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See you later, Cole. "How do you know?"
Esmme is offline
Old 03-23-2012, 12:41 AM

((I don't mind just retitling it or something. :3 You could always make a huge, red note in the beginning or something. :lol: Say it's a thread for just us (or someone else, if you ever want to throw someone in with us wolves).

Oh, Scar! I do the same thing!! I read many of my favorite rps like books. :XD I get upset when I can't remember the name of a good "book," and then find out it's really just a thread. :lol:))

Hearing his actual name from the girl made Fenris narrow his eyes, but he didn't say anything in response to her thanks. Instead, he moved back and turned toward the door. She could talk herself to death, for all he cared. It would be nice to get away from the cell, in any case.
"He doesn't say much," Fenris agreed with the girl when she spoke of Laiden. He seemed to believe her. Honestly, there was no reason not to. Joseph didn't speak to many people, and when he did his words were very few. Who would have guessed that the teen had said more than a few words to Scarlett?

The soft expression on the Blackbeard's face did nothing to chase away the gruffness of Fenris' demeanor. He prompted her onward as though wanting to get the whole ordeal over with. When the door to the main deck opened, the male sucked in a slow breath. The glow that lit up Scarlett's face was charming, to say the least.
When she turned back to him, Fenris' expression had softened ever so slightly. "What are you waiting for? Go on." With a wave of his hand, Fenris gently (for once) ushered the Blackbeard out of the dark hall.


That was the exact moment that Codette approached him. Wiping the expression off of his face, the youth blinked away anything he was thinking. Watch it, Joseph. A half smile spread over his face as he felt a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"I'm okay," he said quietly, meeting Codette's curious gaze with his own. Laiden couldn't help but smile whenever she was around. The redhead just had that affect on him. Her unruly curls made his layered black hair look tame in comparison: at least his was short enough so it stayed out of most of his face.
Laiden noticed how the woman reached for her pouch of ginger and was relieved to find that he was actually feeling decent that morning. It was the first time he'd woken up and not had to use any of her "secret" to keep his stomach settled. Granted, he hadn't eaten anything quite yet. . . .

When the door opened to the lower decks, Laiden didn't bother turning around. It had been opening and closing all morning as the crew slowly filtered about to do their jobs. It was the sound of Fenris' voice that made him stand straight again, glancing over his shoulder to find his companion. When he saw Scarlett, his blue eyes lit up. A slight smile appeared on his face before the teen had the chance to force it away. She's allowed on deck. The thought made him happy for her. Scarlett deserved this - she deserved more, but this would have to do.
With a start, Laiden looked back to Codette. Fenris might not have seen the look on his face, but Codette certainly did. He smiled warily, clearing his throat and leaning against the railing again. "It's a nice day."