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Lordi 03-30-2010 09:07 AM

Wolves, the guardians of the forest. For years they have been split into three seperate packs. Bluemoon, Redmoon, and Whitemoon. Each pack seeks to protect their territory from outside threats, and await the return of the moon goddess Luna.

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Character name
I belong to (Blank) pack


Player: Lordi
Character: Fang
Gender: Male
I belong to: Bluemoon pack
Bio: Fang is the leader of Bluemoon pack. He is a brave warrior, and very protective of his pack. He will not back down from a fight, and is determind to be the defender of the forest until Luna returns

CosmicFoxKitty 03-30-2010 12:15 PM

((Will post character after school!))

Daeman35 03-30-2010 12:57 PM

((Ditto... Not much time now so I will post when i come back tonight))

Auralea 03-30-2010 03:30 PM

Character name: Terra
Gender: Female
Bio:She was born in a rather large family in the Whitemoon pack, but she had a bit of a wanderer complex, and left to travel. She got lonely soon though, and decided to return to her home pack. Now she wants a normal pack life

Lordi 03-30-2010 03:34 PM

Fang patrolled the boarder of Bluemoon territory. It was another beautiful day in the forest. Fang stopped by a stream to get a drink of water. He was ever vigilant, keeping his ears up for any noise that he should detect.

NoeleneRose2 03-31-2010 01:00 AM

Player NoeleneRose2
Character name: Lilth
Gender: Female
I belong to Red Moon pack
Lilth has always was curiostiy by nature. Also poking her nose into place she really shouldn't be. Though as a gather for the pack she always was good about doing her work first before play. Or play while working either way it gets done in the same manner.


Lady Chello 03-31-2010 01:59 AM

Player:Lady Chello
Character name: Wing
Gender: Female
I belong to: No pack affiliation as of now.
Bio: Wing once called the packs her home as a pup. She had been part of BlueMoon and WhiteMoon due to the fact that her mother was from BlueMoon and her father WhiteMoon. Neither of her parents left their packs till she was old enough to travel with them. She has been well educated in the laws of the wolfs as well has her combat skills. Wing has yet found a pack to call home due to her strange ways. If the wind blows you can be sure that you will find her following it to wherever it may lead her. To her the land is her home with just brothers and sisters she must share it with. Wing is a great hunter and enjoys her time exploring the land. Wing enjoys a good battle or fight any day or night. Though her favorite thing is to run in the night air with the cool wind in her fur. She loves when the moon's rays dance on the ground as she runs, giving the land a hint of magic and awe.


Wing stared down into the forest as she stood on the snowed cover cliffs. She spotted one of the wolfs in the forest drinking from the stream. She kept her watched on the wolf as she felt the wind dance about her. It was odd to see a lone wolf with out others with it in the forest. Not many loners dared to enter the forest by themselves because of the packs there. Wing herself didn't mind going into the forest by herself she enjoyed her time there, just as she enjoyed her time in the mountains and flat lands.

Auralea 03-31-2010 02:22 AM

Terra padded softly through the snow, surrounded by berry bushes and pretty frost-Covered trees. She was following some fresh snow rabbit tracks. Coming to a hole in the ground, she knew she had found the den. She sniffed hungrily, and smelled more than one rabit. "Crap." she thought. "It has babies" she sniffed sadly one more time, and returned the way she came. On the way, she found a bird with a broken wing, and ste that instead. Full, she back tracked to the den that was part of the Whitemoon territory. She could smell her little bed she had made with the fur of a recently killed fox, and looked forward to it's warmth. As she drew near, she stopped by a stream to drink, her ears twitching. Down river, she saw another lone wolf, and wondered what it was doing there. She knew she was there because she had to eat. up in the cliffs, she saw a second lone wolf. She sat, hidden in the bushes, watching. Trying to figure what was going on. She soon grew bored and wandered home. If they were of her pack, she'd ask later. If not, It was none of her buisness. Fondly, she remembered the time she had been a packless wolf herself. met the love of her life there. She'd never told anyone, of course, but the REAL reson she returned to the pack was because he had been killed by a bear who caught him too close to her cubs. She sniffed sadly, and hunkered down on her fox fur.

Izzaea 03-31-2010 03:15 AM

Player: Izzaea
Character name: Durango
Gender: Male
I belong to No pack
Bio: He has traveled a very long way after leaving of his own pack. In his old pack, there were too many males and not wanting to fight his brothers for a claim, he left. He wanted to start fresh to go somewhere the competition wasn't as great and where he could run more without enroaching on somone's territory. He had thought of joining many packs on his way but he had never found one he actually liked. He is a solemn wolf and can be quite scary with his unblinking stare but is actually quite playful under the serious exterior. He loves to get into all sorts of trouble.



Durango trotted over the edge of the hill, surveying the land stretched out before him, his gold eyes contrasting with his black face. He could smell the evidence of a dominant male but was unconcerned. Her had heard from wolves on his way here about the three moon clans that inhabited the area. He wasn't looking for trouble and would show the proper respect to all the wolves in the territory because, right now, he was only a visitor. letting a content sigh move throughout his unusually colored body, he grinned fiercely before taking off in a random direction. This was his new life.

Lordi 03-31-2010 09:19 AM

Fang heard two noises and looked up from the stream. The first noise came from Whitemoon territory. "Probably just one of their scouts. As long as they stay on their territory, there will be no problems" Fang thought to himself. The second noise came from a snowy cliff to the north of him, right in the middle of his territory. Fang sniffed the air, the scent was that of an unknown wolf. Fang went to investigate.

Izzaea 03-31-2010 12:38 PM

Durango raced across the plain chasing animals he managed to flush out playfully. He was not hunting because he had already eaten on his way here. He pounced on a hare and licked it playfully before letting it go. He rolled around on the ground his black face fierce with joy as his brown body tossed in every direction. soon, he was tired from all his antics and simply layed there, panting softly. He put his large head on his paws and half closed his eyes going into a snooze.

lastemoon 03-31-2010 02:32 PM

Player: Lastemoon
Character: Winter
Gender: Female
I belong to White Moon pack
Bio: Lethargic and a bit of a loner, Winter tends to stray away from the rest of her pack. She doesn't put a lot of thought into the pack rivalries but would rather welcome all with open arms. She calls very few her close companions however, and is quick to anger when something threatens them.

Winter trotted happily along the riverbed, listening to the usual sounds of the woods and lost in her own thoughts. The elder wolves of her pack had been heckling her again she she had grown weary of their lectures. Hmm... wonder if there is anything interesting going on.

Lordi 03-31-2010 03:04 PM

Fang reached the spot where he picked up the scent of the unknown wolf. The wolf was gone, but Fang found a set of tracks in the snow. He decided to follow them.

Izzaea 03-31-2010 03:47 PM

((is fang following durango or wing?))

After a short rest, Durango got up again and lazily made his way to a stream so he could drink. Running around like a puppy was hard work.

Lordi 03-31-2010 03:49 PM

((He's following Wing))

dragonjake 03-31-2010 06:29 PM

Player: dragonjake
Character name: Jake
Gender: male
I belong to Blue moon pack
Bio: jake has always been the weakest of the pack and never has got into any fights but is always alone folwing the pack in the distance but likes to help when he can

NoeleneRose2 03-31-2010 11:22 PM

Liltha padding through the forest, playfully pouncing at the moving branches. She howled happily at the sky, as she played. She stuck her muzzles in a hole in a nearby tree as she looked seeing there was a family of squirrels. The male squirrel wasn't too happy about Lilth being there. He scratched at Lilth's muzzle as she backed away from it and growled at him. 'Stupid squirrel."
She headed towards the stream to get a refreshing drink of water. She ran towards the nearby stream, when she got within 5ft of the stream. She leaped out and landed in the water, making a huge splash. Shaking the excess water off as she lapped up some water.

Lady Chello 03-31-2010 11:23 PM

Wing stared at the wolf as it drew closer to her. By the sent it was a male. She looked over her shoulders at the steep cliffs that lead to the other side. There was no need to run he didn't appear to be a threat. She took a seat as she waited for him to find her. She had no reason to fear him. Wing knew he wouldn't attack the mountains was not his normal hunting range or home. This was her element and she knew the mountains better than most. Wing closed her eyes as a slight breeze blew stirring up the snow about the mountains. The weather was going to be harsh here today she thought as she felt the breeze grow in power making the snow blinding as it danced about the place.

Lordi 04-01-2010 08:15 AM

Fang followed the tracks, and finally found the unknown wolf sitting in the snow. Judgeing by scent, this wolf was a female. Fang approached her with caution. "Greetings, I am Fang, leader of Bluemoon pack. I mean you no harm. What is your name, and why are you in Bluemoon territory?"

dragonjake 04-01-2010 11:13 AM

Jake sat in the back ground looking at all those who where in the pack when he saw Fang walk off and decided to follow him at a distance making sure that Fang didn't know he was following.

Lordi 04-01-2010 11:21 AM

Fang knew that Jake had been following him the whole time. Jake was just a youngster, and much more learning to do. Fang spoke again to the unknown wolf. "Don't mind the other wolf. He is in my pack. He's harmless"

dragonjake 04-01-2010 12:33 PM

Jake stood in the distance sneaking up on the two of them and he hid behind a bush not far away and listened to what they where saying while keeping his head down, he had no idea that Fang knew he was following him

Lady Chello 04-01-2010 02:58 PM

Wing couldn't believe how foolish both wolfs where. He was a fool to think the mountains where his and he didn't intermediate her. She was wanting a good fight, but he had done nothing to harm her as of yet. She just stared at Fang then shifted her eyes to where the other sent was coming from. "Teach him better before he ends up dead. That is your job as leader. Your pack will only be as strong as your weakest member. These mountains belong to none just as the land its self. You are only allowed to live on it not own it. I am but a traveler and these mountains are but my road to my next destination. I oppose no danger to you or any member of your pack unless you wish for there to be trouble. I suggest you head back down to the forest a storm is coming. I am sure the younger one has never been in the mountains in a snow storm. Things get lost up here and it becomes hard to tell where you are going." Wing turned and moved away from Fang as she passed Jake taking a steep path up the side of the mountain. She gave Jake a slight nod as she passed him to let him know she knew he was there. She had done her job and gave both a warning about the coming storm. As soon as she was up at the top of the mountain the storm hit. She quickly made it into the small opening in the mountain she had found and took shelter in it. Unlike most wolfs she was use to such harsh conditions and freak storms.

dragonjake 04-01-2010 03:06 PM

Jake was shocked that they knew he thought he was undetected then he walked off in disgust looking to find something to do ignoring the fact there was a storm coming, he saw a hare and started chasing it until it ran into a hole so he went to find something else to do instead.

Lady Chello 04-01-2010 03:12 PM

Wing stared out from the inside of the mountain as the wind began it's attack on them mountain. The snow whirled with all its furry. She closed her eyes after everything outside went white. There was nothing to stare at but the whirling snow that made a wall of white that nothing could see past, or navigate in. She hoped the other two had made it down the mountain in time. She had warned them it was their own fault if they got lost or worse. Wing curled up as she began the waiting processes. That is all one could do now that the storm was here. She just had to wait till it moved on before she could explore the outside world again.

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