it wasn't easy for him. 'This could have been my own position had Julian not brought me out of it.'
Without attempting to hand the fruit over, he leaned against the wall nearby. Gray eyes trailed over Scarlett once again before Fenris forced them to the door. He didn't want to be here much longer. Her question made him narrow his eyes. "I am not on deck because I was told to leave it. Are you going to accept the food, or not?" He was beginning to look a bit irritated (though there was no obvious reason) as he pressed the shiny fruit to the bars. "I have more to do than just stand around and wait all evening." Some sleep sounded nice, really.

((Whew. Much shorter this time around. :XD
Don't let Fenris' mean demeanor scare anyone! He's just a mean person. :rofl:))

Katie Scarlett Divine 06-20-2011 04:56 AM

Scarlett stood up and went over to the bars, touching the mans arm. "Calm down, I'm sorry to of upset you.." She said, taking the apple. "Thank you, it's very kind of you to take the time to bring me this.." She said, taking a bite of the apple, chewing with her mouth closed unlike most pirates, and then swallowing. "Mmmmm...." She said, closing her eyes as she enjoyed the fruit. She then opened them at his question. "Well.. I'd rather die by my own hands then be murdered by someone in the crews." She said, her emerald eyes looking a bit sad. "But I can't help but eat fruit, it just tastes so good.." She said, looking to his eyes. "And I don't care much for the food Marquet brought me. It had already sat out for a few days and had mold growing off of it.." She said, not wanting to get sicker than she already was.

I'm sorry for making you irritated.. you can go rest now if you'd like." She said in a caring tone. She was very caring despite that these were her captors. Scarlett gave the man a small smile. "What might your name be?" She asked, wondering what to call the man that had suddenly brought her joy by just standing in front of her.

Esmme 06-20-2011 05:26 AM

When the woman touched his arm Fenris promptly yanked it back. It was only Scarlett's soft-spoken words that kept him from lashing out at her bitterly. Her appreciation was obvious - the apple was like heaven for the girl. The male was a bit unsure of how to react to her thanks.
Fenris was a bit uncertain. He watched her eat the fruit in silence with his eyes narrowed. Her thoughts on dying at her own hands struck him as . . . similar to his own. He'd rather die than be used for someone else's means. Once again he stayed silent. His tense posture hadn't relaxed - it rarely ever did. Fenris was standing a good foot from the bars now.

Once again her consideration unsettled Fenris. Perhaps it is just a ploy? The Blackbeard even sounded like she wanted him to get some rest. He shook his head slowly. No. She doesn't care. Convinced that this was all just a charade, the dark-skinned male frowned.

"My name is none of your concern," he said in a dark tone, suddenly drawing himself back into his irritable mask once again. Fenris incilned his head, forcing away the thoughts of leaving a poor girl stuck in a cell. He hadn't known it would be so difficult to witness the imprisonment of a woman. "I will not become familiar with you." If he did, he would start to care. Even if he told himself he wouldn't, he would be lying. It was hard for him to turn a cold shoulder to someone bound in chains.

Fenris looked back to the door, slowly turning away.
"Starvation isn't an easy way to go. I've seen it." His gaze caught on the porthole beside Scarlett for a moment. "Do yourself a favor and try to keep something in you." He left then without a second glance back to the girl.

((:XD I'm thinking of having Laiden pay a visit sooner or later. . . .))

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